Inglés jurídico

Inglés jurídico
1.− Betraying your country to a foreingn power
• espionaje
• treason
• exortion
• betrayance
2.− You must know that you are___________ when you part on the pavement
• forgeting the law
• omitting the law
• breaking the law
• following the law
3.− To steal something from a person on the street without their noticing.
• as pick someone´s pocket
• to steal
• to rob
• to burglar
4.− Their are rumours of a takeover, but they are still_____________
• inconfirmed
• unconfirmed
• confirmed
• incomfirmed
5.− People who surceed to an inheritance
• legattes
• legatee
• legates
• legators
6.− Relating to a company
• corporate
• companion
• companial
• acompany
7.− The place where a trial is held
• court
• trial place
• firy
• judgment
8.− Your argument is not_________ to the motion and I suggest we return to tha buiness in hand
• germance
• plasing
• refererred
• to do
9.− The prisioner ____________ guilty to all chargers
• said he was
• pleaded
• confessed
• told he was
10.− Two of the men were sent to prision, but tha judge____________ the third
• pardon
• acquitted
• left
• pleaded
11− He says he´s innocent and he´s going to ____________ to the supreme court against the decision.
• talk
• appeal
• commint
• complain
12.− He was sent to prision for six months for_____________ his dient´s money
• embezzling
• forging
• manipulating
• valving
13.− He took all of us _____________ with his promise of quick profits and low risks
• in
• out
• down
• off
14.− They are accused of _____________ a security va and stealing 45´00
• hold up
• holding in
• holding up
• helding in
15.− I´m afraid that this court is not ___________ to deal with this matter. You will have to go to a higher
• sufficient
• competent
• important
• superior
16.− This tribunal will now _____________ until tomorrow at ten a.m.
• wait
• adjourn
• stay
• prorogue
17.− He was found_________ and sentenced to 2 years in prision
• inocent
• guilty
• innocent
• gilty
18.− According to the terms of the contract if the _______ doesn´t pay the rent for 2 months he can be evicted
• tenant
• neighbour
• person
• guy
19.− The govemment is investigating the latest __________ of documents relating to the spy trial
• leakage
• leak
• leakation
• filtration
20.− The judge ________ the driver from all responsability for the accident
• pardoned
• forgiven
• forgave
• exonerated
21.− I can __________ Mr Waterman´s alibi. At the time of the theft I saw him in Brighton
• find
• corroborate
• derogate
• change
22.− The crisis happened during the summer __________ and parliament had to be recalled
• vacancy
• recess
• break
• holiday
23.− A governmet _________ revealed that discussions had been concluded on the treaty
• spokesman
• spokerman
• speakman
• speakerman
24.− Odd one out
• nurder
• blackmail
• manslaughter
• homicide
25.− Not able to pay debts
26.− Making an illegal copi of a banknote or document
27.− Getting money from people by using threats
28.− Going through a ceremony of marriage when you are still married to someone else
29.− Find the mistake (if any and correct it): He was awared $100.000 to compensate of the danages causes by
the mamfactured.
30.− En Inglaterra los abogados pueden ser:
31.− Aprobar/derogar
32.− Ejemplo de un false friend y traducción correspondiente
33.− ¿Qué nombre recibe el derecho probatorio?
34.− El interrogatorio puede ser de tres tipos. Cítalos y da su traducción.