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Acknowledgements The excavations reported here were made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation to Christine Hastorf. Other funding was provided by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Fulbright Scholar Program, and the University of California. Thanks are also due to Tanya Smith and Margaret Conkey at the Archaeological Research Facility at the University of California, Berkeley, who saw this manuscript through to publication, and to the anonymous reviewers who assisted us in refining and improving the text. The TAP project would like to collectively thank Eduardo Pareja, Cesar Calisaya, and Javier Escalante of the Archaeological Program of the Ministry of Culture of Bolivia who helped with the permits and generally made us feel welcome to complete this research. The community of Coa Kkollu was helpful and gracious to let us into their lives and agricultural fields. Thanks also to Deborah Blom, of the University of Vermont, for analyzing the human remains from the 2003 season. Katherine Moore gratefully acknowledges the assistance of JosC Capriles, Christine Bare, Fredrik Hiebert, Nicole Anthony, and Alejandra Dominic in processing faunal materials in the field. At the University of Pennsylvania Museum, Moore received invaluable help from Naomi Miller and Teagan Schweitzer. Richard Elgar and Kirk Frye assisted with videotaping, photographing, and mapping of the site in the field. Thanks also to the members of the Coa Kkollu community who worked on the excavations reported in this volume, including Pacifico Choquetarqui, Facundo Cruz, Andres Apaza, Juan Condori, Placido Apaza, and Primitivo Nina. We would also like to thank Elsa Choque, Alicia Limachi, Franz Choque, and Facundo Llusco, 10s maestros de siempre. The ceramic laboratory was lucky to host many excellent ceramicists during the 2003 field season. Virgilio Rodriguez of Tiwanaku was in charge of the registry and cataloging of the ceramic material. Assisting in the ceramic analysis and drawing were Doris Maldonado of the University of California, Berkeley, Nicola Sharratt then of the University of Cambridge, England, and Christine Bare then of the University of Pennsylvania. Further analysis of the Kala Uyuni material was undertaken during the 2004 and 2005 field seasons with the skilled assistance of Andrew Roddick and Nicole Anthony of the University of California, Berkeley and JosC Capriles of Washington University in St. Louis. The Taraco Archaeological Project is deeply grateful to all of these archaeologists for their hard work and dedication in the field; the ceramic report would not have been possible without them. We would also like to give a special thanks to Katy Guyon of the University of California, Berkeley, who did an outstanding job scanning the ceramic illustrations and preparing them for publication. Finally, we would like to thank our many colleagues who have made research in the Titicaca Basin such a rewarding experience over the past decade. For a complete listing of publications available through the Archaeological Research Facility, please visit the web site I Cover photo: Lightning Stone found between floors at Achachi Coa Kkollu excavations at Kala Uyuni. For more photos, see pages 59-61, chapter 6. ISBN 1-882744- 18-7 I