Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark

Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark
Posted by vanesapenilla - 2008/04/28 21:15
Grate to find this page. I just arrived to Denmark one month ago. I used to work with Adoption Center in Colombia and I
also worked with Venstres Ungdom with some youth cooperation projects back in Colombia. Now I have a Danish
boyfriend and I decided to give it a try in Denmark. I am looking forwar to find a job here before my visa expires (june 28).
I just finished my bachelor in economics. If you need further information about my profile , please feel free to contact me.
Further my boyfriend is working most of the time so I do not have much to do back home ... so I am hopeless to know
people in Denmark :) hehe .
Kind regards to all of you.
Vanesa Penilla
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark
Posted by vanesapenilla - 2008/04/28 21:26
Nuevamente yo, solo quería escribirle en español a mis posibles compatriotas por estas tierras y decirle que pa las que
sea. ¡Y que viva COlombia papa!
Abrazos :)
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark
Posted by jg78 - 2008/04/28 21:45
Hello Vanesa,
You could give it a go on this web page :o)
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark
Posted by Vanesa - 2008/04/29 11:28
Dear jg78,
Thank you very much for the information. I appreciate it. I will apply right away to some positions I think my profile fits to.
Kind regards,
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
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Posted by larsbrink - 2008/04/29 13:06
Welcome to Denmark and here to Vanesa!
I just finished my bachelor in economics. If you need further information about my profile , please feel free to contact me.
In Denmark there is a great need for people with finance and economics skills. You should contact some of the tempagencies who also do search and select services since they might be able to help you.
Further my boyfriend is working most of the time so I do not have much to do back home ... so I am hopeless to know
people in Denmark :) hehe .
Take a look in the spanish language section of this page. There is reference to some organizations where you might
meet people. As well I hope that you will get replies from people here in the forum that maybe wants to meet up.
Job at Mærsk might be a good option since they have English as corporate language and I guess that you do not speak
danish just yet B)
Good luck - and tell you boyfriend that it is important for you to meet people and get out of the house once in awhile!
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark
Posted by Vanesa - 2008/05/02 20:18
Dear Lars,
Thank you for your wellcome and email. I am positive I will find a job soon. I just sent 80 applications to some Danish
companies, if Denmark is as globilized as it says I will get a job for sure.
My boyfriend says I know already the sarcastic Danish humor ... so off course he take me out once in a while. jeje :)
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by larsbrink - 2008/05/03 09:08
Hi Vanesa,
Depending on which kinds of jobs you are applying you should consider making more specific applications for each job.
Here in Denmark it is often not enough to send a C.V. with a 'standard' application. You have to make the application
specific towards the position explaining why your skills fill the requirements, why you are interested in this specific job
and how your background (personal and professional) is supporting this.
Though your enthusiasm shows that you are eager to get to an interview so I hope that it can be seen from the
applications aswell!
Best of luck.
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark
Posted by Rafael--Vanessa - 2008/05/04 09:57
Vanessa, bienvenida a dinamarca, si quieres conectarte conmigo escribeme a
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Al menos alguna guia te podre dar tengo ya tiempo aca y se como funcionan las cosas, espero saber mas de ti....un
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by niño - 2008/05/06 16:29
hola lars i am looking for work here too, i am fisioterapy but i need validate mi profession here i have residence for 2
years here but i thank to you if you know something to me or if somebody know about work in the forum thanks. Monica:)
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by Vanesa - 2008/05/06 22:24
Hola Lars,
Muchísimas gracias por la info. ;) I been working on my cv and application, for more than 4 month ... still we keep the
energy up, last weekend we sent 80 applications to the top companies in Denmark, it was a kind of newspaper .. as a
marking point "Is it Denmark a globalize country?", very interesting.
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by Vanesa - 2008/05/06 22:30
Hola Monica!
Espero estés super bien. Podrías contarme un poco sobre como se puede obtener la residencia sin tener un permiso de
Y pues y no nunca sabe si llego a saber de una posición como fisioterapeuta mientras busco trabajo te cuento. :)
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by monica - 2008/05/07 21:49
Mira yo obtuve mi residencia aca porq yo estoy casada con un danes aunque eso no es garantia de que te la den ellos
miran muchas cosas a el le pidieron muchos papeles y por supuesto el grado de educacion que tu tengas tambien
cuenta si tienes mas preguntas o si en algo te puedo ayudar con mucho gusto y cuentame en que ciudad vives
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by Fabio - 2008/05/07 22:32
Hola Vanesa,
Yo trabajo como disenador industrial aqui en Dinamarca y te puedo contar algunas de las cosas que son importantes en
el viacrucis de obtener el permiso de trabajo.
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Una vez hayas conseguido un puesto entra en acción la parte burocrática con el "Udlændingeservice" que es lo mas
complicado, desorganizado, incomprensible y tedioso que te puedas imaginar. El hecho de tener un trabajo y un
contrato indefinido no es garantía de que den el permiso de trabajo. La verdad hay reglas que no concuerdan con lo que
tanto promocionan de hacer de Dinamarca un país atractivo para mano de obra extranjera.
Otra posibilidad seria entrar como estudiante. Yo llegue como estudiante de intercambio y termine mis estudios aqui.
Desde el 2002 estuve con permiso de residencia para estudios, el cual cambie por permiso de trabajo en 2006, cuando
termine mi carrera. En este momento estoy en proceso de renovar mi permiso de trabajo, lo cual hasta ahora se ha
demorado 11 meses.........Lo más importante es no darse por vencido, lucharla fuerte y armarse con una altísima dosis
de positivismo.
Yo vivo en Århus con mi novia por si quieres saber mas de mi experiencia con lo del permiso de trabajo, vivir y trabajar
Mucha suerte en tu búsqueda!
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by Vanesa - 2008/05/08 22:09
Hola Fabio,
Muchas gracias por tu mensaje, llegó en el momento correcto, especialmente para mantener el ánimo. :)
Yo estoy viviendo con mi novio en Skanderborg y si me encantaría saber más sobre tu experiencia.
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by Vanesa - 2008/05/08 22:24
Hola Monica
Ah ... entiendo. En el corto plazo mi novio y yo, no nos vemos casados ... a ver que pasa .. jaja.
Yo estoy viviendo en Skanderborg y por ahora voy a estar por estas tierras hasta el 11 de junio, a no ser que consiga el
trabajo y el permiso para quedarme.
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denma
Posted by Fabio - 2008/05/08 22:49
Hola Vanesa,
Estoy seguro de que tu novio y yo somos contactos en Facebook :) Mandame un mensaje y nos ponemos en contacto,
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Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark
Posted by Elon - 2008/06/26 13:42
Hola Vanessa,
I am the boyfriend of a girl from Colombia and right now we are here in Denmark for vacations going back to Colombia
August 11th.
My girlfriend Gladis (29) is also looking for a network of spanish speaking people - anybody else out there?!?!
We live in Grenaa in Jutland - you can also reach us at
Re:Colombian looking for networks and job in Denmark
Posted by ginaperfetti - 2009/07/22 21:34
Hola Vanessa
Me gustaría saber cómo te ha ido en Dinamarca, ya que mi novio se transladará pronto para allá y yo me quiero ir con
Qué me recomiendas? dónde puedo buscar trabajo, yo soy Comunicadora Social Periodista pero estoy dispuesta a
trabajar en lo que sea.
Por favor si lees esto escríbeme a
Mil Gracias
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Posted by Test, just a test - 2012/05/16 23:46
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