Recommended Service Changes/ Route/Ruta 105X Foothills-Downtown Express Propuesta en Cambios de Servicio 105X: It is recommended that Sun Express Route 105X starts at Territory and Kolb and travel along Sunrise to Swan, continuing along its current routing on Swan and Speedway. The unproductive segment of the route from Tohono Transit Center to Swan and Sunrise will be discontinued. Stops on Orange Grove and Skyline will no longer receive service. Opt. 2 105X: It is recommended that Sun Express Route 105X service be reduced by one trip in the evening. The last evening trip is consistently underutilized. Eliminating this trip will increase the overall route productivity. 105X: Se recomienda que la Rutas 105X, Sun Express comience en Territory y Kolb y transite a lo largo de Sunrise a Swan, continuando a lo largo de su ruta actual en la Swan y Speedway. El segmento improductivo de la ruta desde el Centro de Tránsito Tohono rumbo a Swan y Sunrise se descontinuará. Las paradas en Orange Grove y Skyline ya no recibirán servicio de transporte público. 6TH AVE. STONE CHURCH 3RD AVE. 4TH AVE. 5TH AVE. 6TH AVE. STONE CHURCH 6TH AVE. TON NNING PE STONE CHURCH A MED ALA CONGRESS T TO O LE GRANADA BROADWAY 5TH AVE. 6TH AVE. STONE 3RD AVE. 12TH ST. CUSHING 4TH AVE. CRAYCROFT KOLB GRANADA N KLI FR CHURCH Centro de La Ciudad) GRANT 4 LE AM Downtown Detail (Detalle del Centro AM) MAIN BANNERUMC H TO O 12TH ST. CUSHING Existing Route 105X/ Ruta 105X Existente Proposed Discontinued/ Propuesta Descontinuar 9 T BROADWAY AN UA See Downtown Details (Vea el mapa detallado del 34 CONGRESS RR SPEEDWAY 5, 10 RY 15 6TH AVE. 16, 19 STONE CAMPBELL NORTH N INGTO PENN MAIN T P TOHONO TRANSIT CENTER SWAN 1 6 CAMP LOWELL 34 15 15, 19, 34 WETMORE 16, 61 TER A MED ALA RITO CATALINA FOOTHILLS H.S. ALVERNON TUCSON MALL LA PALOMA 11 10 1ST AVE. RIVER SUNRISE N KLI AN FR RR ORANGE GROVE INE SWAN YL 11 SK PONTATOC Opción 2 105X: Se recomienda que servicio en la Ruta 105X Sun Express, se reduje a un viaje por la noche. Pasajeros constantemente no aprovechan este último viaje por la noche. Eliminando este viaje aumentará la productividad total de esta ruta. PM Downtown Detail (Detalle del Centro PM)