EXTERNAL PRACTISES IN SPANISH OR FOREIGN ENTERPRISES FOR STUDENTS OF ESCUELA TECNICA SUPERIOR DE INGENIERIA INDUSTRIAL (ETSII) OF UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE CARTAGENA (SPAIN) BY DIFFERENT PRACTISE PROGRAMMES Benefits for the company: -To take last yyear students or recent g graduates ((depending p g on the p practise program) to help to the activity of your company about the diverse fields of engineering: mechanics, electronics, electrical, chemical, management, etc. - Acknowledgement from the ETSII to your company as collaborator in academic education of our students (program of friends of the ETSIIUPCT). - Posibility to discover young engineers that can be interesting to hire by your enterprise after this first contact. - The enterprise can facilitate to the student a low grant to cover his minimum costs of transportation, although it is not mandatory to provide this grant to the student from the enterprise. - The booking in Social Security is only needed for certain practise programmes and/or depending on that the enterprise gives an economic grant to the student. Duration and schedule: - The minimum and/or maximum duration will depend on the practise program. In I the th generall case off external t l practises ti by b COIE nott connected t d to Santander Grant Program, IAESTE Program, Leonardo Da Vinci Grants, Erasmus Training, etc., it would be a maximum of 750 hours per student, with the possibility to make several practises and/or to apply the extension of the current external practises. - In g general, the schedule can be completely p y adjusted j to the needs of the enterprise and the student (it can be full-time, 4 hours per day, etc.). Formalization of the practises: Depending on the practise program, it is required to sign the agreement with the Servicio de Estudiantes y Extension Universitaria (SEEU) of UPCT Servicio de Relaciones Internacionales of UPCT or Fundacion UPCT, Universidad-Empresa de la Region de Murcia. Nevertheless, the agreement of educational cooperation is generally formalized with SEEU of UPCT. This agreement is signed only once, and it will serve for all the possible succesive students and academic years. Tutorization of the student: - It will be needed a tutor in the company who will be the responsible to asign the tasks to be carried out by the student, and it willl there be also an academic tutor in the ETSII-UPCT for academic tramitation of external practises (with possibility of technical colaboration if required by the company) company). - Depending on the practise program, a simple report by the enterprise tutor is generally required at the end of the external practises. It consists of a very abbreviated report that can be answered in a very short time. Processing of external practise offers: The enterprise can offer each year the external practises that to be covered by our students, or separate offers can be made when it could be convenient according to its requirements. For this purpose, you can contact to the Subdirector of Institutional and Company Relations of the ETSII. Contact data at the ETSII-UPCT: For additional information, please contact to the Subdirector of Institutional and Company Relations of the ETSII of Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena: Subdireccion de Relaciones Institucionales y Empresa Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria Industrial (ETSII) Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena C/ Doctor Fleming s/n 30202 Cartagena (Spain) Phone: + 34 968 326579 - Fax: + 34 968 325420 E-mail: relaciones.empresas@etsii.upct.es / patricio.franco@upct.es ETSII website : www.etsii.upct.es