Last update: 13-09-2016 820253 - DSCPEIA - Process Control Systems Design Coordinating unit: 820 - EEBE - Barcelona College of Industrial Engineering Teaching unit: 707 - ESAII - Department of Automatic Control Academic year: 2016 Degree: BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL ENGINEERING (Syllabus 2009). (Teaching unit Optional) BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL ENGINEERING (Syllabus 2009). (Teaching unit Optional) ECTS credits: 6 Teaching languages: Spanish Teaching staff Coordinator: JUAN GÁMIZ CARO Others: JUAN GÁMIZ CARO SEBASTIÁN TORNIL Degree competences to which the subject contributes Specific: 1. Design automatic control systems. 2. Design analogue, digital and power systems. 3. Understand the fundamentals and applications of analogue electronics. Transversal: 4. TEAMWORK - Level 3. Managing and making work groups effective. Resolving possible conflicts, valuing working with others, assessing the effectiveness of a team and presenting the final results. Learning objectives of the subject Study load Total learning time: 150h Hours large group: 45h 30.00% Hours medium group: 0h 0.00% Hours small group: 15h 10.00% Self study: 90h 60.00% 1/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Last update: 13-09-2016 820253 - DSCPEIA - Process Control Systems Design Content (ENG) Tema 1. Introducción a los sistemas electrónicos utilizados en el control de procesos industriales Learning time: 16h 30m (ENG) Tema 2: Acciones de control Learning time: 16h 30m Theory classes: 3h 20m Laboratory classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 10h 30m Theory classes: 3h 20m Laboratory classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 10h 30m (ENG) Tema 3: Ajuste de parámetros de un lazo de regulación Learning time: 16h 30m (ENG) Tema 4: Etapa acondicionadora para la adquisición de la medida Learning time: 16h 30m (ENG) Tema 5: Protecciones en la etapa acondicionadora de entrada Learning time: 16h 30m 2/3 Theory classes: 3h 20m Laboratory classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 10h 30m Theory classes: 3h 20m Laboratory classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 10h 30m Theory classes: 3h 20m Laboratory classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 10h 30m Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Last update: 13-09-2016 820253 - DSCPEIA - Process Control Systems Design (ENG) Tema 6: Aumento de la funcionalidad del diseño Learning time: 16h 30m Theory classes: 3h 20m Laboratory classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 10h 30m (ENG) Tema 7: Generación de la acción de control Learning time: 16h 30m Theory classes: 3h 20m Laboratory classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 10h 30m (ENG) Tema 8: Técnicas para el control de accionamientos discontinuos Learning time: 16h 30m (ENG) Tema 9: Técnicas para el control de accionamientos continuos Learning time: 18h Theory classes: 3h 20m Laboratory classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 10h 30m Theory classes: 3h 20m Practical classes: 1h 30m Guided activities: 1h 10m Self study : 12h Bibliography 3/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya