Dear Parents, Welcome to this new school year. We are happy to

Dear Parents,
Welcome to this new school year. We are happy to introduce the new program the school has adopted to help enhance your child’s
learning process. The program is called ‘’The Leader in Me”; it is an International Personal Leadership Program for children, based on the
book by Franklin Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This program helps your child learn and develop leadership skills in all of his
or her surroundings. Over the course of these next few years, Boston School International aims to establish itself as a Lighthouse School.
For this reason, we request all of your support and cooperation to make this learning experience a successful one.
Below you will find a description of the 7 Habits that we, as a faculty, are striving to live by and teach your kids.
Habit 1— Be Proactive -You’re in Charge
I am a responsible person, I take initiative, and I am capable of choosing my actions, attitudes, and moods; therefore, I do not blame others
for my wrong actions.
Habit 2— Begin with the End in Mind – Have a Plan
I plan ahead and set goals, for I intend to do things that have meaning and make a difference, so that I can be an important part of my
classroom and contribute to my school’s mission and vision; I look for ways to be a good citizen.
Habit 3 — Put First Things First -Work First, Then Play
I set priorities, and I establish a schedule so that I can follow my plan accordingly in order to spend time on things that are important.
Habit 4 — Think Win-Win - Everyone Can Win
I think about the results I want, and the results others want, so that we can find the most suitable solution to us both. I also make deposits
in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts, and when conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives.
Habit 5 — Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood -Listen before You Talk
I am an emphatic listener, and I play attention to people’s ideas and feelings, for I try to see things from their viewpoints. However, I am
also confident in voicing my ideas and opinions, and I look at people in the eyes when I speak.
Habit 6 — Synergize -Together Is Better
I get along well with others, and I work well in groups; I seek cooperation and help from other, in order to find suitable solutions to any
issues, for I value their strengths and opinions.
Habit 7— Sharpen the Saw - Balance Feels Best
I take care of my body by eating right, exercising and establishing a healthy sleeping pattern. I also spend time with family and friends, and I
find meaningful ways to help others.
More information will be provided by your child’s teacher. I hope this preview helps you capture the essence of what will be taught
throughout the year. For further details, you can visit
The Lighthouse Team
Boston School International
Panamá, 5 de septiembre del 2014
Estimados Padres de Familia:
Reciban un cordial saludo deseándole éxitos en todas sus funciones cotidianas. Por este medio les doy la más
cordial bienvenida a este nuevo periodo escolar 2014-2015, el cual será de mucho provecho para todos.
Para mí es un grato placer poder ayudarles en este proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, siendo la consejera
de noveno e impartiendo la materia de Cívica, la cual es una de las materias fundamentales pues contribuye
a reforzar los valores aprendidos en el hogar y a la vez nos ayuda a desenvolvernos de forma efectiva dentro
de la sociedad cambiante.
Durante este año escolar nuestra tarea educativa y formativa es continuar siendo una institución de
excelencia, que camine de la mano con nuestros alumnos y los padres de familia.
Nuestros alumnos aprenden más, cuando los padres les ayudan y estimulan. Si cada familia convierte sus
expectativas en acciones concretas, apoyando el trabajo de los profesores, compartiendo con sus hijos en la
etapa escolar y participando activamente en su colegio, entonces, mantendremos una educación de calidad
para todos; ya que, nuestra misión se complementa, desarrolla y se alcanza con el apoyo, esfuerzo y
compromiso de todos.
Sin más por el momento,
Se despide de ustedes,
Profesora Consejera
Ana Isabel Santamaría.
Coordinadora Académica:
Grammar/Writing, Literature, Speech:
Physical Education:
History, Geography, Music, Art, Cultural Values:
Homeroom Teacher: Julio Morales