Give for the correct number of days and at the correct time

tips for
Evaluate the
cow’s condition
before treating
Some cows may be too sick to
recover from an illness. Ask your
herd veterinarian to evaluate any
cows you are concerned about
before deciding to treat.
Determine the
right treatment
Review written protocols or
prescriptions for common diseases
and follow the instructions that
address the cow’s illness. You need
to have the right medicine to treat
the disease.
Give the
correct amount
For most medicines, not all cows get
the same amount. Carefully estimate
the cow’s weight in order to give the
correct amount of medicine.
Give for the correct
number of days and
at the correct time
A cow might start to improve before
the protocol is complete, but you
must give all the doses prescribed
so the cow fully recovers.
The dairy’s owner is counting on you
to provide the best care for the cows.
If a cow gets sick, it is your responsibility
to properly treat the animal and use
medicines according to the label to bring
her back to good health. Here are some
tips to follow when a cow gets sick:
Give the treatment
in the correct way
There are several ways for cows
to receive medicine. Make sure
you understand the differences
and do only what the label or
prescription says.
Keep accurate
After treating a cow, record all the
information about the treatment.
This will help the veterinarian and
herd manager know how well
treatments are working.
Ask for help
If you don’t understand any part
of the protocol, medicine label
or prescription, don’t guess. Ask
your manager or herd veterinarian
for help.
Visit for more information and resources on how to comply with treatment protocols.
Residue Free Guarantee: If you use a Zoetis-branded ceftiofur product according to label indications, and experience a violative ceftiofur milk or meat residue, Zoetis will compensate you for the beef market value of the animal or purchase the tanker of milk at fair market value. You must purchase the product from a Zoetis-approved supplier, use the product according to label indications, have documentation of the product purchase
and treatment records, and have conducted training on appropriate use to ensure proper dose and route of administration of the product. Extra-label use as prescribed by a veterinarian is excluded from the guarantee. If you experience a ceftiofur residue violation after following label indications and the above steps, contact Zoetis VMIPS (Veterinary Medical Information and Product Support) at 800-366-5288 to report the situation.
All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. ©2013 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved. EXD13047
Evalúe la condición
de la vaca antes del
Es posible que algunas vacas
estén demasiado enfermas para
recuperarse de una enfermedad.
Solicite que el veterinario del rebaño
evalúe a las vacas por las que está
preocupado antes de decidir iniciar
un tratamiento.
Determine el
Revise los protocolos para las
enfermedades comunes y siga
las instrucciones relativas a la
enfermedad de la vaca. Usted debe
contar con el medicamento adecuado
para tratar la enfermedad.
Administre la
cantidad correcta
En la mayoría de los medicamentos,
no todas las vacas reciben la misma
cantidad. Calcule el peso de la vaca
cuidadosamente, con el fin de
administrarle la cantidad correcta
del medicamento.
Administre durante
la cantidad correcta
de días y en los
horarios correctos
El propietario de la lechería cuenta con
que usted brinde la mejor atención
a las vacas. Si una vaca se enferma,
es su responsabilidad brindar el
tratamiento adecuado al animal y usar
los medicamentos de acuerdo con las
indicaciones en la etiqueta, para que
vuelva a estar saludable. Algunos de los
consejos que debe seguir cuando una
vaca se enferma son los siguientes:
Una vaca puede comenzar a mejorar
antes de terminar el protocolo; sin
embargo, debe administrar todas las
dosis indicadas para que la vaca se
recupere completamente.
Administre el
tratamiento de la
manera correcta
Existen diversas maneras para
administrar el medicamento a las
vacas. Asegúrese de comprender
las diferencias y de hacer solo lo
que el protocolo le indica.
Registre los datos de
manera precisa
Después de brindar tratamiento a
una vaca, registre toda la información
relativa al tratamiento. Esto permitirá
que el veterinario y el encargado
del rebaño sepan qué tan bien
funcionan los tratamientos.
Solicite ayuda
Si no comprende alguna parte del
protocolo, no adivine. Solicite ayuda al
encargado o al veterinario encargado.
VisitE para obtener más información y recursos acerca de cómo cumplir con los protocolos de tratamiento.
Residue Free Guarantee: If you use a Zoetis-branded ceftiofur product according to label indications, and experience a violative ceftiofur milk or meat residue, Zoetis will compensate you for the beef market value of the animal or purchase the tanker of milk at fair market value. You must purchase the product from a Zoetis-approved supplier, use the product according to label indications, have documentation of the product purchase
and treatment records, and have conducted training on appropriate use to ensure proper dose and route of administration of the product. Extra-label use as prescribed by a veterinarian is excluded from the guarantee. If you experience a ceftiofur residue violation after following label indications and the above steps, contact Zoetis VMIPS (Veterinary Medical Information and Product Support) at 800-366-5288 to report the situation.
Todas las marcas registradas son propiedad de Zoetis Inc., sus afiliados o licenciantes. ©2013 Zoetis Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. EXD13048