s - p At . , " 〕 . w X Let it be known: that the bearer has been ascended to the sublime degree of {faster (^asen, 'and ha^ fulfilled all his duties to the entire satisfaction of his brothers, by which reason we recenimend him as such. ¡n witness thereof: we have issued this certificate and in order that it may not be usedany one else, we had him sign it: /Ve varietur, ^__ Sabed: que el portador ha sido exaltado al grado sublime de /Maestro (^asón, y oumpíidQ todos sus deberes a entera satisfacción de sus hermanos, per cuya razón le recemondamos como tal 職 En testimenio de lo cual le ' expedimos, esle certificado y para que no pueda servir a ningún hemo^ hecho flrrn^^^/Ve vq/lehjr. 'i .•�‘ 7 > 翔 _ m t -..: ’ , ‘ 广 :.,“Av” ;.’ i: ).-1- íV'-í.?- ;tv m i m被 i f: 1 .麵 f