Innovation as a business growth driver

Opinion and debate generation
In collaboration with La Caixa Obra Social and Palau Macaya, the
KIMconference becomes a space to enhance networking and ideas
exchange. A place where dialogue between professionals, researchers,
universities and social agents can lead through innovation processes
to a more sustainable and competitive society where all citizens have
employment opportunities and, ultimately, a better system of guaranteed social rights.
The KIMconference KIMconference is the most important technology
transfer event in Spain. Annually, it brings together future-minded
companies, professional researchers and thought leaders from the
R&D, technology transfer and innovation management communities.
Over the course of its 8 editions, we have welcomed:
With the support of:
Reflecting on the competitiveness of our country leads us to discuss
how science comes to citizens or how companies generate more
wealth through knowledge generated by universities, research centers,
technology institutes, etc.
In this edition of the KIM conference, as we already did last year, the
team KIM will work post-event to capture in the form of different
opinion articles the topics discussed in the different sessions, identifying problems, making recommendations to solve these problems
and elaborating “recipes” that can be applied in a practical way to
improve innovation processes.
What is KIMconference
Organised by:
Innovation as a
business growth driver
With the collaboration of:
These articles will be available on the KAA blog that KIM shares with
their partners
June 14th, 2016
Palau Macaya, Barcelona
An event to discover and share new ideas about:
• Business to Science (#knowledge)
• Corporate entrepreneurship (#innovation)
• Innovation projects (#showcase)
• R&D investment (#R&Dinvestment)
Participate in our #multifunctionalspace related to innovative technologies, services and products…
…and make the most of your time and get to know other interesting
companies, universities and institutions (#networking)!
Join the conversation on Social Media using:
From business to science
Innovation Projects
Showcase & Networking
Corporate Entrepreneurship
Networking & Dialogues
Work sessions
Innovation is the main driver for business growth and the key element
explaining competitiveness (Porter, 1990). Therefore, an efficient
management of resources and effectiveness in achieving goals on a
basis of sustainability is necessary, taking knowledge as an engine of
This space is designed to hold an exhibition of the scientific and
technological universities, research and technological centers and
also for the companies that have their own production technologies
and innovative solutions.
The development of new ideas and opportunities within a company
directly leads to improved competitiveness and profitability of an
organization or to the strategic renewal itself. That is why the concept of
innovation can be considered the core of corporate entrepreneurship.
The search for new formulas in innovation models and the internal
innovation itself is making possible the transformation of business
models allowing the entities themselves to have a greater impact on
business growth and increased competitiveness.
In this space, you can discover R&D&i projects from different entities
through poster presentation and other communication materials, and
you can do networking in order to increase and strengthen professional
contacts, as well.
This block is intended to present the model of enlargement of the
companies innovation perimeter through the presentations of various
entities that are applying it as a tool for growth.
In this block we have three parallel sessions where we will discussed
• Establishing models on emerging trends in funding R&D in
the coming years and the types of projects that are intended to
• Exchanging perceptions of the corporate entrepreneuship
concept according to the experiences and needs of companies
applying or willing to apply this model as a business growth strategy. A new program that aims at mentoring companies in this
process will be introduced, the Barcelona Business Excubator
program, and it will be modeled taking in account the needs of
the companies participating.
• The importance of creating /participating in innovation projects
that meet market needs as the empowerment of circular economy.
For this reason, there is the need to adapt basic research to market
needs, through a better relationship between the company and the
university, where the business sector finds or develops together with
universities the technological solutions required to solve real problems
that allow greater competitiveness and business growth based on
improvements in innovation.
In this block, some of the most important national and international
technological innovation entities, will present technological challenges
and strategies based on innovation growth.
KIM and their partners make available to participants over 30 professional experts in technology transfer, business models, assessment,
evaluation, valorization and commercialization of technology, intellectual property rights, capital funds, financing funds, and innovation,
and in issues related to the introduction of technologies to market.
Anyone interested in submitting a proposal may submit their request
via email to:
Innovation as a
business growth driver
8:30 - 9:00
9:00 - 9:30
Institutional welcome
12:30 - 14:00
Work session 1 (Auditorium) - What do you need to • Mr. Josep Ollé – Director of the Palau Macaya, Fundació La Caixa
• Mr. Joan Parra – General Director of LEITAT and Member of
Knowledge Innovation Market’s board
• Mr. Miquel Valls i Maseda – President of the Chamber of
Commerce of Barcelona
• Honourable Mr. Jordi Baiget i Cantons – Conseller d’Empresa i
Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya
9:30 - 10:45
From Business to Science
• Mr. Stephen Dunne – Managing Director, Starlab Barcelona
• Dr. Andrea Marcello – Intellectual Property Counsel, Philips
• Ms. Paloma Varela – R&D and Engineering Director, Fábrica
Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT)
• Mr. Sam Waes – Manager, Verhaert (ESA Prime Broker Contractor)
Moderated by: Dr. Angela Zennaro –Technology Transfer Manager,
Knowledge Innovation Market
10:45 - 11:30
Parallel sessions:
Coffee & Networking – Multifunctional space
• Networking zone
• B2B zone: find your partners for your H2020 proposals:
· Table 1: Circular economy and energy efficiency projects
· Table 2: New materials, nanomaterials and space materials
• Innovation projects presentation zone: AQUAPATH (KIM),
(KIM), NANOCATE (KIM), NAWADES (Hidroquimia & KIM),
REGROUND (University Duisburg-Essen & KIM), THERMACO
(TUC, IETU & KIM), Iniciativa Barcelona Open Data
11:30 - 12:30
Corporate Entrepreneurship or how to
enlarge companies’ innovation perimeter
• Mr. Xavier Marcet – President, Barcelona Drucker Society and
Lead To Change (LTC)
• Mr. Juan Luis Rodríguez Sánchez del Alamo – Innovation
Manager, Repsol
• Mr. Josep Tarradas – R&D Director, Hewlett-Packard
• Mr. Julián Vinué – Director, Wayra Barcelona (Telefónica)
Moderated by: Dr. Elisenda Casanelles – Commercialization Responsible,
Knowledge Innovation Market
know when you present your business idea/ R&D
results to an investor?
• Mr. Joan Albà – Founding Partner, Fluidra Accelera
• Ms. Marta Borao – Investment Manager, Repsol Energy Ventures
• Mr. Andrea Di Anselmo – Vice President, META Group SRL
• Mr. Oscar Farres – Investment Manager, European Investment Fund
Moderated by: Mr. Eri Vázquez – Advisor, Knowledge Innovation Market
Work session 2 (Room 1) - How to create a successful
model for promoting corporate entrepreneurship? The
Barcelona Business Excubator program
• Mr. Carlos Álvarez – Marketing & Sales Director in Knowledge
Innovation Market (KIM)
• Mr. Xavier Marcet – President, Barcelona Drucker Society and
Lead To Change (LTC)
• Mr. Juan Luis Rodríguez Sánchez del Alamo – Innovation
Manager, Repsol
• Mr. Josep Tarradas – R&D Director, Hewlett-Packard
• Mr. Julián Vinué – Director, Wayra Barcelona (Telefónica)
Moderated by: Mr. Joan Parra – General Director of LEITAT and Member
of Knowledge Innovation Market’s board
Work session 3 (Room 4) - The contribution of the European Commission in promoting circular economy
• Dr. María José Amores – Researcher “Climate Change Impact
Programme” , Suez Environment
• Mr. Maximilian Kotzur – Researcher Engineer, Fraunhofer
• Mr. Janusz Krupanek – Researcher, Institute for Ecology of
Industrial Areas
• Prof. Dr. Rainer Meckenstock – Member of board of directors,
IWW Water Centre
• Ms. Isabella Ratman-Klosinska - International Business Manager,
Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas
• Mr. Ángel Teno - Project manager and RDI developer for water
treatment, Hidroquimia
• Ms. Lana Zutelija – Policy Officer, European Commission
Moderated by: Mr. Josep Vicent Pastor – European Projects Manager,
Knowledge Innovation Market
14:00 - 14:30
Event closing
Mr. Eri Vázquez – Advisor, Knowledge Innovation Market
14:30 Lunch
Moderated by: Eri Vázquez, with the surprising scientific experiments of Dani Jiménez, physicist and scientific communicator.
June 14th, 2016
Palau Macaya, Barcelona
Organised by:
With the support of:
With the collaboration of: