Professor Manuel Castells - USC Annenberg School for

Professor Manuel Castells
Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography
Manuel Castells
Professional Address
Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California
3502 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281
Telephone: + 1 (213) 821-2079
+ 1 (213) 740-3772
Professor of Communication and Wallis Annenberg Chair of Communication
Technology and Society, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern
California (USC), Los Angeles.
Joint appointments as Professor of Sociology, Professor of Policy, Planning, and
Development and Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern
California, Los Angeles.
Research Professor, Graduate Program on the Information Society, Universitat Oberta
de Catalunya/Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Barcelona, Spain.
Professor Emeritus of Sociology and of City and Regional Planning, University of
California at Berkeley.
Marvin and Joanne Grossman Distinguished Visiting Professor of Technology and
Society, Masschussets Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Internet Studies, Oxford University
Secondary education in Valencia and Barcelona, Spain.
Four years of study in Law and Economics, University of Barcelona (1958-62).
(Interrupted for reasons of political exile, at the age of 20.)
License (Master) in Public Law and Political Economy, University of Paris, 1964.
Diplome in Sociology of Work, Institute of Social Sciences of Work, University of Paris,
Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (Master) in Sociology, Ecole Pratique des Hautes
Etudes, University of Paris, 1966.
Doctorat de 3eme Cycle (Ph.D.) in Sociology, University of Paris, 1967.
Doctorado (Ph.D.) in Sociology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Doctorat d'Etat es Sciences Humaines, Universite de Paris-V, "Rene DescartesSorbonne."
Researcher, Laboratory of Industrial Sociology, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes,
Paris, 1965-67.
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Paris (Nanterre Campus), 1967-69.
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Montreal, 1969-70.
Associate Professor of Sociology (with tenure), and director of the Seminar for Urban
Sociology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1970-79.
Professor of Sociology and Director, Institute for Sociology of New Technologies,
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 1988-93.
Research Professor, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Barcelona, 1997.
Professor of City and Regional Planning and Professor of Sociology, University of
California at Berkeley, 1979-2003.
Appointments during career at the University of California, Berkeley:
Chair, Center for Western European Studies, 1994-1998.
Member of the Executive Committee, Institute of International Studies, 19962003.
Member of the Board, Institute for Slavic and Eastern European Studies, 19992001.
Berkeley Campus Voting Delegate to NASULGC Commission.
Member of the Executive Committee, College of Environmental Design.
Elected Member of the Assembly of the Academic Senate.
Fellow of the Institute of Urban and Regional Development, of the Institute of
European Studies, of the Center for Latin American Studies, and of the Center
for Southeast Asian Studies
Appointed Research Professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Barcelona, in
July, 2001.
Appointed Wallis Annenberg Chair and Professor of Communication, Annenberg School
for Communication, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in July, 2003.
Awards and Knighthoods
John H. Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 1982-83.
C.Wright Mills Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems, for the book
The City and the Grass Roots, University of California Press, 1983.
Award Fernandez de los Rios for the best essay on urbanism from the Regional
Government of Madrid for the book Technopoles of the World, 1995.
Robert and Helen Lynd Award for Life Long Contribution to the Field of Urban and
Community Sociology, awarded by the American Sociological Association, 1998.
Madrid Silver Medal of City Planning, from the Government of Madrid, 1999.
Internet Cambrescat Award from the Chambers of Commerce of Catalonia for
contribution to the understanding of Internet in business and society, Barcelona, 2000.
Kevin Lynch Award in Urban Design and Urban Planning, from the Massachussets
Institute of Technology, 2001.
Order of Arts and Letters from the French Government, awarded by the French Minister
of Culture, 2002.
Order of the Lion of Finland, awarded by the President of Finland, 2002.
National Medal of Science, “Narcis de Monturiol,” awarded by the Government of
Catalonia, 2003.
Erich Schelling Architecture Theory Prize 2004, from Erich Scelling Architekturstiftung,
Karlsruhe, Germany, 2004.
Ithiel de Sola Pool Award, from the American Political Science Association for
the study of global politics, 2004.
Godo Prize of Journalism from the Foundation Count of Godo, Barcelona, 2004.
Order Gabriela Mistral for academic merit, awarded by the President of Chile, 2005.
Order of Santiago da Espada for scientific merit, awarded by the President of Portugal,
Research Award for Life Long Contribution to Research on Sociology of Computers and
information Technology from the American Sociological Association, 2006.
Cross of St. George from the Government of Catalonia, 2006.
Compostela Award from the Compostela Group of the 75 European Universities
situated along the medieval Way of Santiago de Compostela 2007.
Spain’s National Prize of Sociology and Political Science, 2008
Doctor Honoris Causa, University Medals, and Honorary Professorships
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia, 1998.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de Valencia, Spain, 2001.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, 2001.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Twente University, The Netherlands, 2001.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Queen´s University, Canada, 2002.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 2003.
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
Doctor Honoris Causa, City University of London, 2004.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de Leon, Spain, 2004.
Doctor Honoris Causa, New School University, New York, 2005.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Federal Swiss Institute of Technology/Ecole Polytechnique
Federale, Lausanne, 2006.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, 2006.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de Sevilla, 2006
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Costa Rica, 2007.
Medal of Honor, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1999.
Medal of Honor, Universita Bocconi, MIlan, 2002.
Honorary Professor, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2003.
Honorary Professor, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 2004.
Academies Fellowships
Fellow of the European Academy (Sociology), appointed in 1994.
Fellow of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economics and Finance, appointed in 2005.
Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy (FBA), appointed in 2006.
Manuel Castells is currently (2009) a member of the following boards and councils:
Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Advisory Board on Information Technology and Global Development of the United
Nations Secretary General (2007 -...)
Trustee of the California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles, 2006 - 2010.
Board member of of the Fundacion Carolina, Cultural Foundation of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Spain, 2004 - . . .
Advisory Council of the Regional Dialogue on the Information Society in Latin America,
2006 - . . ., United Nations
Advisory Board on Telecommunications Policy of the Government of Spain, 2005 - . . .
Advisory Board on Telecommunications and Information Society of the Government of
Advisory Board of the Asian Media Information and Communication Center (AMIC)
2004 - …
Advisory Board of the Institute Para Limes, Amsterdam, 2005 - . . .
Advisory Board of the International Association of Science Parks, 2002 - . . .
Advisory Board of the Information Technology Development Program of the
Government of Chile, 2007- . . .
He has been a member of the following boards and councils:
Founding Member of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council of the
European Commission, 2005 – 2008.
Spanish Government's Advisory Council on Science and Technology, and principal
advisor of the research program on new technologies of the Prime Minister of Spain,
1984 - 88.
Chair of the International Advisory Committee on the Social and Political Problems of
the Transition appointed by the Prime Minister of Russia, under the first Yeltsin
administration, 1992.
European Commission's High Level Expert Group on the Information Society, 1995 - 97.
Advisory Board of the United Nations Human Development Report, 1998 - 2001.
Advisory Panel to the United Nations Secretary General on the relationships between
the United Nations and global civil society, 2003 - 2004.
Chair of the Advisory Commission on the Information Society of the Minister of Industry,
Government of Spain, 2004 - 2006.
Advisory Board of the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 2002 - 2006.
International Advisory Council of the President of South Africa on Information
Technology and Development, 2001 - 2007.
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Technology and Society, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Program on Science, Technology, and Society; Department of Urban
Studies and Planning; and Media Lab, 2002 - current.
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Science and Technology, Santa Clara University,
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Internet Studies, University of Oxford, 2006-2009.
Liberal Arts University, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2004.
Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2003.
Center for Higher Education Transformation, Pretoria, South Africa, 2000.
Oxford University, Business School, 2000.
University of Hawaii, 2000.
Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 1995.
University of Amsterdam, 1992.
Soviet Sociological Association's Program of Advanced Studies in Sociology, Moscow,
1991- 1992.
Taiwan National University, Taipei, 1989.
National University of Singapore, 1987.
Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1985.
Universidad de San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1985.
University of Southern California, School of Urban Planning, Los Angeles, 1984, 19871988.
University of Hong Kong, 1983-1987.
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1982.
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, 1981.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975 and 1977.
Boston University, 1976.
Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, 1976.
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico, 1976.
University of California, Santa Cruz, 1975.
Universite de Geneve, 1974.
Universidade de Campinas, Sao Paulo, 1971.
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 1971 and 1972.
Institut d'Etudes du Developpement, Universite de Paris, 1970, 1971-1972.
Université de Montréal, 1969.
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Unesco), Santiago de Chile, 1968,
Has been a pro-bono advisor to: Government of Chile (Allende administration and
Lagos administration), Government of Portugal, Government of Spain, Regional
Government of Andalusia, Regional Government of Asturias, Government of Ecuador,
Government of Mexico, Government of Nicaragua (Sandinista administration),
Government of China, Government of Brazil (Cardoso administration), Government of
the Russian Federation (Yeltsin administration), Government of South Africa (Mbeki
administration), Government of Finland, and Government of Catalonia.
He has been a consultant to: United Sates Agency for International Development;
UNESCO; United Nations Development Program; International Labor Office, United
Nations; World Bank; OECD; European Commission.
World Congress of Sociology, Madrid. Chair of the session "Information Technologies
and urban-regional development” and "Environment and Society."
American Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Annual Congress. Austin,
Texas. Keynote Speaker.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Summer School. Spanish-Soviet conference
about the process of political transition, Moscow. Closing lecture.
International Conference on Housing by the University of Delft, the Hague. Keynote
Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, New York.
Princeton University, Symposium on "The New Urbanism." Keynote Speaker.
Universita di Torino, Italia. International Conference on "New Technologies and
Society." Keynote Speaker.
Pratt Institute, New York. Symposium on "The Marginal City." Keynote Speaker.
Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian section, Conference on "Siberia and the World
Economy," Novosibirsk. Keynote speaker.
Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Distinguished Visiting Lecturer.
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design. Conference on "Globalization of Design
Practice. “ Keynote Speaker.
University of Barcelona, International Conference on Critical Theories in Education.
Keynote Speaker.
Science Centre, Government of Nord Rhein - Westphalia, International Conference on
European Regions, Oberhausen. Keynote Speaker.
United Nations Development Program, Bogota, Colombia. International Symposium on
Strategic Planning. Keynote Speaker.
Society for Urban Anthropology, and Society for the Anthropology of North America.
Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Atlanta.
Distinguished Interlocutor of Anthropology.
International Seminar on "Brazil and New World Trends," on the occasion of the
Presidential Inauguration of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Brasilia, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Keynote Speaker.
European Congress of Disabled Persons Organizations, Barcelona. Keynote Speech
on "Cities for All."
Telepolis Conference. Cultural Program of Luxembourg's European Capital of Culture.
Keynote Speaker.
“Perspectives on Russia and the World in the 21st Century.” Conference organized by
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Moscow. Keynote speaker.
University of California, Berkeley. Presentation of the trilogy on “The Information Age.”
Conference on the International Association of Sociology about the social movement in
the Information Age, Santa Cruz, California. Keynote Speaker.
School of Geography, Oxford University. "Information and the City: the Castells
Conference." Keynote Speaker.
Stanford University. Presentation of the trilogy “The Information Age.”
City University of New York, Graduate Center. Presentation of the trilogy “The
Information Age,” introduced and chaired by the President of CUNY, March.
UCLA, Department of Information Studies. Lazerow Ditinguished Lecturer, April.
Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Distinguished
United Nations Development Program, Santiago de Chile, Seminar on Globalization and
Identity, June. Keynote speaker.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Institut Audiovisual, Barcelona. Lección inaugural del curso
International Congress of Electronic Art European Association, Amsterdam.
Keynote Speaker.
University of Frankfurt, International Symposium on Networks and Economic
Development, September. Keynote Speaker.
Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk. European-Russian
Seminar on Siberian Regional Development, September. Keynote speaker.
University College, Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, London. Presentation
of the trilogy “The Information Age.”
Conference commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Finnish Independence,
organised by the Presidency of Finland. "Finland as an Information Society," Helsinki.
Opening lecture.
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona, September. Presentation
of the trilogy “The Information Age.”
Association of Internet Researchers Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence,
September. Keynote speaker.
Department of Geography, Cambridge University, November. Presentation of the trilogy
“The Information Age.”
Duke University, North Carolina. November. Distinguished Lecturer.
Conference on Finland as an Information Society, organized and introduced by the
President of Finland. Helsinki. December. Keynote Speaker.
Conference, "Cities and Telecommunications." University of Georgia, Atlanta.
Keynote Speaker.
Presidency of Brazil, International Seminar on Globalization and the State, Sao Paulo,
March, Keynote speaker.
Cite des Sciences et de l’Industrie, La Villette, Paris. Presentation of the trilogy
“The Information Age.” United Nations Institute for Social Research, International
Conference on Globalization and Inequality, June, Keynote Speaker
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Faculty of Social Sciences, Argentina, August.
Presentation of the trilogy “The Information Age.”
Universidad de San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia, Doctor Honoris Causa. Keynote Address.
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Section of Community and Urban
Sociology, San Francisco, August. Keynote speaker.
Conference on "Information Technologies and World Development,” organized by
United Nations, Geneva. Opening lecture.
Science and Industry Museum, La Villette, Paris. Presentation/debate on the trilogy
“The Information Age.”
Tate Gallery, London. Conference about “Competitiveness, Productivity and Inequality
in the Network Society.”
Tillburg University, Holland. The Erasmus Premium’s International Symposium on the
Culture of the Information Age, Keynote speaker, November.
Stanford University. Conference on “Russia at the End of the 20th Century.” Keynote
Speaker, November.
European Commission’s Center for Industrial Mutation and Conversion, Luxembourg.
International Seminar on Castells’ trilogy “The Information Age”, December.
World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, January. International meeting on
“Responsible Globality.” Lead Speaker in two sessions: “Revisiting the Network
Society,” and “Creative cities.”
Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government and Public Policy, March.
Presentation of the trilogy “The Information Age.”
International Seminar of Catholic Archbishops of the worlds’ largest metropolitan areas,
Bogota, Colombia. Keynote Speaker, April.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota. Presentation of the trilogy “The Information
Age,” April.
Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Presentation of the trilogy “The
Information Age,” June.
UNESCO, Paris. “Dialogues du XXIeme siecle.” Keynote Speaker.
University of Barcelona, Inaugural Lecture of the Summer School, June.
University of the Basc Country, San Sebastian. Inaugural Lecture of the Summer
School, June.
University of California, San Diego, Department of Communication and Supercomputer
Center. Distinguished Speaker, October.
The State of the World Forum, San Francisco, October. Speaker in Plenary Session
and Chair on the Plenary Session on “The Networked Economy in the Global Village.”
University of California, San Diego. Supercomputer Center and School of Engineering.
Distinguished Lecture on the Information Society.
World Economy Institute (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
International Conference on Globalisation. Keynote speaker.
Duke University, North Carolina. Distinguished University Lecturer.
Portuguese Presidency of the European Union, Sintra, Portugal .Seminar on the
information Society in Europe. Keynote Speaker.
University of Hawaii, Distinguished Lecturer.
University of California, Los Ángeles, Distinguished Lecturer.
Speech to the Meeting of the Joint Committee on Public Policy of the National
Academies, Irvine, California, February.
United Nations, New York. Keynote Address to the Economic and Social Council on
“Information Technology and Global Development,” May.
World Congress of Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland. Opening Lecture.
Oxford University, Clarendon Lectures in Management, June.
Oxford University, Linacre Lecture, June.
Economic and Social Science Research Council, Keynote Lecture on the Conference
on Virtual Society Programme, London, June.
University of Witwatersraand, Johannesburg, World Conference on Urban
Futures. Keynote speaker, July.
Association of Internet Researchers Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence.
Keynote Speaker, September.
Foundation Banco de Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Forum on the New Economy,
Inaugural lecture, Madrid, October.
Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Inaugural Lecture for Academic Year 2000-2001,
Barcelona, October.
University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication, Academic
Senate’s Distinguished Lecturer, October.
International Conference on Cities in the Information Age, Helsinki. Keynote Speaker,
“Ord & Bild,” Seminar on Castells’ theories on the Information Age, Stockholm. Keynote
Speaker, December.
Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Presentation of the Russian edition of “The
Information Age,” December.
Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico. “Catedra Julio Cortazar,” Catedrático, April.
MIT, Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Keynote speech in the seminar, on
the occasion of receiving the Kevin Lynch Award, April.
Columbia University, School of Architecture, New York. Distinguished Lecturer, April.
World Congress of Science and Technology Parks, Bilbao. Keynote Speaker, June.
Seminar on Theories for a New Society, Fundacion Botin, Madrid. Keynote Speaker,
Conference of the International Council of Museums, Barcelona. Inaugural Speaker,
Congress of the Spanish Sociological Association, Salamanca. Keynote Speaker,
European Congress of Business Ethics in Business Schools, Valencia. Keynote
Speaker, September.
International Seminar on Information Society, Espoo, Finland. Keynote
Speaker, September.
Royal Association of Dutch Geographers, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Distinguished Lecture, October.
Seminar on Internet & Society, presentation of the book “The Internet Galaxy,” London
School of Economics, October.
Distinguished Lecturer, Humboldt University, Berlin, November.
Distinguished Lecturer, University of Munich, November.
Distinguished Lecturer, Goethe University, Frankfurt, November.
International Labour Office, United Nations, World Employment Forum, Geneva.
Keynote Speaker, November.
World Economic Forum, New York, Discussion Leader, January.
International Seminar on “The Implications of Castells´ Trilogy “The Information Age,”
Santa Cruz, Bolivia, March. Organized by the Latin American Bureau of the United
Nations Development Program.
Universita Bocconi, Milan. Distinguished Lecturer, May.
International Symposium on Building the Knowledge Societies,
Unesco, Paris. Keynote Speaker, May.
International Congress of Educative Cities, Tampere, Finland. Keynote Speaker, June.
European Commission, Directorate of Information Society, Brussels, Distinguished
Lecturer, April.
Queen´s University, Canada, Conference on the Network Society. Keynote Speaker,
International Conference on Educative Cities, Tampere, Finland. Keynote Speaker,
Opening Lecture, Summer School, University of Zaragoza, Jaca, Spain, July.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, School of Information Science, Distinguished
Information for All, International Conference, Bilbao, February .
Information for All, International Conference, United Nations, Geneva, February .
International Seminar on E-Government, organized by the City of Barcelona, Barcelona,
International Conference on Economic Modernization of Russia, organized by the
Higher School of Economics and the Russian Government, Moscow, April.
International Seminar on Global Governance, organized by the Presidency of the
French Republic, Paris, April.
European New Media Technology and Everyday Life Conference, London School of
Economics, April.
World Congreso of Saving Banks. Keynote Speaker, May.
Conference on Globalization in Latin America, Universidad Iberoamericana, Puebla,
Mexico, October.
Foro Bicentenario de Chile, Presidency of Chile, Inaugural Lecture, Santiago de Chile,
Tsinghua University, Beijing. Distinguished Lecture, November.
Ralph Miliband Memorial Lecture, London School of Economics, March.
Birley Lecture, City University of London, March.
Conference on the Information Age in Russia and the Urals, Yekaterinburg. Keynote
Speech, May.
Inaugural Lecture, Institute Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Sao Paulo, May.
Ithiel de Sola Pool Lecture, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting,
Chicago, September.
Distinguished Lecture, East China Normal University, Shanghai, November.
Erich Schelling Memorial Lecture, Eric Schelling Architectural Foundation, Karslruhe,
Keynote Lecture, International Conference on Globalization in the Gulf Region,
American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, February.
Opening Lecture, International Presidential Conference on the Network Society and the
Knowledge Economy: Portugal in the Global Context, Presidency of the Republic of
Portugal, Lisbon, March.
Commencement Speech, New School University, New York, May.
Presidential Conference, Presidency of the Republic of Chile, Santiago de Chile, July.
Distinguished Lecture on Finland and Europe in the Information Society, Parliament of
Finland, June.
Keynote Speech, Tallberg Foundation International Conference on the state of the
world, Tallberg, Sweden, July.
Closing Lecture, International Congress of Systems Theory, Quito, November.
Inaugural lecture, Spanish Royal Academy of Economics and Finance, Barcelona,
Distinguished lecture, Federal Swiss Institute of Technology, Lausanne, March.
Opening lecture, annual meeting of International Communication Association, Dresden,
Germany, June.
Opening Lecture, Silicon Valley Challenge Summit, Santa Clara University, November.
Distinguished Lecture, University of California at Berkeley, November.
Distinguished Lecture, Universidad Iberoamericana, Santo Domingo, November.
Distinguished Lecture, International Seminar on Mobile Communication in Latin
America, Telefonica Foundation, Buenos Aires, May.
Distinguished Lecture, Seminar on Creativity and Innovation in Digital Culture,
University of Seville, May.
Keynote Speech, Swiss Institute of Technology and University of Lausanne Joint
Seminar on Urban Networks and Network Theory, Lausanne, June.
Distinguished Lecture, New School University, September.
Distinguished Lecture, University of California at Berkeley, October.
Distinguished Lecture, Omar Dengo Foundation, San Jose, Costa Rica, November.
Speech on the Occassion of Receiving a Doctorate Honoris Causa,
University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, November
Distinguished Lecture, University of California, Irvine, January
Distinguished Lecture, Stanford University, May
Keynote Speech, International Seminar on Globalization and Development, Foro
Valparaiso, Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile, June
Keynote Speech, World Forum of the International Sociological Association, Barcelona,
Distinguished Lecture, Oxford University, October
Inaugural Lecture for the Opening of the New Academic Building, London School of
Economics, October.
Distinguished Lecture, Universita Bocconi, Milan, November
Keynote Speech, Symposium on the Network Society, Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH), Stockholm, November
(By country, in alphabetical order. Years indicated.)
Instituto Torcuato Di Tella (1971).
Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (1985).
Universidad de Buenos Aires (1998).
Universidad Nacional General San Martin (1998).
Universite de Louvain (1971, 1976, 1978).
Universite Libre de Bruxelles (1974).
University of Leuven (2004).
Universidad de San Simon, Cochabamba (1985, 1998).
Colegio de Arquitectos, Cochabamba (1985).
Colegio de Arquitectos, La Paz (1985).
Universidad de San Andres, La Paz (1985, 1998).
Centro de Estudios Economicos (CERES), La Paz (1985).
Centro de Estudios Económicos (CERES), Cochabamba (1998).
Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, La Paz (1998).
Universidad Catolica de Bolivia, Santa Cruz (2002).
Universidade de Sao Paulo (1968, 1971,1999).
Universidade Catolica de Rio de Janeiro (1968).
Universidad de Campinas (1971).
CEBRAP, Sao Paulo (1971).
Fundacao Muro, Rio de Janeiro (1981).
Instituto do Arquitetos do Brasil, Brasilia and Salvador (1982).
Universidad de Brasilia (1982).
Prefeitura de Sao Paulo (1985).
Fundacao Alexandre de Gusmao, Brasilia (1994).
Ministerio de Administracao Publica, Sao Paulo (1998).
Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (1999).
Secretaria de Estado da Cidade, Gobierno Federal, Brasilia (1999).
Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento, Rio de Janeiro (2002).
Istituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Sao Paulo (2004).
Universite Laval, Quebec (1969, 1986, 2004).
Universite de Montreal (1986, 2004).
Mc Gill University, Montreal (1986).
University of Toronto (1989).
Queen´s University (2002).
Universite du Quebec a Montreal (2004, 2006).
Tele-Universite de Quebec, Montreal (2006)
Universidad de Chile (1968, 1970, 1971).
Universidad Católica de Chile (1971, 1972).
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1986).
Colegio Chileno de Sociólogos (1986).
Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Santiago (1999).
Foro Bicentenario, Presidencia de Chile, Santiago (2003).
Foro Valparaiso (2003, 2005, 2008).
Presidencia de la República (2005).
Institute of Technology and International Economy, The State Council, Beijing (1987).
East China Normal University, Shanghai (2004).
Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (2004).
Dushu Magazine Forum, Beijing (2004).
Tsinghua University, Beijing (2004).
Universidad Nacional, Bogota (1992, 1998).
United Nations Development Program, Bogota (1994).
Costa Rica
University of Costa Rica, San Jose (2007).
Fundacion Omar Dengo, Sam Jose (2007)
Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen (1976).
Dominican Republic
Universidad Iberoamericana, Santo Domingo (2006).
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito (1981).
Municipalidad de Guayaquil (1981).
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador, Quito (2005).
Sitra (1997).
Helsinki Institute (2000).
City of Tampere (2002).
Helsinki University of Technology (2003).
Helsinki Institute of Information Technology and Finnish Parliament (2005).
Universite de Grenoble (1970).
Universite de Lille (1972).
Universite de Toulouse (1971).
Centre Culturel Cerisy-La Salle (1993).
Cite des Sciences et de l’Industrie, La Villette, Paris (1998).
Unesco, Paris (1999, 2002).
Institut fur Sozialforschung, Frankfurt (1974).
Technische Universitat, Berlin (1984).
Carl Friedrich Von Siemens Stiftung, Munich (1990).
Universitat Dortmund (1994).
Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt (1997, 2001).
Universitat Humboldt, Berlin (2001).
Universitat Munchen (2001).
Eric Schelling Stiftung, Karslruhe (2005).
University of Amsterdam (1979, 1992).
Tillburg University (1998).
Nijmegen University (2001).
Twente University (2001).
Cultural Center De Balie, Amsterdam, 2002.
Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong (1983, 1987).
Institute of Housing, Hong Kong (1983).
Institute of Town Planning, Hong Kong (1983).
Museum of History, Budapest (1973).
Indian Council for Social Sciences Research, New Delhi (1988).
University of Tehran (2006).
University AmirKabir (2006).
Institute for Management and Planning Studies (2006).
University of Allameh-Tabatabee (2006).
Universita di Venezia (1973, 1974).
Universita di Roma (1974).
Universita di Milano (1977).
Universita di Torino (1977, 1993).
Universita di Pavia (1983).
European Community Joint Research Center, Ispra (1993).
Universita Bocconi (2002, 2008)
Universita Milano-Biccoca (2003).
Universita Luiss, Roma (2003).
Government of the Province of Venice, Venice (2006).
Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo (1988, 1995).
Korea (Republic of)
Seoul National University (1988).
Korean Research Institute on Human Settlements, Seoul (1988).
Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) (1971, 1982, 1996).
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de Azcapotzalco, Mexico (1976).
El Colegio de Mexico (1976).
Secretaria de Programacion y Presupuesto de la Presidencia de la Republica (1986).
Universidad de Guadalajara (2001).
Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla (2002).
Universidad Nacional, Managua (1981).
Asociacion Nicaraguense de Ciencias Sociales, Managua (1981).
Secretaria de Asuntos Municipales, Managua (1981).
Sociedad Interamericana de Planificacion (1974).
Centro Paraguayo de Sociologia, Asuncion (1968).
Puerto Rico
Departmento de Sociologia, Universidad de Puerto Rico (1985).
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering (IEIE).
Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk (1984, 1990, 1993, 1997).
Soviet Sociological Association, Moscow and Leningrad (1989).
Soviet Sociological Association, Advanced Sociology Program, Moscow (1990, 1991).
Moscow University (1990, 2003).
Higher School of Economics, Moscow (1998, 2000, 2003).
Institute of the World Economy (IMEMO) (1999).
Liberal Arts University of Yekaterinburg (2004).
National University of Singapore (1987, 1989).
Singapore Institute of Planners (1987).
South Africa
University of Natal (2000).
University of Witwatersraand (2000).
Peninsula Technikon, Cape Town (2000).
Center for Higher Education Transformation, Pretoria (2000).
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona (2000).
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (1974, 1977, 1985).
Universitat de Barcelona (1974, 1994, 1995, 1999).
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (1997).
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona (2002).
Collegi d'Arquitectes de Barcelona (1973).
Collegi d'Enginyers Industrials de Barcelona (1974).
Collegi d'Economistes de Barcelona (1990).
Institut Catala de Tecnologia (1991, 2001).
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1976, 1978, 1989, 1991, 2008).
Universidad de Granada (1979).
Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos de Madrid (1976, 1978).
Universidad de Santander (1980).
Instituto de Estudios de Administracion Local, Madrid (1986).
Universidad Internacional "Menendez Pelayo:"
Santander (1984, 1987, 1989).
Barcelona (1984).
Valencia (1988).
Sevilla (1991).
Universidad de Sevilla (1988, 1991).
Universidad de Salamanca (1989).
Universidad de Malaga (1990).
Universidad de Oviedo (1993).
Colegio de Economistas de Madrid (1993).
Universidad del Pais Vasco (1998), Bilbao (1992), San Sebastián (1999).
Universitat de Valencia (2001).
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (2001).
Universidad de Leon (2003, 2004).
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (1976, 2008).
Royal Institute of International Affairs (2005).
Tallberg Foundation (2002, 2005).
Ecole d'Etudes Sociales de Lausanne (1974).
Universite de Geneve (1974).
Institut d'Etudes du Developpement, Geneve (1974).
Institut d'Etudes Internationales du Travail (1993).
International Labour Office’s International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva (1993,
1994, 1995).
United Nations Institute for Research on Social Development, Geneva (1998).
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne/ Federal Swiss Institute of Technology,
Lausanne (2006).
National Taiwan University, Taipei (1989).
National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok (1989).
United Kingdom
University of Manchester (1972).
University of York (1975).
Oxford University (1976, 1997, 2000, 2008).
University of Kent (1976).
Center for Environmental Studies, London (1976).
University of Essex (1976).
University of Sussex (1985).
Cambridge University (1997).
University College, London (1997).
Tate Gallery (1998).
City University of London (2004).
London School of Economics (2001, 2003, 2004, 2008).
United States
Museum of Modern Art, New York (1972).
Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco (1996).
Library of Congress, Washington D.C.(1999).
Columbia University, New York (1974, 1977, 1980, 1992, 2001).
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (1974, 1981).
City University of New York, Graduate Center (1975, 1992, 1997).
University of Wisconsin, Madison (1975, 1977).
University of Chicago (1969, 1975, 1977).
M.I.T., Cambridge, MA. (1975, 1981, 1983, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (1980, 1983, 1994, 1999).
Boston University (1976).
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (1975, 1977, 1984).
University of Illinois, Chicago (1980).
Stanford University (1980, 1981, 1990, 1997,1998, 2008).
San Francisco State University (1981, 1988).
University of Arizona (1982).
Arizona State University (1982).
UCLA, Los Angeles (1975, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1986, 1988,
1994, 2000, 2004).
University of California, Santa Cruz (1975, 1984, 1986).
University of California, Santa Barbara (1982, 1990).
University of California, Davis (1986, 1998,1999).
University of California, San Diego (1999).
University of California, Irvine (2008)
University of California at Berkeley (2006, 2007, 2008).
University of Southern California, Los Angeles (1980, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1999,
2000, 2002).
New York University (1988).
Rutgers University, New Jersey (1988).
Princeton University, New Jersey (1992).
Pratt Institute, New York (1993).
Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota (1994).
University of Nevada, Reno (1998).
University of Pennsylvania (1998).
Duke University (1999).
University of Washington, Seattle (1999).
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California (2000, 2001, 2006, 2007).
University of Kansas, Lawrence (2000).
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2002).
California Arts Institute, Los Angeles (2003).
New School University, New York (2005).
New School University, New York (2005, 2007)
Instituto de Urbanismo, Universidad Central de Venezuela (1980, 1981).
Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas (1981).
Member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association, 199094.
President of the Research Committee on Sociology of Urban and Regional
Development, of the International Sociological Association, 1978-82.
Member of the Editorial Board or the Advisory Editorial Board of the following academic
Espaces et Societes (Paris), 1970-75.
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, London
(Co-founder of the Journal), 1977-87.
Ciudad y Territorio, Madrid, 1984-89.
Urban Affairs Quarterly, 1990-94.
Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 1988-92.
International Journal of Health Services, New York , current.
Sage Urban Studies Abstracts, 1980-1990.
International Journal of Japanese Sociology, current.
Urban Anthropology, current.
Journal of Urban Technology, current.
Competition and Change. A Journal of Global Political Economy, current.
New Political Economy, current.
Information, Communication, and Society, current.
City & Community, current.
International Journal of Sociology, 2006 - . . .
New Media and Society, current.
21st Century Society, 2006-…
International Journal of Communication (co-editor), 2006-…
(In order of importance of current attention)
Sociology and Economics of Information & Communication Technology
Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Information Society
Political Communication
Theory of the Network Society
Technology Policy
Sociology of Social Movements
Political Sociology
International Relations
Regional Development
Comparative Political Economy
Urban Sociology
Comparative Urbanization
Has conducted research in France, Italy, Spain, Quebec, Chile, Mexico, Nicaragua,
United States (California, New York), Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea,
China, Japan, Russia, and Catalonia.
(Sequential order, from 1967 to 2006)
Methodology and Epistemology of Social Sciences
Urban Sociology
Sociology of Development
Economic sociology & Political Economy
Comparative Urban and Regional Policies
Social Planning
Urbanization in Developing Countries
Regional Development
Sociology of Information&Communication Technology
Sociology of Information Society
Globalization and Communication
Theory of the Network Society
Main advisor to 12 completed doctoral dissertations at the University of Paris, 34
completed doctoral dissertations at the University of California, Berkeley, 2 doctoral
dissertations at the Open University of Catalonia, 1 at MIT, and 5 doctoral dissertations
at the University of Southern California.
Member of Ph.D. committees for additional 25 dissertations at the University of
California, Berkeley, 4 at the Open University of Catalonia, 2 at MIT, and 7 at the
University of Southern California.
Bibliography 1967-2009
(In reverse chrononological order)
I.A. Author or Main Author
I.B. Co-author
I.C. Editor or Co-editor.
I. BOOKS (Cited in the language of original publication)
I.A. Author or Main Author
Communication Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Translated in Spanish by
Alianza Editorial.
Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective. Cambridge, Massachussets:
The MIT Press. Translated in Spanish by Ariel (Barcelona), and in Italian.
Globalización, Desarrollo y Democracia: Chile en el Contexto Mundial. Santiago de
Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
The Internet Galaxy. Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
(Translated in Spanish by Plaza&Janes, French by Fayard, Catalan by Rosa dels
Vents, Italian by Feltrinelli, German by Leske and Budrich, Russian by UFactoria, Swedish by Daidalos, and Korean by Hansul. Also translated in
Portuguese, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Polish, Dutch, Danish, Chinese, and
The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture. 1998, 2000, 2003 editions.
Oxford, England, and Cambridge, Massachussets: Blackwell Publishers.
Volume I: The Rise of the Network Society (1996, 2nd ed. 2000)
Volume II: The Power of Identity (1997, 2nd ed. 2004)
Volume III: End of Millennium (1998, 2nd ed. 2000)
[ The three volumes are translated in Spanish (Alianza Editorial, Madrid y Siglo
XXI, Mexico); French (Fayard); Chinese (Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,
and Tonsan, Taipei); Portuguese (Paz e Terra, Sao Paulo, and Gulbenkian,
Lisbon); Russian (Higher School of Economics Press); Swedish (Daidalus);
Korean (Hansul); Japanese (Toshindo); German (Leske+Budrich); Italian
(Bocconi); Parsi (Teheran, 2001); Catalan (Edicions UOC); Turkish; Croatian;
Bulgarian; Lithuanian; Danish; Macedonian; Polish; Arabic ((forthcoming).)
Global Economy, Information Society, Cities, and Regions. Tokyo: Aoki Shoten
(Published only in Japanese).
The Shek Kip Mei Syndrome: Economic Development and Public Housing in Hong
Kong and Singapore. London: Pion.
The Informational City. Information Technology, Economic Restructuring and the UrbanRegional Process. Oxford, England, and Cambridge, Massachussets:
Blackwell Publishers. [Translated in Spanish (Alianza), in Chinese, and in
Nuevas Tecnologias, Economia y Sociedad en Espana. 2 vols. Madrid: Alianza
The City and the Grassroots. A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements.
Berkeley: University of California Press. London: Edward Arnold.
[Winner of the C.Wright Mills Award. Translated in Spanish (Alianza), Japanese
(Honsei University Press), and partially translated in Korean.]
Capital Multinacional, Estados Nacionales y Comunidades Locales. Mexico: Siglo XXI.
Crisis Urbana y Cambio Social. Madrid-Mexico: Siglo XXI.
The Economic Crisis and American Society. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers.
[Also published in French (Presses Universitaires de France). Translated in
Spanish (Barcelona: Laia) and in Chinese (Shanghai and Taipei).]
City, Class, and Power. London: Mac Millan, and New York: St Martin's Press.
(Translated in Japanese).
Crise du logement et mouvements sociaux urbains. Enquete sur la region
parisienne. Paris: Mouton. (Partially translated in Italian.)
Sociologie de l'espace industriel. Paris: Anthropos. (Translated in Spanish.)
Monopolville. L'entreprise, l'etat, l'urbain. Paris: Mouton.
La Question Urbaine. Paris: Francois Maspero.
[Translated in English (MIT Press and Edward Arnold,1977).
Translated in Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Greek, Polish, and
Japanese. Revised edition, 1980, Paris: La Decouverte.]
Problemas de investigacion en sociologia urbana. Madrid-Mexico: Siglo XXI.
(Translated in Portuguese.)
I.B. Co-authored books
La transicion a la sociedad red, Barcelona: Ariel (co-authored with Imma Tubella,
Teresa Sancho and Meritxell Roca)
The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Co-authored with Pekka Himanen.) Translated
in Finnish, Spanish, Catalan, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Ukrainian, Italian,
Local and Global: The Managements of Cities in the Information Age. London:
Earthscan. (Co-authored with Jordi Borja.) Also published in Spanish. Translated
in Italian.
The Collapse of Soviet Communism: A View from the Information Society. Berkeley:
University of California. International and Area Studies Book Series. (Coauthored with Emma Kiselyova.) New edition, 2003. Los Angeles: Figueroa
Technopoles of the World. The Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes. London
and New York: Routledge. (with Peter Hall)
(Translated in Spanish (Alianza), in Chinese, and in Korean)
The New Global Economy in the Information Age. University Park, PA: Penn State
University Press. (Co-authored with M.Carnoy, S.Cohen, F.H.Cardoso.)
Metodologia y epistemologia de las ciencias sociales. Madrid: Ayuso. (Co-authored with Ipola.)
Participacion y cambio social en la problemática contemporanea. Buenos Aires:
Sociedad Interamericana de Planificacion.
La renovation urbaine a Paris. Paris: Mouton.
I.C. Books edited or co-edited
The Network Society: From Knowledge to Policy. Washington DC: Center for
Transatlantic Relations, The Johns Hopkins University. (Co-edited with Gustavo
Cardoso. Co-published in Portuguese. Lisboa: Gulbenkian Foundation.)
The Network Society: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. London: Edward Elgar.
(Edited and co-authored. Translated in Spanish, Korean, and Chinese.)
Muslim Europe or Euro-Islam, Lexington Books. (With Nezar Al Sayyad. Translated in
Spanish and in Turkish.)
Estrategias para la Reindustrializacion de Asturias. Madrid: Editorial Civitas.
Andalucia: Innovacion tecnologica y desarrollo economico. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
Dual City: Restructuring New York. New York: Russell Sage.
La industria de las tecnologias de informacion: Espana en el contexto mundial (19851990). Madrid: Fundesco.
Las grandes ciudades en la decada de los noventa. Madrid: Sistema.
The Informal Economy. Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Territorial Development and Global Restructuring. London: Sage.
High Technology, Space, and Society. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Estructura de clase y politica urbana en America Latina. Buenos Aires: Sociedad
Interamericana de Planificacion.
"The new public sphere: global civil society, communication networks, and global
governance", The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
volume 616, March, pp 78-93
"Switching Power: Rupert Murdoch and Global Multimedia Business Networks"
International Sociology, Spring Issue (with Amelia Arsenault)
“The Structure and Dynamics of Global Multimedia Business Networks”, International
Journal of Communication, Volume 2, (with Amelia Arsenault)
"Globalization, Networking, Urbanization", Urban Studies, June
“Communication, Power and Counterpower in the Network Society.” International
Journal of Communication. Vol. 1.
“Conquering the Minds, Conquering Iraq: the Social Production of Misinformation in the
United States – a case study.” Information, Communication & Society. Vol. 9,
No. 3. June 2006. 284-308. (With Amelia Arsenault.)
“Global Governance and Global Politics,” Political Science, January.
“Space of Flows, Space of Places: Materials for a Theory of Urbanism in the Information
Age.” The Cybercities Reader. Ed. Stephen Graham. London: Routledge. 8293.
“Estado y sociedad en la democracia chilena.” Política Exterior. No. 100, Julio-Agosto
“La interaccio entre les tecnologies de la informacio y la comunicacio y la societat
xarxa: un canvi historic.” Coneixement i societat. 1 (2003): 8-21.
“Empirical Study of the Information Society: Comparative Analysis of Employment in
G7 Countries, 1920 to 2000.” International Labour Review. Vol. 121, No. 1-2,
(2002): 133-171. (With Yuko Aoyama.)
“Urban Sociology in the 21st Century.” The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory.
Ed. Ida Susser. Oxford: Blackwell.
“Informationalism and the Network Society.” Epilogue to Pekka Himanen’s “The Hacker
Ethic and the Spirit of Informationalism.” New York: Random House. 155-178.
“Globalization, the Knowledge Society and the Network State: Poulantzas at the
Millennium.” Global Networks. Vol.1.1. January: 1-18. (With Martin Carnoy.)
“Materials for an Exploratory Theory of the Network Society.” British Journal of
Sociology. Vol. 51.1. January/March: 5-24.
“Towards a Sociology of the Network Society.” Contemporary Sociology.Summer.
“Information Technology and Global Capitalism.” On the Edge: Living with Global
Capitalism. Eds. Will Hutton and Anthony Giddens. London: Jonathan Cape.
New York: The New Press. 52-74. (Translated in Spanish, Tusquets.)
“The Culture of Cities in the Information Age.” Frontiers of the Mind in the 21st Century.
Washington: Library of Congress.
“Globalizacion, estado y sociedad civil: el nuevo contexto historico de los derechos
humanos.” Isegoria, 22 (2000): 5-17.
“Russia in the Information Age.” Russia at the End of the 20th Century. Eds. Victoria
Bonnell and George Breslauer. (With Emma Kiselyova.)
“Russian Federalism and Siberian Regionalism, 1990-2000.” City, June. (With E.
“Grassrooting the Space of Flows.” Urban Geography. Vol. 20, n.4, May-June: 294-302.
“The Culture of Cities in the Information Age.” Frontiers of the Mind in the 21st Century.
Washington D.C.: The Library of Congress. (Included in Ida Susser, ed., 2001.)
“The Social Implications of Information and Communication Technologies.” World Social
Science Report 1999. Paris: Unesco. 236-246.
"Paths and Problems in the Integration of Post Communist Russia in the Global
Economy.” The Tunnel at the End of the Light: Russia in Transition. Ed. Stephen
Cohen et al. University of California, Berkeley: Berkeley Roundtable on the
International Economy Press.
"The Informational City is a Dual City. Can It Be Reversed?" Information Technology
and Low-Income Communities. Ed. Don Schon, et al. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press: 25-42.
“The Real Crisis of Silicon Valley: A Retrospective Perspective.” Competition and
Change. Vol. 2, 1998.
"Globalization, Flows, and Identity: The New Challenges of Design." Architectural
Practices in the Nineties. Ed. William Saunders. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
Architectural Press in New York City.
"Sustainable Flexibility: Work, Family, and Community in the Information Age." Paris:
OECD. Education Division, Publication Series. (With M. Carnoy.)
"Global Flows and Cultural Identity: Globalization and Design Practice." Architectural
Practices in the 1990s. Ed. William S. Saunders. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press.
"El futuro del Estado del Bienestar en la sociedad informacional." Sistema. Marzo: 3553.
"The Net and the Self: Working Notes for a Critical Theory of the Informational Society."
Critique of Anthropology. Vol. 16 (1): 9-38.
"Insurgents against the New Global Order: A Comparative Analysis of Mexico's
Zapatistas, the American Militia, and Japan's Aum Shinrikyo." Berkeley Journal
of Sociology, Fall. (With S.Yazawa and E.Kiselyova.)
"Les flux, les reseaux et les identites: ou sont les sujets dans la societe
informationnelle?" Penser le sujet. Eds. Francois Dubet et Michel Wieviorka.
Paris: Fayard.
"Regionale Ungleichheiten im Informationszeitalter." Regiovision: Neue Strategien fur
alte Industrieregionen. Eds. Franz Lehner et al. Munich: Rainer Hammp Verlag.
“Paths towards the informational society: employment structure in G-7 countries, 19201990." International Labour Review. Vol. 133, n.1: 1-33. (With Yuko Aoyama.)
"L'ecole francaise de sociologie urbaine vingt ans apres: retour au futur?" Les Annales
de la Recherche Urbaine. Special Issue, October.
"Flujos, redes e identidades." Nuevas perspectivas criticas en educacion. Barcelona:
Paidos. 15-53.
"Sociologia de la crisis politica rusa." Política Exterior. Vol.VII, n. 32: 55-80.
"European Cities, the Informational Society, and the Global Economy." Journal of
Economic and Social Geography. lxxxiv 4, 247-257. (Also published by
University of Amsterdam, Special Lecture Series of the Center of Metropolitan
"Four Asian Tigers with a Dragon Head: State Intervention and Economic Development
in the Asian Pacific Rim." State and Society in the Pacific Rim. Eds. Richard
Appelbaum and Jeff Henderson. London: Sage.
"Rusia, Año I: el Presidente en su laberinto." Politica Exterior, Spring.
"The World Has Changed: Can Planning Change?" Landscape and Urban Planning.
Vol. 22: 73-78.
"Las tecnologias de la informacion (1985-1990): Espana en el contexto mundial." Eds.
Roberto Dorado et al.
Ciencia, tecnologia e industria en Espana. Madrid: Fundesco. (With M. Gamella.)
"La nueva revolucion rusa." Claves. October.
"Die zweigeteilte Stadt - Arm un Reich in den Stadten Lateinamerikas, der USA un
Europas." Die Welt der Stadt. Ed. Tilo Schabert. Munich-Zurich: Piper, 199-216.
"Informatisierte Stadt und Soziale Bewegungen." Stadt-Raume. Ed. Martin Wentz.
Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. 137-148.
"Sotsiologuicheskie ocherki." Yezhegodnik. Moscow: Visshie Sotsiologuicheskie Kursi.
Sotsiologuia modernizatsii y ekonomicheskogo raszvitia." Kurs Lecsiy, Moscow: Visshie
Sotsiologuicheskie Kursi. 3-8.
¨Modernizatsia: ekonomica y sotsialnie structuri." Materiali Kruglogo Stola. Moscow:
Visshie Sotsiologuicheskie Kursi.
"El fin del comunismo." Claves, 1.
"Estrategias de desarrollo metropolitano: la articulacion entre crecimiento economico y
calidad de vida." Las grandes ciudades en la decada de los noventa. Eds. Jordi
Borja, et alter. Madrid: Sistema.
"Social Movements and the Informational City." Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies.
Vol. 21: 197-206. (Published in Japanese in 1989, translated in German in Martin
Wentz, ed. Stadt-Raume. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1991. 137-148.
"Visokie tejnologuii y obszchestvo." Lectsia: Vlianie novij tejnologuiy na raboto y
zhaniatost. Moscow: Visshie Sotsiologuicheskie.
"The New Dependency: Technological Change and Socio-Economic Restructuring on
Latin America." Sociological Forum. Fall Issue. (With Roberto Laserna.
Translated in Spanish, 1990; reprinted in A.D. Kincaid and A. Portes, eds.
Comparative National Development. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Press, 1994.)
"Nuevas tecnologias y desarrollo regional." Economia y Sociedad. Vol. 2. 23-40.
“World Underneath: The Origins, Dynamics and Effects of the Informal Economy." The
Informal Economy. Eds. A.Portes, M.Castells, L.Benton. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press. (Translated in Spanish.)
"Social Movements and the Informational City." Hitotsubashi Journal of Social
Vol. 21: 197-206. (Translated in Japanese, 1989. Translated in German, 1991.)
“High Technology and the New International Division of Labour." Labour Studies.
"High Technology and the Changing International Division of Production: Implications
for the U.S. Economy." The Newly Industrializing Countries in the World
Economy. Challenges for U.S. Policy. Ed. Randall B. Purcell. Boulder: Lynne
Rienner, 13-50. (With Laura Tyson.)
"Innovation technologique et centralite urbaine." Cahiers de la Recherche Sociologique.
Vol.6, n.2. 27-36.
"The New Industrial Space. Information Technology Manufacturing and Spatial
Structure in the United States." America's Market Geography. Eds. George
Sternlieb and James W. Hughes. New Brunswick, N.J: Center for Urban Policy
Research, Rutgers University.
Nuevas tecnologias, economia y sociedad. Madrid: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
Leccion inaugural del curso academico, 1988-89. 107 pages.
Crisis urbana, Estado y participacion popular. Cochabamba, Bolivia: Colegio de
Arquitectos de Cochabamba. Lectures, 264 pages.
"High Technology Choices Ahead: Restructuring Interdependence." Growth, Exports
and Jobs in a Changing World. Eds. John W. Sewell and Stuart K. Tucker.
Washington D.C.: Overseas Development Council, Transaction Books. 55-95.
(With Laura Tyson.)
"Competitivita internazionale, innovazione tecnologica e trasferimento di tecnologia in
un'economia aperta: l'esperienza della Spagna degli anni ottanta." Crescita e
Competitivita: Strategie Nazionali. Ed. Patrizio Bianchi. Bologna: Nomisma,
Laboratorio di Politica Industriale. (With Javier Nadal.)
"Revolucion tecnologica y reestructuracion economico-politica del sistema mundial."
Impacto de las tecnologias avanzadas sobre el concepto de seguridad. Eds.
Manuel Castells, et al. Madrid: Fundacion de estudios sobre la paz y las
relaciones internacionales.
"Ocho modelos de desarrollo tecnologico." Nuevo Siglo. n.1: 5-13.
"High Technology and Urban Dynamics in the United States." The Metropolis Era. Eds.
Mattei Dogan and John D. Kasarda. Vol.1. Beverly Hills: Sage.
"High Technology, World Development and Structural Transformation." Alternatives.
Vol. XI, 3. (Translated in German.)
"Technological Change, Economic Restructuring and the Spatial Division of Labor."
International Economic Restructuring and the Territorial Community. Ed. Walter
Stohr Vienna: United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
"The New Urban Crisis." The Quality of Urban Life. Ed. Dieter Friek. Berlin-New York:
Walter de Gruyter.
"Urbanization and Social Change: the New Frontier." The Challenge of Social Change.
Ed. Orlando Fals Borda. London: Sage Studies in International Sociolgy. 93-106.
"El impacto de las nuevas tecnologias sobre los cambios urbanos y regionales."
Metropolis, Territorio y Crisis. Eds. Peter Hall, et al. Madrid: H.Blume. 37-62.
"Estado, cultura y sociedad: las nuevas tendencias historicas." Cultura y Sociedad,
Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura.
"Class and Power in American Cities." Contemporary Sociology. Vol. 13, n.3. 270-73.
(Review Essay.)
"Madrid: Planeamiento urbano y gestion municipal." Ciudad y Territorio. January-June.
"Participation, Politics, and Spatial Innovation: Commentary on Bologna, Orcasitas, and
SAAL." The Scope of Social Architecture, Columns. Ed. Richard Hatch. Vol.1,
New Jersey Institute of Technology and Van Nostrand.
"After the Crisis?" World Policy Journal. Spring, 495-516. (With Martin Carnoy.)
"Crisis, Planning, and the Quality of Life." Environment and Planning D. Vol.1, n. 1. 321. (Translated in Portuguese and in Spanish.)
"Squatters and Politics in Latin America." Towards a Political Economy of Urbanization
in Third World Countries. Ed. Helen J. Safa. New Delhi: Oxford University
Press. 242-262. (Reprinted in Josef Gugler, ed. The Urbanization of the Third
World. Oxford University Press, 1988.)
"Cultural Identity and Urban Structure: the Spatial Organization of San Francisco's Gay
Community." Urban Affairs Annual Reviews. Vol.22. Beverly Hills: Sage, 237260. (With Karen Murphy.)
"Local Government, Urban Crisis, and Political Change." Political Power and Social
Theory: A Research Annual. Vol.2. Greenwich, CT. 1-20.
"Revisar a Engels." Argumentos. July.
"La intervencion administrativa en los centros urbanos de las grandes ciudades."
Papers. Revista de Sociologia. Vol. 11. 227-250.
"Urban Social Movements and the Struggle for Democracy: The Citizen Movement in
Madrid.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Vol.2, n.1. 133146.
"Mouvements sociaux urbains et changement politique." Mouvements sociaux
d'aujourd'hui. Ed. Alain Touraine. Paris: Les Editions Ouvrieres.
"Towards a Political Urban Sociology." Captive Cities. Ed. Michael Harloe. London:
John Wiley. 61-78.
"Marginalite urbaine et mouvements sociaux au Mexique: le mouvement des
posesionarios dans la ville de Monterrey." International Journal of Urban and
Regional Research. Vol.1.2: 145-50.
"Les conditions sociales d'emergence des mouvements sociaux urbains." International
Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Vol.1.1.
"Apuntes para un analisis de clase de la politica urbana del Estado mexicano." Revista
Mexicana de Sociologia. n.4.
"Crise de l'Etat, consommation collective et contradictions urbaines." La Crise de l'Etat.
Ed. Nicos Poulantzas. Paris: Presses Universitaire de France. 179-208
(Translated in Spanish and in Danish.)
"The Wild City.” Kapital-State. N.4-5, Summer Issue. 1-30. (Reprinted in Joe R.
ed. The Urban Scene. New York: Random House, 1979.)
"Theoretical Proposition for an Experimental Study of Urban Social Movements." Urban
Sociology: Critical Essays. Ed. G.C.Pickvance. London: Tavistock. 147-73.
"The Service Economy and the Post-Industrial Society: A Sociological Critique."
International Journal of Health Services. Vol.6. N.4. 596-607.
"La crise urbaine aux Etats-Unis: vers la barbarie?" Les Temps Modernes. February,
1178-1240. (Translated in Dutch, Amsterdam: E.U., 1978.)
"Advanced Capitalism, Collective Consumption and Urban Contradictions." Stress and
Contradiction in Modern Capitalism. Eds. Leo Lindberg, et al. Lexington, MA:
"Urban Sociology and Urban Politics: From a Critique to New Trends of Research."
Comparative Urban Research, vol. III, n.1. (Reprinted in John Walton, ed., The
City in Comparative Perspective. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1976.)
"La fonction sociale de la planification urbaine: le cas de la region de Dunkerque."
Recherches Sociologiques, 3.
"Immigrant Workers and Class Struggle: the Western European Experience." Politics
and Society, n.1. (Translated in French.)
"Contradizione e desiguaglianza nella citta." Il Mulino, n.1.
"Consommation collective, interets de classe et processus politique dans le capitalisme
avance." Papers. Revista de Sociologia. Special Issue, 63-90.
"Remarques sur le pouvoir local."Revue Francaise de Sociologie. June. (Review
"Epistemologia y ciencias socials." Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. n.1
"Il rinovo urbano di Parigi: aspetti economici e politici.",Archivio di Studi Urbani e
Regionali. n.2.
"Movimiento de pobladores y lucha de clases en Chile." Revista Latinoamericana de
Estudios Urbanos. n.3.
"Tesi sulla questione urbana", Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, n.1
"La teoria marxista de las clases sociales y la lucha de clases en America Latina."
Las clases sociales en America Latina. Mexico: Siglo XXI.
"Luttes de classes et contradictions urbaines." Espaces et Societes, n. 6-7, October.
"Symbolique urbaine et mouvements sociaux." Versus. Studi Semiotici.
"La sociologie et la question urbaine."L'architecture d'aujourd'hui. September, 91-100.
“El mito de la cultura urbana." Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos. n. 3, 2742.
"La determination des pratiques sociales en situation de retraite." Sociologie du Travail.
n.3. (With Anne-Marie Guillemard.)
"L'urbanisation dependante en Amerique Latine." Espaces et Societes. n.3, 5-23.
(Translated in Spanish and in Italian.)
"Structures sociales et processus d'urbanisation." Annales. August, 1155-1199.
"Reconquete urbaine et renovation-deportation a Paris." Sociologie du Travail. n.4. 488514. (Co-author.)
"La renovation urbaine aux Etats-Unis." Espaces et Societes. n. 1. 107-137.
"Les nouvelles frontieres de la methodologie sociologique.” Information sur les sciences
socials. 79-108. (Translated in Portuguese, 1973, and Spanish, 1972.)
"Le centre urbain", Cahiers internationaux de sociologie. May. 83-106.
"Entreprise industrielle et developpment urbain." Synopsis. September. 69-79.
"Vers une theorie sociologique de la planification urbaine." Sociologie du Travail. n.4.
130-143. (Translated in English, 1981, and in Spanish, 1974.)
"Theorie et ideologie en sociologie urbaine." Sociologie et Societes. n. 2. 171-191.
(Translated in English, 1976.)
"Y a-t-il une sociologie urbaine?" Sociologie du Travail. n.1. 72-90. (Translated in
English, 1976.)
"La mobilite des entreprises industrielles dans la region parisienne." Cahiers de l'Institut
d'Amenagement et d'Urbanisme de la Region Parisienne. Vol. 11. (Co-author.)
"Mobilite des entreprises et structure urbaine." Sociologie du Travail. n. 4, 369-405. (Coauthor.)
“Information Technology and Organizational Change in the Health Care System of
Catalonia.” Barcelona: Open University of Catalonia.
"De la funcion de produccion agregada a la frontera de posibilidades de produccion:
productividad, tecnología y crecimiento economico en la era de la información."
Inaugural Lecture on the occassion of Manuel Castells’ appointment as a Fellow
of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economics and Finance, Barcelona, 18th of
February 2006. Printed and published by the Spanish Royal Academy.
“¨The Mobile Communication Society.” Los Angeles: University of Southern California.
Annenberg Research Network on International Communication.
(with Mireia Fernandez-Ardevol, Jack LinChuan Qiu, and Araba Sey.)
“La societat xarxa a Catalunya/La sociedad red en Cataluña/The Network Society in
Catalonia.” Research Monograph, Project Internet Catalonia (PIC), Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona. Published on-line, July 2002 (
The Finnish Model of Information Society. Helsinki: SITRA. (With Pekka Himanen.)
“Diffusion and Uses of Internet in Catalonia and in Spain: A Commented Summary of
Available Evidence.” Barcelona: IN3, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, IN3
Working Paper (with Maria Isabel Diaz de Isla).
Russia in the Information Age. Berkeley: University of California, Center for Slavic
Studies, and Carnegie Foundation. (With Emma Kiselyova.)
Globalizacion, Identidad y Estado en America Latina. Santiago de Chile: Programa de
Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo
Russia as a Network Society. Stanford: Stanford University Conference on Russia,
Conference Proceedings. (With Emma Kiselyova.)
The Missing Link: Siberian Oil and Gas and the Pacific Economy. Berkeley: University
of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development. (With Emma
Kiselyova and Alexander Granberg.)
La reindustrializacion de Asturias: problemas, perspectivas y estrategias. Oviedo:
Presidencia del Principado de Asturias. (Director.)
La modernizacion tecnologica de las empresas industriales de electronica y
telecomunicaciones en Rusia. Madrid: Universidad Autonoma, Instituto de
Sociologia de Nuevas Tecnologias, Programa de Estudios Rusos. (Director.)
El proceso de cambio politico y social en la Rusia postcomunista. Madrid: Universidad
Autonoma, Instituto de Sociologia de Nuevas Tecnologia, Programa de Estudios
Rusos. (Director.)
Paths Toward the Informational Society: the Transformation of Employment Structure in
the G-7 Countries, 1920-2005. Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley
Roundtable on the International Economy. (With Yuko Aoyama.)
Informe sobre la formacion del medio de innovacion tecnologica "Cartuja 93" (Sevilla,
Spain). Sevilla: Sociedad Estatal Expo'92. (With Clara Garcia and Isabel Ramos.)
Informe-Dictamen sobre el desarrollo sostenible del entoro del Parque Nacional de
Donana (Andalucia, Spain). Sevilla: Junta de Andalucia. (Coordinator.)
The University as Engine of Development in the New World Economy. Report prepared
for the World Bank, Washington D.C.
El impacto de las nuevas tecnologias en la economia mundial. Implicaciones
para la economia Espanola. Informe para el Ministerio de Economia, Madrid.
The State and Technological Policy. A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. Strategic
Defense Initiative, Informatics Policy in Brazil, and Electronic Policy in China,
Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley Roundtable on the International
Economy. (Director.)
Economic Modernization and Technology Transfer in the People's Republic of China.
Stanford: Stanford University, School of Education, CERAS. (With Martin Carnoy
and Patrizio Bianchi.)
Desarrollo tecnologico, cooperacion internacional y espacios de innovacion. Report
prepared for Sociedad Estatal Expo'92, Sevilla, Spain.
The Developmental City State in an Open World Economy: the Singapore Experience.
Berkeley: University of California, Berkeley Roundtable on the International
Economic Development and Public Housing in the Asian Pacific Rim: A Comparative
Analysis of Hong Kong, Singapore, and Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.
Berkeley: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development.
(With Reg W. Kwok and Lee Goh.)
The Real Crisis of Silicon Valley. Santa Cruz: University of California, Silicon Valley
Research Group.
Public Housing and Economic Development in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, Centre of Urban Studies and Planning.
High Technology, Economic Policies, and World Development. Report prepared for the
Committee for a Just World Peace, published by Berkeley Roundtable on the
International Economy, University of California.
El impacto de las nuevas tecnologias sobre la economia y la sociedad en Espana.
Madrid: Informe para la Presidencia del Gobierno. (Director.)
Towards the Informational City? High Technology, Economic Change, and Spatial
Structure. Berkeley: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional
Susser, Ida, ed. “The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory.” Oxford and
Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001. (Translated in Spanish as “La sociologia urbana de
Manuel Castells”, Alianza Editorial.)
Cloete, Nico and Johan Muller, eds. “The challenge of globalization: South African
Debates with Manuel Castells.” Cape Town Longman, 2001.
Steinbicker, Jochen. Zur theorie der Informationgesellschaaft. Ein Vergleich der
Ansatze von Peter Drucker, Daniel Bell, and Manuel Castells.” Opladen: Leske &
Budrich, 2001.
Ince, Martin. Conversations with Manuel Castells. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003.
(Translated in Portuguese, in Chinese, in Korean, in Italian, in Hungarian, and in
Calderon, Fernando, ed. ¿Es sostenible la globalizacion en America Latina?
Debates con Manuel Castells. México: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2003. 2 volumes.
Webster, Frank and Basil Dimitriou, eds. “Manuel Castells.” Masters of Modern Social
Thought. London: Sage, 2004. 3 volumes.
Stalder, Felix. The Network Theory of Manuel Castells. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005.
Pascual, Mayte. En que mundo vivimos. Conversaciones con Manuel Castells. Madrid:
Alianza Editorial, 2006.
Géraldine Pflieger “De la ville aux réseaux. Dialogues avec Manuel Castells”.
Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2006.
Oystein S. LaBianca and Sandra Arnold Scham, eds. Connectivity in Antiquity:
Globalization as a Long-Term Historical Process. London: Equinox Publishing, 2006.
David Bell. Cyberculture Theorists: Manuel Castells and Donna Haraway. London:
Routledge, 2006.