Summer Assignment for 2014-2015 IB Spanish 1 Profesor: Señor Rodriguez 1. Over the summer write an e-mail in SPANISH (100 words) to Señor Rodriguez to introducing yourself to Señor Rodriguez. You can write about you and your family. Also, write about your favorite class, music, artist, movie, etc. This email will be written to Señor Rodriguez during the first two weeks of the summer vacation. On the Subject line write your name and IB 1 Spanish summer e-mail. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL JULY 31st! 2. Keep a two weeks blog of 10 entries. You will write a two weeks blog of the topics given in the Blog Review Log. Each blog entry should be at least 50 words in length to be considered an acceptable entry. Must turn in on the first day of school. (Follow the instructions from the Blog Review Log) 3. Complete the Forma Indicativa Worksheet. Conjugate the given verbs (cantar / comer / vivir) in the different tenses. (Make sure to study and become familiar with the different verb tenses) 4. Complete the “Los Verbos y Frases muy Usadas en Español” Worksheet. (Make sure to study and become familiar with all verbs and phrases by the first day of school.) 5. By June 15 - Call Google Voice #1: Call Google Voice and record an introduction (2 minutes minimum, en español). Introduce yourself: Who you are? What are your interests? What are your strengths? What is most difficult for you? (in regards to Spanish). Make sure to say your first and last name clearly – call 706-250-1238. 6. By July 13 - Call Google Voice #2: Call Google Voice and record an update of how your summer has been going (2 minutes minimum, en español) – What’s new, if you have traveled, anything interesting, thoughts and opinions of current news stories, etc. Make sure to say your first and last name clearly – call 706-250-1238. 7. Prepare a digital presentation of ONLY pictures of your summer vacation. This will be your first oral presentation for the year. You will have to explain your presentation in Spanish to the class. Only an index card with five sentences or terms will be allowed. Forma Indicativa Conjuga los siguientes verbos en los tiempos indicados en la tabla. Cantar Nombre o Pronombre Yo Tú Él/Ella/Ud. Nosotros(as) Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Rosa Rosa y Pedro Rosa y yo Mi hermano Mi hermano y yo Pedro y tú Presente Preterito Imperfecto Presente Perfecto Presente Progresivo Futuro Comer Nombre o Pronombre Yo Tú Él/Ella/Ud. Nosotros(as) Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Rosa Rosa y Pedro Rosa y yo Mi hermano Mi hermano y yo Pedro y tú Presente Preterito Imperfecto Presente Perfecto Presente Progresivo Futuro Vivir Nombre o Pronombre Yo Tú Él/Ella/Ud. Nosotros(as) Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Rosa Rosa y Pedro Rosa y yo Mi hermano Mi hermano y yo Pedro y tú Presente Preterito Imperfecto Presente Perfecto Presente Progresivo Futuro Los verbos y frases muy usadas en Español Escribe los siguientes verbos en Inglés. Español Inglés Español aceptar permitir/dejar preguntar creer prestar romper traer comprar poder cancelar cambiar limpiar Peinar(se) quejarse toser llenar terminar caber reparar volar olvidar dar ir tener oir dañar/herir saber/conocer aprender salir/marcharse escuchar contar vivir cortar mirar bailar perder dibujar hacer Inglés beber necesitar conducir abrir comer cerrar explicar organizar caerse pagar encontrar jugar Poner(se) tomar llover enseñar leer decir responder pensar correr traducir decir viajar ver intentar vender apagar enviar encender firmar escribir a máquina cantar entender sentarse utilizar/usar dormir esperar fumar despertar(se) hablar querer deletrear Mirar(se) gastar trabajar ponerse de pie preocuparse comenzar escribir estudiar menos tener exito más nadar antes venir ser andar lavar(se) cepillar(se) llevar subir bajar acostar(se) llamar(se) quitar(se) empezar desear estar caminar volver llegar tocar repetir amar cepillar(se) quedarse gustar aburrir(se) algún/alguno(a) ningún/ninguno(a) siempre nunca mucho poco más menos algo nada alguien nadie alguna vez jamás algunas veces o ni a menudo también tampoco desde al principio sin embargo entonces todavía poco a poco así que cuando porque mientras tanto hoy en día estoy harto de… ¿Qué quieres? ¿Qué te pasa? Blog Review Log This assignment was designed to keep all of your tenses fresh in your memory so that the transition to next year’s Spanish class goes smoothly. Use the tenses suggested for each assignment. ** Blog: you must write an entry for each of the topics given. Each topic should be at least 50 words in length to be considered an acceptable entry. It is always better to provide more than less as an IB student. Make sure your writing provides details not just generic statements like “voy al cine”. (Think: who, what, when, where, why) Change the structure of your sentences flow with transitions like también. Be prepared to submit your document to your Spanish IB teacher on the first day of school. This assignment will be hand written, no exceptions. Begin this assignment 2 weeks prior to the start of school as this is due on the first day of class! Week 1: Entry #1: Introduce yourself to your Spanish teacher by discussing where you are from, how old you are, and describe your personality (practice present tense form of llamarse, tener, ser) Entry #2: Describe your family to your new teacher. (practice present tense forms of ser, tener) Entry #3: Discuss what you like to do over summer vacation and what you don’t like to do. (practice gustar) Entry #4: Tell a friend about your favorite class in school and why you prefer it. (practice adjectives, present tense of stem changing verb “preferir”) Entry #5: Write about what you will be doing this weekend with your family and friends. (practice present tense of ir + a + infinitive) Week 2: Entry #6: Write about things you have to do around the house this summer. Entry #7: Write about a recent outing with your friends. (practice tener + que + infinitive) (practice past tense of ir and comer) Entry #8: Describe the place you are writing from at the moment. What is it like? What is the weather like? (practicing weather expressions) Entry #9: Who is your favorite fictional character? (from cartoons, movies, books)Describe him/her and why you like them. placement and agreement) Entry #10: Describe your house to me in detail. (practicing descriptions) (practicing nouns / adjective