SPECIESDIVERSITY GRADIENTS: WE KNOW MORE AND LESS THAN WE THOUGHT L. ROSENZWEIG MICHAEL Departmentof Ecology and EvolutionaryBiology, UniversityofArizona, Tucson,AZ 85721 KeynoteAddress,Presentedat the 71st Annual Meeting of The AmericanSociety of Mammalogists,Manhattan,KS, June 1991 Patterns in the diversityof species begin to make sense when we reducethem to well-known biological processes and take care to specify the scale of the pattern. Doing this explains why diversity declines away from the tropics (the latitudinal diversity gradient). The extensive tropical regions supply more opportunitiesfor large geographicalranges than any other biome.Allopatricspeciationfeeds on such large ranges.The large regionsof the tropics also probably inhibit extinction. It is a mistake to explain the richness of the tropics by noting that there are more habitats in the tropics. The global scale developsin evolutionary time. On that scale, fine habitat subdivisionis a coevolvedpropertyof the species in a biome. The more species, the finer they subdividehabitats. So, it is also wrongto imagine that the tropical gradient is nothing more than a species-area curve. The species-area curve is a patternthat exists on a morelocal scale than the latitudinalgradient,and dependson habitat variabilitygrowingas larger areas get includedin a sample. We all think that decades ago we should have understoodthe patternof diversity and productivity.But the literatureisn't even sure what the pattern is. Until recently, theory maintained that higher productivity should sustain more species. Evidencefrom poorerenvironmentssupportsthat theory. But most empirical evidence, including most experiments,show that diversity declines as productivityrises. Two errorsconfusedus. First, we ecologists always assumedthat the theory could not be wrong,so we refusedto admit the facts, no matterhow often we observedthem. Second, we mixed our facts into a wild stew of scales and biomes. Diversity experiments, performedby increasingproductivityon a local scale of time and space, tell us nothingabout the productivitypattern at large scales. The regional pattern is unimodal.As productivity rises within a region, first diversity rises and then it falls. This patternexists in mammals, birds, marine vertebratesand invertebrates,and some flora. We do not understandit. Key words: biodiversity,species area curve, latitudinal gradient, productivity Ecologicalpatternsbuild ecological challenges. Wherever we find pattern, we suspect there must be rules. Can we discover them? Ecologistslong ago discoveredthe pattern calledthe latitudinaldiversitygradient.Most ecologists believe we have never met the challenge of that pattern. To a great extent, they are mistaken. The literature contains not merely the clues, but the answer. Latitudinal gradients arise because the J. Mamm., 73(4):715-730, 1992 715 tropicscover more areathan any otherzone. Their greaterarea stimulatesspeciation and inhibits extinction. I shall review and explain that answer in the first part of the paper. Then I must make the point that the answerdoes not reducethe latitudinalgradient to the rankofjust anotherspecies-areacurve. Species-areacurves exist on a much smaller scale of space and time. Too often, ecologists studying diversity JOURNALOFMAMMALOGY 716 a. Bats 80 60 440 0o 20 2 S "... . .... I 8 24 40 56 72 Latitude b. Quadrupeds 10075- oO1o 2 o.. 50 Vol.73, No. 4 productivity-diversitypattern. It is the opposite of the latitudinal gradient. The latitudinalgradienthas been a patternin search of a theory. But theory actuallypredictsthe followingproductivitygradient:The greater the productivity, the greaterthe diversity. The theory is so simple, so general, so robust, that few botheredto recognizethe rarity of the patternit predicts.Too bad. If the patternwereonly more common, we should have possessed the genuine article: a scientific pattern prepackaged with its own prediction-generatingexplanation. But there is pattern in the productivitydiversity relationship. I shall review a set of nine hypothesesofferedto explainit. Unfortunately, most fail, and none have yet succeeded. That will leave us with a curiosity. The pattern we think we don't understand,we actually do. And the pattern that, decades ago, we thought we understood, still challenges us. THE LATITUDINAL GRADIENT o5 Here's the issue that fills the poor boxes for ecology. The tropics are fabulouslyrich S CD '25 in species, and their destruction threatens 0 to depletethe Earth'sgeneticlibrary.Or add 0to global warming. Or jeopardize the very 8 24 40 56 72 future of life on Earth. Latitude Funnythingis, the tropicsdo harbormore species than any otherlatitudinalzone. And the farther you get from the Equator, the FIG. 1.--The number of mammal species defewer species (of most taxa)you find. Mamclines steeplyfromtropicsto tundrain North mals no exception. Bats have a powerful are America.Datacome fromWilson(1972).Each latitudinal gradient (Fig. la). And the grapointgivesthenumberof speciesin a rectangular dient for quadrupeds (Fig. 1b) is clear--dex blockof land(150 miles 150miles).To eliminatethe effectof unequalarea,I eliminatedall spite the fact thatthe very highestdiversities thoseblockson coastlinesthatarepartlyoccu- occurin aridareasat horse latitudes(Mares, Before 1992). pied by water.a. Bats.b. Quadrupeds. exclusionof coastalblocks,the quadruped patThe latitudinalgradientis not an historterncannotbe seen. ical quirkof an immaturepost-glacialEarth. The tundra, perhaps the Earth's youngest patternsinterminglespace-time scales with biome, was born at least 4 my (million years) abandon. This confuses more than it clar- ago, and its diversity has declined since then ifies. We will see more examples of it in the (Matthews, 1979). Moreover, we know of third part of the paper. latitudinal gradients that are tens if not hunThe third part of the paper discusses the dreds of millions of years old. Marine fo- _ __, _ _ "s 1992 November Fossil Foraminifera 90 717 GRADIENTS ROSENZWEIG -SPECIESDIVERSITY Apparent Relative Land Area Mercator Projection 80 150- a 70 100 3 60 -- 0 50-- C- v 50 0 40 -90 0 15 30 Latitude 45 areancient.This FIG.2.- Latitudinal gradients comesfromfossil one, for marineforaminifera, from datatensof millionsof yearsold.(Redrawn Stehliet al., 1969.) raminiferahave the world's most detailed and reliable fossil record-at least for the Cenozoic. And (Fig. 2) they exhibit a gradient which is some 70 million years old. Angiosperms also have ancient latitudinal diversity gradients (Crane and Lidgard, 1989). I suspect many more cases of fossil gradients will be brought to our attention as paleobiologists take advantage of their ability to measure the latitudes at which rocks were deposited. Pianka (1966) wrote the classic list of hypotheses to explain the latitudinalgradient. He crafted it so beautifully that many still teach from his list today. (See, for example, its treatment in Begon et al., 1990). But, when John Terborgh(1973) cut the Gordianknot, his explanationdid not come from Pianka'slist. Terborghconcludedthat the tropics abound with life because they aboundwith territory.The tropicsarericher because they are more extensive than any place else. Terborghnoted that those of us who carryaround maps of the Earthin our heads generallycarrysomethingresembling a Mercatorprojection.This exaggeratesthe area of terrestrialfeatures in proportion to their distance from the Equator.The farther from the Equator,the largerthey appearto loom (Fig. 3). Because the Earth is round, the distance -60 1.---- 60 -30 -, 0 30 60 90 Latitude FIG.3.--Visualimpactofa Mercator map.The morenortherlythearea,thebiggerit seems.This in landareasof the figureshowstheexaggeration northernhemisphere. between longitudes actually peaks at the Equator.This greatly reduces the apparent overhang of the lands of the Northern Hemisphere, and eliminates it entirely in the seas and the SouthernHemisphere(Fig. 4). Terborgh noticed another simple thing. The northern and southern tropics abut. Thus their area is roughly double that of any other zone. Finally, Terborghnoted (from data) that a broad belt of homogeneous temperatures, roughly 50 degrees (of latitude) wide, encirclethe Earth'smidsection.North or South of this belt, averageannualtemperaturefalls off linearly (Fig. 5). So, any place in the belt has the chance of being like anyplace else, but any place outside it will be rather restricted in area. Moreover, it will get more and more restrictedas it centers on higher and higher latitudes (because the Earth is round). Terborghmust be right for the seas and the SouthernHemisphere.But does his general conclusion follow for the vast north? And even if it does, how does having a huge area allow a zone to harbor more species? I got a simple computer map of the globe that divided it into sea, land and ice. Then, I measured the actual land areas contained in several arbitrarilysituated zones: tropics (+260); subtropics(26-360); temperate(36- 718 Vol.73, No. 4 JOURNALOFMAMMALOGY RelativeLandArea Mean Annual TemperatureGradient 60-- 30 40 10-10- -90 `J" 20 20 - -60 -30 0 30 60 90 Latitude 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 Latitude (degrees) FIG.5.--In the tropics,averageannualtemFIG.4.-An equalareamapdoesnotexaggerate the amountof land in the northernhemi- peraturevarieslittlewithlatitude,butit declines sphere. linearlyoutside the tropics.(Data from Terborgh,1973.) 460); boreal (46-560) and tundra (> 560). Sure enough, the tropics are about four times largerthan their nearest competition. Terborghwas right for northernlands too (Fig. 6). How does area translate into diversity? We must seek the answer in comparative speciation and extinction rates because the processes that govern speciation and extinction are the processes that determine standing diversity. (I ignore immigration. For biogeographicalprovinces,it is a second order process.) Let's imagine a world in which tropics and subtropicshave the same diversity.We can expect the average tropical species in such a world will have a geographicalrange that is half an order of magnitude greater than its counterpartin the subtropics.Probably, that range differencehas three consequences (Rosenzweig, 1975). First, the greater range leads to a larger total population size (assumingdensities to be about the same). Larger populations should result in smaller accidental extinction probability (because every individual must die accidentally before extinction is complete). No doubt this probabilityis not linear. Thus, I am not saying that a species with 106 individuals has 100 times the chance of accidental extinction as a species with 108 individuals. Just that it tends to have a higher probability. Second, the greater range covers more niche refuges. Any weather disturbanceor climatic deteriorationcovers a limited area. Species with big ranges are more likely to have a site or two to tide them over. So, they should again suffer lower extinction rates. Third, largerrangesare biggertargetsfor geographicalbarriers.When a barrierhits a rangeso as to producea populationisolate, the process of allopatricspeciation can begin. Some barriers may penetrate a range without producing isolates. But at the size of most (or all) real ranges,the probability of hitting the range tells most of the story of isolate formation.Hence we expect higher speciation rates where rangesare largest (see also Rosenzweig, 1977). In sum, larger ranges should reduce extinction rates(fortwo reasons),and increase allopatric speciation rates. Our tropical regions will diversify faster than our subtropicalones, and leave them relativelypoor (Fig. 7). Given what we know about speciation and extinction, we would have to be astonished if there were no latitudinal diversity gradients. If area controls diversity, then larger provinces, regardless of their latitudes, should have more species. Flessa (1975) showed this to hold for generaof mammals (Fig. 8). Undoubtedly, it also holds for spe- 719 GRADIENTS DIVERSITY SPECIES ROSENZWEIG- 1992 November Land Area (50K km sq units) 1200- 900 - 600 - ...... o.. .:i NORTH SOUTH Biome EE TROPICS SUBTROPICS Dl1l TEMPERATE TUNDRA • FIG.6.-Land areas in five broad zones of the Earth.The tropics are half an order of magnitude biggerthan other zones. SBOREAL cies. Flessa'sdata spanprovincialareasfrom 0.23 x 106km2 (West Indies) to 52 x 106 km2 (Eurasia). Figure 6 shows that northern terrestrial biomes do not show much variationin area. Subtropical, temperate, boreal and tundra all have similar extents. If area is the true basis of latitudinalgradients,then why does the gradient appear within these biomes? You might expect to see a step function: higherdiversity in the tropics and lower diversity north of it, but no change north of about 250. I can think of two reasons to doubt this conclusion. First, many species have rangeswhich extend over more than one zone. Many tropical species will reach northward and get counted in northern lists. (The same thing may be going on among species of other zones, but there will be far fewer of them Tropical --Subtropical Extinc tion S- - Diversity FIG.7. -The dynamics of diversity. Owing to their largerarea, the tropics have higher speciation and lowerextinctionratecurves.(Note that at the steady-states--the large dots--extinction ratesin the tropicsactuallyexceed those of other life zones.) (After Rosenzweig, 1975.) 720 JOURNALOFMAMMALOGY Mammalian Genera Vol.73, No. 4 Intercontinental Diversities " 3.0 - 5.5 0u 3 t a 2.0 4.5 > . L Q0. C 7 2-J ak0 Lg -1 0 1 2 Log Provincial area (km2X1 06) FIG.8.-Larger biotic provinceshave more mammalian genera(modifiedfromFlessa,1975). Flessashowedthatthe samerelationshipholds forfamiliesandorders,althoughtheirslopesare shallower.The slope for speciesmay even be steeper. becauseof the areaeffect.)The farthernorth you go, the fewer tropical species remain. The resultwill be a secondarydiversity gradient amongzones north of the tropics.This hypothesispredictsthat the gradientshould disappear if you remove all species with partly tropical ranges from lists of species north of the tropics. (This simple statistical experiment hasn't yet been tried.) Second, primaryproductivitydeclines as you increase latitude. Perhaps this decline causes a similar decline in diversity. The third section of the paperdeals entirelywith the effectsof productivityand it shows that very low productivities do indeed seem to produce very low diversities. I think both reasons may be valid. The productivityeffectand the spilloverof tropical ranges into non-tropical zones may combine to producethe gradientoutside the tropics in northern hemisphere lands. But notice that the spillover effect depends on the area effect;without a tropicalbias in the number of species spilling over, spillover effects in differentzones would cancel each other out. And, as you will see, no one has much understandingof the productivityeffect. In contrast, we can rely on the area effect. Terborgh(1973) made a straightforward 1.0 5.5 ,.,3.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 Log Area (km2) in differentbiotic provFIG. 9.- Rainforests inces(fromAustraliato Amazonia)covervastly different amountsofland,andsupportvertebrate frugivoresand angiospermspeciesaccordingly. Vertebrates includefrugivorous bats,birdsand dots: plants. primates.Diamonds:vertebrates; (DatafromFleminget al., 1987;Prance,1977; and my own estimateof Australianfrugivores, the left mostpoint.) prediction based on the idea that the latitudinal gradientcomes from differencesin the area of the different biomes. Tropical regions differ considerably in area. So the larger ones should be even richer than the smaller ones. He used this to understand the great diversity of grazing ungulates in Africa compared to the Neotropics where tropical grassland is relatively scarce. He also used it to explain why Africa has so few rainforest tree species compared to Amazonia:Africa's rainforestscover much less area. Independently,Findleyand Wilson(1983) suggestedthat Africa'sfrugivorousbats are not really depauperate;they just occupy a smaller area. They demonstrated a linear relationship between the area of a province's rain forest and the diversity of its frugivorousbats. Fleming et al. (1987) extended this result to other taxa, i.e., frugivorous birds and primates. Fig. 9 displays the data. To it I have added a point for Australiantropicalrainforests.(I got the data from standard works on Australian birds and mammals.) Figure9 also shows the numberof angio- November 1992 DIVERSITY GRADIENTS ROSENZWEIG--SPECIES sperm species in the same rainforestregions (Prance,1977), althoughsometimesthe data are not available for precisely the same areas. Notice the accuracyof Terborgh'sprediction. The more tropical area, the more species. 721 a. Species-Area > 0.8 Curve 'D 0.6 0.4 (, HABITAT DIVERSITY-A COEVOLVED PROPERTY OFBIOTAS Despite the dependenceof the latitudinal gradienton area,it is NOT anotherexample of a species-areacurve. Species-areacurves have othercausesentirely.Forexample,they can arise from sampling problems when more effortis put into samplinglargerareas than smaller ones. But the most intriguing species-area curves deal with well-lknown floras and faunas. I agree with Williams (1943) that such curves depend on habitat diversity. The largerthe area,the greaterits variety of habitats. (Two fine overviews of species-area curves: Coleman et al., 1982; McGuinness, 1984). Fox (1982) has shown this for mammals in southeasternAustralia. They do show a species-areacurve (Fig. 10a). But largerareas also include more habitat types (Fig. 10b).Moreover,the numberof habitatspredicts mammaldiversitybetterthanareadoes (Fig. 10c). The prediction is so good that area does not even help to explain the residual variance. Many of us treat the number of habitats as if it were an inherent, objective, abiotic property of a region. But, in fact, it is a coevolved property.It depends on the number of species forcing each other to specialize on limited ranges of habitat properties. The more species, the more narrowlythey specialize. The more they specialize, the more the ecologist sees differenthabitats. You may imagine a hierarchy of time. First, on a grand scale, the species evolve. Then, on a somewhat smaller scale, they force each other to become habitat specialists. Finally, on an ecological time scale, they move around in search of the habitats on which they have specialized, and become extinct if those habitats have grown too scarce. oC 0.0- -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 Log Area (ha) b. Area & Habitat Diversity 5 I 4 9 f3 3 2 -0.3 0.0 0.6 0.3 0.9 Log Area (ha) c. Habitat Diversity Controls Species Diversity " 0.8 - 0.4 o 0.2 . 0.0 12 3 # Habitats 4 5 6 FIG. 10.--Mammaldiversityin southeastern Australiafitsthe numberof habitatsbetterthan area.(RedrawnfromFox, 1982.) The strongestevidence for this hierarchy comes from the study of bird species diversity. In temperate North America and temperate Australia, the diversity of bird species depends on the number of habitat layersin the foliage (Recher, 1969). The best fit comes from assumingthe birds recognize as many as three layers (Fig. 1la). But bird diversities in Panamaroutinely exceed pre- 722 JOURNALOFMAMMALOGY Vol.73,No. 4 they routinely fall short of three-layerpre3 dictions. The trickis to predictthe numberof birds in Panama from the assumption that they recognizefour habitatlayers,and to predict the number of birds in Puerto Rico from the assumptionthatthey recognizetwo habC-, itat layers. Then, both the Panamanianand USA "* the Puerto Rican results fall into line (Fig. I Australia + Panama Puerto Rico0 Slb). 0 Puerto Rico is depauperatebecause it is 0.6 0.9 1 .2 0.0 0.3 an island, not because it lacks richly comFoliage Height Diversity plex rainforest.Its birds need to recognize b. Calculated as if 2,3 or 4 Layers only two habitatlayers.Panama'sbirds recognize four, not because the layers exist in some objective sense, but because avian diversity is so high that naturalselection forco 2 es them to see four. Abbott (1978) confirmedthis on two series of 4 ha plots in southwesternAustralia. He set up one series of 29 plots on 20 dif* USA (3) o * AAustralia (3) ferent islands. The other (12 plots) was on * Panama (4) Puerto Rico (2) the nearby mainland. Mainland sites had 0 1.2 about twice as many breedingpasserinespe0.6 0.9 0.o0 0.3 cies as did island sites of the same habitat Foliage Height Diversity FIG. 11.--Birdspeciesdiversityfitsa measure complexity. People often attribute the low of habitatdiversitycalledfoliageheightdiver- speciesrichnessof islandsto absenceof some themeasuregives mainlandhabitats,and thereis considerable sity.IntheUSAandAustralia, a good fit to the data if we assumethat birds truth in doing so. But Abbott, and Macline Arthur et al. show us that there is much recognizethreefoliagelayers(theregression in both a and b). In a we see that birdspecies more to the story. Even when the habitats diversitiesin the tropicsdo not fit the 3-layer are present, they do not support as many assumption.MainlandPanama'savifaunatends birds. to be morediversethanpredicted(6/7 points). Cox and Ricklefs (1977) measured the The islandavifaunaof PuertoRico tendsto be of habitatsused by birdsin Panama number lessthanpredicted(also6/7 points).In b we see that tropicalbird speciesdiversitiesare accu- and four Carribeanislands. The more speif weassumebirdsrecognizefour cies, the fewer habitats each used. MacArratelypredicted butonlytwo thur et al. teach us that habitats are simply foliagelayersin Panama'srainforest in PuertoRico's.(AdaptedfromRecher,1969, not being subdivided as finely on the iset al., 1966.) andMacArthur lands. Island birds seem to use more habitats becausewe transferour experiencewith richer biotas and recognize too many habdictions based on a three-layeredforest(Fig. itat distinctions on islands. Real birds are 11a). You might think that happensbecause less easily fooled. tropical forests are more complicated and Density-dependent habitat selection helps have more habitat layers. However, the us to understand the cause and effect relatropical forests of Puerto Rico are similar tionship between diversity and habitats. One in physiognomy (tree height, leaf density, species alone spreads out into all sorts of etc.). Yet, you can also see in Fig. Il a that "habitats" (Fretwell and Lucas, 1970). Add a. Calculated as if 3 Layers * 1992 November 723 DIVERSITY GRADIENTS ROSENZWEIG--SPECIES a coexisting competitor, and somebody's niche shrinks (Rosenzweig, 1987a, 1991). The same principle ought to hold in evolutionary time (Rosenzweig, 1987b). In the most important sense, the habitats are undifferentiateduntil there are many competing species to treat them differently. Speciation and extinction processes generate latitudinalgradients. So the gradients depend on that larger scale of time which determines species diversity. Habitat differentiationhappensas a consequenceof the diversity, so it depends on the intermediate time scale. Because species-areacurves are reflectionsof the habitatdiversitywhich has already evolved, they depend on the shortest time scale, and we must consider them separatelyfrom latitudinal gradients. a. Arid American Rodents 10 8 * A A Chile W a- A A A A L c421.5 2.0 1.0 Log Actual Evapotranspiration 2.5 (mm) Log Actual Evapotranspiration (mm) b. Rodents in Texas 36 oa * 24 THE PRODUCTIVITY-DIVERSITY PATTERN We all know how productivity ought to affect diversity. The more productivity,the more species diversity. The argumentis foundedin Preston'stheories of species abundance(Preston, 1962). Assume a variety of productivities and biotas in different regions. Assume all start with the same diversity. The scarcestspecies in the most productive region will be more abundant than in others. Therefore, scarce species of the most productive region will betterresist accidentalextinction. Diversity will change in all regions until the scarcest species in all regions have about the same chance of accidentalextinction. Becausethe pie is largerin a more productive place, it must be sliced into many more pieces before its smallest are about the same size as the smallest in a poorer place. So, richerplaces have more species. I do not think Preston's theories are wrong. But he intended them to deal with patterns of species' abundance distributions. Applying them to diversity may be stretching them near their limit. To do it, we must assume that distribution shapes are about the same regardless of productivity; that diversity is governed by the ability of 121 2.0 . 2.5.. 3.0 3.5 Log Actual Evapotranspiration (mm) FIG. 12.--Brown (1973) and Meserve and Glanz(1978) found that rodentdiversityincreases with productivityin arid regionsof the Americas (a). But Owen (1988) showed that it declines from semiarid shrublandsto subtropicalmesic forests in Texas (b). The Texas data are plotted separatelybecause they come from largerareas. the rarest species to survive accidental extinctions; and, most important, that the contributionof the accidentalextinctionrate dominates all other facets of extinction and speciation.Perhapsmy pointingout all those assumptions to you, makes you unsure whetheryou still believe that more productivity ought always to raise diversity. I hope so, because it doesn't. Immature and tiny scales first suggested something was wrong. But mammal studies quickly neutralized their effect (Fig. 12a). For a while it seemed as if the truth would be easy to find and easy to grasp. Then, Abramskyand I got some disturbing data on Israel'ssmall mammals. Whether we looked at sandy or rocky communi- Vol.73, No. 4 JOURNALOFMAMMALOGY 724 Canadian Zooplankton Mediterranean Plants 200 * 35 150 25* o co100 * 0. 0 125 ? 15 50 0 0 50 100 150 Annual rainfall (cm) 5 0 15 10 5 July Temperature 20 alsosometimespeak FIG.13.- Plantdiversities Mostof thesedata at intermediate productivities. comefromIsrael,buttherightmostcomesfrom humidforestsin TurkeyandSpain.(Datafrom Shmidaet al., 1986;andShmida,unpub.) diversitiesof CanadiFIG. 14.--Zooplankton an lakeregionspeakat intermediate productivthepointfromNewities.Thetrianglerepresents foundland,the only island in the data set. (RedrawnfromPatalas,1990.) ties, diversity declined after productivity grew beyond a certain point. The pattern was unimodal or "hump-shaped." It was not monotonically increasing. About the same time, Tilman (1982) suggested that a hump-shaped curve ought to characterize plant diversity-productivity patterns. Encouragedthat our data might not be a fluke,we publishedit as an example of Tilman's pattern(Abramskyand Rosenzweig, 1984). Then other mammalian examples turned up. Australiantropicalmammals fit the pattern (Rosenzweig and Braithwaite,in litt.). Owen (1988) showed it in Texas' carnivores (but not in bats). But most important, he showed that in Texas, rodent diversities declineas productivitygoes up (Fig. 12b).Since Brown's data end at about the productivities where Owen's start, Brown and Owen were looking at opposite ends of the same camel. The whole pattern for U.S. rodents is hump-shaped! The patternexists in plants too. The data of Shmida and his colleagues(Fig. 13) show it for Mediterraneanplants (censusedin 0. 1 ha plots). Yet, we do not yet know how common the patternis among plants. Currieand Paquin (1987) studiedthe issue in treesof Can- ada and the USA and found that diversity always increases with productivity. Tilman (1982) pointed out the patternin tropicaltrees in two provinces (Malesiaand the Neotropics). However, Tilman used a measure of soil fertility to stand in for productivity, and no one has yet shown how tropicalforestproductivitycan be predicted from a surrogatevariable.Also, controversy surroundsthe correlationof tropical forest diversity to soil fertilityin Neotropical and in African rainforests.In those forests, annual precipitationcorrelateswell with plant diversity whereas soil fertility does not (Gentry, 1988a, 1988b; Gentry and Emmons, 1987; Hall and Swaine, 1976). The more precipitation,the more species. Certainly forest diversities do not peak over intermediatesoil nutrient concentrations. High precipitationleachesthe tropicalsoil and makes it very poor. But tropicalplants have evolved a root mat that buffersthe loss of nutrientsfromthe soil itself(Jordan,1983; Starkand Jordon, 1978). This makes it easier for us to understand how ultra-poor, sandy white tropical soils can support immense plant diversity and abundance. All in all, we arenot yet sureof the pattern relating plant diversity to productivity. It may be monotonicallyincreasing.It may be 1992 November DIVERSITY GRADIENTS ROSENZWEIG--SPECIES Echinoderms Neotropical Landbirds 3.5 48 3.0 * 36 725 o e 2.5 24 C) ~2.0 12 tM 0, 2400 Depth (m) - 0 1200 ( 4a - 3600 4800 - Productivity) 0 5I* 1.5 . IELEVATIONS Lowland + Subtropical A Temperate n Puna 1.0 3.0 4.5 6.0 Log Area (km2) 7.5 FIG. Echinoderms areoneof a largenumcurvesfor neotropical FIG.16.--Species-area 15.-- invertebrate ber of benthic and vertebratetaxa with The life zone the birds. highestspecies-area whosediversitiespeakat intermediateproduccurve has intermediate productivity (the subtivities.(Thedeeperthe water,the less producfrom about 1.5 to 2.5 km; elevations tropical data from Haedrich et tive; al., 1980.) datafromRahbek,unpub.;figurefromRosenzweigandAbramsky,in press). unimodal. Or it may follow either pattern, depending on the continent or the latitude we study. However, we do notice the unimodal productivity pattern in zooplankton of freshwater Canadianlakes (Fig. 16). This observation is something of a breakthrough becausewell-knowndata from Danish lakes show a negative correlation(Whitesideand Harmsworth, 1967) and were the earliest serious contradiction of Prestoniantheory. Marinebiologists see the patternin many animal taxa. Schopf(1970) noticed it among bryozoa. Haedrich et al. (1980) show it for bottom-dwellingdecapods, fishes and echinoderms (Fig. 15). Rex (1981) also points it out in cumaceans, gastropods, protobranchs and polychaetes. In all these cases, ocean depth is the index of productivity. The deeper the ocean, the less light penetratesto the bottom. Rex recognizedthe role of productivity in supportingincreased diversity from the deepest waterto the depths at which we see peak diversities. But he tacitly assumes Prestoniantheory must be correct. So he rejectsthe link with productivity as an explanationfor the declinephase.Were it not for all the examples we now have, in all those taxa and for all sorts of regions, I probably also would reject the link. HYPOTHESES TOEXPLAIN THE PATTERN PRODUCTIVITY Rosenzweig and Abramsky (in press) review hypotheses to account for the humpshaped pattern.They accept the importance of Preston's theory for the increase phase (or left side) of the pattern. In other words, for truly poor regions, abundanceitself may indeed be the problem, raising extinction rates for the scarcest species and limiting diversity. The frustrationbegins when they tackle the decline phase. There are nine hypotheses rangingfrom weak to preposterous.To give you a taste of the problem, I will summarize them here. Perhapsthe populationdynamics of more productive regions are less stable?--This theory lives in ecological time (Rosenzweig, 1971). But there is no evidence for it in mature communities (by which I mean to exclude polluted, eutrophicwater;fertilized agriculturalland;etc.).Also, Rosenzweigand Schaffer(1978) showed that the destabilizing effectof higherproductivitytends to disappear in evolutionary time. Perhapsthe declinephase isjust a speciesarea curve?-The idea is that the most pro- JOURNALOFMAMMALOGY 726 Vol.73, No. 4 Paleozoic Benthos Antarctic Brachiopods 18 10 12 _ 4 CD) 0CL 0 1500 3000 Depth (m) (4 - 4500 6000 O# 6)ii ",\. ZO ) ' , ~A - Productivity) faunas FIG.18.--Thebrachiopod-dominated FIG.17.- The diversityof (modern)Antarctic brachiopodspeaksat intermediateproductivi- of Paleozoicseas peakedat intermediateproties. (Datafrom Foster,1974;figurefromRo- ductivities.Depthsarerelative,butonlywithin eachage.Asterisksmarkthebarswiththelargest senzweigandAbramsky,in press.) diversityof theirage.(DatafromLockley,1983; Watkins,1979;Ziegleret al., 1968;analysisfrom ductive places are scarce relative to those RosenzweigandAbramsky,in press.) of moderateproductivity.Two thingswreck this hypothesis. First, there is no reason to believe it about oceans. Second, the data adoc) (Fig. 18). That little expanse covers contradict it. For example, the Mediterra- some 75 million years.You'd think 75 milnean plant data (Fig. 13) come from equal lion years would be long enough for the areaplots. And a comprehensiveset of data richest shallows to mature.Notice also that on Neotropical birds (Rahbeck, unpub.) during the Ordovician there was plenty of shows that the productivitypatterndoes not time for a major increase in marine divereven show up until you remove the effects sity (Bambach, 1977). So there must also of area(Fig. 16). Beforeareais factoredout, have been enough time for the pattern to the productivity pattern looks monotonic: become Prestonian.It just didn't. Three more hypotheses should not be lowland tropics have the most species, followed by subtropicalelevations, then tem- taken seriously-at least not yet. One asperate, then puna. But when you compare cribes the decline phase to a decline in the the species-areacurves of these four zones, prevalenceof interferencecompetition.Anyou see that at equal areas, subtropicaldi- other to a decline in the covarianceof the densitiesof differentspecies.The third to an versities exceed those of the lowlands. Perhaps the most productiveplaces are increasein the predator/victimratio. There youngerand haven'thad enough time to re- is no evidence for any of them. In fact, predalize their potential?--Notice that this hy- ator/victim ratiosdo not seem to vary much pothesis standsthe usual "time hypothesis" with diversity (Mithen and Lawton, 1986). on its head. That one says the tropics are And the covariance hypothesis (Rosenrich because they are old. But a more com- zweig, 1979) hasn't even been well explored theoretically. pelling problem--empirical data-scuttles Threeotherhypotheseseach deserveconthe time hypothesis as the cause of the prosiderable attention, although I firmly beductivity pattern. Modern brachiopodsexhibit the produc- lieve that two of them arefalse and the third tivity patternnicely (Fig. 17). But so do the is inadequatelydeveloped and tested. Perhapstoo muchproductivityreducesthe brachiopod-dominatedfaunasof the Upper Silurian,LowerSilurian,Upper Ordovician number of habitats?-This hypothesis has (Caradoc)and Lower Ordovician (pre-Car- the greatestappeal. It combines theory and November1992 ROSENZWEIG--SPECIESDIVERSITYGRADIENTS data. Its theory actually predicts the entire hump, not just the decline phase. And it treats my favorite ecological variable, habitat diversity. I wish I did not think it was wrong. Tilman (1987) imagines that each species specializesalong some habitatgradient.Areas of poor productivitycontain little of the gradient, so they have few species. Rich areas also contain little of it, so they too have few species. Intermediateproductivityareas contain a wide variety of habitats and harbor the most species. Considerall the myriadsof data that show the importance of habitat diversity to species coexistence. It all favors this hypothesis. Moreover, if you take a close look at specific cases, you become even more convinced. For example, desert rodents in southeasternArizona are sittingrighton the North American rodent peak. Increase the productivity a bit and their desert becomes a semi-aridgrassland.The shrubsand open patches which support so much of the desert's diversity disappear.The grass spreads out and minimizes just the aspects of habitat heterogeneitythat seem so usefulin supporting many small mammal species. I could relatesimilar stories about Israel's rodents (Rosenzweig and Abramsky, in press), and about nutrient-enrichmentexperimentswhich drive plantdiversity down (Goldberg and Miller, 1990). But none of these convince me of the hypothesis. The problem is that the hypothesis assumes habitats are inelastic and pre-defined. But we saw (above) that they are a coevolved propertyof their biota. Load up a region with species and they define more habitats for themselves. No places better exemplify the folly of believing that habitat differencesare objective than do the fynbos of South Africa and the kwangan (southwestern Australian heath). These plant communities grow on extremelyimpoverished soil, but areamong the world's most speciose (Lamont et al., 1977;Naveh and Whittaker,1979;Rice and Westoby, 1983). The plant cover looks mo- 727 notonous, because there are few growth forms (Adamson, 1927). Nevertheless these plants have subdivided time quite finely. Some flower now, some later. The continuum of the year-no more extensive or discrete there than anywhere-has become a cornucopia of distinct habitats. Why can't the lowland (0-1.5 km) tropics of SouthAmericaevolve more habitatsthan the subtropical uplands? What prevents small grasslandmammals from subdividing their world as finely as those of the desert? The answer, I believe, is that they don't because they don't need to. Processes of extinction and speciation have set their diversities lower, and they respond by recognizingfewerhabitatdifferences.If natural selection compels species to define more habitats when there are more species, then we cannot say-except at very local scales of space and time--that there are more species because there are more habitats. Perhapshighproductivityis associatedwith unusual disturbanceregimes (bothhigh and low regimes reducing diversity)?--Thishypothesiscomes directlyfromConnell(1978), who suggestedit for intertidal and subtidal patches. Theory supports it (Levin and Paine, 1974; Paine and Levin, 1981) and experiments confirm it (Lubchenco, 1978; Petraitiset al., 1989; Sousa, 1979), but only for relatively small scale patches. It cannot explain the productivity pattern, because that pattern exists at much largerscales of space and time. The disturbancepatterndependson a pool of species settling small patches, growing and being removed by local catastrophes. Patchesthatarequicklydisturbeddon't have time to collect a full complement from the pool. Patchesthat are rarelydisturbedallow some of the species to overgrow and eliminate others. We should not be tempted to replace"settlement" with "speciation"and "local competitive exclusion" with "extinction."If we do, we have to explain how the disturbance hypothesis can account for the decrease phase. On an evolutionary time-scale, the 728 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY lower the rate of extinction-causingdisturbances, the more species we expect. Rosenzweigand Abramsky(in press)discuss many other problems of applying the disturbancehypothesis to the productivity pattern. Now, however, I come to the last hypothesis. Perhapseach taxon is bestsuited to a particular productivityand, at higher productivities, more often loses out in competition to other taxa?-We know intertaxonomic competition exists (e.g., Davidson et al., 1984). Ants even appearto reducemammal diversity along one series of locations forming a productivitygradient(Brownand Davidson, 1977). Since the competitive ability of species often differsalong a productivity gradient(Keddy, 1990; Rosenzweig, 1991), why shouldn't that of higher taxa? In support of this hypothesis, I note that differenttaxahave theirpeakdiversitiesover different productivities. Rodents peak in southeasternArizona, carnivoresin eastern Texas. The marine taxa of Haedrich et al. (1980) and of Rex (1981) peak over very differentocean depths. What makes a place remarkablydiverse in one taxon does not make it remarkablydiverse in another. However, if the hypothesis of intertaxonomic competition is correct, then some taxa should "peak" at the highest productivities. We have not yet found one that does. Another weaknessof this hypothesis? It has no theory to formalize it and enrich its set of predictions.As yet, we cannotplace much confidence in it. I am acutely awarethat the hypothesis of intertaxonomiccompetitionmay be the best of a bad lot. I also remember that the explanation for tropicalgradients--so simple, yet so profound-was not even included in Pianka's (1966) much more elegant list of hypotheses. But at least we can see the true productivity pattern now, and eliminate most of the hypotheses that might have tempted us. Someday I hope we explain it as simply and powerfullyas the vastness of the tropics explains the latitudinalgradient. Vol. 73, No. 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanksto the mammalogistswho attendedthe 1991 meetings at Kansas State University for their careful and valuable comments. Zvika Abramskyhas been a constant source of inspiration, noticing the similarity of terrestrialand marine patternsand pushing ahead with the Israel mammal work when I was perplexed and disheartenedby our results.Ed Maly broughtthe Canadianlakedatato my attention.DavidJablonskiencouraged me to digout the fossilpatterns,andSamScheinerproddedme intoseeing all sides of the controversyaboutforestdiversity. Kasimierz Patalas and Martin Lockley helped me interprettheir importantpapers.Jim Brown, Mike Mares,PeterMeserveand BrucePatterson all helped with the New World mammal pat- terns. Dick Braithwaite,Carsten Rahbeck and Avi Shmidaweregenerousin allowingme to use their data. Pat Behling found and gave me the perfectset of globalareadata for my needs. 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