Solvency guarantee of Apartamentos El Paseo Customer Copy DECLARATION PROTOCOL NUMBER 1984 In Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, my official residence, on October 25, 2004, Before me, MARÍA DEL PILAR DEL REY Y FERNÁNDEZ, notary, member of the Chamber of Notaries of the Canary Islands, APPEARS TODAY: Mr. PEDRO-IGNACIO DOBLADO MATOS, with Spanish ID / DNI No. 42.012.774-P. He acts on behalf of his capacity as the sole Administrator of the trading company "ACTIVIDADES EL PASEO, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA" ("ACTIVIDADES EL PASEO, LIMITED COMPANY"), of Spanish nationality, with residence in San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Gran Canaria / Spain), Playa del Inglés, Calle Luna Number 5. In accordance with Article 98 paragraph 1 of the Spanish Law of December 27, 2001 on fiscal, administrative and social measures (Ley 24/2001 de Medidas Fiscales, Administrativas y de Orden Social), I would pointed out, as notary, that in my opinion, at the basis of mentioned certificate, a copy has been submitted to me, Mr. Matos Doblado is empowered as the sole Administrator of the company for this grant a declaration Protocol, and for the formalization of all remaining supplementary agreements of this protocol. He assures the validity of the position, which he acts with, and that the circumstances of the trading company he presents have not changed. He has in his action legitimate interest to provide this protocol and to this end, REQUESTS Before me, the notary, for the certification of the following allegations, I hereby certify: I. - He makes this declaration as a guarantee for the customers of the apartment complex "Apartamentos El Paseo", located in Calle Luna Nr. 5, Playa del Inglés, district of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, on the island of Gran Canaria, which is lead by the trading company "Actividades El Paseo, S.L." ("Actividades El Paseo Ltd."), with tax number / CIF B35416437, situated in the above mentioned address. II. - The here appeared sole manager ensured hereby for itself and on behalf of the company as represented by him, with the value of the complex itself, all the bookings made by customers for their stays in the apartments of El Paseo from the present day. In case of insolvency of the company, customers are priority creditors for the amount they have paid in advance for their stay. III. - So, to be corresponding to the advance payments amounts paid by the customer for their bookings for their stay in one of the units of Apartamentos El Paseo, they are fully secured. So the appearer manifests in my presence. After the appearer has read the document according to the rules, he insists on its contents and signs it together with me. I, the notary, CERTIFY that I verified the identity of the appearer by presentation of his ID card. I also confirm all the remaining content of this certificate, issued in three sheets, the exclusive notarial use of series 5R, with the numbers 6201226, 6201227 and 6.201.228. DECLARATION PROTOCOL NUMBER 1983 In Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, my official residence, on October 25, 2004, before me, MARÍA DEL PILAR DEL REY Y FERNÁNDEZ, notary, member of the Chamber of Notaries of the Canary Islands, APPEARS TODAY: MR. ANTONIO LUIS GARCIA LINARES, with ID No. 42.721.154-B. He acts in his own name and right and REQUESTS Before me, the notary, the notarially certification of the following statements, which I certify to the present: I. - He makes this declaration as a guarantee for the customers of the apartment complex "Apartamentos El Paseo", located in Calle Luna Nr. 5, Playa del Inglés, district of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, on the island of Gran Canaria, which is lead by the trading company "Actividades El Paseo, S.L." ("Actividades El Paseo Ltd."), with tax number / CIF B35416437, situated in the above mentioned address. II. - The here appeared, as owner of the property, also guarantees with the value of the complex itself, all the bookings made by customers for their stays in the apartments of El Paseo from the present day. In case of insolvency of the company, customers are priority creditors for the amount they have paid in advance for their stay. III. - So, to be corresponding to the advance payments amounts paid by the customer for their bookings for their stay in one of the units of Apartamentos El Paseo, they are fully secured. So the appearer manifests in my presence. After the appearer has read the document according to the rules, he insists on its contents and signs it together with me. I, the notary, CERTIFY that I verified the identity of the appearer by presentation of his ID card. I also confirm all the remaining content of this certificate, issued in three sheets, the exclusive notarially use of series 5R, with the numbers 6201155 and 6201156.