Currículum - Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Roxana Delbene
Ciudadana Uruguaya.
Dirección en Montevideo: Patria 579 Apt 901
Residente de Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos
Teléfono: 1 (908) 489-3964
Dirección: 40 Linden Ave. West Long Branch, NJ 07764
Profesores de contacto en Uruguay, en la FHCC: Irene Madfes y Beatriz Gabianni
Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of
Pittsburgh, Mayo, 2002. Tesis doctoral: “Doctor/patient interaction in the context of a socially
stigmatized disease: The interplay of gender and sexual orientation in medical interviews
involving HIV/AIDS-infected patients.” Abril 2002. Consejeros de tesis: Susan Berk-Selligson,
Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh; Barbara Johnstone, Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University.
M.S. Maestría en Ciencias. Narrative Medicine. School of Professional Studies. Columbia
University. Mayo 17, 2016.
M.A. Hispanic Linguistics, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of
Pittsburgh, Mayo 1998.
B.A. Licenciatura en Literatura, Instituto de Profesores Artigas, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1988.
Certificado en “Latin American Studies,” Center for Latin American Studies, University of
Pittsburgh. April 2002.
Certificado en “Estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje”. Instituto Magisterial Superior,
Montevideo, Uruguay. 1989
Cursos en Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Lingüística. (15 cursos aprobados). 19921996.
Profesora de literatura en liceos de Montevideo y Maldonado, 1987-1996
Profesora de compensación en liceos de Montevideo y Maldonado, 1988-1996
Profesora en talleres de literatura organizados por el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, en San
José y Maldonado, 1987-1998.
Profesora adjunta. The College of New Jersey. New Jersey (2015-presente)
Profesora titular, a contrato. New York City College of Technology. New York City
(2012- 2014)
Profesora asistente. Alvernia University. Pennsylvania (2008-2012)
Profesora contratada por un año. American University. Washington, DC. (2007-2008)
Profesora adjunta. Brookdale Community College. New Jersey (2006-2007)
Profesora contratada por un año. University of Florida. Florida (2005-2006)
Profesora a contrato por dos años. Franklin and Marshall College. Pennsylvania. (20032005)
Profesora contratada por un año. Monmouth University, New Jersey (2002-2003)
Cursos de español como segunda lengua a hablantes nativos de inglés.
Spanish for Beginners 101, 102, 103, 203
Spanish Conversation and Composition.
Spanish for Health Professionals
Spanish for Law Enforcement
Hispanic Medical Discourse I and II
Cursos de metodología de enseñanza del español. (Spanish Teaching Methodology)
 Spanish Applied Linguistics. Course intended for students of Spanish that aimed to
achieve a Teaching Certification.
Cursos de literatura latinoamericana (Latin American literature)
 Latin American Literature Survey
Latin American History, Art, and Literature
Cursos de lingüística y sociolingüística para estudiantes de pregrado y graduados
 Introduction to Linguistics
Spanish Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics in the Spanish Speaking World
Spanish Pragmatics
Spanish in the United States
Cursos de comunicación intercultural (Intercultural Communication)
Taller de Narrativa médica. (Narrative Medicine Workshop) dirigido a estudiantes de octavo grado
de educación secundaria, asistentes al programa de Narrative Medicine del Instituto “Lang Youth
Medical,” Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia University.
“Self-portrait with the portrait of Doctor Farill”: Frida Kahlo’s Recreation of her Doctor. The Intima. A
Journal of Narrative Medicine (a publicarse). Mayo 30, 2016.
Listening to “how the patient presents herself”: A case study of a doctor-patient interaction in an
emergency room. Journal of Education and Training Studies. Marzo, 2015. Volumen 3(2) (2015), 1-8.
Redfame publishing. ISSN 2324-805X (Print), E-ISSN 2324-8068 (Online). DOI: 10.11114/jets.v3i2.498.
Patients’ ways of speaking about antiretroviral medications and possible implications for adherence.
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. Noviembre, 2012. Volumen 9(4) (2012), 281-311. Routledge.
Taylor and Francis Group. ISSN 1542-7587 (Print), ISSN 1542-7595 (Online). DOI:
Students’ stances and evaluations toward Spanish language: A case study. International Journal of
Business, Humanities and Technology. Centre for Promoting Ideas, US. ISSN 2161-1357 (Print), ISSN
2162-1381 (Online).
Patients’ narratives of chronic illnesses and the notion of biographical disruption. Communication &
Medicine. Noviembre, 2011. Volumen 8(1) (2011), 13-24. Equinox Publishing Ltd. DOI:
Resisting a stigmatized identity: Strategies for the managing of the HIV/AIDS stigma in a public hospital
in Uruguay. Sociolinguistic Studies Volumen 1:2. Universidad de Vigo, Spain. Fernando Ramallo (ed.)
(2007). ISBN 1750-8657 (online), 1750-8649 (print).
The function of mitigation in the context of a stigmatized disease: a case study in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Spanish in Context, Volumen 1:2 pp.241-267. Márquez-Reiter, R., García O., and Otheguy, R. (eds.)
(2004). John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISSN: 1571-0718
The ethical dimension of presence in elderly care talk encounters. En Presence in Health Care
Communication: Implication for Professional Education (pp. 137-169). J.C. Goncalves (ed.), (2013).
University Federal Fluminense. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ISBN 978-85-228-0932-5.
Discourse practices of de-humanization in the representation of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S.
press. En Readings in Language Studies: Language and Power, Volume 2. John L. Watzke, Paul
Chamness Miller, and Miguel Mantero (eds.) (2011). ISLS, USA. ISBN 978-0-9779114-2-4 (hard copy),
ISBN 978-0-9779114-3-1 (Paperback).
The interplay of religion, ethnicity, and gender: A case study of Spanish language in Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. En Religion, Gender and Language: Lived Discourses and Fractured Formalities. Allyson
Jules (ed.) (2007). Palgrave, UK. ISBN-13: 978-0-230-51729-5 ISBN-10:0-230-51729-3
Pragmatic boundaries between mitigation and deception: the case of warning and advice in the context of
the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Quaderns de Filología. Júlia Todolí, María Labarta and Rosanna Dolón (eds.)
(2007). Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Valencia, Spain. ISSN: 1135-4178.
Reseñas de Libros
Heritage, John and Douglas W. Maynard (Eds.). (2006) Communication in Medical Care: Interaction between
Primary Care Physicians and Patients. Cambridge University Press. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.
“Love in the time of cholera: An analysis of contagion through García Márquez’s novel.” Trabajo
presentado en: la American Association for the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), Denver,
Colorado. Julio 17-20, 2015.
“Performing existence: Narrating HIV/AIDS disease.” Trabajo presentado en: la 10a Conferencia
Internacional organizada por Communication, Medicine, and Ethics (COMET), Trondheim, Norway,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Junio 28-30, 2012.
“Students’ stances about non-Castilian varieties of Spanish: implications for teaching.” Trabajo
presentado en: la 5a Conferencia Internacional organizada por International Society for Language Studies
(ISLS). Aruba, The Netherlands Antilles, Junio 23-25, 2011.
“‘How are you feeling …?’ in the healthcare context: an analysis of Wit.” Trabajo presentado en:
American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Chicago, Illinois, Marzo 26-29 2011.
“From interaction to meaningful interaction in medical communication: a study of presence in the
screenplay Wit.” Trabajo presentado en: la 8a Conferencia Interdisciplinaria en Communication,
Medicine and Ethics (COMET). Boston University, School of Public Health & College of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences, Junio 28-30, 2010.
“A course on medical discourse: theory and practice.” Poster presentado en: la Conferencia International
sobre Communication in Healthcare (ICCH). Miami, Florida, Octubre 4-6, 2009.
“Patients’ narratives of chronic illnesses and the notion of biographical disruption.” Trabajo presentado
en: la 9a Conferencia Internacional organizada por Communication, Medicine, and Ethics (COMET).
University of Cardiff. Cardiff, Wales, UK, Junio 25-27, 2009.
“The pragmatics of emotive communication and indexical devices to refer to antiretroviral medications.”
Trabajo presentado en: the International Society for Language Studies (ISLS) held in Hawaii, April 2-4,
“Indexical expressions used in medical consultations to refer to antiretroviral medications: a case study in
Uruguay.” Trabajo presentado en: the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare (AACH).
Research and Teacher Forum. Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Octubre 13-15, 2006.
“The medical prognosis as a pragmatic act: evidences from a public hospital in Uruguay.” Trabajo
presentado en: el Congreso de Lingüística Hispánica. The University of Strathclyde. Glasgow, Wales,
UK. Abril 7-9, 2006.
The construction of a spoiled identity: HIV/AIDS infected patients interacting with their physicians in a
Uruguayan public hospital.” Trabajo presentado en: the annual conference of the ISLS. International
Society for Language Studies. Montreal, Canada. April 18-20, 2005.
“The function of mitigation in the context of a socially stigmatized disease.” International Society for
Languages Studies (ISLS). St. Thomas. United States Virgin Island. April, 2003.
Lectora de manuscritos anónimos enviados a consideración a las siguientes revistas académicas:
Critical Inquiries in Communication Studies. Routledge. Trabajo titulado, “The role of translation in the
construction of ideology in local Spanish-language print media” (Marzo, 2016).
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. Sage. Trabajo
titulado, “Fathers’ suicide in narrative of bereaved children” Manuscript ID: 15-0008. (Febrero, 2015).
Critical Inquiries in Communication Studies. Routledge. Trabajo titulado, “The Puerto Rican Language
Debate: Legitimizing the Case against English-medium Education through Print Media. (Septiembre, 2015).
Communication and Medicine. Equinox. Trabajo titulado, “Expanding on Spanish modalization
resources: Analysis of psychiatric interviews with Latino patients”. (Enero, 2015).
Sociolinguistic Studies. Equinox. “Diversity and medicine: reflections on the categorization of internal
organs: beyond anatomy.” (Enero, 2013)
Lectora de resúmenes enviados a consideración para la conferencia bienal organizada por:
International Society for Languages Studies en Albuquerque, New Mexico, Junio. 18-20 2015.
Intérprete Médico. Instructor: Werther Blanco, M.A., ex director de: Interpretation Department
at the Reading Hospital, Reading, PA. Interpretation techniques, medical vocabulary, and
practice. Marzo2012-2013.
Summer School HCRC, Cardiff University. “Analyzing Communication in Public Health and
Healthcare Setting.” 4th HCRC Summer School at the Health Communication Research Center,
Cardiff University. Cardiff, Wales. UK. Director, Professor Srikant Sarangi, MA, MLitt, Ph.D.
Taller de tres días dirigido por los profesores Dr. Srikant Sarangi, Dr. Per Måseide, Dr. Michael
Brannigan, Dr. Peter Schulz, and Dr. Richard Frankel. Junio 22-25, 2009.
Excellence Grant on Research and Teaching, Alvernia University, Reading, Pennsylvania. October,
Faculty Research Award. Franklin & Marshall Committee on Grants, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
October, 2004.
Andrew Mellon Pre-doctoral Fellowship in the Academic Disciplines of the Arts and Sciences,
University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 2000 – 2001.
Graduate Student Field Research Grant, Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of
Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. May, 1999.
Honors, Ph.D. Preliminary Exam, Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature, University of
Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. April, 1998.
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