Gestión de residuos peligrosos biológicos y químicos.

PERFIL EXPERTO: Biologically Contaminated Wastes
PROYECTO: “Management of hazardous chemical and biological waste in the African
Atlantic Facade region “
FINANCIADOR: Comisión Europea
This expert has the following responsibilities:
• prepare reports on state of the art
• perform fact finding visits
• provide technical and engineering advice on sustainable systems for site remediation
Qualifications and skills:
• Good command of the English and French languages, both written and spoken is
• University degree or equivalent, preferably in biology or other related field
• Ability to operate in a multi-disciplinary and multicultural team
• Communication and negotiation skills
General professional experience:
• At least 3 years working experience in biologically contaminated wastes (originating
for example from hospitals, laboratories, agriculture, livestock, slaughterhouses ...) and
site remediation projects
• Working knowledge in advising and training on these matters
Specific professional experience:
• Knowledgeable about sustainable site remediation systems
• Relevant experience in the region is an asset.
• Knowledge of existing local, national, regional activities
/capabilities I resources related to chemical and bio-hazardous waste management.”
Personas interesadas contacten con:
Blanca Palacios Guardo
Técnico de proyectos. Justicia y Seguridad
Dpto. Asistencia Técnica Pública
Project Officer. Justice and Home Affairs
Public Technical Assistance Dept.
Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas.
Beatriz de Bobadilla, 18 - 28040 Madrid. Tel. (+34) 91 591 51 07 /600Fax. (+34) 91 533 52 36. /