Press release
In the framework of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Resident Embassies in Mexico
City and Helsinki, the Embassy of Mexico is organizing at the International Cultural Center
(CAISA, Mikonkatu 17 C/ Vuorikatu 14/ Helsinki, 00100) during the month of September a
series of cultural and academic activities aimed at promoting Mexican art, cuisine, cinema,
music, design, costumes, traditions and humor. The majority of the exhibitions belong to
Mexicans residing in Finland, who are building a strong bridge between both countries through
the academic and cultural activities they carry out in their everyday life. During this month
people in Finland will be able to learn more about Mexico and to actively participate in the
different workshops, discussions and presentations.
Exhibitions include: “Salvaje Mexica” by Humberto Valdez, "El Bestiario de Jacques Derrida" by
Ana Gutieszca, “Crossing boundaries” Exhibition on the sustainable design project that Aalto
LAB Mexico is carrying out in Calakmul, Mexico; “Mexican typical costumes” by María Estrada,
“Vasos comunicantes” by Itzel Labra, “Bestiario Onírico” by Rosamaría Bolom and “Ecological
jewelry” by Jaime Vizcaya.
Mexican movies such as “Frida. Naturaleza Viva”, about the life of Frida Kahlo, “Dulces
Compañías”, “Amores perros” and “Cilantro y perejil” will be screened with English subtitles.
Children will also be entertained by four beautiful and touching animated films:
“Defectuosos”, “Sin frenos”, “Las tardes de Tintico”and “Monarca”.
Interesting conferences will also take place during this week. Claudia Garduño from Aalto
University will present the project that Aalto Lab is carrying out in Calakmul, Mexico, where they
have built an ecological hostel to help the native community. In “Breaking the Ice”, Yesmith
Sánchez will present her moderated and interactive discussion about the factors that affect the
integration in the professional life of self-initiated expatriates in Finland. Also, Nadia Nava will go
deep into the relations between Mexico and Finland in order to give a historical perspective of
the relation. A panel discussion with Mexicans and Finnish about their experiences living in
Mexico and Finland will be led by Angel Iglesias and Nadia Nava. Come to share or debate their
views! Also, Diana Berber will present Mexican Muralism and its current tendencies.
The Mexican narrator José Víctor Martínez will delight people with “Con el acento de México”, a
monologue for adults (in Spanish) with tender, hilarious, deceitful and love monologue. Spanish
press has written about José Víctor Martínez Gil: “He made people cry of laughter. He manages
to hypnotize, capture the heart, invite laughter.” … “One of the best contemporary scene artists:
excepting orthodoxy, experimenting drama and humor at its maximum expression” … "José
Víctor Martínez Gil, one of the most applauded narrators in the world.”
There will also be workshops for children and adults: dancing class and alebrijes creation.
Music is an essential element in the Mexican culture. In this occasion, a prestigious Mexican
player, Raúl Zambrano will present a conference about Mexican composer Manuel M. Ponce
and will perform his music.
Mexican food could not be left out! People will be delighted by Mexican food with chef Omar
Galeana’s cooking class and Eatos’ Mexican Restaurant delicious dishes at the food fair.
Friday 5.9
Opening of exhibitions to general public
"El Bestiario de Jacques Derrida" by Ana Gutieszca
“Crossing boundaries - Exhibition on Aalto LAB Mexico” by Aalto University
“Mexican typical costumes” by María Estrada
“Salvaje Mexica” by Humberto Valdez
“Vasos comunicantes” by Itzel Labra
“Bestiario Onírico” by Rosamaría Bolom
“Joyería ecológica” by Jaime Vizcaya
The artwork will be displayed at the exhibition space in CAISA throughout the
whole month.
Monday 8.9
18:00 - 20:00 / Movie: “Frida. Naturaleza Viva”, presented by Ingrid Berlanga,
Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of Mexico/ Festivity hall (Age limit:15)
Tuesday 9.9
16:30 - 18:00 / Conference on Aalto Lab Project in Calakmul, Mexico. Presented by
Claudia Garduño / Meeting room 1
18:00 - 20:00 / Movie: “Dulces Compañías”, presented by Rosamaría Bolóm/
Festivity hall (Age limit: 15)
Wednesday 10.9
16:30-17:30 / Conference “Breaking the Ice” by Yesmith Sánchez / Meeting room 1
17:30-18:30 / Conference “Mexico-Finland Relations” by Nadia Nava / Meeting
room 1
18:30-21:00 / Movie: “Amores perros” presented by Rosamaría Bolom/ Festivity
hall (Age limit: 18). By courtesy of Altavista Films.
Thursday 11.9
18:00-20:00 / “Con el acento de México” Mexican narrator José Víctor Martínez Gil
(Age limit: 15. Language: Spanish) / Festivity hall
Saturday 13.9
10:00-17:00 / Mexican food fair (lobby)
11:00 -13:00 / Folk Mexican dance workshop by María Estrada/ Room 1
12:00-14:00 Cooking class with Mexican chef/ Room 2
12:00- 14:00 / Cinema for Children/Living room
12:00 and 13:00 “Defectuosos”
12:15 and 13:15 “Sin frenos”
12:30 and 13:30 “Las tardes de Tintico”
12:45 and 13:45 “Monarca”
12:00-16:00 / Alebrijes workshop for children by Rosamaría Bolom/ Room 4
14:00-16:10 / Movie “Cilantro y perejil”/Festivity hall (Age limit: 15)
14:00-15:00 / Panel discussion. “Mexicans in Finland”. Panelists: Angel Iglesias
and Nadia Nava / Meeting Room 3
15:00-16:30 / Conference on Mexican Muralism by Diana Berber, President of
Association of Spanish Professors of Finland/ Room 3
16:00-17:30 / Conference on Mexican musician Manuel M. Ponce by Raúl
Zambrano/ Festivity hall
18:00-19:30 / Guitar concert by Raúl Zambrano/ Festivity hall