javier garcía estévez

jagarcia@ub.edu 0034 663 37 72 68
At present
PhD student in Economics at the University of Barcelona
Recipient of the APIF fellowship, University of Barcelona.
Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) in Economics, University of Barcelona. Grade: A
The DEA is the qualification awarded after the completion of the first two years of the
PhD at the University of Barcelona. It is equivalent to an MSc and consists of a first
year of taught courses and a second one devoted to a research project.
• Research project: I studied, by means of input output analysis, the economic
impact of the Spanish public university system.
• Recipient of the European Commission scholarship Alßan programme.
BA in Economics, Industrial University of Santander, Colombia.
2007- at present
Research assistant at IEB (Barcelona’s Institute of Economy)
Project manager at the Peace Laboratory of Magdalena Medio. Initiative with the
political and financial support of the European Union.
Project manager at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and
Magdalena Medio Development and Peace Programme (MMDPP). Financial
support of the Learning Innovation Loan, World Bank.
Workshop on The Role of Academic Research in Territorial Economic
Development. The European Network on Industrial Policy (EUNIP)
Presented paper: Universities and regional economic growth in the Spanish
XII Meeting of Applied Economics (XII Encuentros de Economía Aplicada),
Presented paper: The economic impact of the Spanish public university system.
XXXIV Meeting of Regional Studies (Reunión de Estudios Regionales). Spanish
Regional Science Association.
Presented paper: The economic impact of the universities on Spanish regions.
García, Javier; Duch, Néstor (2009) El mercat de treball de la província de Barcelona segons les dades de
l’Enquesta de Condicions de Vida i Hàbits de la Població. Informe territorial de la província de
Barcelona. Estudis econòmics Cambra de comerç de Barcelona. Diputació Barcelona.
García, Javier; Duch, Néstor; Parellada Martí (2009). Capítulos X, XI y XII del informe de la Enquesta de
Condicions de Vida i Hàbits de la Població 2006, Institut d'estudis regionals i metropolitans de Barcelona.
García, Javier; Duch, Néstor; Parellada Martí (2008) The economic impact of the Spanish public university
system. An analysis for the period 1998 – 2004. Published in Cuadernos de información económica (marzo abril 2008), nº 203.
García Estévez, Javier; Duch, Néstor; Parellada Martí (2008) El impacto económico del sistema
universitario público español. Un análisis para el periodo 1998 – 2004. En: cuadernos de información
económica (marzo - abril 2008), nº 203.
Languages: Spanish: Native speaker. English: Fluent. Catalan: Basic
Computer literacy: Good command of STATA, GAUSS and LATEX.