LEGAL SERVICES: ESSENTIAL TO NATIONAL RESPONSES, YES, BUT WHAT ABOUT QUALITY AND COVERAGE? GUATEMALA Fundación Fernando Iturbide: Court ruling to protect transsexuals in prison EL SALVADOR Vida Nueva: Right to informed consent to sterilization affirmed EGYPT Al-Shehab: First court decision against HIV workplace discrimination ECUADOR Coalición Ecuatoriana de personas que viven con VIH/SIDA (CEPVVS): Network of human rights defenders established TUNISIA ATL: Legal defense of key populations results in acquittal BENIN ABDD: HIV law guide for low-literacy clients MEXICO Letra S: First online HIV legal service ALGERIA AIDS-Algerie: Legal services now included in National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan MOROCCO OPALS: Telephone hot-line for HIV legal services IDLO acknowledges the financial support for the IDLO HIV & law program from the Ford Foundation and OFID. JORDAN JSHR: TV programs and social media videos on HIV law and discrimination LEBANON Skoun: Drug users in rehabilitation, not prison PERU PROSA and the Instituto de Estudios en Salud, Sexualidad y Desarrollo Humano (IESSDEH) de la Universidad Cayetano Heredia : Price of AIDS medications reduced by 35% @IDLO