BANCO DE ESPAÑA ARIMA MODELS, THE STEADY STATE OF ECONOMIC VARIABLES AND THEIR ESTIMATION Antoni Espasa and Daniel Peña SERVICIO DE ESTUDIOS Documento de Trabajo nº 9008 ARIMA MODELS, THE STEADY STATE OF ECONOMIC VARIABLES AND THEIR ESTIMATION Antoni Espasa Daniel Peiia (*) (*) We would like to express our gratitude to Agustin Maravall and Juan Jose Dolado for their comments on a draft version of this work and to Juan CarIos Delrieu and M. de los Llanos Matea for carrying out the computations of section five. Banco de Espaiia. Servicio de Estudios Documento de Trabajo n." 9008 ISBN: 84-7793·059·7 Dep6sito legal: M. 30892·1990 Imprenta del Banco de Espana -3- Summar'Y This paper forecast function presents a of an procedure ARIMA model to breakdown the in terms of its permenent and transitory components. The result throws ARIMA models economic and terms. its some ligth on the structure of interpretarion Indeed, the forecasting function for a estimate of the which t; the proves permanent base useful component of in the period t ·is a consistent equilibrium level or' steady state path at corresponding variable is tending at each time and the transitory component describes how the approach towards the permanent component tends to arise. Here permanent th� it is component factors which important of the to dis tingui sh forecasting within function the between depend on the initial conditions of the system and those which are deterministic. Frequently the function forecasting permanent is logarithmic transformation factors, with condi tions. -called a Accordingly, inertia in the straight of the parameters component variable, depending the line, slope paper- the gives the on the plus seasonal the initial on of of straight the line univariante expectations for medium term growth. The study of how this changes parameter over time is useful in short-term economic analysis. The and gives papel calculates the examples -for Spanish consumer priceson which calculaled for the last few diagnosis is presented. formula for the inertia imports the and inertia years, and exports and values are the resulting -5- 1. INTRODUCTION A disadvantage frequently attributed to ARIMA models is the difficulty involved in interpreting them in terms of the components Though classical trend, (Chatfield , it is well forecasting 1977; known function seasonal Harvey (Box and of a and and Todd, Jenkins, seasonal irregular 1983) . 1976) that the multiplicative ARIMA model can be represented as a combination of an adaptative trend and Pierce a and seasonal Newbold component, ( 1987) , no until the simple, work direct of procedures had been developed for determining these components. authors use with signal the series application the eventual forecasting extraction theory into for its the to components IMA model function perform and ( 1. 1) x Box, These together a breakdown to detail ( 1. 1) . of its commonly known as the airline model. In obtain a permanent this breakdown term, non-stationary the one work these of the produced by are generalised forecasting which is the structure, ideas and one a function produced by transitory the term, into to a model's which is the stationary operators. In seasonal series the permanent term can be easily broken down into a trend component and a seasonal component. these Calculating advantages: it is it a interventions and it offers makes useful which components has interpretation diagnostic may affect a means of three important of the tool for model easier; identifying trend or seasonal nature; comparison between ARIMA models and models in state representation space in their Bayesian version (Harrison and Stevens, (Harvey and Todd, 1983) . 1977) or the structural one - The the work permanent funct�on - is structured and of an 6 transitory as follows: components of ARIMA model are defined , in a Section 2 prediction and the breakdown of the permanent component into trend and seasonal factors is described. In section three an economic interpretation of the components of the forecasting function is given. section of the linear four these ARIMA are determined on the basis model' s predictions, equations, applications. components and In section by solving a system of five presents some - 2. SEASONAL MODELS, 7 - THEIR FORECASTING FUNCTIONS AND THEIR COMPONENTS 2.1. Seasonal models and their forecasting functions As it is well every linear according to Wold' s theorem known, stationary stochastic without process deterministic components can be represented by: (2. 1) 2 where �(L)=I+� L+� L + . is an infinite convergent I 2 polynomial in the lag operator L, and a is generated by t a white noise stochastic process. Approximating this . polynomial by means polinomials the . of a ratio of two finite order result is the ARIMA representation, (2.2) where �(L)=[�(L)] roots outside stationary. the seasonal a(L), and the operator �(L) has all the the The non-stationary of -l unit circle previous processes, operator �(L) processes, to so that formulation by allowing lie on Box-Jenkins is process extended one or the ( 1970) the unit is to more roots circle. simplify (2.2) For by factoriSing the polynomials in two operators one on L and s another on L , where s is the seasonal period. These two contributions are backed by the factorisation properties of polynomial operators which as we shall see, are crucial in determining the structure of the model. 8 - In general. - a seasonal multiplicative ARIMA model is represented by : (2.3) where A=l-L is operator. difference regular the s is is A = 1_L operator. � the difference seasonal s the of the stationary series. � (L) and 6 (L) mean P q are finite operators (with roots outside the unit circle) s s the lag operator L and t (L ) .6 ( L ) in are p . Q s the seasonal operators on L also with stationary roots. Calling * � ( L) r r=p+d+s (l+P) * c = = � (L) � and X t< It) the prediction of X t+lt from the origin t. we have that this prediction is given by: X t where (It) = the r *� X (R.-i) I i t i= 1 + m 6 a I j t+R._j j.. l 'l<'t (R.-i) predictions + coincide c (2.4) wi th the values observed when the horizon is negative and the disturbances are zero if R.>j t+lt_j estimated values if j>R.. a for effect R.>m on the MA part prediction. and of they the coincide model Consequently. for with will a have the no relatively -9 - far-off time horizon the so-called eventual forecasting function is obtained in which: (2.5) The provides obtain the this solution of structure of solution we this the are difference forecasting g oing to use equation function. the To following theorem. Theorem Let the homogenous difference equation be A (L)X t = 0 (2.6) k is a finite polynomial A (L)= 1+a L+. . . . +a L k 1 the lag operator which can be factorised as: in where A(L) �P(L) Q(L), (2.7) where the polynomials P (L) and Q(L) are prime (they do not have common rools. Then , the general solulion lo this equation can always be written as: (2.8) and q are P t t each prime polyomial, that is to say: where the sequences P (L) P t = Q(L) q t = 0, the solutions to (2.9) -10 - The proof of this theorem is given in the appendix. To apply this theorem let us note forecasting function can be written. that eventual the for l,m: (2.10) * s where � (l)=� (l) . (l ) and the l operator acts on the p p index 1 and t. the origin of the prediction. is fixed. * The stationary operator has all the roots � (l) d has a unit outside the unit circle. the operator ( 1-l) root repeated d times. while the s operator (l-l ) can be written: s (l_l ) = (l-l) Sell where: (2. 1 1) S-l Sell = ( 1 + l +. . . + l This operator circle. other If s has is even. s-2 complex distributed s-l roots. these all s-l ) of them roots in include the l=-l unit and conj ugated roots with a unit module and sy n�etrically in the unit circle. stationary operator·s �*(l) and the d non-stationary ones /l /l have no root in· common s and the euentual forecasting function can always be broken Consequently. the down into two components: where P (l) is the t forecast. which is ( 1) permanent determined component only by of the long-term the non-stationary part of the model and is the solution to: (2. 12) -11- (2) t (i) is the transitory component, which is t determined by the stationary autoregressive operator. This component defines component tends how to the be approach towards the permanent produced. The transitory component is defined by means of the equation: S 41(L) t(L ) t (i) t Now we basis will 41 (L)t (i) t form the ARIMA the of how to study * = of model and in (2. 13) 0 = on components these section four the analyse we calculate them. 2. 2 The transitory component The forecasting general transitory function is solution to this supposing that to solution the homogenous the n=p+P.s roots the of component of eventual (2. 13). The difference equation, the polynomial 41*(L) are different , is (2. 14) -1 -1 , .. . , G are 1 n autoregressive polynomial where G depending upon the the operator outside the unit terms G are j Consequently, : all and origin hypothesis, be the of lhe 3 are or, which module lim G � i-)CD � 0 of less is the coefficients prediction. AR is stationary, circle in b roots t) its Since, roots will equivalent, than by the the unit. (2. 1S) -12- and the term. transitory This exist , same component will be zero in the long reasoning is ualid when h identical roots since in that case the term associated with those h equal roots , G , will be: et) et). [b '" +b 2 1 +. . .+ (t).h- 1 Jt ]G b '" h h which will tend once more to zero when Jt->oo if Consequently , the how the transition transitory towards the IG l<l. h component permanent specifies component is produced and disappears for high prediction horizons. 2. 3. The permanent component By component using of the the factorisation long-term (2. 1 1) forecasting the permanent function can be written (2.12) as follows: � According to solution to two terms and S ( l), d+ 1 Sell the p t (Jt) theorem = � . of the (2. 17) preuious section the this equation can in turn be broken down into d+1 associated with the prime polynomials � the first of which we will call trend component , T ' and will be the solution of: t (2. 18) where c = component, �/s and the second term we will call seasonal E ' and is the solution of: t (2. 19) - 13 - It can be satisfy immediately the equation checked (2. 17). that these components In the follollJing section its properties are analysed. The trend component 2.4. The trend component of the model is lhe solution of (2. 18) IIJhich can be IIJritten: (l) (t) (t) d * d+ 1 T (�)�c � +c � �+. . ,+c +c t o d 1 \1 IIJhere c * s(d+1)! and is a (2. 20) ' polynomial of degree d+1 lIJith varying lIJith the origin of the prediction, latter IIJhich lherefore, there are is of no an polynomial the order trend ARIMA seasonal the is constant is d. polynomial and model equal is IIJhilst in When there is' a is of degree except for the c*. alllJays differences d-1, to \1�O, the same seasonal if The trend , polynomial: and d, coefficients if the order of if 11",0 difference the \1�O, case and d+1 if II�O 2.5. The seasonal component 'The solution of seasonal component of the model is the (2. 19) IIJhich is any function of period s,lIJith values summing zero each s lags. We lIJill call It-1, the s solutions seasonal of the coefficients of equation the . . . S (2. 19), forecasting which are the function. It should be noted that the seasonal coefficients observe the restriction -14 - so that when they are unknown we only have (s-l) unknown factors. The su perindex t in the seasonal coefficients indicates that these coefficients vary with the origin of the prediction and at'e updated as The seasonal coefficients will new data are received. be determined from the initial conditions , as we shall see in section four. 2.6 The long-term forecasting function As component we have seen , of the in the long term the transitor'y eventual forecasting function is made zero and only the permanent component remains, that is for a very large l1, where T (l1,) is a polynomial trend and E (l1,) is t t seasonal component which is repeated every s periods. the - 15 - 3. ECONOMIC INTERPRETATION OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE UNIUARIATE FORECASTING FUNCTION In this section we attempt to analyse what type of information is the previous variable. from X the have moment the for corresponding prediction would Consequently. section section The variable provided by the forecasting function of if in is the no future an value economic which the type of innovation occurred which the predictions different to values prediction described in of the i are is the made. previous expectations held in the moment t on the values of the variable in t+l. t+2 . . . . • . It must constructed by be noted using that these exclusively expectations information are on the history of the phenomenon in question. Supposing that are known. the parameters of can value be the ARIMA model broken down in the following way: (3.1) where with we denote the prediction error which is equal to (3.2) The breakdown (3. 1) divides the observed value X into two parts which are mutually independent: /:>. -X : t+i the moment t; eXE!ectation for t+i which we have in : effect of the surE!rises which occurred t+i t+l and t+i. which is obtained as a weighted sum -e between X t+i of the corresponding innovations. 16 - When variable if lends. innovations or Therefore. the forecasting equilibrium if constant stable we stochastic the the system were � high and ever higher values describes the conclude equilibrium. future long-term the which economic of forecasling the which affect to the limit will function has the in function of to value giving path the infinite. disturbances zero. Thus. the indicates function to tends � - variable forecasting that while the the on in question. function variable the lonq-term is a to a tends contrary. if this no limit we will say that the variable tends to a situation of steady state. importance of fundamental causes: quantify long-term is on the equilibrium and hand one on the path it this is given enables it which by two obeys us lo expectations for a other. towards economic the function term univariate phenomenon; moving. that have forecasting the the different particular we conclusion In describes this the the phenomenon trend of the forecasting function. In adding comment in defined variables Escribano to the and Engle be differentiated transformation different to mathematical zero order we (h. re presented one Granger integrated ( 1987) and order (h. zero. say has If expectation will a in mathematical the previous of the stationary that 0) . In general by (h. m). according l)if it needs h times to become stationary and the stationary is of ( 1987) we will say that a variable g enerated by an ARIMA model is integrated of to concept the the where to whether variable m of takes the case the transformation is order expectation integrated of integration is value zero or the mathematical expectation of the stationary transformation is nil or not. from what has 17 - been - seen in the previous section, we have that the order of integration fully describes the polynomial struc ture of the trend of the order the forecasting function, max (o, h+m-l). in the sense that The which will be of trend is purely stochastic, all its coefficients are determined by the initial conditions of the system, if m is zero, and it is mainly deterministic if m is different to zero. This definition of integration makes explicit the presence or series due otherwise of a constant to the importance which, in the stationary as we shall see, this parameter has. If h+m adds up to zero or one the variable tends to a stable equilibrium, deterministic if h is the value of which will be purely zero, or it will be determined by the initial conditions if h is one. If h+m adds up to more does not tend to a stable value, than one, the variable but evolves according to a polynomial structure which accords it a steady state. In this polynomial structure the most important thing in the long-term is the coefficient corresponding to the greatest power, since negligible contibution. deterministic path will compared if also m be to it Now, all other this is one, in so. This means powers coefficient which case that the the have will a be long-term factor which contributes most to this path is not altered by changes in the conditions of the system. On the contrary, if m is zero all the parameters of the trend of the forecasting function In such depend on the initial conditions of the system. cases the long-term law is determined by a time polynomial of the order (h-l), but the parameters of this polynomial change as new disturbances reach the system. - 18- an To complete the economic variable we must specify the uncertainty by infinite. is to about have it. long term of magnitude of the This uncertainty is in (3. 1) when lI. tends to t+lI. If the process is stationary h;O, the polynomial expressed !'(JI.) we des cription of the the which enters convergent infinite bearing in estimation This finite. the definition variance the mind of the in and is e term the of result is uncertainty parameters (see e (3. 2) of associated Box and t+lI. tends lI. when t+lI. certain e even when with Jenkins the ( 1970) appendix A7. 3). In such a case we say that the uncertainty regarding future, the limited. If h the variance that we say bounded. ARIMA is of that It is models series, is however not zero, far !'(lI.) off does it not may be, converge, tends to infinity with t+lI. uncertainty regarding the future worth pointing generate, for out the that case the of and JI., e is so is not fact that non-stationary predictions regarding the future whose uncertainty not bounded as the horizon of (lI.) prediction increases is not a disadvantage of these models, since the nature of uncertainty regarding the future is not a characteristic which indicates to us whether the model is good or bad, but an aspect which defines the real world which we are attempting to make a model of. In regarding Note that exogenous models, the in future a difference variables simply is are hypothesis not limited economic generated by predictions variables with the structural long-term endogenous found economics with respect to are seems model also ARIMA uncer·tainty acceptable. (SEM) where non-stationary non-bounded the that generated ARIMA on uncertainty. predictions in the fact that the uncertainty may infinite more slowly and with a greater delay. can the The be tend to -19 - of charac lerislics The from the models from the ARIMA An model with deriving path long-lerm the models with the most common values for h and m are shown in Table 1. ARIMA (h+m-2) implies that in the long term the level of the c orresponding variable tends to infinite. Such una c ceptable charac teristic in substituting the a E conomics, one of the differentiations but positive the depends way on will in will not facel, the be in c onsidered note unit that roots by fa ct since transitory defined case component in (2.13). have canc elled pra c lice, the it a out included of the As this t) � term in will nol long is term not in in the b which is slowly economic variable that prediction c omponent (0.99)i medium term and it this be able to be distinguished E c onomic s possible available sample sizes, simply simply become a stable equi1ibrium.­ from the first mentioned one in whi ch (h+m) In as in which this stable equilibrium is a c hieved t (Jt), t this function be 1 will be suffic ient for (0.99)- the law of the long-term to But, may to equalled two. c annot be estimated, discriminate, with the between a fixed slructure and one evolving. Therefore, follows a linear when we say growth path that we an mean in the medium term it tends to follow such a behaviour path. From Table constants in the the 1 it ARIMA charac terisation follows that the inc lusion of model means severe restrictions on of the long term of an e c onomic variable. Having forec asting seen func tion that of an the parameters ARIMA model, the slope of the trend of the permanent with time, it is important to of the and specifically c ompo.nent analyse how c hange we can calculate them. The nexl section is devoted lo this topi c . - 20 - Table 1 Characteristics of the long ten. path derived from the ARt� model corresponding to an econanic variable tnfluence of initial condi tions on the h..... nature of the long-te.. path (h, ftI) o. NIL LONG-TE� VAlUE (0,0) 1 ESTA8I.E EQUILlIIIUIJI! (0,1) none (1,0) they detenoi.. the equlibrhln value 2 LINEAR GRIIITII (a) (h) long-term path Uncertainty regarding long-term On the level finite none Cl,Il they dete..l.. the ordenate in the origin of the on the growth rates nil (growth Is zero) finite nil (growth Is zero) infinite (it growth nfl (growth is zero) lineary with) Infinite (It growht finite Ii..ary) straight Hne. but hawe no influence on its slope (2,0) they dete..i.. the boo parawete" which define the infinite (It growth Infinite (It growth quadraticallYl Ii..ary) line (a). h is the total _r of differentiations required bY the .arlable to _ stationary. ..,c) 1",,11" that the ..tI_tlcal expectancy or the stationary series is not nil • ... 1 i""lI" that this .._tlcal expectancy Is not nil. (b) - 21- 4. THE DETERMINATION OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE FORECASTING FUNCTION 4.1 General Approach The results of the previous sections indicate that the eventual forecasting function of a seasonal ARIMA model can be written: (4. 1) to simplify D=I. Then However. it. analysis n=p+P. s and we the are assuming equation is that valid �=O for and i>q+sQ. d+l+p+sP initial values are required to determine therefore.from already The the be related coefficients K>q+sQ-d-l-p-sP among each the other predictions according to will (4.1). of this equation can be obtained through two different procedures: the first is to generate as many predictions system c of as parameters equations. s-1 seasonal J expressed as the . • and n The and equation parameters sum to solve the resulting (4.1) has d parameters (since of the others a coefficient can be with a changed sign) coefficients b . Therefore. we need to generate a i number of predictions equal to R=d+ l+s-l+n=d+s+n. Calling . A and the parameter vector .2the prediction vector � t+R we can write from a certain moment Jl the following expression: 1 1 1 0 1 2 o 1 (t) c d t) se 1 1 1 R (t) s-1 o S 1 t) be 1 be n t) - 22- (t) and the coefficient S will be equal to s s-l 1: j=l Writing = M a � where M is the data which coefficients � matrix which the multiply contains the known vector parameter we a - can express 0 as: ,.. � which = enables �-l }St+r all the ' (4.2) . parameters for the eventual forecasting function to be obtained. The second procedure �s first to obtain a value r high out enough for for k>r. the transitory This value component depends on to the be cancelled roots of the autoregressive polynomial and is determined .in such a way r G1 is the G with the where that IG11",O, i highest absolute value. A simple way of checking whether the transitory component is practically nil for K>j . s , consists of taking the differences: which will be free of the seasonal effect, whether positive a such a difference values of K. prediction practically horizon nil. For stays and to observe practically constant for In this case we shall say that from j.s the example transitory this component implies that is with - 23- mont.hly dat.a t.he annual di.fferences between the monthly predictions will be constant from a certain year onwards. Thus taking the expression of the g eneral predictions and eliminating from it the transitory component we can set up a system of equations to determine the coefficients of the trend equation and the seasonal coefficients, general those of interest. which are in Let us see some specific case�. 4. 2 The airline model A seasonal ARIMA model much used for representing the euolution of monthly economic series is the one called the airline model: (4.3) According to what has been preuiously discussed, the forecasting equat.ion of this model for k>O can be written; and contains 13 parameters. (Remember that Es By equalling with the the model predictions (4. 3) with for the k=1, f t) =O). 2, . .. , 13 structural form, obtained we haue: " X 1 t+1 1 1 0 · . . 0 b et) 0 et) 1 et) s 1 b = " X t+12 �t+13 1 12 0 0 · . . 1 1 13 1 0 · . . 0 et) s 12 shall - 24- a system of 13 equations and 14 unknowns whic h wi th the t) �s� ;O parameters the enables J coefficients seas·onal and the restri ction t) t) be be 1 0 � t) ' s obtained. to be J equation from the last and By dividing by first the subtra cting twelve, we obtain directly (4.4) By adding up the first 12 equations the seasonal coefficients are can celled out and we obtain: X 12 (t) + (t) 1+...+12 ) b ( 1: Xt (K ) ; bo 12 1 1 1 _ ; _ t 12 , which gives as a result t) be ; X 0 t - -1L b 2 (4. �) 1 Fynally the seasonal �oefficients are obtained by: (4. 6) It must be noted that if the ARIMA model is spec ified on the logarithmic transformation of X, then the t) coefficients b can be interpreted as growth rates � S. measure the seasonal J percentage of one on the level of the series. and the coefficients nature as a - 25- 4. 3. General models with a differen c e of ea c h type Any operators the ARIMA nn s forecasting trend and a parameters and be coefficients K=si+j as high negligible, has and non-stationary permanent is the we enough as the c omponent. measure Sj' has a whi c h seasonal which seasonal taking �=O which function stable b, model sum To linear will use c omponent of the linear determine trend the and fa c t for the stationary equalling a predictions of the the that, terms to to the permanent component: (4. 7) s + 1 ) 2 (4.8) (4. 9) equations analogous to those of (4. 4) and (4. 6) , where now ..... j( is the average of the s observations in the interval (K+ 1, K+s). - 26- S. APPLICATION Of THE CALCULATION Of THE TREND Of THE UNIVARIATE FORECASTING fUNCTION TO SERIES ANALYSIS Of THE SPANISH ECONOMY In certain estimate an se c tion this is for made, of growth rates in the sequen ce of months, a trend of lhe forecasting function of the following series of the Spanis h imports, e c onomy: The use of the above-mentioned rate in index for servi ces. a relatively and the consumer pri ce exports complete short-term analysis of an phenomenon is put forward and desc ribed in Espasa following the used terminology the in ec onomic (1990). above-mentioned work, we will call it inertia to the rate of growth of the trend of model whi c h in a univariant ARIMA the forecasting function of will when (4.7), the b , defined 1 spec ified on the logarithmic by given be model is the parameter transformation of the variable. Regarding goods the following Spanish foreign univariale trade on non-energy monthly models can be used to explain imports (M) and exports (X) (5.4) o = 0'092 , (5.5) 0 = 0'117 in which AIM and AIX are particular intervention analyses requiring slope of both the series and forec asting we will ignore them. which have function, no effe c t upon the therefore, henceforth - 27- The original trends· are given series in Chart with 1 and their corresponding the inertias are show in Chart 2. The 1986, inertias from January the month in which Spain joined the EEC, to December Thus, 1989. happened that last chart shows these this chart can be to Spanish overseas date. Obviously, trade, which an variables the are illustrate what in nominal terms from since we are not using models determining analysis to on the basis of this description no causal analysis can be made, incorporating used can variables be responsible, trend changes. Nevertheless, made and of of to M which what and X with explanatory extent, for the the mere description of these changes is in fact of interest in itself. However, it must be pointed out that the trend evolutions shown in Chart 2 refer to the and, sale and purchase of therefore, prices are also goods in nominal terms influencing these very same trend movements. We can expectation deduce in from nominal systematic ally throughout that 1987, then this minor osc illations, 1989, when it Chart that 2 imports trend was growth increasing 1986 and first three quarters of expectation has stabilised, with at around 23% until the second half an started the decrease very slowly. As a result, a worsening of perspectives for Spanish imports of around four percentual points has occurred during this period. With expectation expectation exports of of 18% around there was a movement from a at the 14% at beginning the end of of 1986 that growth to year an and - 28- CHART 1 SPANISH IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF NON-ENERGY GOODS (Original data and trend) Imports m.m. 1000 r------r--�r_--_r--_.--,_--_, 1000 800 800 200 1983 Originol dota Trend Forecasts 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Exports m.m. 600 600 , f\ P1J- 500 400 300 200 100 o fir::. �V A.J """VI( If{ AA I 'V r" 1982 1983 Originol doto Trend Forecasts 1984 1 /\" A r AJ1 r'\AI-'"7 I" J)�f-- 500 400 300 200 100 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 o - 29 - CHART 2 SPANISH IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF NON-ENERGY GOODS (Original data and trend) Imports % I 40 I i 40 30 30 20 ""'- - ""'" 20 10 10 o 1986 I 1987 I 1988 1989 1 o Exports % 40 I I I 40 I 30 30 20 20 10 � � 10 0 0 t -10 1986 , 1987 I 1988 1989 -10 -30 - during Since 1987. then the expectations haue remained fairly stable. can we conclusion In say the that perspectiues 1986 and for imports worsened (increased) progressiuely in 1987 taking time until on relatiuely a the improuement occurred. exports, although they of half second As they have maintained a fairly that certain a when 1989 for worsened from euolution stable expectations (declined) during high level during three years of the sample considered. for 1986, the last If the evolutions of imports and exports are compared in order to haue a better understanding of of trade deficit, that, it a the possible euolution of the Spanish conclusion is necessary, in quickly, and, as both drawn to the effect series at least for the growth rates to equal insofar as export optimistic, be giuen that the level of imports is higher than that of exports, expected can giuen the each growth can level of other fairly be considered world commercial activity and the relative level of Spanish prices compared to the must rest of per'force the world, require a to bring these rates together significant reduction in impor·t growth. . In the consumer price index for the Spanish economy the component referring to the prices of services, which we shall call behaviour with IPCS, regard has been showing fairly uneven to the component referring prices for non-energy manufactured goods. make up services the IPSEBENE, and the non-energy manufactured represents 77.54% of the IPC, on which it is worthwhile or the inflationary trend. consumer to the Both components price index goods, for which and is an appropriate index analysing underlying inflation - 31- By using the sample comprising from May 1984 to January 1989 the following model has been estimated (7. 6) a 0'0014 , where AIS are interventions required by this index. t interventions include a step effect which begins in These January 1986 and is due to the introduction of Value Added Tax. The moving average coefficient is fixed at 0. 8�. from the this inertia of model the a calculation IPCS, (corrected has of during the period comprising from January These 1989. calculations are shown .in been made of interventions) 1986 to December Graph 3. There it can be seen that during these years the medium-term growth expectations It can of also be this index detected have always remained above 7%. that during this index increased. That is to say, wi th the entry is in the on unlike what occurred Spain' s EEC meant no improvement in expectations for borne greater expectations prices of non-energy manufactured goods, the prices of services. it 1986 in This result mind that entry competitiveness in the is not surprising if scarcely brought with it Spanish service sector. Graph 3 also shows that throughout 1987 there was a slight improvement completely (fall) in 1988, in the IPCS and in services continued. threat the IPC since for 34. 24% of this index. which disappeared 1989 this deterioration in the prices of to inertia, the All this represents a grave services component accounts - 32- CHART 3 CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR SERVICES IN SPAIN 9,0 9,0 8,5 8,5 8,0 8,0 7,5 r .-/ 7,5 � 7,0 7,0 6,5 6,5 6,0 1986 1987 1988 1989 6,0 - 33 - BIBLIOGRAPHY Box, G.E. P., Y G.M. Jenkins ( 1976), Holden Day. Forecasting and Control, Box, G.E.P., Pierce, trend and D. and Newbold, P. 1967, growth J.A.S.A., 62, Chatfield, C. 1977, in alasonal time series", "Some recent developments in Time Y C.W.J. Error rate "Estimating pp. 276-282. series Analysis", Engle, R. F. , Time series Analysis, J. R. S.S., A, Granger ( 1987), Correction: 140, pp. 492-S10. "Co-integration and Representation, Estimation and Testing" Econometrica, SS, pp. 2S1-76. Escribano, A. ( 1987), "Co-Integration, Time Co-Trends and Error-Correction CORE Systems: Discussion Paper an alernative Approach" no. 87 1S, Univer'site Catholique de Louvain. Espasa, A. ( 1990), economic "Univariate Methodology for short-term analysis", Banco de Espana, Working paper 9003, Madrid, Spain. Harrison, P. J. and Stevens, C. F. , 1976 , forecasting" J.R.S.S., " Bayesian B. , 38, pp. 20S-247. Harvey, A.C. and Todd, P.H. J. , 1983 "Forecasting economic Time series models", 299-31S. J. with of structural Bus. and Eco. and Stat, Box 1, Jenkins 4. pp. -34 - APPENDIX 1 Demonstration of the theorem in Section 2 It can be immediately is sufficient and that proved that the condition (2.3) is a solution of (2.1). Because of the commutability of the operators Let us now necessary, that written in (2. 3). prime two Q(B) as are that: is, prove that from any that the solution Bezout's polynomials condition of (2. 1) theorem, exist can be if P (B) and T (B), 1 T (B) 2 therefore: calling (A. 1) (A. 2) is verified is such - 35 - both multiplying members of (A.l) and (A. 2) by Q(B) and P(B) respectively: and therefore (2.3) that a.nd the any (2. 4) solution indicated breakdown is can in be the unique. written theorem. let us in the let us assume form prove another breakdown: Z t = where q' t q' + p' and P' analogously P' t' t it t t verify is (2. 4). proved that Then: P t must be identical to - 37- DOCUMENTOS DE TRABAJO 850 I 8502 (1): Agustin Maravall: Prediccion con modelos de series temporales. Agustin Maravall: On structural time series models and the characterization of components. 8503 Ignacio MauleO": Prediccion multivariante de los tipos interbancarios. 8505 Jose Luis Malo de Molina y Eloisa Ortega: Estructuras de ponderacion y de precios 8506 Jose Vifials: Gasto publico. estructura impositiva y actividad macroeconomica en una 8507 IgnacioMaule6n: Una funci6n de exportaciones para la economia espanola. 8504 Jose Viiials: El deficit publico y 5US efectos macroecon6micos: algunas reconsideraciones. 8508 relativos entre los deflactores de la Contabilidad Nacional. economfa abierta. J. J. Dolado. J. L Malo de Molina y A. Zabalza: El desempleo en el sector industrial espanol: algunos factores explicativos. (publicada una edici6n en ingles con el mismo 8509 numera). IgnacioMaule6n: Stability testing in regression models. 8510 Ascension Molina y Ricardo Sanz: Un indicador mensual del consumo de energia electrica 8511 J. J. Dolado andJ. LMalo deMolina: An expectational model of labour demand in Spanish 8512 J. Albarracin y A. Yago: Agregaci6n de la Eneuesta Industrial en los para usos industriales. 1976-1984. industry. Contabilidad Naeional de 1970. 15 sectores de la 8513 Juan J. Dolado. Jose Luis Malo de Molina y Eloisa Ortega: Respuestas en el deflactor del 8514 Ricardo Sanz: Trimestralizaei6n del PIB por ramas de actividad. 1964-1984. 8516 A. Espasa y R. Galhin: Parquedad en la parametrizacion y amisiones de factores: el modelo 8515 8517 vat�r 8nadido en la industria ante variaciones en los costes laborales unitarios. Ignacio Maule6n: la inversion en bienes de equipo: deterrninantes y estabilidad. de las lineas aereas y las hipotesis del census X-11. (Publicada una edicion en ingles con el mismo numero). Ignacio Maule6n: A stability test for simultaneous equation models. 8518 Jose Vinals: lAumenta la apertura financiera exterior las fluctuaciones del tipo de cambia? 8519 Jose Vifials: Deuda exterior y objetivos de balanza de pagos en Espana: Un analisis de 8520 JoseMarin Areas: Algunos indices de progresividad de la imposicion estatal sabre la renta 8601 Agustin Maravall: Revisions in ARIMA signal extraction. 8602 8603 8604 8605 8606 8607 8608 (Publicada una edici6n en ingles con el mismo numero). largo plazo. en Espana y otros paises de la aCDE. Agustin Maravall and David A. Pierce: A prototypical seasonal adjustment model. Agustin Maravall: On minimum mean squared error estimation of the noise in unobserved component models. IgnacioMaule6n: Testing the rational expectations model. Ricardo Sanz: Efectos de variaciones en 105 precios energeticos sabre los precios sectoria­ les y de la demanda final de nuestra economia. F. Martin Bourgon: Indices anuales de valor unitario de las exportaeiones: 1972-1980. Jose Vifials: la politica fiscal y la restriccion exterior. (Publicada una edici6n en ingles con . el mismo numero). Jose Vifials and John Cuddington: Fiscal policy and the current account: what do capital controls do? 8609 Gonzalo GiI: Politiea agricola de la Comunidad Economica Europea y montantes compen­ 8610 Jose Vifials: (Haeia una menor flexibilidad de los tipos de eambio en el sistema monetario 8701 Agustin Maravall: The use of ARIMA models in unobserved components estimation: an 8702 application to spanish monetary control. Agustin Maravall: Descomposicion de series temporales: especificacion, estimacion e satarios monetarios. internacional? inferencia (Con una aplicacion a la oferta monetaria en Espaiia). � 8703 8704 8705 8706 8707 8708 8709 8801 8802 38 � Jose Vifials y lorenzo Domingo: La peseta y el sistema monetario europeo : un modelo de tipo de cambia peseta-marco. Gonzalo Gil: The functions ofthe Bank of Spain. Agustin Maravall: Descomposicion de series temporales, con una apl icaci6n a la oferta monetaria en Esparia: Comentarios Y contestaci6n. P. L'Hotellerie y J. Vinals: Tendencias del comercio exterior espanol. Apendice estad'stico. Anindya Banerjee and Juan Dolado : Tests ofthe Life Cycle-Permanent Income Hypothesis in the Presence of Random Walks: Asymptotic Theory and Small-Sample Interpretations. Juan J. Dolado and TIm Jenkinson : Cointegration: A survey of recent developments. Ignacio Maule6n: La demanda de dinero reconsiderada. Agustin Maravall: Two papers on arima signal extraction. Juan Jose Camio y Jose Rodriguez de Pablo: El consumo de ali mentos no elaborados en Espafla: Analisis de la informacion de Mercasa. 8803 Agustin Maravall and Daniel Pena: Missing observations in time series and the «dual» 8804 Jose Vinals: El Sistema Monetario Europeo. Espana y la politica macroeconomica. (Publi- 8805 cada una edicion en ingles con el mismo numero). Antoni Espasa : Metodos cuantitativQs y analisis de la coyuntura economica. 8806 8807 8808 autocorrelation function. Antoni Espasa : El pertil de crecimiento de un fen6meno econ6mico. Pablo Martin Aceiia: Una estimaci6n de 105 principales agregados monetarios en Espaiia: 1940-1962. Rafael Repullo: Los efectos econ6micos de los coeficientes bancarios: un analisis te6rico. 8901 M_a de los Uanos Matea Rosa : Funciones de transferencia simultaneas del indice de 8902 Juan J. Dolado: Cointegraci6n: una panoramica. 8903 8904 precios a l consum� de bienes elaborados no energeticos. Agustin Maravall : La extraccion de senales y el analisis de coyuntura. E. Morales, A. Espasa y M_ L. Roja: Metodos cuantitativos para el analisis de la actividad industrial espaiiola. (Publicada una edicion en ingles con el misma numeral. 9001 Jesus Albarracin y Concha Artola: El crecimiento de 105 salarios y el deslizamiento salarial 9002 Antoni Espasa, Rosa Gomez-Churruca y Javier Jareiio: U n analisis econometrico de los 9003 Antoni Espasa: Metodologia para realizar el analisis de la coyuntura de un fen6meno 9004 9005 9006 en el periodo 1981 a 1988. ing resos por turismo en la economia espanola. econ6mico. (Publicada una edici6n en ingles con el mismo numerol. Paloma Gomez Pastor y Jose Luis Pellicer Mire!: Informacion y documentacion de las Comunidades Europeas. Juan J. Dolado, TIm Jenkinson and Simon Sosvilla-Rivero: Cointegration and unit roots : a survey. 9007 Samuel Bentolila andJuan J_ Dolado: Mismatch and Internal Migration in Spain. 1962-1966. Juan J. Dolado, John W. Galbraith and Anindya Banerjee: Estimating euler equations with 9008 integrated series. Antoni Espasa y Daniel Pena: Los model os ARIMA. el estado de equilibrio en variables econ6micos y su estimaci6n. (Publicada una edici6n en ingles con el mismo numeral. (1) Los Documentos de Trabajo anteriores a 1985 figuran en el catalogo de publicaciones del Banco de Esparia. Informaci6n : Banco de Esparia Secci6n de Publicaciones. Negociado de Distribuci6n y Gesti6" Telefono: 338 51 80 Alcalit, SO. 28014 Madrid