30'§ Dr: Roth's Supplementary additions found that bears great affinity to" Hordeum m a r i n u n i , arid is figured by Oeder under the name of H. mar'itlmum Flora Danica, name. pi. 630., in the from which work I adopted the I n England, however, there is another species df this genus that is only met with by the s e a s h o r e , and therefore has a belter claim to the denomination of wium: the former being called pratense mariti- by the English, botanists. These two species are confounded in the Species Plantarum, of which I was probably the cause, by having incorrectly quoted the synonym of Scheuchzer. A s there are four other species very nearly related to these t w o , I shall here endeavour to settle them all, and to rectify their synonymy. 1. HORDEEJBI marinum.—H. floscnlis Iatcralibus masculis aristatis dorso glabris, involucris intermediis ciliatis lanceolatis, H o r d e u m mavinum Spec. PI. torn. 1. p. 4 7 4 . Flosculi intermedii involucra Ianceolata, ciliata. Arista < fiosculorum omnium longitudme sequales. 2. H O R D E U M pratense.—H. fiosculis lateralibus masculis brevius aristatis dorso hirsutism involucris scabris setaceis. H . pratense. Hudson Fl.Avgl. p. 119.—Smith Flora Brit. H . maritimum. pais l.p. • • Plant. Roth toJUi i.p. f. vol. 1. p. 156. Fl. Germ. torn. 1. p. 5 1 . torn. 2 . 150. (excli/so synovymo Schrader Spicileg. vymo p. 56.—Hoft. Kew* vol. Schcuchzeri.)—Species 4 7 5 . {exclusis synonymis Fl. Germ, pars l.p. omnibus.)— 7- (excluso syno­ Vahlii.) TT. spicis distichis, folliculo brevi, glumis calycinis scabris. Hall. Helv. 71. 1538. H . fiosralis lateralibus masculis aristatis, calycum valvis - setaceb. Gmelin Flor. Sibir. l.p. Gramcn spica secalina. C., Bauh. 124. Prodr. p, 18. Radix perennis.—Vaginre foliorum priesertim hirsutce. • Ligula ruilla, nisi m'argo . _ . I inferiores vixobservabilis,— Spica