COMPAÑÍA ESPAÑOLA DE PETRÓLEOS, S.A. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS Translation of a document originally issued in Spanish. In the event of a discrepancy, the Spanish-language version prevails TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE I.-INTRODUCTION Art. 1.- Purpose Art. 2.- Approval, additions, amendments, duration and interpretation Art. 3.- Public Disclosure 3 3 3 TITLE II.- SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS Art. 4.- Shareholders Meetings Art. 5.- Types of Meetings Art. 6.- Powers and authorities of Ordinary Shareholders Meetings Art. 7.- Powers and authorities of the Extraordinary General Meeting 3 4 4 4 TITLE III.- CONVENING AND PREPARATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Art. 8.- Power and obligation to convene Shareholders Meetings Art. 9.- Notice to the Shareholders Meetings Art. 10.- Rights to Information 5 5 6 TITLE IV.- PROCEDURES FOR HOLDING SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS Art. 11.- Assembly Art. 12.- Right of Attendance Art. 13.- Proxies Art. 14.- List of Persons Attending Art. 15.- Constitution of the Shareholders Meeting Art. 16.- Presiding Panel of the Shareholders Meetings Art. 17.- Order and Conduct of Shareholders Meetings Art. 18.- Procedures of the Shareholders Meeting Art. 19.- Request to take the floor Art. 20.- Remarks by Shareholders Art. 21.- Information Art. 22.- Request and Proposals Art. 23.- Extension and adjournment of the Meeting 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 TITLE V.- RESOLUTIONS Art. 24.- Proposals submitted for voting Art. 25.- Voting Art. 26.- Adoption of Resolutions Art. 27.- Minutes of the Shareholders Meeting Art. 28.- Adjournment of the Meeting 12 12 14 14 15 TITLE VI.- PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF THE RESOLUTIONS Art. 29.- Public disclosure of the resolutions 2 15 COMPAÑÍA ESPAÑOLA DE PETRÓLEOS, S.A. Rules and Regulations for Shareholders Meetings TITLE I. INTRODUCTION Article 1. Purpose These Regulations of the Shareholders Meetings of Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A. (hereinafter CEPSA) shall systematically set out applicable rules and standards; govern the Meeting’s calling, preparation, information, attendance and conduct; specify the ways in which shareholders can exercise their rights; and establish the procedures to publicly disclose the resolutions passed. They are aimed at fomenting the participation of shareholders in order to have a voice in the development of the company, for whose purposes the appropriate measures shall be adopted to distribute them among the company’s shareholders and investors. Article 2. – Approval, additions, amendments, duration and interpretation The Shareholders Meeting shall have the authority to approve these Rules and carry out any subsequent additions or amendments. These rules shall have an unlimited duration and shall become effective as of the date of their approval by the Shareholders Meeting, and shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of laws in force and the Company’s by-laws. In the event of conflict between these Rules and the Company’s by-laws, the latter shall prevail. Article 3. – Public Disclosure These Rules shall be made available to the shareholders on the occasion of the Shareholders Meetings held, and likewise, for reference purposes, they shall be provided to both shareholders and the investing public at the company’s head offices, with copies obtainable free of charge at the “Office of Shareholder Services” or on the internet at the company’s website, which is TITLE II. SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS Article 4. – Shareholders Meetings The Shareholders Meetings, constituted in accordance with legal requisites and formalities, and the company’s bylaws, is the maximum decision-making body of the Company, with the resolutions adopted by same having legal force, and binding upon all shareholders, including those who are in disagreement or absent from the meeting, without prejudice to the actions that they may be entitled to by law. 3 Article 5. Types of Meetings Shareholders Meetings may be either Ordinary or Extraordinary. Article 6. – Powers and authorities of Ordinary Shareholders Meetings Ordinary Shareholders Meetings, duly called in advance, shall necessarily meet once a year within the first six months of each financial period in order to deliberate and pass resolutions concerning the following matters: • Examination and approval, where appropriate, of the Financial Statements (balance sheet, statements of income and annual reports) and Management Discussion & Analysis) for both the parent company CEPSA and the consolidated CEPSA Group and approval, where appropriate, of the proposal for distribution of profits obtained by CEPSA. • Approval or rejection of the corporate governance carried out by the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Chief Executive Officer (s). • Appointment and removal, whether or not their term has expired, of the Independent Auditors commissioned to examine and verify the Financial Statements of the CEPSA and the consolidated CEPSA Group. • Renewal of the Board Directors or ratification, where appropriate, of the provisional appointments to fill in vacant seats, made by the Board itself. • Any other matters corresponding to the Shareholders Meeting and included in the Agenda of the Notice to the Shareholders Meeting. Article 7 . – Powers and authorities of the Extraordinary General Meeting Any Shareholders Meeting that does not meet the criteria provided for in the preceding article shall be considered an Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting and shall have full powers to deliberate on and pass resolutions concerning the following matters: • Amendment of the Company Bylaws and these Rules. • Increase of the company’s share capital and establishment of corporate debt through the issuance of debentures, bonds or other titles that may or may not be convertible to shares. • Decrease of the company’s share capital; modification or amortization of the shares already issued and the issuance of preferred shares. • Dissolution of the Company; change in name, registered office or corporate purpose of same; realization of mergers or spin-offs, or other acts that involve the transfer, en bloc, of assets, rights and obligations of the Company. 4 • Appointment and removal, whether or not their term has expired, of the Independent Auditors commissioned to examine and verify the Financial Statements of CEPSA and the consolidated CEPSA Group. • Renewal of the Board Directors or ratification, where applicable, of the provisional appointments to fill in vacant seats, made by the Board itself. • Any other matters corresponding to the Shareholders Meeting and included in the Agenda of the Notice of the meeting. The powers of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting to deliberate or pass resolutions concerning the aforementioned matters are understood to be notwithstanding those held, as regards these same matters, by the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Company. TITLE III. – CONVENING AND PREPARATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Article 8. – Power and obligation to convene Shareholders Meetings Ordinary Shareholders Meetings must be formally convened by the Board of Directors of the Company. The Board of Directors may call an Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting whenever it is deemed advisable for the best interest of the company, or when requested by one or several shareholders who hold at least five (5) per cent of the subscribed capital, specifically stating the items they wish to have discussed at the Meeting in their request. In the latter case, the extraordinary meeting must be held no later than thirty (30) days following the date on which the Board receives the notarized request to be convened, and the Board shall prepare the Agenda, necessarily including the matters raised in the request and any others it deems advisable to discuss. Article 9.- Notice to the Shareholders Meetings The notice convening Shareholders Meetings shall be issued at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date on which it is scheduled to be held on first call. The notices shall be published in the "Official Gazette of the Mercantile Registry" and in at least one of the major newspapers in the province where the Company has its registered offices. The notice shall likewise be available through the internet, on the company’s website at The notice of such meeting shall state whether it is an Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting or both; its purpose; the Agenda or list of items to be discussed; the date and time of the meeting on first and second call, and the venue. A period of at least twenty-four hours must elapse between the first and second call. 5 If a Shareholders Meeting, duly convened, is not able to be held on first call, and the notice itself does not state the date of the second call, the latter should be announced following the same rules and requisites of public disclosure as for the first call, within fifteen (15) days following the date of the Shareholders Meeting not held, and at least eight (8) days prior to the date on which the Meeting on second call is to be held. Article 10. – Rights to Information Starting from the time of publication of the notice to the Shareholders Meeting, any shareholder may obtain, promptly and free of charge, a copy of the Financial Statements, Management Discussion & Analysis, the Proposal for Profit Distribution, the Independent Auditors’ Reports and any other documents required by law, requesting these documents from the Company’s Department of Shareholder Services, or asking that they be forwarded to his/her address, free of charge, Likewise, starting from the time of publication of the notice of the Shareholders Meeting, shareholders may read at the company’s headquarters, or may ask to be sent, free of charge, to their designated address, the complete text of the respective proposal or proposals that the Board of Directors plans to present for the consideration and ultimate approval of the Shareholders Meeting, including any mandatory reports or documents, which shall be included on the company’s website at Up until the seventh (7th ) day prior to the scheduled date of the Shareholders Meeting, shareholders may request the Board of Directors to provide them with any information or clarifications they deem necessary on the matters contained in the Agenda for the meeting, or may formulate any questions they deem pertinent in writing. Likewise, within this same timeframe, shareholders may request information or clarifications or formulate their questions in writing regarding publicly-available information submitted by the Company to the CNMV (Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission) as of the last Shareholders Meeting held. The Directors shall be obligated to make the requested information available in writing up until the very date of the Shareholders Meeting, unless, in the Chairperson’s opinion, the public disclosure of such information may be detrimental to the Company’s interests. Refusal to provide this information shall not apply whenever the request is supported by shareholders who represent at least twentyfive (25) percent of the share capital. The Board of Directors may authorize any of its members, as well as the Secretary or Vice-Secretary, so that he or she may reply in writing, on its behalf, to the requests for pertinent information made. 6 TITLE IV. PROCEDURES FOR HOLDING SHAREHOLDERS MEETINGS Article 11. Assembly The Ordinary General Meeting shall assemble once a year, within the first six months, in the municipality where the company’s head offices are located and on the date determined by the Board of Directors. Article 12.- Right of Attendance The right of admission to the Shareholders Meeting shall be granted to all shareholders who can demonstrate ownership of a minimum of sixty (60) shares, as long as they are registered in his or her name as account entries at least five (5) days in advance of the scheduled date of the Meeting on first call. Shareholders who own less than sixty shares may have them grouped together until reaching the minimum required, provided that representation of all the shares forming a group is vested in a sole shareholder, who must personally attend the Meeting. In order to exercise the right of attendance, shareholders must be in possession of the corresponding card or of a certificate of ownership issued by an entity belonging to the Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A. which must at least contain the name of the shareholder and the number of shares owned. The members of the Board of Directors must attend the Shareholders Meetings. The Chairperson of the Shareholders Meeting may authorize any person he or she deems suitable to attend the Meeting, although the Meeting itself may revoke such authorization. Article 13. Proxies Shareholders who are entitled to attend Shareholders Meetings may appoint other shareholders who have such rights as their proxy-holders. Proxies shall be appointed specifically for each Meeting and must be authorized in writing or by the means of remote communication that comply with the following requisites: • By surface mail or any other similar means of communication, sending the Company the admission ticket issued by a securities transfer agent, containing the proxy authorization. Failure to designate another shareholder on the proxy form shall be understood as a proxy authorization to the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. • By electronic mail, sending a statement specifying the proxy authorization and the identity of the appointed proxy-holder, issued using a certified electronic signature of the shareholder or other type of guarantee deemed to be suitable by the Board of Directors to ensure the authenticity and proper identification of the shareholder appointing a proxy. 7 Proxy forms sent by surface mail, electronic mail or any other means of remote communication must be received by the Company at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the Annual Meeting held on first call. Otherwise, the proxy authorization shall be considered null and void. The Board of Directors, using the technical and legal bases that enable it and guarantee the identity of the shareholder, shall be authorized to elaborate on and supplement the foregoing provisions, establishing the appropriate rules, methods and procedures consistent with the level of technology available to implement proxy authorizations by electronic means, acting in accordance, where appropriate, with applicable legislation on this matter. Specifically, the Board of Directors may regulate the use of guarantees other than electronic signatures to authorize proxies by surface or electronic mail and reduce the aforementioned deadline for advance receipt by the Company of proxy authorizations. Likewise, based on the status and security provided by available technologies, the Board of Directors shall establish the time starting from which shareholders may make proxy authorizations by means of remote communication. Accordingly, the Board shall publish on the Company’s website, the specific regulations that expand on and supplement the system established in the Rules and Regulations of Shareholders Meetings, as well as the time as of which shareholders may make proxy authorizations for such Meetings by means of remote communication, which shall be included in these Rules at the earliest possible date and placed in the AGM notices. Individual shareholders may be represented by their legal representative whenever such representation is duly evidenced. Both in these cases as well as in the case in which a shareholder delegates his or her right of attendance, shareholders cannot have more than one representative at the meeting. A proxy held by someone who is not entitled to do so shall be null and void. Proxies may at any time be revoked. Personal attendance to the Shareholders Meeting of the person who appointed a proxy holder shall nullify such proxy. Proxies shall be included in the list of persons attending the Annual Meeting. Article 14. List of Persons Attending The list of shareholders present shall be based on the admission tickets for persons attending to the Shareholders Meeting, specifying the name of the shareholder and the number of shares owned. Shareholders who use distance voting methods and comply with the requirements set forth in the preceding article, shall be counted as present at the Meeting, for purposes of establishing quorums. A list of represented shareholders shall likewise be drawn up, which shall include the names of those who, prior to the Shareholders Meeting, appointed their proxies and delivered their tickets to the company’s head offices or any other offices established 8 for such purposes, as well as those who sent them to the Company by surface or electronic mail. The preparation of the list of persons attending shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Shareholders Meeting, who shall be authorized for this task by delegation of the Presiding Panel. Any enquiries regarding this list shall be settled by the Presiding Panel. The list of shareho lders present either in person or by proxy may be in the form of a written document or through a computer file. In any case, the appropriate authentication stamp, signed by the Secretary and countersigned by the Chairperson of the Meeting, shall be contained either on the list itself or on the cover of the computer file, properly sealed. The number of shareholders present in person or by proxy, the number of shares held, and the percentage of capital represented by them shall appear at the end of both lists. Article 15. Constitution of the Shareholders Meeting The presence, either in person or through proxy holders, of twenty-five (25) percent of the outstanding voting shares shall constitute a quorum to transact business at the Shareholders Meeting on first call. If this minimum quorum is not established, the Meeting shall be held upon second call, and shall have a valid quorum to transact business regardless of the number of shareholders in attendance or the amount of subscribed capital with voting rights that they represent. Notwithstanding the above, in order for the Shareholders Meeting to be able to lawfully issue debentures, increase or decrease the share capital, transform, merge or spin-off the Company and, generally speaking, make any amendment to the Bylaws, the meeting on first call must be attended, either in person or through proxy holders, by shareholders who hold at least fifty (50) per cent of the subscribed capital with voting rights, while twenty five (25) per cent of that capital shall suffice for the second call, in order for the Meeting to have a valid quorum to transact business. Article 16.- Presiding Panel of the Shareholders Meetings The members of the Board of Directors, the Secretary and the Vice-Secretary of the Board shall make up the Presiding Panel. Article 17. – Order and Conduct of Shareholders Meeting The Chairperson is entrusted the tasks of verifying whether a valid quorum is present to transact business; moderating discussions and directing debates; submitting a matter to a vote if he or she feels it has been sufficiently debated; organizing the voting proceedings; declaring the results; adjourning the meeting; and generally speaking, any other rights and powers, including those of order, that may be required to properly conduct the Shareholders Meeting. 9 The Shareholders Meeting shall be presided by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and in his or her absence or incapacity, by the persons that, according to the Company’s by-laws, must replace the Chairperson and failing these persons, by the person designated for this purpose by the Shareholders Meeting. The Secretary of the Board of Directors shall act as Secretary of the Shareholders Meeting, being replaced in his or her absence, incapacity or vacancy by the Vice Secretary, and in absence of both persons, by the person designated for this purpose by the Shareholders Meeting. If for any reason or circumstance the Chairperson were required to be absent during the meeting, his or her duties shall be assumed by the persons that, according to the Company’s by-laws, must replace the Chairperson and, failing these persons, by the person designated for this purpose by the Shareholders Meeting. If under similar circumstances, the Secretary of the Shareholders Meeting were required to take absence during the meeting, his or her duties shall be assumed by the ViceSecretary and in his or her absence, by the person designated for this purpose by the Shareholders Meeting. Article 18 – Procedures of the Shareholders Meeting Once the Presiding Panel of the Shareholders Meeting has been constituted, the Chairperson, or by delegation, the Secretary, shall read out the notice to the meeting, and afterwards provide general data gathered from the list of attending shareholders and proxy holders, the total number of shares they own and the percentage of share capital they represent. Next, the Chairperson, or where applicable, the Notary Public requested to draft the minutes of the Shareholders Meeting, shall ask the attending shareholders if there are any reservations or objections regarding the number of shareholders present and the capital represented in person or by proxy. In the event that objections or doubts are raised, they shall be recorded, taking down information on the shareholders to be later placed on record; all of the above notwithstanding the right of shareholders to make any comments they deem pertinent during their turn to take the floor. Once these requisites have been fulfilled, the Chairperson shall declare, if the case may be, that the Shareholders Meeting, either on first or second call, has a valid quorum to transact business and shall report on the items included on the Agenda or any others he or she feels are pertinent or related to the progress of the Company. Article 19. – Requests to take the floor Once the Shareholders Meeting has been constituted, the shareholders who, in exercising their rights, wish to take the floor to request information or clarifications regarding the items of the Agenda, as well as to submit proposals, shall identify themselves to the Secretary of the Shareholders Meeting or the person that the Company has provided for such purposes, providing his or her personal information and number of shares owned and/or represented by proxy. 10 The shareholders who wish to have their comments be accurately placed on record in the Minutes of the Meeting, must expressly request that this be done by providing a written text of his or her remarks, to the Secretary of the Shareholders Meeting, or where appropriate, to the Notary, if he or she is present, in order to compare it to the remarks made by the shareholder when he or she takes the floor and to include it in the Minutes. Article 20. –Remarks by Shareholders Once the report has been presented by the Chairperson, and where appropriate, by the members of the Board of Directors or persons designated for such purposes, shareholders will be given turns to take the floor to make their remarks. Shareholders may take the floor in the order in which they so requested during the summoning period or during the meeting itself. The Chairperson shall determine the amount of time initially assigned to each speaker, which shall be the same for all of them, and may not exceed five (5) minutes, including the possible turns granted to elaborate on or to rectify the matters concerned. Notwithstanding the above, the Chairperson shall be authorized to lengthen the amount of time allotted to the speaker whenever he or she deems it to be suitable for the Company’s interests or to clarify matters that were not able to be adequately explained during the shareholders’ remarks. Conversely, the Chairperson may reduce the amount of time allotted to the speaker, whenever he or she considers that a matter has been sufficiently debated and in cases in which it is necessary to call the speakers to order so that they limit themselves to the items on the Agenda. The Chairperson shall likewise be authorized to bar the speaker concerned and even request that he or she leave the premises, whenever such a person disturbs the proper order of the Meeting, or may unnecessarily extend the event, and in cases in which he or she uses an inappropriate tone or discourse in his or her remarks, the Shareholders Meeting adopting the necessary measures to enforce this provision; and to resolve matters that may arise during the Shareholders Meeting regarding the rules established herein. Article 21. – Information During the Shareholders Meeting itself, shareholders may verbally request information or clarifications they deem advisable on matters contained on the Agenda, and in the event that such rights to information cannot be met at that time, due to the information being unavailable, the Directors shall be obligated to provide it in writing within seven (7) days as of the adjournment of the Annual Meeting. The Directors shall be obligated to make the requested information available unless, in the Chairperson’s opinion, the public disclosure of such information may be detrimental to the Company’s interests. Such request for information shall not be 11 refused if it is supported by shareholders who represent at least twenty-five (25) percent of the share capital. Article 22. – Requests and proposals During their turn on the floor, shareholders may present proposals on any matter regarding the Agenda, except in those cases that, as provided by law, should be made available at the company’s head offices at the time of publishing the notice to the Meeting. Article 23. – Extension and adjournment of the meeting The Shareholders Meeting may resolve to extend the meeting for one or several days in a row, if proposed by the Directors or a number of shareholders who represent at least one-fourth of the share capital in attendance. Regardless of the number considered to be a single shall not be necessary to requirements provided for quorum. of times it assembles, the Shareholders Meeting shall be event, requiring a single set of Minutes, and therefore it reiterate at each subsequent gathering the fulfilment of by law or in the bylaws for the meeting to have a valid Exceptionally, in cases in which disturbances or similar situations that, in the opinion of the Chairperson, may hinder the proper order of the meeting, and prevent its progress, the meeting may be temporarily adjourned for a reasonable period of time, in order to restore conditions to begin or resume its development. TITLE V. RESOLUTIONS Article 24. – Proposals submitted for voting Once the speakers turns on the floor have been taken, the Secretary shall read out the proposals included in the Agenda, leaving out such information made available to the shareholders prior to the beginning of the meeting, in which case, upon motion by the Chairperson, and if authorized, only the essential content of these proposals shall be read out: whenever any shareholder objects to this procedure, the entire text of the proposal or proposals whose reading is expressly requested shall be read out. In any case, prior to the voting, the persons attending shall be told which item of the Agenda the proposal refers to. Article 25. – Voting Once the speakers’ turns on the floor have concluded, and replies thereto provided, the Chairperson shall submit the proposals on the matters contained on the Agenda, as well as those validly brought up during the course of the meeting, to a vote. Whenever the resolution being voted has been proposed by the Board of Directors, shareholders not expressly abstaining or opposed to the passing of the resolution shall be deemed to have voted in favour of the proposal of the Board. In contrast, 12 only express votes in favour cast by shareholders shall count for the approval of resolutions not proposed by the Board of Directors. Voting shall be cast openly by a show of hands, ballots, or any other manner that the Chairperson may deem appropriate to the circumstances or the nature and importance of the decision to be taken. Shareholders may likewise cast their votes on the proposals regarding matters contained on the Agenda, by surface mail, electronic mail or any other means of remote communication, pursuant to what is provided for in the Company’s bylaws, these Rules and Regulations and any supplementary rules and standards that the Board of Directors establishes on these voting methods. Votes by mail or any other similar means shall be delivered by sending the Company the admission ticket issued by the securities transfer agent, without prejudice to other requirements and conditions that may be established by the Board of Directors. Voting by electronic mail shall be done using a certified electronic signature or any other type of guarantee that the Board of Directors considers suitable to ensure the authenticity and identification of shareholders exercising their right to vote , likewise without prejudice to other requirements and conditions that may be established by the Board of Directors. With regard to voting by surface mail, electronic mail or any other similar means of remote communication, votes must be received by the Company at least twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled date and time of the Annual Meeting on first call. Otherwise, such votes shall be considered null and void. The Board of Directors is authorized to expand upon the foregoing provisions, establishing the rules, methods and procedures compatible with the existing level of technology, as well as the manners, conditions, limitations and requirements that it deems advisable in order to supplement the regulation provided for in these Rules to exercise voting rights by means of remote communication. Likewise, the Board of Directors, based on the status and security provided by available technologies, shall establish the time starting from which shareholders may vote by means of remote communication. Accordingly, the Board shall publish on the Company’s website, the specific regulations that expand on and supplement the system established in the Rules and Regulations of Shareholders Meetings, as well as the time as of which shareholders may vote at Annual Meetings by means of remote communication, which shall be included in these Rules at the earliest possible date and placed in the AGM notices. The Board of Directors may similarly regulate the use of guarantees apart from electronic signatures for casting votes electronically in order to ensure the authenticity and identification of the shareholders exercising their right to vote. The Board may also reduce the aforementioned deadline for advance receipt by the Company of votes cast by surface or electronic mail or any other means of remote communication. 13 In any case, the Board of Directors shall adopt the necessary measures to avoid possible duplications and ensure that whoever votes by surface or electronic mail or any other means of remote communication can provide legitimate proof of his or her ability to do so, pursuant to what is set forth in Article 23 of the Company bylaws. Personal attendance to the Shareholders Meeting of a shareholder who appointed a proxy to vote his or her shares shall revoke such voting authorization. In the case of proposals regarding matters not included on the Agenda and which must be decided by the Shareholders Meeting, the Chairperson shall determine the order in which such matters are put to a vote. Once a proposal has been approved by the Shareholders Meeting, the remaining proposals related to the same item on the Agenda that are incompatible with it shall lapse, without being submitted for a vote. Article 26. – Adoption of Resolutions Resolutions at Shareholders Meetings shall be adopted by a show of hands and only by votes when the law or the Bylaws require specific majorities, or when the Chairperson so decides, of his/her own initiative, or at the express request of any other shareholder present in person or by proxy, regardless of the number of shares held. In the event that votes are cast, and unless the law or the Bylaws require special or qualified majorities, the resolutions shall be understood to have been passed when half of the votes, plus one, representing the capital at the Meeting, present in person or by proxy, are affirmative. Whenever shareholders who represent less than fifty (50) per cent of the subscribed voting capital attend the Shareholders Meeting, resolutions regarding debenture issues, the increase or reduction of share capital, transformation, merger or spin-off of the Company, and generally speaking, any amendment to the Company’s Bylaws, can only be validly adopted with the affirmative vote of two -thirds of the capital present in person or by proxy at the Shareholders Meeting. Article 27. - Minutes of the Shareholders Meeting The minutes of the meeting must be approved by the Shareholders Meeting itself after it has been held, or failing that, within a period of fifteen (15) days immediately thereafter, by the Chairperson and two (2) Inspectors, one representing the majority and the other appointed by the minority of shareholders present. The Board of Directors may require the presence of a Notary to draw up the minutes of the Meeting and shall be obliged to do so whenever this is requested at least five (5) days before the date on which the Meeting is scheduled to be held by shareholders representing at least one (1) per cent of the share capital. In such case, the notary certificate of the minutes shall be considered the minutes of the Meeting and, therefore, shall have legal force from the moment the Meeting has ended, not requiring the approval of the shareholders attending same. Shareholders who wish to do so may request a simple copy of the Minutes from the Notary Public, free of charge. 14 Article 28.- Adjournment of Meeting The Chairperson shall have authorization to adjourn the meeting. TITLE VI. PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF THE RESOLUTIONS Article 29. – Public disclosure of the resolutions Regardless of the legal or regulatory requirements to publicly disclose the resolutions, those passed by the Shareholders Meeting will be reported as a significant event to the CNMV (Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission), either verbatim or through a summarized text and will be similarly accessible via internet on the company’s website, Likewise, the resolutions that are recordable shall be filed with the Mercantile Registry and published in the BORME. Upon request by any shareholder or proxy holder at the Shareholders Meeting, the Secretary shall issue certification of the resolutions adopted or the notarized minutes. 15 Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A. Avenida del Partenón, 12 Campo de las Naciones, 28042 Madrid 16 91 337 60 00 Phone. 34