Destino, Imaginación Marque su escuela: SES SMES WES KES SSES THMS Solicitud 2016-2017 (fecha de vencimiento - 28 de septiembre) Nombre del estudiante: ___________________ SKMS ___________________ Primer nombre apellidos Grrado: ______ Fecha de nacimiento: ____/_____/_____ *Nivel de Primaria: K-5to, Ningun estudiante que cumple los 12 años para el 15 de junio, 2017. *Nivel de Intermedia: 6to - 8vo, Ningun estudiante que cumple los 15 años para el 15 de junio, 2017. Nombre de los padres/tutores legales: ___________________ Primer nombre ___________________ apellidos Correo electrónico de los padres: _________________ Teléfono celular de los padres: __________ Correo electrónico del estudiante: __________________________ Para que un equipo se crea y participe, hace falta un padre/madre como voluntario para ser el Director del Equipo. Está dispuesto a ser el Director de Equipo para el equipo de su hijo/a? _____Sí _____No _____Indeciso Está dispuesto a ser un co-director? _____Sí _____No Está dispuesto a ser un Juez? _____Sí _____No Ordene los desafíos 6 según su preferencia ; el 1 siendo su primera elección. _____ Show and Tech (tecnologia) _____ Top Secret (ciencias) _____ In It Together (ingenieria) _____ Vanished (fine arts) _____ 3-Peat (improvisational) _____ Ready, Willing, & Fable (community outreach) _____ Rising Stars (K-2 will have one choice: Save the Day) Por favor enumere los nombres de los otros estudiantes que desea tener un su equipo, si los hay. El coordinador de Destino, Imaginación de la escuela y el coordinador para la división, Lee Purnhagen, armarán los equipos. Debe tener el permiso de los otros miembros del equipo antes de apuntar su nombre. Recuerde que hay equipos de primaria y de intermedia.** _____________________ _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ DEVUELVE las solicitudes a la oficina de la escuela para el miércoles 28 de septiembre al más tardar. Rising Stars: Save the Day (K-2nd only)grade Points of Interest: Learn about simple and complex machines. Use simple machines to create and build an invention. Create a play that tells a story about how the new invention helps save the day. Create props, scenery and costumes to help tell the story. Improvisational: 3-Peat (3rd-8th grade) Points of Interest: Create three improvisational skits from the same story prompt. Present each skit in a different performance genre. Portray a different stock character in each skit. Enhance each skit with props. Fine Arts: Vanished! (3rd-8th grade) Points of Interest: Research the meanings, roles and uses of colors. Present a story about how the disappearance of a color changes the world. Create a colorful character that is involved with the color’s disappearance. Use technical theater methods to create a vanishing act. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. Structural: In It Together (3rd-8th grade) Points of Interest: Design and build and test multiple free-standing structures that work together. Develop a strategy for placing structures to support as much weight as possible. Develop and present a collaborative solution to a global issue. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that highlight the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. Scientific: Top Secret (3rd-8th grade) Points of Interest: Create and present a story about a secret mission. Research and apply methods from cryptography to reveal secret messages. Design and create a gadget that appears to be an everyday item. Create and integrate a disguised character into the story. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. Technical: Show and Tech (3rd-8th grade) Points of Interest: Present a show that includes an opening act and and a headlining act. Design and build a stage on which the acts will take place and that will move a team member from one location to another. Enhance each act with a technical effect to amaze the audience. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. Service Learning / Project Outreach: Ready, Willing & Fable (3rd-8th grade) Points of Interest: Use creative process to identify, design, plan, and carry out a project that addresses a community need. Create a live presentation of a team created fable that integrates information about the project. Include an impact prop and a character that changes appearance. Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests,, skills, areas of strength, and talents.