PhD. Carlos J. Pérez del Pulgar

PhD. Carlos J. Pérez del Pulgar
Escuela de Ingenierías
C/Ortiz Ramos s/n
29071 – Málaga (Spain)
Phone: +34 951952324
Updated: 25/9/2016
C.J. Pérez del Pulgar received M.S. degree and PhD in Computer Science at the University
of Málaga (UMA). In 2000 he received a research internship in the System Engineering and
Automation Department at the University of Malaga. After that, in 2004, he was given a
permanent position as research support staff at the same university. Also, since 2010 he has
been part-time assistant lecturer in the Electrical Engineering Faculty where he is
responsible of different subjects related to automation and robotics. In 2014 he performed a
research stay in the Automation and Robotics section at ESA-ESTEC. His research interests
include machine learning, surgical robotics, space robotics and robotic telescopes. Indeed,
he has more than 20 publications in these topics and he has been involved in more than 10
different Spanish and European projects.
PhD. in Computer Science, University of Malaga. Qualification: Sobresaliente cum
laude (highest qualification) with international mention.
Doctoral courses in Mechatronics Engineering, University of Malaga. Qualification: 9
out of 10.
Master in Computer Science Engineering, University of Malaga. Master Thesis with
Bachelor in Information Technology, University of Malaga. Dissertation Work with
05/2001 – 02/2003. Undergraduate fellowship at the University of Malaga. Surgical
Robotics Team.
03/2003 – present. Member of the Technical Staff at the University of Malaga,
System Engineering and Automation Department.
10/2010 – present. Part-time Assistant Lecturer at the University of Malaga, System
Engineering and Automation Department.
Title: Path planning in extreme terrains (Contract no: 4000118072/16/NL/LvH/gp)
Grant institution: European Space Agency
Duration: 2016-2017 (15 months)
Main researcher: Carlos Pérez del Pulgar
Title: Robotized HALS, Collaborative Robot for Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
Grant institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Government).
Budget: 140.000€
Duration: 2014-2016
Main researcher: Víctor Fernando Muñoz Martínez
Position in this project: Assistant Researcher.
Title: Robotic Platform for assistance in NOTES/SILS (DPI2010-21126-C03-01).
Grant institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Government).
Budget: 270.000€
Duration: Jan. 2011 – Jul. 2013.
Main researcher: Víctor Fernando Muñoz Martínez.
Position in this project: Assistant Researcher.
Title: Autonomous Robot for Minimally Invasive Surgery (P07-TEP-2897).
Grant institution: Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa. Junta de Andalucía
(Regional Government).
Budget: 379.618€
Duration: Jan. 2008 – Dec. 2011.
Main researcher: Víctor Fernando Muñoz Martínez.
Position in this project: Assistant Researcher.
Title: Auto-guided Surgical Robot for Minimally Invasive Surgery (DPI2007-62257).
Grant institution: CICYT. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spanish Government).
Budget: 218.000€
Duration: Oct. 2007 –Sept. 2010.
Main researcher: Víctor Fernando Muñoz Martínez.
Position in this project: Assistant Researcher.
Title: Modular Robotic System for Minimally Invasive Surgery (PI0-21708).
Grant institution: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Fondos de Investigación Sanitaria.
(Public Institution).
Budget: 112.355€
Duration: Jan. 2003 – Dec. 2005.
Main researcher: Víctor Fernando Muñoz Martínez.
Position in this project: Assistant Researcher.
Title: Robotic Assistant for Laparoscopic Surgery (FIS-00/0050-02).
Grant institution: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. (Public Institution)
Duration: Jan. 2000 – Dec. 2002.
Main researcher: Víctor Fernando Muñoz Martínez.
Position in this project: Undergraduate Fellowship.
Title: GLORIA: Global Robotic Telescope Intelligent Array.
Grant institution: 7th FP European Union.
Budget: 2.500.000€ (Assigned to University of Malaga: 318.000€).
Duration: Oct. 2011 – Oct. 2014.
Main researcher: Francisco M. Sánchez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).
Position in this project: Project Engineering Coordinator.
Title: Patent Transfer for Manufacturing and Trading.
Contract number: 8.06/5.56.2605-3.
Company: SENER- S.A.
Duration: 2007 – current
Main researcher: Víctor Muñoz Martínez.
Position in this project: Patent coauthor.
Title: Design and Development of a Control System for Avoiding Bed Sores (Spanish
Patent P200502159).
Contract number: 8.06/5.56.2797.
Company: INDUVAR S.A.
Duration: Dec. 2006 – Apr. 2007.
Main researcher: Víctor Muñoz Martínez.
Budget: 12.337 €.
Position in this project: Assistant Researcher.
Title: Automation of Communication Systems
Company: Tartessos Technologies S.A. (Now owned by Sony-Ericsson)
Duration: Mar. 2004 – May. 2005.
Main researcher: Alfonso García Cerezo.
Position in this project: Project Engineer.
Authors: C.J. Perez-del-Pulgar, I. García-Morales, I. Rivas-Blanco, V.F. Muñoz
Title: Navigation Method for Teleoperated Single Port Access Surgery with Soft
Tissue Interaction Detection
Journal: IEEE Systems Journal
In press, DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2016.2570118
Year: 2016
 Authors: Muñoz V.F., García Morales I., Pérez del Pulgar, C. Gómez-de-Gabriel J.M.,
Fernández-Lozano J.J., García Cerezo A., Vara C. y Toscano R.
Title: Control cartesiano de un asistente robótico para cirugía laparoscópica.
Journal: Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática.
Vol. 3, No. 4., pp. 63-74, ISSN electronic version: 1697-7920. ISSN printed version:
Year: 2006.
 Authors: Muñoz V.F., Fernández-Lozano J., Gómez-de-Gabriel J., García-Morales I.,
Molina Mesa, R. and Perez-del-Pulgar C.
Title: On laparoscopic robot design and validation.
Journal: Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (JCR Impact index: 0,444, Q2)
Vol. 10, No. 3, pp: 211-229, ISSN: 1069-2509.
Year: 2003.
Authors: Enrique Bauzano Núñez, Mª Carmen López Casado, Víctor Fdo. Muñoz
Martínez, Carlos Jesús Pérez del Pulgar Mancebo
Title: Method to handle a robotic system for minimally invasive surgery
Publication date: requested on 23rd June, 2016.
Application number: P201630855
Authors: Victor Fernando Muñoz Martínez, Isabel García Morales, Jesus Fernández
Lozano, Jesús Manuel Gómez de Gabriel, Alfonso García Cerezo, Carlos Jesus
Pérez del Pulgar, Javier Serón Barba, Francisco Domínguez Fernández, Carlos Vara
Thorbeck, Rafael Toscano Mendez
Title: Robotic System for Assisting in Minimally-Invasive Surgery, which can position
a surgical instrument in response to orders from a surgeon, is not attached to the
operation table and does not require pre-calibration of the insertion point.
Publication date: 1/2/2008
Patent number: WO2008012386 A1
Authors: C.J. Pérez del Pulgar, Jan Smisek, V.F. Muñoz, A. Schiele
Title: Using Learning from Demonstration to Generate Real-time Guidance for Haptic
Shared Control
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC’2016),
October 9-12, 2016, Budapest.
Authors: M.C. López Casado, C.J. Pérez del Pulgar, et al.
Title: GlSch: a novel scheduerl for a heterogeneous telescope network.
Conference: 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), April 13-17,
2015, Salamanca, Spain.
Authors: M.C. López Casado, C.J. Pérez del Pulgar, et al.
Title: A fuzzy logic based decision algorithm for a heterogeneous telescope network
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), March
17-19, 2015, Sevilla, Spain.
Authors: Carlos J. Perez-del-Pulgar, V.F. Muñoz
Title: Control Scheme with Tissue Interaction Detection for a Single Port Access
Surgery Robotic Platform
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and
Biomechatronics (BIOROB), August 12-15, 2014, São Paulo, Brazil.
Authors: Carlos J Perez-del-Pulgar, VF Munoz, Juan J Velasco, Ruben Gomez
Title: Parallel force-position control scheme with fuzzy gain tuning for single port
laparoscopic surgery
Conference: 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
(ICCAS), 20-23 Oct. 2013, Gwangju, South Korea.
Authors: Carlos Jesús Pérez-del-Pulgar, Raquel Cedazo, Juan Cabello, Esteban
González, Víctor F Muñoz, Fernando Serena, María C López, Fernando Ibáñez,
Francisco M Sánchez, Alberto Castro, Ronan Cunniffe
Title: GLORIA: The First Free Access e-Infrastructure of Robotic Telescopes for
Citizen Science
Conference: World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
(WorldCIST), 27-30 Mar. 2013, Algarve, Portugal.
Authors: VF Muñoz, Isabel Garcia-Morales, C Perez del Pulgar, JM GomezDeGabriel, Jesús Fernandez-Lozano, Alfonso Garcia-Cerezo, Carlos Vara-Thorbeck,
R Toscano
Title: Control movement scheme based on manipulability concept for a surgical
robotic assistant.
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1519 May. 2006, Orlando, EEUU.
Authors: Muñoz V.F., Gómez de Gabriel J.M., Fernández-Lozano J., Azouaghe M.,
García Morales I. y Pérez del Pulgar C.
Title: On laparoscopic robot design and validation.
Conference: Third International Naiso Symposium On Engineering Of Intelligent
Systems (EIS), 27-27 Sept. 2002, Malaga, Spain.
Authors: Muñoz V.F., Gómez de Gabriel J., Fernández-Lozano J., García Morales I.,
Vara C., Pérez del Pulgar C. y Azouaghe M.
Title: Development of a telerobotic camera manipulator for laparoscopic surgery.
Conference: 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, 21-26 Jul. 2002,
Barcelona, Spain.
Authors: Muñoz V.F., Gómez de Gabriel J., Fernández-Lozano J., García Morales I.,
Molina-Mesa R., Pérez del Pulgar C., Serón-Barba J. y Azouaghe M.
Title: Design and control of a robotic assistant for laparoscopic surgery.
Conference: 9th International Simposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems (SIRS), 1920 Jul. 2001, Toulousse, France.
o Instrumentation and Industrial Computing (EHEA Graduate in Electrical
o Mechatronics (EHEA Graduate in Electronic, Robotic and Mechatronic)
o Electronics and Automation (EHEA Graduate in Industrial Design and Product
o Instrumentation and Industrial Computing (EHEA Graduate in Electrical
o Mechatronics (EHEA Graduate in Electronic, Robotic and Mechatronic)
o Electronics and Automation (EHEA Graduate in Industrial Design and Product
o Instrumentation and Industrial Computing (EHEA Graduate in Electrical
o Control Principles (EHEA Graduate in Electronic, Robotic and Mechatronic)
o Electronics and Automation (EHEA Graduate in Industrial Design and Product
o Automatic Control (EHEA Graduate in Health Engineering)
o Control Principles (EHEA Graduate in Electronic, Robotic and Mechatronic)
o Electronic and Product Automation (EHEA Graduate in Industrial Design and
Product Development)
o Industrial Robotics (Master in Automation and Industrial Electronics)
o Complex and Big Systems (Master in Automation and Industrial Electronics)
o Automation (Bachelor in Telecommunication)
o Control Engineering Laboratory (Master in Telecommunication)
o Industrial Robotics (Master in Automation and Industrial Electronics)
o Automation (Bachelor in Telecommunication)
o Equipments for Automation (Bachelor in Electronic Engineering)
o Industrial Robotics (Master in Automation and Industrial Electronics)
o Control by Computer (Master in Electrical Engineer)
o Automation (Bachelor in Telecommunication)
Outstanding Paper Award: 2013 13th International Conference of Control, Automation
and Systems (ICCAS).
Inventum Award: Best Patent at the University of Malaga for the Surgical Robotics
Team (2007).
Best SPIN-OFF at the University of Malaga (2005).
Biomedical Engineering and Control (30 hours)
Date: 16-20 Jul. 2007
Institution: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
Specialization on Control (20 hours)
Date: 23-28 Jun. 2003
Institution: University of Malaga