CEFIRE: Curso Administración de APACHE Instalación de Apache

CEFIRE: Curso Administración de APACHE
Práctica con Apache 2.0
La versión que se va ha utilizar es la disponible en la página web del curso (2.0.48). Se
trata de una versión de pruebas, y para una aplicación estable se recomienda utilizar las
versiones 1.3.X del servidor Apache.
Instalación de Apache 2.0.X
1. Descargar el fichero apache_2.0.48-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi de la página web del
2. Ejecutar el programa y proceder a la instalación completa. Como directorio de
instalación se utilizará C:\, de forma que los ficheros se copiarán en el
directorio C:\Apache2.
3. En WinNT (winXP) aparece el programa Apache Service Monitor, que se utiliza
como Monitor de los servicios de NT. Desde el mismo se puede configurar el
arranque, rearranque y parada del servicio. La figura muestra la ventana
principal de este programa.
4. Utilizar los servicios de NT para configurar el arranque automático del servidor
5. INSTALAR EL MÓDULO PHP. Se va ha utilizar el fichero php-4.3.4-Win32.zip
disponible en la web del curso. Siguiendo los pasos detallados en la práctica 1.a
se modifica el fichero de configuración php.ini siendo el directorio actual
6. Modificar el fichero httpd.conf para añadir el módulo PHP. Para ello,
utilizaremos la información proporcionada por www.php.net para encontrar las
diferencias con los pasos que utilizamos en la práctica 1.a.
If you would like to use PHP as a module in Apache 2.0, be sure to move php4ts.dll for PHP 4,
or php5ts.dll for PHP 5, to winnt/system32 (for Windows NT/2000) or
windows/system32 (for Windows XP), overwriting any older file. You need to insert these two
lines to your Apache httpd.conf configuration file to set up the PHP-Module for Apache 2.0:
; For PHP 4 do something like this:
LoadModule php4_module "c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
; For PHP 5 do something like this:
LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/sapi/php5apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
7. Utilizaremos el Apache Service Monitor para rearrancar el servidor.
Espacio suficiente en el disco duro (~50 Mb)
Entorno de desarrollo Visual C++ 5.0 (Recomendable 6.0)
Intérprete awk
Opcional: librerías OpenSSL y Zlib
(Documentación de Apache 2.0)
El proceso de compilación de las fuentes de Apache 2.0 puede realizarse en línea de
comandos o utilizando el entorno Visual Studio. En esta práctica se explican la
secuencia de operaciones a seguir en el caso de utilizar Visual Studio 6.0:
Bajar el fichero con los fuentes desde la página del curso. (httpd_2.0.48-win32src.zip)
2. Descomprimir dicho fichero. En
nuestro caso lo descomprimimos en la
carpeta c:\httpd-src. Dentro de dicha
carpeta encontramos el fichero
apache.dsw que corresponde con el
workspace del proyecto en Visual C++
6.0. En caso de utilizar otro entorno
de trabajo, se recomienda consultar el
documento “Compiling Apache for
Microsoft Windows” de la página de
3. Bajar el intérprete de awk (awk95.exe) de la página del curso o de la página de
su creador (http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/bwk/awk95.exe) . Renombrarlo
como awk.exe. Este intérprete debe ser accesible durante el proceso de
compilación y linkado. Para ello se recomienda seguir las directrices del
documento “Compiling Apache for Microsoft Windows”, o bien copiar el
ejecutable dentro de la carpeta donde se encuentra el compilador (En caso de
utilizar Visual C++ 6.0: C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\Bin )
4. Abrir el espacio de trabajo apache.dsw.
5. Elegir como proyecto activo el proyecto InstallBin. Esto compilará, linkará e
instalará el programa Apache2. Por defecto creará los ficheros en la carpeta
c:\Apache2. También se puede construir el proyecto BuildBin, el cual no incluye
las operaciones de instalación.
(En la versión utilizada se requiere modificar el nombre del fichero fuente
ssl-std.conf.in por ssl-std.conf, para conseguir finalizar el proceso de
6. Finalizado este proceso, se recomienda arrancar el servidor web utilizando el
comando apache –k start.
7. Utilizar el Apache Service Monitor para parar el servicio
8. INSTALAR EL MÓDULO PHP. Se va ha utilizar el fichero php-4.3.4-Win32.zip
disponible en la web del curso. Siguiendo los pasos detallados en la práctica 1.a
se modifica el fichero de configuración php.ini siendo el directorio actual
9. Modificar el fichero httpd.conf para añadir el módulo PHP. Para ello,
utilizaremos la información proporcionada por www.php.net para encontrar las
diferencias con los pasos que utilizamos en la práctica 1.a.
10. Utilizar el Apache Service Monitor para arrancar el servicio web
Documentación de Apache 2.0.X
Compiling Apache for Microsoft Windows
Available Languages: en
Compiling Apache requires the following environment to be properly installed:
Disk Space
Make sure you have at least 50 MB of free disk space available. After installation
Apache requires approximately 10 MB of disk space, plus space for log and cache
files, which can grow rapidly. The actual disk space requirements will vary
considerably based on your chosen configuration and any third-party modules or
Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 or higher.
Apache can be built using the command line tools, or from within the Visual Studio
IDE Workbench. The command line build requires the environment to reflect the
PATH, INCLUDE, LIB and other variables that can be configured with the
vcvars32 batch file:
"c:\Program Files\DevStudio\VC\Bin\vcvars32.bat"
The Windows Platform SDK.
Visual C++ 5.0 builds require an updated Microsoft Windows Platform SDK to
enable some Apache features. For command line builds, the Platform SDK
environment is prepared by the setenv batch file:
"c:\Program Files\Platform SDK\setenv.bat"
The Platform SDK files distributed with Visual C++ 6.0 and later are sufficient, so
users of later version may skip this requirement.
Note that the Windows Platform SDK update is required to enable all supported
mod_isapi features. Without a recent update, Apache will issue warnings under
MSVC++ 5.0 that some mod_isapi features will be disabled. Look for the update
at http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/sdks/platform/platform.asp.
The awk utility (awk, gawk or similar).
To install Apache within the build system, several files are modified using the
awk.exe utility. awk was chosen since it is a very small download (compared with
Perl or WSH/VB) and accomplishes the task of generating files. Brian Kernighan's
http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/bwk/ site has a compiled native Win32 binary,
http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/bwk/awk95.exe which you must save with the
name awk.exe rather than awk95.exe.
Note that Developer Studio IDE will only find awk.exe from the Tools menu
Options... Directories tab (the Projects - VC++ Directories pane in Developer Studio
7.0) listing Executable file paths. Add the path for awk.exe to this list, and your
system PATH environment variable, as needed.
Also note that if you are using Cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com/) the awk utility is
named gawk.exe and that the file awk.exe is really a symlink to the gawk.exe
file. The Windows command shell does not recognize symlinks, and because of
that building InstallBin will fail. A workaround is to delete awk.exe from the cygwin
installation and rename gawk.exe to awk.exe.
[Optional] OpenSSL libraries (for mod_ssl and ab.exe with ssl
Caution: there are significant restrictions and prohibitions on the use and
distribution of strong cryptography and patented intellectual property
throughout the world. OpenSSL includes strong cryptography controlled by both
export regulations and domestic law, as well as intellectual property protected by
patent, in the United States and elsewhere. Neither the Apache Software
Foundation nor the OpenSSL project can provide legal advise regarding
possession, use, or distribution of the code provided by the OpenSSL project.
Consult your own legal counsel, you are responsible for your own actions.
OpenSSL must be installed into a srclib subdirectory named openssl, obtained
from http://www.openssl.org/source/, in order to compile mod_ssl or the abs
project (ab.exe with SSL support.) To prepare OpenSSL for both release and
debug builds of Apache, and disable the patent protected features in 0.9.7, you
might use the following build commands:
perl Configure VC-WIN32
perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-idea VC-WIN32
perl util\mk1mf.pl dll debug no-asm no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-idea
VC-WIN32 >makefile.dbg
perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libeay no-asm no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-idea
perl util\mkdef.pl 32 ssleay no-asm no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-idea
nmake -f makefile.dbg
• [Optional] zlib sources (for mod_deflate)
Zlib must be installed into a srclib subdirectory named zlib, however those
sources need not be compiled. The build system will compile the compression
sources directly into the mod_deflate module. Zlib can be obtained from
http://www.gzip.org/zlib/ -- mod_deflate is confirmed to build correctly with
version 1.1.4.
Command-Line Build
First, unpack the Apache distribution into an appropriate directory. Open a command-line
prompt and cd to that directory.
The master Apache makefile instructions are contained in the Makefile.win file. To
compile Apache on Windows NT, simply use one of the following commands to compiled
the release or debug build, respectively:
nmake /f Makefile.win _apacher
nmake /f Makefile.win _apached
Either command will compile Apache. The latter will include debugging information in the
resulting files, making it easier to find bugs and track down problems.
Developer Studio Workspace IDE Build
Apache can also be compiled using VC++'s Visual Studio development environment. To
simplify this process, a Visual Studio workspace, Apache.dsw, is provided. This
workspace exposes the entire list of working .dsp projects that are required for the
complete Apache binary release. It includes dependencies between the projects to assure
that they are built in the appropriate order.
Open the Apache.dsw workspace, and select InstallBin (Release or Debug build, as
desired) as the Active Project. InstallBin causes all related project to be built, and then
invokes Makefile.win to move the compiled executables and dlls. You may personalize
the INSTDIR= choice by changing InstallBin's Settings, General tab, Build command
line entry. INSTDIR defaults to the /Apache2 directory. If you only want a test compile
(without installing) you may build the BuildBin project instead.
The .dsp project files are distributed in Visual C++ 6.0 format. Visual C++ 5.0 (97) will
recognize them. Visual C++ 7.0 (.net) must convert Apache.dsw plus the .dsp files into
an Apache.sln plus .msproj files, be sure you reconvert the .msproj file if any of the
source .dsp files change! This is really trivial, just open Apache.dsw in the VC++ 7.0 IDE
once again.
Visual C++ 7.0 (.net) users should also use the Build menu, Configuration Manager dialog
to uncheck both the Debug and Release Solution modules abs, mod_ssl and
mod_deflate. These modules are built by invoking nmake or the IDE directly with the
BinBuild target to build those modules explicitly, only if the srclib directories openssl
and/or zlib exist.
Exported .mak files pose a greater hassle, but they are required for Visual C++ 5.0 users
to build mod_ssl, abs (ab with SSL support) and/or mod_deflate. VC++ 7.0 (.net) users
also benefit, nmake builds are faster than binenv builds. Build the entire project from
within the VC++ 5.0 or 6.0 IDE, then use the Project Menu Export for all makefiles. You
must build the projects first in order to create all dynamic auto-generated targets, so that
dependencies can be parsed correctly. Run the following command to fix the paths so they
will build anywhere:
perl srclib\apr\build\fixwin32mak.pl
You must type this command from the top level directory of the httpd source tree. Every
.mak and .dep project file within the current directory and below will be corrected, and the
timestamps adjusted to reflect the .dsp.
If you contribute back a patch that revises project files, we must commit project files in
Visual Studio 6.0 format. Changes should be simple, with minimal compilation and linkage
flags that will be recognized by all VC++ 5.0 through 7.0 environments.
Project Components
The Apache.dsw workspace and makefile.win nmake script both build the .dsp
projects of the Apache server in the following sequence:
1. srclib\apr\apr.dsp
2. srclib\apr\libapr.dsp
3. srclib\apr-util\uri\gen_uri_delims.dsp
4. srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.dsp
5. srclib\apr-util\aprutil.dsp
6. srclib\apr-util\libaprutil.dsp
7. srclib\pcre\dftables.dsp
8. srclib\pcre\pcre.dsp
9. srclib\pcre\pcreposix.dsp
10. server\gen_test_char.dsp
11. libhttpd.dsp
12. Apache.dsp
In addition, the modules\ subdirectory tree contains project files for the majority of the
The support\ directory contains project files for additional programs that are not part of
the Apache runtime, but are used by the administrator to test Apache and maintain
password and log files. Windows-specific support projects are broken out in the
support\win32\ directory.
1. support\ab.dsp
2. support\htdigest.dsp
3. support\htpasswd.dsp
4. support\logresolve.dsp
5. support\rotatelogs.dsp
6. support\win32\ApacheMonitor.dsp
7. support\win32\wintty.dsp
Once Apache has been compiled, it needs to be installed in its server root directory. The
default is the \Apache2 directory, of the same drive.
To build and install all the files into the desired folder dir automatically, use one of the
following nmake commands:
nmake /f Makefile.win installr INSTDIR=dir
nmake /f Makefile.win installd INSTDIR=dir
The dir argument to INSTDIR gives the installation directory; it can be omitted if Apache is
to be installed into \Apache2.
This will install the following:
dir\bin\Apache.exe - Apache executable
dir\bin\ApacheMonitor.exe - Service monitor taskbar icon
dir\bin\htdigest.exe - Digest auth password file utility
dir\bin\htdbm.exe - SDBM auth database password file
dir\bin\htpasswd.exe - Basic auth password file utility
dir\bin\logresolve.exe - Log file dns name lookup utility
dir\bin\rotatelogs.exe - Log file cycling utility
dir\bin\wintty.exe - Console window utility
dir\bin\libapr.dll - Apache Portable Runtime shared
dir\bin\libaprutil.dll - Apache Utility Runtime shared
dir\bin\libhttpd.dll - Apache Core library
dir\modules\mod_*.so - Loadable Apache modules
dir\conf - Configuration directory
dir\logs - Empty logging directory
dir\include - C language header files
dir\lib - Link library files
Warning about building Apache from the development tree
Note only the .dsp files are maintained between release builds. The .mak files are NOT
regenerated, due to the tremendous waste of reviewer's time. Therefore, you cannot rely on
the NMAKE commands above to build revised .dsp project files unless you then export all
.mak files yourself from the project. This is unnecessary if you build from within the
Microsoft Developer Studio environment.
Also note it is very worthwhile to build the BuildBin target project (or the command line
_apacher or _apached target) prior to exporting the make files. Many files are
autogenerated in the build process. Only a full build provides all of the dependent files
required to build proper dependency trees for correct build behavior.
In order to create distribution .mak files, always review the generated .mak (or .dep)
dependencies for Platform SDK or other garbage includes. The
DevStudio\SharedIDE\bin\ (VC5) or DevStudio\Common\MSDev98\bin\ (VC6)
directory contains the sysincl.dat file, which must list all exceptions. Update this file
(including both forward and backslashed paths, such as both sys/time.h and
sys\time.h) to include such dependencies. Including local-install paths in a distributed
.mak file will cause the build to fail completely. And don't forget to run
srclib/apr/build/fixwin32mak.pl in order to fix absolute paths within the .mak