
International Labour Conference
(105th Session 30 May – 10 June 2016)
Membership of committees
Each year the ILO holds an International Labour Conference in the month of June, as per the
requirements of its Constitution. The Member States shall be represented by Government (2 delegates),
Workers (1 delegate) and Employers (1 delegate). Furthermore, the Worker delegate can be accompanied by
up to 2 advisers for each item on the agenda of the Conference and the Government should provide for travel
and subsistence expenses.
While the rule is that the most representative organization in the country should designate the delegate,
workers’ organizations are free to determine the composition of their own delegation. In case of trade union
pluralism in the country, unions can adopt – without governmental interference – any free rotation among
The Workers’ Group – following the indications of the ILO Constitution (art 3.2) - has requested
national delegations to ensure gender balance, having at least one woman in the delegation as per the target
set by the United Nations of increasing the participation of women in decision and policy-making bodies (at
least 50 per cent). Many workers’ delegations are below the threshold and every effort should be made to
redress this situation.
The Workers’ delegate and advisers have to be nominated in the credentials of member States, prior
to participate in the work of the technical committees of the Conference, as regular members or as deputy
members (deputy members can take part in a vote only to replace regular members who are absent at the
time of voting).
In case of standard setting discussions over two years (such as the case of the Revision of the
Employment Recommendation No. 71), workers’ organizations should strive to maintain the same person
covering the two sessions of the ILC.
In order to facilitate the preparatory steps to establish the composition of the Committees’
Workers’ Groups, trade unions are kindly asked to send preliminary information to the Bureau for
Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV), once tripartite consultations have taken place at national level.
Once the Worker Delegate from the country has been nominated - he/she should fill up the
enclosed form, in consultation with any other representative organizations and should submit it to
ACTRAV, in order to expedite preparations.
Please note that committee membership as indicated in the form will be effective only once:
 the Office has received official credentials from the government accrediting the person concerned as
Workers’ delegate, adviser, or person designated in accordance with article 2(3)(i) of the Standing Orders
of the Conference; and
 the registration request is endorsed by the Workers’ group and the initial committee composition approved
by the Conference.
Please return the registration form by 26 May 2016
to the Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV)
(, tel.: +4122 799 8327, fax: +4122 799 6570)
Workers – Travailleurs - Trabajadores
I submit the following nominations for the Committees to be set up
Je soumets les propositions suivantes pour les commissions à constituer
Presento las siguientes propuestas de nombramientos para la constitución de las comisiones siguientes
Name and last name
Prénom et nom de famille
Nombre y apellidos
Committee / Commission / Comisión1
Committee on the Application of Standards
Commission de l’application des normes
Comisión de Aplicación de Normas
Decent work in global supply chains
(General discussion)
Travail décent dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales
(Discussion générale)
Trabajo decente en las cadenas mundiales de suministro
(Discusión general)
Titular / Titulaire
Deputy / Adjoint
C. App.
Employment and decent work for the transition to peace
(Revision of the Recommendation No 71)
(Standard setting, double discussion).
Emploi et travail décent pour la transition à la paix
(Révision de la recommandation no 71)
(Action normative, double discussion)
Empleo y trabajo decente para la transición a la paz
(Revisión de la Recomendación núm. 71)
(Elaboración de normas, doble discusión)
Committee for the Social Justice Declaration
Comité pour la Déclaration sur la justice sociale
Comisión para la Declaración sobre la justicia social
Name and signature of Workers' Delegate
Nom et signature du délégué travailleur
Nombre y firma del Delegado Trabajador
There are three committees which do not appear on this table: the Finance Committee of Government Representatives, the two committees of limited
membership whose composition is decided by the Conference: the Selection Committee (article 4) and the Credentials Committee (article 5).
Trois commissions ne sont pas mentionnées sur ce formulaire: la Commission des finances des représentants gouvernementaux, et deux commissions dont la
composition, limitée, est décidée par la Conférence: la Commission de proposition (article 4) et la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs (article 5).
Hay tres comisiones que no figuran en el formulario: la Comisión de Representantes Gubernamentales sobre Cuestiones Financieras y las dos comisiones de
composición restringida que son constituidas por la Conferencia, es decir, la Comisión de Proposiciones (artículo 4) y la Comisión de Verificación de Poderes
(artículo 5).