LABoral holds a graphic design competition with the slogan “Tunea

PRESS RELEASE August 10, 2010
LABoral holds a graphic design competition with the
slogan “Tunea tu móvil”
The activity is part of the LABmóvil programme, a recurring
Project financed by El Plan Avanza of the Minstry of
Industry, Tourism and Commerce.
The winner will receive one free 4G iPhone 4G, valued at
eight hundred Euros.
LABoral has organized a graphic design competition that, with the slogan
“Tunea tu móvil” [“Tune your mobile phone”], will encourage reflection
on the mobile phone as a technology for daily use as well as a means for
creative expression and social participation. The competition is part of
the project “LABmóvil. Luz verde a la movilidad” [“Green light for
mobility”] organized by El Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijón
for La Feria Internacional de Muestras de Asturias which began August 7
and will continue until Augst 22, 2010, in Gijón.
For two weeks, the Pavilion of the Principality of Asturias will hold a
seriesd of workshops and competitions organised in collaboration with La
Fundación CTIC-Sociedad de la Información. Its objective is to introduce
young people to the creative use of technologies. The activities will be
centred on questions such as the artistic and responsible use of mobile
devices, an introduction to digital 4K Red One cinema, new applications
for mobile devices, mobile phone tuning and the recording of movies.
All these activities are part of the recurrent LABmóvil programme, a
participation forum involving the production and exchange of audiovisual
and digital content, whose goal is to contribute to developing creativity
and critical involvement in society of adolescents and young people. This
annual event is financed by El Plan Avanza sponsored by the Ministry of
Industry, Tourism and Commerce.
“Tunea tu móvil” is opne to any person under 35 years of age who does
not dedicate themselves professionally to graphic design. Each participant
can submit a máximum of two designs. The competition will give one
grand prize: a free 4G iPhone, valued at 800 Euros.
Proposals can be submitted until November 15, 2:00 PM, on the
competition’s web page A jury
will select the winning idea and will be published on the competition’s web
page on December 9, 2010.
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial
Los Prados, 121. 33394 Gijón - Asturias. T. +34 985 185 577. F. +34 985 337 355
or send an email to mó
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial
Los Prados, 121. 33394 Gijón - Asturias. T. +34 985 185 577. F. +34 985 337 355