CV Harvey Arellano-Garcia

 Curriculum Vitae Surname
First Name
Address privat
Address at work
Knausstr. 11, D-12157 Berlin, Germany
Technische Universität Berlin, Sekr. KWT-9
Str. des 17. Juni 135, D-10623 Berlin, Germany
+49-30-314 21619
To obtain a challenging full-time leading position in research and education
Research interests
Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems, Process Dynamics and Operation, Advanced Process
Control, Design and Optimization, Model-based Optimal Experimental Design, Miniplant Techniques
Current Appointment
Chief Senior Engineer (equivalent to a Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor) at the Berlin Institute of
Technology and leader of the research group “Process and Energy Systems Engineering” with 10 PhD
students and also appointed as Guest Professor in Process Systems Engineering at the Brandenburg
University of Technology.
Studies and Academic Qualifications
 Habilitation
Venia Legendi in Process Dynamics and Control
Faculty for Process Sciences
Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
expected October 2012
 Dr.-Ing. in Chemical Engineering
October 21, 2006
Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
Doctor degree thesis: Chanced Constrained Optimization of Process Systems under
Grade: With distinction (summa cum laude)
Main Advisor: Professor Günter Wozny
External Reviewer: Professor Ignacio Grossmann, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
 Diploma in Energy and Process Engineering
Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
Grade: 1.6± (top 6%), [±German Grading System: 1.0≈A, 2.0≈B, 3.0≈C]
September 2000
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Honours and Awards
Poster Award, Honourable Mention, at the AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake
EFCE European Federation of Chemical Engineering
Excellence Award in Recognition of an Outstanding PhD Thesis on CAPE
(Computer-Aided Process Engineering)
Best Paper Award in PSE2006 - 9th International Symposium on Process
Systems Engineering and
ESCAPE-16 - 16th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Marie Curie Grant for Young Researchers, Lisbon
DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) German Research Foundation Grant
DECHEMA Max-Buchner Foundation Grant for Research Promotion
Berlin Institute of Technology Grant for Promising Research Work
Faculty-Book Prize for Achievements in Studies
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Award, Excellence Award for the
Best Foreign Student of the Berlin Institute of Technology
Best Diploma Thesis in the Chair of Process Dynamics and Operation at the
Berlin Institute of Technology
Publications, Presentations, and Patents summary
(Detailed list attached)
 Publications
39 peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals
74 peer-reviewed proceedings publications
4 monographs
4 publications in scientific journals currently under review
 Presentations
100 platform presentations in scientific conferences with published abstracts
19 Lectures (Plenary, Keynote, Invited)
 Patents
1 German patent
2 European patents filing
Research Activities
My research activities have been concentrated on the development and application of systems
engineering approaches for steady state and dynamic process simulation, model-based analysis and
experimental verification, modelling and optimization of complex process engineering and energy
systems with large structural diversity and a high number of elements. Particular attention has been paid
to the holistic view of the involved processes phenomena, micro and macro processes, process design
and the final experimental verification. Currently, I am the leader of a research group with 10 Ph.D.
students at the Berlin Institute of Technology, in which advanced approaches have been or are being
developed. These research results have also been successfully integrated into several industrial
processes. Meanwhile I have been in charge of the co-supervision of 22 Diploma-Thesis, 31 MasterThesis, 14 Bachelor-Thesis projects and of the co-supervision of 6 PhD Thesis works. Furthermore, I
am involved as:
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 Principal Investigator in the Collaborative Research Centre "Integrated Chemical Processes in
Liquid Multiphase Systems" (
 Mentor in the Interdisciplinary Research Training Group "prometei"
 Member of the Cluster of Excellence "Unifying Concepts in Catalysis" within the projects:
Process simulation with hierarchic models and Design of integrated catalytic processes in the
Group of Prof. Günter Wozny (
 Manager and Lecturer in the Summer School "Process and Energy Systems Engineering" in
Brazil and Mexico in cooperation with Prof. W. Marquardt, RWTH Aachen since 2009
Teaching Activities
In the past 6 years I have taught the following courses in Germany and abroad with the focus on
modeling, simulation, and optimization approaches for control and process dynamics:
Berlin Institute of Technology:
 Chemical Process Optimization, 10 times
 Process Dynamics and Control, 6 times
 Optimal Experimental Design, 4 times
 Chemical Process Design, 4 times
 Advanced Process Control, 2 times
Upgrade Training Courses for the German Industry
 2007-2008-2009
DECHEMA-Weiterbildungskurs: Optimierung in der Prozessindustrie
Optimization in the Chemical Process Industry
 2006-2007-2008
GVT (Forschungs-Gesellschaft Verfahrens-Technik e.V.)
Hochschulkurs “Neue thermische Trenntechnologien in der
Advanced Separation Technologies in Chemical Engineering
External Teaching Activities
 Since 2006
Guest Lecturer Technical University of Cracow, Poland
 Since 2008
Guest Lecturer Technical University of St. Petersburg, Russia
 Since 2012
Guest Professor Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
Short Courses Abroad
 03/2007
 12/2008
 06/2009
 07/2010
 04/2011
 06/2011
 07/2011
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú
Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico-City, Mexico
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico-City
University of Haifa, Israel
Universidad de Piura, Perú
Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
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I have reviewed contributions of the following Journals requested by the Journal editors
AIChE Journal
Chemical Engineering Science
Computers & Chemical Engineering
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Chemical Engineering & Technology
Journal of Process Control
Chemical Engineering Research and Design
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
Journal of Environmental Management
Water Science and Technology
Control Engineering Practice
Computational Optimization and Applications
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
and for international conferences
 AIChE Annual Meetings
 ESCAPE European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
 ADCHEM 2009 - International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes
 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation,
Track Industrial Control
References upon on request in:
Process Dynamics and Operation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Wozny
Process Control
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Engell
Process Systems Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Marquardt
Numerical Optimization
Prof. Dr. Lorenz T. Biegler
Fluid Separations
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrzej Górak
Dr.-Ing. Harvey Arellano-Garcia
Dr.-Ing Harvey Arellano-Garcia
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Dr.-Ing. Harvey Arellano-Garcia
List of Publications (as of May 2012)
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List of Publications Peer‐reviewed publications in scientific journals 1.
T. Barz, R. Kraus, G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, Generation of Discrete First- and Second-Order
Sensitivities for Single Shooting, AIChE Journal, 2012, doi: 10.1002/aic.1372
M. N. Cruz Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, G. Lyberatos, C. Kravaris, ASM3 extended for
two-step nitrification–denitrification: a model reduction for sequencing batch reactors, Journal of
Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2012, doi: 10.1002/jctb.369
U. Schubert, U. Kruger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Input reconstruction for statistical-based fault
detection and isolation, AIChE Journal, 2011, doi: 10.1002/aic.12693
Velasco-Garcia, P., P. Varbanov, P., H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Utility Systems Operation:
Optimisation-Based Decision Making, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31, 3196-3205.
T. Barz, G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, An Efficient Sparse Approach to Sensitivity Generation for
Large-Scale Dynamic Optimization, Comp. & Chem. Eng., 2011, 35, 2053-2065.
S. Kuntsche, R. Kraus, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, MOSAIC a web-based modelling environment
for code generation, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2011, 35, 2257-2273,
S. Jašo, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Oxidative coupling of methane in a fluidized bed reactor:
Influence of feeding policy, hydrodynamics, and reactor geometry, Chemical Engineering Journal,
2011, 171, 255-271, doi:10.1016/j.cej.2011.03.077
U. Schubert, U. Kruger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Unified model-based fault diagnosis for three
industrial application studies, Control Engineering Practice, 2011, 19, 479-490,
D. Salerno, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Ethylene Separation By Feed-Splitting From Light Gases,
Energy, 2011, 36, 4518-4523, 10.1016/
10. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Robust Implementation of Optimal Decisions using a Two-Layer
Chance Constrained Approach, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011, 50, 5050-5063, doi:10.1021/ie1014525
11. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Inverse exergo-ökologisch-ökonomische
Prozessanalyse von Abgasbehandlungsprozessen, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 2011, 83(4), 427–442
12. S. Jaso, H. Godini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Analysis of Attainable Reactor Performance for the
Oxidative Methane Coupling Process, Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65 (24), 6341-6352
13. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Local Optima in Model-Based Optimal Experimental
Design, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (20), 10059–10073
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14. S. Stünkel, W. Martini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Entwicklung eines optimalen CO2Abtrennungsprozesses für die oxidative Kopplung von Methan im Miniplant-Maßstab, Chemie
Ingenieur Technik, 2011, 83, No. 4, 488–495
15. T. Barz, V. Löffler, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Optimal determination of steric mass action model
parameters for β-lactoglobulin using static batch experiments, Journal of Chromatography A, 2010,
1217 (26), 4267-4277
16. H. Godini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Model-Based Analysis of Reactor Feeding Policies for
Methane Oxidative Coupling, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (8), 3544–3552
17. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Handling Uncertainty in Model-Based Optimal Experimental
Design, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2010, 49 (12), 5702–5713
18. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, S. Körkel, H. Thielert, Model-Based Experimental
Analysis of a Fixed-Bed Reactor for Catalytic SO2 Oxidation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48 (11),
19. H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Chance Constrained Optimization of Process Systems under
Uncertainty: I. Strict Monotonicity, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2009, 33, 1568–1583
20. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, J. Schöneberger, G. Wozny, M. Kraume, Model-Based Recognition of
Fouling Mechanisms in Membrane Bioreactors, Desalination, 2009, 236, 224-233
21. U. Schubert, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Application of Model-Based Failure Detection and
Identification to Industrial Production Processes, Chemical and Process Engineering, 2009, 30, 3, 369388
22. M. Wendt, M. Strack, H. Arellano-Garcia, T. Barz, Optimierung dynamischer Destillationsprozesse,
Chem. Ing. Tech. plus, 2009, 72(7-8), 27-29
23. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, Model-based Determination of Changing Kinetics in High Cell Density
Cultures Using Respiration Data, Chemical Engineering Science, 2008, 63, 4789-4799
24. P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Chance Constrained Programming Approach to Process
Optimization under Uncertainty, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2008, 32, 25–45
25. H. Arellano-Garcia, A. Drews, M. Kraume, Modellbasierte Führungsstrategie für die Foulingminimierung
in Membranbioreaktoren, Chem. Ing. Tech., 2008, 80(1-2), 87-95
26. H. Arellano-Garcia, I. Carmona, G. Wozny, A New Operation Mode for Reactive Batch Distillation in
Middle-Vessel Columns: Start-up and operation. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2008, 32(1-2),
27. M. Wendt, M. Strack, H. Arellano-Garcia, Optimale Betriebsführung durch modellbasierte onlineSteuerung, Chem. Ing. Tech., 2008, 80(1-2), 229-234
28. H. Arellano-Garcia, T. Barz, G. Wozny, Closed-Loop Stochastic Dynamic Optimization under
Probabilistic Output-Constraints in "Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive
Control", Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Series, LNCIS 358, Springer
Verlag, 2007, 305–315
29. R. Faber, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, An optimization framework for parameter estimation of largescale systems, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2007, 46 (11), 10851095
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30. H. Arellano-Garcia, J. Schöneberger, S. Körkel, Optimale Versuchsplanung in der chemischen
Verfahrenstechnik, Chem. Ing. Tech., 2007, 79, (10), 1625-1638, Review
31. N. Cruz-Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, From Data to Mechanistic-Based Models, Chemical
and Process Engineering, 2008, 30, 291-306
32. J. Repke, P. Mertens, H. Arellano-Garcia H., Z. Lelkes, E. Rev, G. Wozny, Modelling and simulation of
start-up strategies for batch extractive distillation, Chemical and Process Engineering, 2007, 28, 149160
33. R. Faber, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Bestimmung von nicht messbaren Prozessgrößen mit Hilfe
von optimierungsbasierten Techniken, Chem. Ing. Tech., 2006, 78 (10), 1509-1522, Review Article
34. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Robust Controller Performance under Uncertainty for a HeatIntegrated Distillation Column System, IChem Symposium Series 152, Article, 954-969
35. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Nichtlineare Stochastische Optimierung unter
Unsicherheiten, Chem. Ing. Tech., 2003, 75, 814 – 822, Review
36. P. Li, M. Wendt, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Optimal Operation of Distillation Processes under
Uncertain Inflows Accumulated in a Feed Tank, AIChE Journal, 2002, 48(6), 1198-1211
37. P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Integration of Simulated Annealing to a Simulation Tool for
Dynamic Optimization of Chemical Processes, Chemical Engineering & Processing, 2000, 39, 357 –
38. M. Jimoh, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, H. Bock, B. Gutsche, Transesterification of Isopropyl
Myristate in a Continuous Reactive Distillation Column: Simulation and Experiment, Lipid – Fett
Journal, 1999, 100(2), 50 – 56
39. P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, E. Reuter, Optimization of a Semibatch Distillation Process with
Model Validation on the Industrial Site, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 1998, 37, 1341 – 1350
Books and monographs 1.
H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Lehrbuch zur Prozesssystemtechnik, Springer Verlag, erscheint 2013
G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia (Hrs.), Special Issue on Process Optimization and Control in Chemical
Engineering and Processing, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2007,
Vol. 46, Issue 11.
H. Arellano-Garcia, Chance Constrained Optimization of Process Systems under Uncertainty,
Dissertation, Fakultät III Prozesswissenschaften, Technische Universität Berlin,, Berlin, 2006
G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, Prozesssimulation & Prozessoptimierung, Frühjahrsschule 2006, ISBN
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List of Publications (as of May 2012)
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Publications in scientific journals currently under review 1.
S. Stünkel, E. Esche, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Process development in a mini plant scale – A
multilevel - multiscale PSE approach for developing an improved Oxidative Coupling of Methane
process, AIChE Journal, 2012
H. Godini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Methane Oxidative Coupling: Synthesis of Membrane
Reactor Networks, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011
H. Arellano-Garcia, S. Geist, G. Wozny, Benchmark for Hierarchical Plantwide Control of Hybrid
Chemical Processes: Control of Coupled Batch and Continuous Reactors, Computers and Chemical
Engineering, 2011
D. Salerno, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Techno-economic analysis for ethylene, electricity and
formaldehyde production from oxidative coupling of methane, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011
S. Höser, S. Arora, M. Koitka, H. Arellano-Garcia, Workflow improvement using automated screening
methods for controlled variable selection, Control Engineering Practice, 2011
Plenary, Keynote, Invited Lectures 1.
H. Arellano-Garcia, Handling uncertainty in model-based optimal experimental design, DECHEMA
Kolloquium, Max-Planck-Institute, Magdeburg-Gemany, 02. February 2012
2. H. Arellano-Garcia, Model-based Design and Development of an Integrated Catalytic Process for the
Oxidative Coupling of Methane, XXV Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering, XVIII Chilean
Congress of Chemical Engineering, November 15, 12011, Plenary Lecture
3. H. Arellano-Garcia, Handling Uncertainty in Process Optimization and Operation, Technion - Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa- Israel, 12. April 2011
G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, Oxidative coupling of methane: a design of integrated catalytic
processes, 13th Conference on Process Integration, Modeling and Optimization for Energy Saving and
Pollution Reduction, Keynote Lecture, Prague, Czech Republic, 28 August – 1 September 2010
H. Arellano-Garcia, Prozessdynamik und –Optimierung, BASF-Advanced Process Control Group,
Ludwigshafen 15. Juni 2010
H. Arellano-Garcia, Process Optimization and Control under Probabilistic Programming, Dept. of
Chemical Engineering, Imperial College of London, 05. Mai 2010
H. Arellano-Garcia, Oxidative Kopplung von Methan: Design integrierter katalytischer Prozesse,
ProcessNet-Arbeitsausschuss Prozesssimulation, Prozesssynthese und Wissensverarbeitung,
DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main, 17. März 2010
H. Arellano-Garcia, Modellbasierte experimentelle Verfahren zur Prozessanalyse in biotechnischen und
verfahrenstechnischen Systeme, 12. Vortragstreffen des Hochschullehrernachwuchses und 2.
Symposium Bildung und Innovation in Biotechnologie, Dresden, 24.-26. Februar 2010
T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Model-based pressure control of a distillation column, 2nd
Symposium Computer-Aided Process Optimization, Chemiepark Knapsack, 17. November 2009
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10. G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, The Significance of Experiments in Process Systems Engineering,
PSE´09 10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Keynote Lecture, Salvador,
Bahia, Brasilien, August 16-20, 2009
11. G. Wozny, H. Thielert, H. Arellano-Garcia, Aspects of long term Industry-University Cooperation
Projects, PRES'09- 12th International Conference on Process Integration, Modeling and Optimization
for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Keynote Lecture, Rom/Italy, 10.-13. Mai .2009
12. H. Arellano-Garcia, Handling Uncertainty in Process Optimization and Experimental Design, Dept. de
Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, Universidad de Valladolid/Spanien, 06. Juli 2009
13. H. Arellano-Garcia, State of the Art and Advances in Process Optimization, Dept. of Chemical
Engineering, Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi/Vietnam 03. März 2009
14. H. Arellano-Garcia, Fitting Equations to Data, Forum: Advances in Process Systems Engineering,
Dept. De Ingeniería y Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexiko, 08. Dezember 2008
15. H. Arellano-Garcia, Chance-Constrained Optimization of Process Systems under Uncertainty,
European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) 18, Lyon/Frankreich, 2
Juni 2008
16. H. Arellano-Garcia, Process Optimization and Control under Uncertainty- A Chance Constrained
Programming Approach, International Workshop on Advances in Reaction and Separations Processes,
Chennai-Madras, India, 18-20 Februar, 2008
17. H. Arellano-Garcia, Modelling and Simulation of Reactive Separation Systems, Universidad Nacional
de San Agustín de Arequipa, Perú, 20. März 2007
18. H. Arellano-Garcia, Integrierter Ansatz zur modellbasierten Prozessführung und anlagenweiten
Optimierung, 1. Symposium Rechnergestützte Verfahrensoptimierung Chemiepark Knapsack,
InfraServ GmbH & Co. Knapsack KG, 07. November 2006
19. H. Arellano-Garcia, Chance-Constrained Nonlinear Optimization, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik
komplexer technischer Systeme, Magdeburg, 14. Juni 2006
20. H. Arellano-Garcia, Batchrektifikation mit Mittelbehälter und überlagerter Reaktion, Degussa AG
Process Technology & Engineering, Hanau-Wolfgang, 30 Januar 2006
Peer‐reviewed proceedings publications 1. S. Jaso, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A novel concept for the oxidative coupling of methane using
hybrid reactors, In: Proc. 21th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Edited
by E.N. Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C. Kokossis, ISBN: 978-0-444-53895-6, Computer Aided
Chemical Engineering, 29, Chalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, pp. 377-381
2. D. Hoang Minh, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, L. T. Biegler, An efficient high resolution FEM for PDE
systems, In: Proc. 21th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Edited by E.N.
Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C. Kokossis, ISBN: 978-0-444-53895-6, Computer Aided
Chemical Engineering, 29, Chalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, pp. 56-60
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3. T. Barz, L. Zhu, G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, Efficient computation of first- and second-order
sensitivities using an internal forward differentiation scheme, In: Proc. 21th European Symposium on
Computer Aided Process Engineering, Edited by E.N. Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C.
Kokossis, ISBN: 978-0-444-53895-6, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29, Chalkidiki,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, pp. 733-737
4. M. Müller, V. A. Merchan, H. Arellano-Garcia, R. Schomäker, G. Wozny, A novel process design for the
hydroformylation of higher alkenes, In: Proc. 21th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Edited by E.N. Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C. Kokossis, ISBN: 978-0-444-538956, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29, Chalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, pp. 226-230
5. S. Kuntsche, H. arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, MOSAIC, an environment for web-based modeling in the
documentation level, In: Proc. 21th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering,
Edited by E.N. Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C. Kokossis, ISBN: 978-0-444-53895-6, Computer
Aided Chemical Engineering, 29, Chalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, pp. 1140-1144
6. D. Salerno, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Techno-economic analysis for ethylene and methanol
production from the oxidative coupling of methane process, In: Proc. 21th European Symposium on
Computer Aided Process Engineering, Edited by E.N. Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C.
Kokossis, ISBN: 978-0-444-53895-6, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29, Chalkidiki,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, pp. 1874-1878
7. U. Schubert, A. Lange, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Experimental evaluation of a robust NMPC
strategy for an unstable nonlinear process, In: Proc. 21th European Symposium on Computer Aided
Process Engineering, Edited by E.N. Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C. Kokossis, ISBN: 978-0444-53895-6, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29, Chalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, pp.
8. M. N. Cruz Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Lyberatos, C. Kravaris, G. Wozny, Optimization of a
sequencing batch reactor process for waste water treatment using a two step nitrification model, In:
Proc. 21th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Edited by E.N.
Pistikopoulos, M.C. Georgiadis and A.C. Kokossis, ISBN: 978-0-444-53895-6, Computer Aided
Chemical Engineering, 29, Chalkidiki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, pp. 1291-1295
9. D. Salerno, H. ArellanoGarcia, G. Wozny, Techno-Economic Analysis for Ethylene and Oxygenates
Products from the Oxidative Coupling of Methane Process, In Proc.: ICheaP-10, 10th International
Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, ISBN 978-88-95608-15-0, Chemical Engineering
Transactions, Vol. 24, 2011, pp. 1507-1512
10. Z. Guetta, J. C. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Development and
experimental verification of a Claus process combustion chamber model, In Proc.: 18th International
Conference Process Engineering and Chemical Plant Design 2011, ISBN 978-3-7983-2362-9, pp. 12-21
11. M. N.Cruz Bournazou, D. Domashk, T. Barz, G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, Evaluation and integration
approaches to DAE systems in engineering applications, In Proc.: 18th International Conference
Process Engineering and Chemical Plant Design 2011, ISBN 978-3-7983-2362-9, pp. 93-102
12. V. A. Merchan, S. Kuntsche, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Symbolic generation of higher-order
derivatives with MOSAIC, , In Proc.: 18th International Conference Process Engineering and Chemical
Plant Design 2011, ISBN 978-3-7983-2362-9, pp. 114-123
13. R. Günther, J. C. schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Design and modeling of a
new periodical steady state process for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide in the context of an emission free
sulfuric acid plant, In Proc.: 18th International Conference Process Engineering and Chemical Plant
Design 2011, ISBN 978-3-7983-2362-9, pp. 156-167
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14. S. Jaso, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Oxidative Coupling of methane in a fluidized bed reactor:
modeling and design, In Proc.: 5th International Berlin Workshop – IBW 5 on Transport Phenomena with
Moving Boundaries, ISBN 978-3-18-392003-7, Nr. 920, VDI, Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 89-106
15. H. Arellano-Garcia, R. Kraus, G. Wozny, A Novel Process Concept for the Production of Ethyl Lactate,
In: Proc. Distillation & Absorption 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 12-15, 2010
16. W. Martini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Hyperbranched Polymers in Absorption: Experimental CO2
Solubilities, In: Proc. Distillation & Absorption 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 12-15,
17. H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Comparative Study of Reactor Performance for the Oxidative Coupling
of Methane, In: Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process
Engineering, Hangthou, China, May 9-12, 2010
18. N. Cruz-Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, G. Lyberatos, C. Kravaris, Model Reduction of the
ASM3 Extended for Two-Step Nitrification, In: Proc. 11th IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications
in Biotechnology, Leuven, Belgium, July 7-9, 2010
19. U. Schubert, U. Kruger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Input Reconstruction for Statistically Enhanced
Fault Detection and Isolation, In: Proc. 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 28, Ischia/Italien, 2010, 193-198
20. H. Arellano-Garcia, S. Geist, G. Wozny, J. Raisch, Benchmark for Hierarchical Plantwide Control of
Hybrid Chemical Processes: Control of Coupled Batch and Continuous Reactors, In: Proc. 20th
European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical
Engineering, 28, Ischia/Italien, 2010, 541-546
21. S. Kuntsche, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A New Modeling Environment Based on InternetStandards XML and MathML, In: Proc. 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 28, Ischia/Italien, 2010, 673-678
22. S. Jašo, H. Godini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny Oxidative Coupling of Methane: Reactor
Performance and Operating Conditions, In: Proc. 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided
Process Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 28, Ischia/Italien, 2010, 781-786
23. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, R. Schomäcker, M. Kraume, G. Wozny, Ultrafiltration of Surfactant
Micelles: Cross-flow Experiments and Flux Modelling, In: Proc. 20th European Symposium on
Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 28, Ischia/Italien, 2010,
24. H. Godini, D. Salerno, H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Omidkhah, G. Wozny, Individual and Network Feeding
Policies for Methane Oxidative Coupling Reactors, In: Proc. 6th International Chemical Engineering
Congress and Exhibition - IChEC 2009, Kish Island, Iran, 16-20 November 2009
25. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Identification of Reaction Mechanisms with
a Dynamic PFR Model, In: Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical
Processes, (ADCHEM) 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-15 July 2009
26. S. Kuntsche, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Web- Based Object-Oriented Modeling Environment for
the Simulation of Chemical Processes, In: Proc. PRES'09 -12th Conference Process Integration,
Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Chemical Engineering
Transactions, Vol. 18, 2009, Rom/Italy, 779-784
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27. G. Wozny, H. Thielert, H. Arellano-Garcia, Aspects of Long-term Industry-University Cooperation
Projects, In. Proc: PRES'09- 12th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and
Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 18,
2009, Rom/Italy, 549-556
28. H. Godini, H. Arellano-Garcia, M.R. Omidkhah, G. Wozny, Analysis of oxidative coupling of methane in
membrane reactors, In: Proc. 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering,
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 26, Krakow/Poland, 2009, 123-128
29. U. Schubert, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Development and Experimental Verification of ModelBased Process Control using Mixed-Reality Environments, In: Proc. 19th European Symposium on
Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 26, Krakow/Poland,
2009, 333-337
30. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, An Efficient Discretization Approach for Partial
Differential Equations describing Chemical Reaction Systems, In: Proc. 19th European Symposium on
Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 26, Krakow/Poland,
2009, 901-905
31. G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, the Significance of Experiments on PSE, In: Proc. 10th International
Symposium on Process Systems Engineering - PSE2009, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol.
27, 2009, 163-168
32. T. Barz, V. Löffler, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Optimal Experimental Design for the Determination
of Protein Ion-Exchange Equilibrium Parameters, In: Proc. 10th International Symposium on Process
Systems Engineering - PSE2009, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 27, 2009, 309-314
33. M.N. Cruz Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, P. Neubauer, G. Wozny, A Novel Approach to Mechanism
Recognition in Escherichia Coli Fed-Batch Fermentations, In: Proc. 10th International Symposium on
Process Systems Engineering - PSE2009, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 27, 2009, 651656
34. D. Salerno, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Ethylene Separation by Feed-Splitting from Light Gases, In:
Proc. 10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering - PSE2009, Computer Aided
Chemical Engineering, Vol. 27, 2009, 855-860
35. S. Körkel, H. Arellano-Garcia, Online Experimental Design for Model Validation, In: Proc. 10th
International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering - PSE2009, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, August
16-20, 2009
36. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Implementation of Optimal Decisions in the Presence of
Uncertainty, In: Proc. 17th IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) World Congress,
Seoul, Korea, 6.-11. Juli 2008
37. H. Arellano-Garcia, J. schöneberger, A. Drews, G. Wozny, An Optimization-Based Approach to Model
Identification, In: Proc. FOCAPO 2008, 5th Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations,
Boston, Cambridge, USA, June 29 - July 2, 2008
38. S. Körkel, H. Arellano-Garcia, J. Schöneberger, G. Wozny, Optimum experimental design for key
performance indicators, In: Proc. 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering,
Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 25, Lyon/France, 2008, 575-580
39. H. Arellano-Garcia, A. Drews, G. Wozny, Identifiability Analysis and Optimization-Based State and
Parameter Estimation in Bioreactors. In: Proc. 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 25, Lyon/France, 2008, CD, ISBN: 978-0444-53227-5
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List of Publications (as of May 2012)
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40. J. schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, S. Körkel, G. Wozny, Optimal Experimental Design of
a Catalytic Fixed Bed Reactor, In: Proc. 18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 25, Lyon/France, 2008, CD, ISBN: 978-0444-53227-5
41. B. Satriadarma, T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Luft, G. Wozny, Predictive Functional Control of an
Azeotropic Distillation Column, In: Proc. CHISA 2008, ISBN: 978-80-02-02051-6, 1060
42. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, J. Schöneberger, J. Schaller, G. Wozny, M. Kraume, Model-Based
Recognition of Fouling Mechanisms in Membrane Bioreactors, In: Proc. IMSTEC 2007, The 6th
International Membrane Science and Technology Conference, Sydney, 05-09.11.2007, ISBN: 970-07334-2561-5
43. P. Velasco, P. Varbanov, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Operation of Utility Systems: Optimisation –
Based Decision Making, In: Proc. PRES’07 – 10th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and
Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 12,
Ischia/Italy, 2007, 99-104
44. H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Process Control Under Uncertainty, In: Proc. PRES’07 – 10th
Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution
Reduction, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 12, Ischia/Italy, 2007, 377-382
45. J. Schoeneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A Novel Approach to Automated Mechanism
Recognition based on Model Discrimination, In: Proc. PRES’07 – 10th Conference on Process
Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Chemical
Engineering Transactions, Vol. 12, Ischia/Italy, 2007, 471-476
46. R. Faber, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A Hybrid Optimization Approach to Parameter Estimation, In:
Proc. 17th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical
Engineering, Vol. 24, Bucharest/Romania, 2007, 75-80
47. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, J. Schöneberger, J. Schaller, M. Kraume, G. Wozny, Improving the
efficiency of membrane bioreactors by a novel model-based control of membrane filtration, In: Proc.
17th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical
Engineering, Vol. 24, Bucharest/Romania, 2007, 345-350
48. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, An Efficient Approach to Robust
Simulation of Claus Processes in Coking Plants, In: Proc. 17th European Symposium on Computer
Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 24, Bucharest/Romania,
2007, 521-526
49. H. Arellano-Garcia, A. Drews, U. Schubert, G. Wozny, M. Kraume, Increasing the Predictivity of Kinetic
Models for High-Cell-Density Cultivations, In: Proc. 17th European Symposium on Computer Aided
Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 24, Bucharest/Romania, 2007, 953958
50. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Robust Implementation of Optimal Strategies, Accounting for
Controller Performance and Uncertainty. In: Proc. 17th European Symposium on Computer Aided
Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 24, Bucharest/Romania, 2007,
ISBN 978-0-444-53158-2, paper T3-577
51. D. Richter, N. Cruz-Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Reliable Nonlinear
Parameter Estimation in Predicting the Activity Coefficients for Complex Hydrocarbon Mixtures, In:
Proc. 17th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical
Engineering, Vol. 24, Bucharest/Romania, 2007, ISBN 978-0-444-53158-2, paper T2-575
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52. H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Process Optimization and Control under Uncertainty: A Chance
Constrained Programming Approach, In: Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Control of
Chemical Processes, (ADCHEM) 2006, Gramado, Brasilien, 2-5 April 2006
53. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Wendt, M. Kraume, G. Wozny, Optimization of operating conditions
for ferrichrome production in a membrane bioreactor using Ustilago maydis, In: Proc. 16th European
Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 21,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen/Germany, 2006, 309-314
54. I. Carmona, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A New Operation Mode for Reactive Batch Distillation in
Middle Vessel Columns: Start-up and Operation, In: Proc. 16th European Symposium on Computer
Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 21, GarmischPartenkirchen/Germany, 2006, 321-326
55. P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Chance constrained programming approach to process
optimization under uncertainty, In: Proc. 16th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 21, Garmisch-Partenkirchen/Germany,
2006, 1245-1250
56. R. Faber, H. Arellano-Garcia, P. Li, G. Wozny, Improving observability of large-scale systems by
iterative weighting adjustment, In: Proc. 16th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 21, Garmisch-Partenkirchen/Germany,
2006, 1467-1472
57. H. Arellano-Garcia, T. Barz, W. Martini, G. Wozny, A new approach to chance constrained process
optimization and control under time-dependent uncertainties, In: Proc. 16th European Symposium on
Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 21, GarmischPartenkirchen/Germany, 2006, 1623-1629
58. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Robust Controller Performance under Uncertainty for a HeatIntegrated Distillation Column System, In: Proc. Distillation and Absorption 2006, IChem Symposium
Series 152, 2006, London, 954-969
59. H. Arellano-Garcia, P. Mertens, L. Zoltan, E. Rev, G. Wozny, Modeling and simulation of startup
strategies for batch extractive distillation, In: Proc. 16th International Conference Process Engineering
and Chemical Plant Design, 2006, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-7983-2017-8, 57- 65
60. C. Becker, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, An Envrionment to Synthesis of Safe Process Operating
Procedures, In: Proc. 16th International Conference Process Engineering and Chemical Plant Design,
2006, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-7983-2017-8, 194-200
61. H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Wendt, T. Barz, G. Wozny, Closed-Loop Stochastic Dynamic Optimization
under Probabilistic Output-Constraints, In: Proc. NMPC´05 International Workshop on Assessment and
Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, Germany, 26.-30.
August 2005
62. H. Arellano-Garcia, I. Carmona, G. Wozny, Reactive Batch Distillation in Unconventional Column
Configurations: Start up and Optimal Operation, In: Proc. PRES'05 -8th Conference on Process
Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Chemical
Engineering Transactions, Vol. 7, Giardini Naxos/Italy, 2005, 303-309
63. H. Arellano-Garcia, T. Barz, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Real-time Feasibility of Nonlinear Predictive Control
for Semi-Batch Reactors, In: Proc. 15th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 20, Barcelona/Spain, 2005, 967-972
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64. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, A New Optimization Framework for Dynamic
Systems under Uncertainty, In: Proc. 14th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 18, Lissabon/Portugal, 2004, 553-558
65. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Robust Operational Process Design Optimization
under Uncertainty, In: C. A. Floudas, R. Agrarwal (Eds.): Proceedings of FOCAPD 2004,
Princenton/USA, 505-508
66. P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Process Optimization and Control under Chance
Constraints, In: Proc. (ADCHEM) 2004, 7th International symposium on advanced control of chemical
processes, Hong Kong, 962-967
67. H. Arellano-Garcia H., M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Optimal batch process design and operation under
uncertainty, In: Proc 7th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimization for Energy
Saving and Pollution Reduction, Prague – Czech Republic, 22.-26. August 2004
68. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, P. Li, G. Wozny, An evaluation strategy for optimal operation
of batch processes under uncertainties by chance constrained programming, In: Proc. PSE 2003- 8th
International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering,
Volume 15, 2003, Pages 148-153
69. H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Robustness and Feasibility Analysis for Process Optimization
under Probabilistic Constraints, In: Proc. CSChE2003/PRES´03 Conference, Hamilton, Canada, 26.29. October 2003
70. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, P. Li, G. Wozny, Robust Optimization of a Reactive
Semibatch Distillation Process under Uncertainty, In: Proc. 13th European Symposium on Computer
Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 14, Lappeenranta/Finland,
2003, 551-556
71. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Chance Constrained Batch Distillation Process
Optimization under Uncertainty. In: I. E. Grossmann, C. M. McDonald (Eds.): Proceedings of FOCAPO
2003, Coral Springs-Florida/USA, 609-612
72. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, P. Li, G. Wozny, Improving the efficiency of batch distillation
by a new operation mode, In: Proc. 12th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 10, The Hague/The Netherlands, 2002, 619624
73. M. Jimoh, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Bock, G. Wozny, Experimental Validation of a Dynamic Simulation
Model for the Process Integration of Reaction and Distillation Using a Purpose-Built Pilot Plant, In:
Proc. PRES'99 , Budapest/Hungary, 31. May-2. June 1999, 361-366
74. H. Arellano-Garcia, R. Henrion, P. Li, M. Römisch, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, A Model for the Online
Optimization of the Integrated Distillation Columns under Stochastic Constraints, DFG
Schwerpunktprogramm “Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems”, 1998, Preprint 98-32 Presentations in scientific conferences with published abstracts 1. S. Werk, T. Barz, G. wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, Chance-constrained framework for optimization under
uncertainty, AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, Paper 520d, 16.-21. November 2011
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2. X. Son Nghiem, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Adsorptive separation in the downstream of the oxidative
methane coupling process, AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, Paper 257g, 16.-21. November
3. N. Baran, G. Wozny, H. Arellano-Garcia, An alternative approach to online model identification and PID
controller tuning, AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, Paper 723g, 16.-21. November 2011
4. M. Müller, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Biodiesel as scrubbing fluid for the removal of
aromatic hydrocarbons: non equilibrium model and experimental on-site verification, European Congress
of Chemical Engineering/European Congress of Applied Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29
September 2011
5. X.D. Wu, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny , Effects of ionic strength and mobile phase pH on the
separation efficiency of ion-exchange chromatography, European Congress of Chemical
Engineering/European Congress of Applied Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29 September
6. N. Holst, S. Jaso, H.R. Godini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, J. Steinbach, Thermal design of
membrane reactors, European Congress of Chemical Engineering/European Congress of Applied
Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29 September 2011
7. S. Jaso, H.R. Godini, T. Eppinger, N.X. Son, N. Holst, H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Kraume, J. Steinbach, G.
Wozny, Model based and experimental investigations of different reactor concepts for the oxidative
coupling of methane, European Congress of Chemical Engineering/European Congress of Applied
Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29 September 2011
8. S. Stünkel, W. Martini, N. Holst, S. Jaso, H.-R. Godini, S. Salerno, H. Arellano-Garcia, J. Steinbach, R.
Schomäcker, G. Wozny , Design and development of an oxidative coupling of methane process and
demonstration in a mini plant, European Congress of Chemical Engineering/European Congress of
Applied Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29 September 2011
9. W. Martini, R. Kühn, F. Roske, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, New washing fluids for CO2 capture: data
estimation and process simulation using hyperbranched polymers, European Congress of Chemical
Engineering/European Congress of Applied Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29 September
10. J. Markert, D. Hoang Minh, H. Arellano-Garcia, C. Hamel, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, Experimental kinetic
studies of the rhodium-catalysed hydroformylation of 1-dodecen in multiphase fluid systems, European
Congress of Chemical Engineering/European Congress of Applied Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany,
25-29 September 2011
11. Y. Brunsch, D. Hoang-Minh, H. Arellano-Garcia, A. Behr , Isomerisation in rhodium-catalysed
hydroformylation of 1 - dodecene in thermomorphic solvent systems, European Congress of Chemical
Engineering/European Congress of Applied Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29 September
12. H. Arellano-Garcia, R. Kraus, A. Merchan, G. Wozny, MOSAIC: a hierarchical modelling approach to
process design and simulation, European Congress of Chemical Engineering/European Congress of
Applied Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29 September 2011
13. M. Cruz Bournazou, S. Junne, F. Neddermeyer, H. Arellano-Garcia, P. Neubauer, G. Wozny, Reduction of a complex E. coli model using model-based experimental analysis for its industrial
application, European Congress of Chemical Engineering/European Congress of Applied
Biotechnology 2011, Berlin-Germany, 25-29 September 2011
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14. H. Arellano-Garcia Optimal Experimental Design under Uncertainty, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 269f, 7.-12. November 2010 15. G. Wozny, M. Mueller, H. Thielert, H. Arellano-Garcia, Aspects of Long Term Industry-University
Cooperation Projects for Thermal Separation Processes, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA,
Paper 215a, 7.-12. November 2010 16. T. Barz, D. Hoang Minh, Harvey Arellano-Garcia, Generalization of a Tailored Approach for Dynamic
Simulation and Optimization, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 216g, 7.-12.
November 2010 17. U. Schubert, H. Arellano-Garcia, A. Lange, G. Wozny, Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for a
Reactor with Runaway Conditions, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 216h, 7.-12.
November 2010 18. M. Müller, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, On-Site Miniplant Technology: Improving the
Absorption Process of Removing, Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Using Biodiesel as Scrubbing Fluid,
AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 131d, 7.-12. November 2010 19. N. Cruz Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, G. Lyberatos, C. Kravaris, A Model Reduction
Approach to Activated Sludge Systems, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 343b, 7.12. November 2010 20. N. Cruz Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, P. Neubauer, G. Wozny, A New Approach to Model
Identification in E. Coli Fed-Batch Fermentations, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper
371g, 7.-12. November 2010 21. D. Salerno, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, An Alternative Process for Oxidative Methane Coupling for
Ethylene, Electricity and Formaldehyde Production, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA,
Paper 555c, 7.-12. November 2010 22. H. Godini, S. Jaso, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Methane Oxidative Coupling: Synthesis of
Membrane Reactor Networks, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 619a, 7.-12.
November 2010 23. S. Kuntsche, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, MOSAIC: A Web-Based Modelling Environment for
Process Systems Engineering, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 456e, 7.-12.
November 2010 24. W. Martini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Hyperbranched Polymers as Absorbents for CO2 Capture:
Experimental Solubilities and Process Simulation, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper
494f, 7.-12. November 2010 25. R. Kraus, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A Hierarchical Modelling Approach to Process Design and
Simulation, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 588d, 7.-12. November 2010 26. S. Jaso, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Oxidative coupling of methane: reactor performance and
operating conditions, 28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung
2010, Aachen, 21.-23. September 2010 27. M. Cruz Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, S. Junne, G. Wozny, P. Neubauer, A new approach to
mechanism recognition for the determination of glucose and respiration uptake in E. Coli fed-batch
fermentations, 28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010,
Aachen, 21.-23. September 2010 Dr.-Ing. Harvey Arellano-Garcia
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28. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Inverse Exergoökologischökonomische Analyse von
Abgasbehandlungsprozessen, 28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNetJahrestagung 2010, Aachen, 21.-23. September 2010 29. R. Günther, J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Design und Modellierung
eines neuen zyklisch-stationären Prozesskonzeptes für die Schwefeldioxid-Oxidation, 28. DECHEMAJahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010, Aachen, 21.-23. September
2010 30. S. Kuntsche, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, MOSAIC, eine webbasierte Modellierungsumgebung für
Code-Generierung aus XML und MathML, 28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010, Aachen, 21.-23. September 2010 31. H. Arellano-Garcia, R. Kraus, G. Wozny, Ein neues Prozesskonzept zur Produktion von
Milchsäureethylester, 28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung
2010, Aachen, 21.-23. September 2010 32. N. Cruz Bournazou, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, G. Lyberatos, C. Kravaris, Modellreduktion des
erweiterten ASM3 Modells für die zweistufige Nitrifikation, 28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der
Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010, Aachen, 21.-23. September 2010 33. S. Jaso, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Oxidative Coupling of Methane in a Fluidized Bed Reactor:
Influence of Hydrodynamics and Kinetics on the Product Distribution, XIX International Conference on
Chemical Reactors CHEMREACTOR-19, Vienna, Austria, 5.-9. September 2010 34. M. Müller, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, On the Applicability of Biodiesel as Absorbent for
the Improvement of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Removal: An Industrial Application, Green Solvents for
Synthesis, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 10.-13. October 2010 35. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Optimale modellbasierte Versuchsplanung zur experimentellen
Parameterbestimmung am Beispiel der Ionenaustausch-Chromatographie, Jahrestreffen der
ProcessNet-Fachausschüsse Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Fulda, 04.-05.
März 2010
36. R. Günther, J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Design und Modellierung
eines neuen zyklisch-stationären Prozesskonzeptes für die Schwefeldioxid-Oxidation, Jahrestreffen
der ProcessNet-Fachausschüsse Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Fulda, 04.05. März 2010
37. S. Kuntsche, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, MOSAIC, eine webbasierte Modellierungsumgebung
basierend auf XML und MathML mit neuen Konzepten der Modularität, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNetFachausschüsse Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Fulda, 04.-05. März 2010
38. S. Jaso, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Reactor Performance for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane,
CAPE Forum 2010, Aachen, March 11.-12. 2010
39. S. Jaso, H. Godini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A Novel Approach to Preliminary Design and
Performance Analysis of Membrane Reactors, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, USA, Paper 271f, 7.13.November 2009
40. S. Körkel, H. Arellano-Garcia, Optimum Experimental Design: An Online Approach, AIChE Annual
Meeting, Nashville, USA, Paper 236d, 7.-13.November 2009
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41. J. Schoeneberger,H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A Comparative Study of Hybrid Optimization
Approaches, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, USA, Paper 484b, 7.-13.November 2009
42. U. Schubert, U. Kruger, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Fault Detection and Identification in
Petrochemical Systems Using Unknown Input Observers and Input Reconstruction, AIChE Annual
Meeting, Nashville, USA, Paper 268d, 7.-13.November 2009
43. X. Zhang, D. Salerno, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Performance Evaluation of Biomass CoGasification with Coal, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, USA, Paper 10d, 7.-13.November 2009
44. B. Satriadarma, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Experimental Validation of An Approach to Real-Time
Economic Optimization, AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville– USA, Paper 129b, 7.-13.November 2009
45. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Ein systematischer Ansatz zur
Entwicklung und Analyse verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse am Beispiel einer Kohlenwertstoffanlage,
Jahrestreffen der Fachgemeinschaft Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik PAAT, 16.-17.
November 2009
46. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Verwendung der Exergoökonomischen
Analyse zur Verbesserung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse, VDI-Expertenforum „ThermodynamikKolloquium“ und „Ingenieurdaten“, Berlin, 5.–7. Oktober 2009
47. S. Jaso, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Modeling and Desin of a Fluidized Bed Reactor for Oxidative
Coupling of Methane, 5th International Berlin Workshop on Transport Phenomena with Moving
Boundaries, Berlin, 8.-9. October 2009
48. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Modellbasierte experimentelle Analyse zur Bestimmung von
Protein-Gleichgewichtsparametern für die Ionenaustausch-Chromatographie, ProcessNetJahrestagung und 27. Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Mannheim, 8.-10. September 2009
49. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, A. May, M. Schwarze, R. Schomäcker, G. Wozny, M. Kraume, MicellarEnhanced Ultrafiltration (MEUF) of Surfactants Solutions: Cross-flow Experiments and Flux Modelling,
ACHEMA 2009, 11.-15. May 2009
50. H. Arellano-Garcia, T. Barz, G. Wozny, Model-based Experimental Analysis for the Determination of
Nonlinear Adsorption Isotherms, 4th International Conference on High Performance Scientific
Computing Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 2-6,
51. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Systematic Validation of Kinetic Models for
Heterogeneous Catalysed Gas Phase Reactions, 4th International Conference on High Performance
Scientific Computing Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes, Hanoi, Vietnam,
March 2-6, 2009
52. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, S. Kuntsche, G. Wozny, Web-Based Object-Oriented Modelling
Environment for the Hierarchical Design and Simulation of Chemical Processes, AIChE Annual
Meeting, Philadelphia – USA, Paper 578q, 16.-21. November 2008
53. B. Satriadarma, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Implementation of Predictive Functional Control on a
High-Pressure Distillation Column, AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia – USA, Paper 733g, 16.21.November 2008
54. U. Schubert, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of An
Augmented-Reality Lab-Scale Plant, AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia – USA, Paper 574h, 16.21.November 2008
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55. H. Arellano-Garcia, I. Carmona, G. Wozny, Optimal Operation and Feedback Control of Reactive Batch
Distillation In Middle-Vessel Columns, AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia – USA, Paper 341g, 16.21.November 2008
56. H. Arellano-Garcia, Data Analysis and Parameter Estimation of Bioprocesses, AIChE Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia – USA, Paper 574p, 16.-21.November 2008
57. H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, A Decomposition Approach to Optimal Operation of Fermentation
Processes, AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia – USA, Paper 343g, 16.-21.November 2008
58. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Herausforderungen bei der Durchführung
optimaler Versuchsreihen zur Bestimmung von Modellparametern an kommerziellen
Katalysatorpartikeln, Jahrestreffen der Fachgemeinschaft Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik
PAAT, Bad Honnef – Germany, 24. -25 November 2008
59. U. Schubert, H. Arellano-Garcia,G. Wozny, Einsatz von Mixed-Reality in der Entwicklung und
Evaluation modellgestützer Prozessführungskonzepte, Jahrestreffen der Fachgemeinschaft Prozess-,
Apparate- und Anlagentechnik PAAT, Bad Honnef – Germany, 24. -25 November 2008
60. S. Körkel, H. Arellano-Garcia, J. Schöneberger, G. Wozny, H. Schultze, Optimale Versuchsplanung für
Key Performance Indicators, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2008, Karlsruhe, 7.-9. Oktober 2008
61. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, M. Kraume, Modellgestütztes Monitoring zur optimierten
Bioprozessführung, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2008, Karlsruhe, 7.-9. Oktober 2008
62. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Einsatz moderner Methoden der
Versuchsplanung zur systematischen Modellbildung für die Reaktorauslegung, ProcessNetJahrestagung 2008, Karlsruhe, 7.-9. Oktober 2008
63. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Experimentelle Überprüfung robuster Ansätze zur optimalen
Prozessführung mit unsicheren Modellen, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2008, Karlsruhe, 7.-9. Oktober
64. I. Carmona, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Einsatzmöglichkeiten der reaktiven Batch-Rektifikation mit
Mittelbehälter, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2008, Karlsruhe, 7.-9. Oktober 2008
65. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, M. Kraume, Modellbasierte Überwachung zur optimalen
Bioprozessführung, GVC/DECHEMA Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung "Modellierung: Von der Zelle
zum Prozess", Bremen, 28.-30. April 2008
66. J. Schöneberger, H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Thielert, G. Wozny, Ermittlung kinetischer Parameter der SO2
Katalyse durch Adaption der Methoden der optimalen Versuchsplanung, ProcessNetFachgemeinschaft Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik, Weimar, 18. – 20. November 2007
67. H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, On-line States and Parameter Identification of a Membrane Bioreactor,
AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 444f, 04.-09. November 2007
68. H. Arellano-Garcia, T. Barz, G. Wozny, Robust Set-Point Optimization in Closed-Loop Control
Systems, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, Paper 595e, 04.-09. November 2007
69. A. Drews, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, M. Kraume, Optimierung von Filtrationsprozessen in MBR
Anlagen, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2007, 16.-18. Oktober 2007, Aachen
70. S. Körkel, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Optimale Versuchsplanung für nichtlineare Prozesse aus der
chemischen Verfahrenstechnik, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2007, 16.-18. Oktober 2007, Aachen
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71. H. Arellano-Garcia, J. Schöneberger, R. Faber, G. Wozny, A Novel Model Discrimination Approach for
Data Analysis, CFG´07, 13th Czech-French-German Conference on Optimization, Heidelberg, 2007
72. A. Drews,H. Arellano-Garcia, U. Schubert, G. Wozny, M. Kraume, Führung von hochzelldichten
Bioprozessen. ProcessNet-Fachausschusssitzung "Prozess- und Anlagentechnik" und
"Fluidverfahrenstechnik", 11.-13. Februar 2007, Karlsruhe
73. H. Arellano-Garcia, A. Drews, J. Schöneberger, M. Kraume, G. Wozny, Optimierung von
Filtrationsprozessen in MBR-Anlagen mittels automatisierter Mechanismenerkennung, ProcessNetFachausschusssitzung "Prozess- und Anlagentechnik" und "Fluidverfahrenstechnik", 11.-13. Februar
2007, Karlsruhe
74. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, L. Urbas, G. Wozny, Modellgestützte Regelung und Überwachung einer
Hochdruckkolonne, ProcessNet-Fachausschusssitzung "Prozess- und Anlagentechnik" und
"Fluidverfahrenstechnik", 11.-13. Februar 2007, Karlsruhe
75. M. Wendt, M. Strack, H. Arellano-Garcia, Optimale Betriebsführung durch modellbasierte Online
„Fluidverfahrenstechnik“, 11.-13. Februar 2007, Karlsruhe
76. H. Arellano-Garcia, R. Faber, G. Wozny, An Optimization-Based Approach to Improving the
Identifiability of Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Paper
642e, 12.-17. November 2006
77. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Towards Robust Integration of Process Control and
Optimization: a Chance-Constrained Approach, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Paper
359c, 12.-17. November 2006
78. I. Carmona, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Conceptual Design and Simulation of a New Operation
Mode for Reactive Batch Distillation Columns, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Paper
303a, 12.-17. November 2006
79. H. Arellano-Garcia, I. Carmona, G. Wozny, Optimal Operation of a Middle-Vessel Batch Reactive
Distillation Process, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Paper 127b, 12.-17. November 2006
80. H. Arellano-Garcia, A. Drews, M. Wendt, M. Kraume, G. Wozny, Optimierungsbasierte Prozessführung
eines Membranbioreaktors zur kontinuierlichen Ferrichromproduktion, GVC/DECHEMAJahrestagungen, 26. - 28. September 2006, Wiesbaden
81. R. Faber, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Optimierungsbasierte Identifizierung von nicht messbaren
Prozessgrößen, GVC/DECHEMA-Jahrestagungen, 26.-28. September 2006, Wiesbaden
82. H. Arellano-Garcia, I. Carmona, G. Wozny, Prozesssynthese und optimale Betriebsführung einer
neuen Betriebsvariante der reaktiven Batchrektifikation, GVC/DECHEMA-Fachausschuss „Prozessund Anlagentechnik“, 07.-08. November 2005, Bad Neuenahr
83. T. Barz, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Modellbasierte Online Optimierung unter Berücksichtigung von
Reglerleiszung und unsicheren Randbedingungen, GVC/DECHEMA-Fachausschuss „Prozess- und
Anlagentechnik“, 07.-08. November 2005, Bad Neuenahr
84. H. Arellano-Garcia, I. Carmona, G. Wozny, Neue Betriebsvariante der reaktiven Batchrektifikation mit
Mittelbehälter: Optimale Anfahrstrategie und Betriebsführung, GVC/DECHEMA-Jahrestagungen, 06.08. September 2005, Wiesbaden
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85. H. Arellano-Garcia, T. Barz, G. Wozny, Robuste prädiktive Regelung für die Online Optimierung eines
Semibatch Reaktors, GVC/DECHEMA-Fachausschuss „Prozess- und Anlagentechnik“, 07.-09.
November 2004, Grünstadt-Asselheim
86. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Robuste Führung von nichtstationären
Reaktionsprozessen unter Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten, DECHEMA/GVC-Jahrestagungen
2004, 12.-14. Oktober 2004, Karlsruhe
87. H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Wendt, G. Wozny, Novel Algorithms for Nonlinear Chance Constrained
Optimization, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Paper 449g, 16.-21. November 2003
88. H. Arellano-Garcia, P. Li, G. Wozny, Optimal Startup Operation of Reactive Batch Distillation without
Initial Holdup, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Paper 454f, 16.-21. November 2003
89. H. Arellano-Garcia, D. Montolio, P. Li, G. Wozny, Simulation des Anfahrverhaltens eines reaktiven
Semibatch-Destillationsprozesses zur modellgestützten Optimierung, DECHEMA/-Jahrestagungen,
16.-18. September 2003, Mannheim
90. H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Wendt, P. Li, G. Wozny, Robustness Analysis of Batch Distillation Processes
with Uncertainties by Chance Constrained Optimization, ACHEMA 2003, 19.-24. May 2003, Frankfurt
am Main
91. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, P. Li, Wozny G, Dynamische Optimierung eines Semibatch
Destillationsprozesses unter Unsicherheiten, GVC/DECHEMA-Fachausschuss „Prozess- und
Anlagentechnik“, 18.-19. November 2002, Würzburg
92. H. Arellano-Garcia, M. Wendt, P. Li, G. Wozny, Optimization of Multi-Fraction Batch Distillation with
Recycled Off-Cuts as Continuous Feed, AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, Paper 243e, 3.-8.
November 2002
93. H. Arellano-Garcia, W. Martini, M. Wendt, P. Li, G. Wozny, Feasibility of a Design Alternative by
Optimization for Batch Distillation Processes, XIV Seminarium Chemical and Apparatus Engineering,
Berlin, October 07.-10 October 2002
94. H. Arellano-Garcia, P. Li, G. Wozny, Optimierung von Batchdestillationsprozessen unter Verwendung
einer neuen Betriebsvariante, GVC/DECHEMA- Jahrestagungen, 11.-13. Juni 2002, Wiesbaden
95. M. Wendt, P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Optimierung von Führungsstrategien für
Destillationsprozesse unter ungewissen Feedstromänderungen GVC-/DECHEMA Fachausschuss
"Prozess- und Anlagentechnik", 23-24. Oktober 2000, Kassel
96. H. Arellano-Garcia H., Wendt M., Li P., Wozny G., Optimized Strategies for Distillation Processes
under Uncertain Feed Streams, XIII Seminarium Chemical and Apparatus Engineering, Kraków,
Poland, 11.-15. September 2000
97. P. Li, M. Wendt, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, R. Henrion, W. Römisch, Predictive Control under
Probabilistic Constraints, Workshop “Moving Horizon”, DFG Research Program “Online Optimization of
Large Scale Systems”, Kerkrade, the Netherlands, 24.-25. November 1999
98. P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, T. Kleinschrodt, G. Wozny, Dynamische Optimierung chemischer ProzesseImplementierung in MATLAB und SPEEDUP, DECHEMA Arbeitsausschuss „Prozessimulation und
Prozesssynthese“, 23.-24. April 1999, Frankfurt am Main
99. P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Integration of Simulated Annealing to Speedup for Dynamic
Optimization of Chemical Processes, AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston, Texas, Paper 23d, 14.18. March 1999
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100. P. Li, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, E. Reuter, Entwicklung optimaler Führungsstrategien für einen
industriellen Semibatch-Reaktor mit überlagerter Reaktion, Arbeitssitzung des GVC-Fachausschusses
„Prozess- und Anlagentechnik“ und des DECHEMA Ausschusses „Prozesssimulation und
Prozesssynthese“, 27.-28. Oktober 1997, Heidelberg
Patents 1.
G. Wozny, I. Carmona, H. Arellano-Garcia, Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Durchführung einer
Rektifikation mit überlagerter chemischer Reaktion, Deutsches Patent Nr.: DE102005044865B3
H. Arellano-Garcia, H. Godini, G. Wozny, Network of Reactors for Alkane (Methane) Oxidative
Coupling, 03.2010 (Europäische Patentanmeldung)
S. Jaso, H. Godini, H. Arellano-Garcia, G. Wozny, Fluidized-Bed Membrane Reactors for Methane
Oxidative Coupling 12.2010 (Europäische Patentanmeldung)
Berlin, June 04th 2012
Dr.-Ing. Harvey Arellano-Garcia