Bibliografía PRIMERA PARTE: INTERNET EN GENERAL ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA, Alonso: HTML, CGI, JAVA, Servidores... Tecnología WWW; Anaya Multimedia S.A.; 1996. BOIZARD PIWONKA Alicia - PÉREZ ARATA, Miguel: Internet en acción; McGrawHill/Interamericana de Chile L.T.D.A.; 1996. COOPER, Brian y colaboradores: Internet; Dorling Kindersley; 1997. du MORTIER Gustavo: Internet al máximo; MP Ediciones S.A.; 1997. EDDINGS, Joshua: How the Internet Works; Ziff-Davis Press; 1994. FREED, Les - DERFLER, Frank J. Jr.: Building the information highway; Ziff-Davis Press; 1994. GRALLA, Preston: Cómo funciona Internet; Prentice-Hall Internacional; 1996. HONEYCUTT, Jerry: Internet para Windows 95; Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana S.A.; 1996. KEHOE, Brendan P.: El arte de Internet; Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana S.A.; 1997. KENT, Peter: ¡Internet fácil! Segunda edición; Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana S.A.; 1997. KINKOPH, Sherry: ¡Módems y servicios en línea fácil!; Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana S.A.; 1995. KRETSCHMER, Bernd: El libro de la jungla de Internet; Marcombo S.A.; 1996. LEDERKREMER, Miguel: Internet para todos; MP Ediciones S.A.; 1996. MUDRY, Robert Jon: Domine la Web; Paraninfo S.A.; 1997. PFAFFENBERGER, Bryan - WALL, David: 10 Secretos para el éxito en la Web; Paraninfo S.A.; 1997. PFAFFENBERGER, Bryan: Diccionario para usuarios de computadoras e Internet; PrenticeHall Hispanoamericana S.A.; 1996. RANZ ABAD, Jesús: Breve historia de Internet; Anaya Multimedia S.A.; 1997. SHIPLEY, Chris - FISH, Matthew: Cómo funciona la World Wide Web; Prentice-Hall Internacional; 1997. TAPLEY, Rebecca - SPIVACK, Nova - CHAFFEE, Alex - RENAKER, Steve: Directorio oficial de Gamelan Java; Anaya Multimedia S.A.; 1997. VINCENT, Patrick: Todo gratis en Internet; Anaya Multimedia S.A.; 1996. WYATT, Allen: Navegue en Internet con Windows 95; Anaya Multimedia S.A.; 1996. SEGUNDA PARTE: CONSTRUCCIÓN DE PÁGINAS WEB CONWAY, Bob - KULIK, Robert: FrontPage 97; Anaya Multimedia; 1997. DECEMBER, John: Introducción a Java; Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana S.A.; 1996. HESLOP, Brent - BUDNIK, Larry: Publicar con HTML en Internet; Paraninfo S.A.; 1996. SCHARF, Dean: HTML Referencia visual; Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana S.A.; 1996. SIMPSOM, Alan: La biblia para edición de páginas en HTML; Anaya Multimedia S.A.; 1997. WEISS, Aaron: FrontPage 97 ¡Fácil!; Prentice Hall; 1997. WEISSKOPF, Gene: Manual fundamental de FrontPage 97; Anaya; 1997. TERCERA PARTE: INTERNET Y EDUCACIÓN ALI, Ismail - GANUZA, José Luis: Internet en la educación; Anaya Multimedia S.A.; 1997. ARMSTRONG, Sara: Kidstuff on the Internet ; Sybex; 1996. BARRON, Ann E. - IVERS, Karen S.: The Internet and Instruction; Libraries Unlimited Inc.; 1996. 303 CAFOLLA, Ralph - KAUFFMAN, Dan - KNEE, Richard: World Wide Web for teachers; Allyn & Bacon; 1997. COTTON, Eileen Giufreé: The Online Classroom; Classroom Connect; 1997. DiRUSCIO, Sarah: Internet ABC's for Elemntary Students; Forefront Curriculum; 1997. DiRUSCIO, Sarah: Internet Skills for School Success; Forefront Curriculum; 1996. ELLSWORTH, Jill: Education on the Internet; Sams Publishing; 1994. FERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ, Gonzalo - GARCÍA FRONTI, Javier: Educación e Internet; Apeiron; 1997. GIAGNOCAVO, Gregory y colaboradores: Web Guide, Grades K-6; Classroom Connect; 1997. GIAGNOCAVO, Gregory y colaboradores: Web Guide, Grades 7-12; Classroom Connect; 1997. GIAGNOCAVO, Gregory y colaboradores: Child Safety on the Internet; Classroom Connect; 1997. GIAGNOCAVO, Gregory y colaboradores: Educator’s Internet Companion;Classroom Connect; 1996. GIAGNOCAVO, Gregory y colaboradores: Educator’S World Wide Web Tourguide;Classroom Connect; 1996. GIAGNOCAVO, Gregory y colaboradores: Internet Homework Helper; Classroom Connect; 1997. GLOBAL SCHOOLHOUSE: Harnessing the power of the Web for classroom use: a tutorial (CD-ROM); Think Quest; 1997. GRALLA, Preston: Online kids; John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 1996. HAAG, Tim: Internet for kids; Teacher Created Materials Inc.; 1996. HEIDE, Ann - STILBORNE, Linda: The teacher’s complete & easy guide to the Internet; Trifolium Books Inc.; 1996. KEHOE, Brendan P. - MIXON, Victoria: Children and the Internet; Prentice-Hall Internacional; 1997. PARKER ROERDEN, Laura: Net Lessons: Web-based projects for classroom; Songline Studios Inc.; 1997. PEÑA, Rosario: La educación en Internet; Inforbook’s S.L.; 1996. ROBIN, Bernard - KEELER, Elissa - MILLER, Robert: Educator’s guide to the Web; Mis:Press; 1997. RYDER, Randall James - HUGHES, Tom: Internet for Educators; Prentice Hall; 1997. SERIM, Ferdi - KOCH, Melisa: NetLearning: Why teachers use the Internet; Songline Studios Inc.; 1996. STEEN, Douglas - RODDY, Mark - SHEFFIELD, Derek - STOUT, Michael: Teaching with the Internet; Resolution Business Press Inc.; 1996. STRUDWICK, Karen - SPILKER, John - ARNEY, Jay: Internet for parents; Resolution Business Press Inc.; 1995. VIRGINIA SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM: The Educator’s Guide to the Internet; AddisonWesley;1997. WILLIAMS, Bard: The Internet for Teachers; IDG Books Worldwide; 1995. WILLIAMS, Bard: The World Wide Web for Teachers; IDG Books Worldwide; 1996. Documentos en la Web: ADELL, Jordi: Internet en educación: una gran oportunidad;; 1996. ALEXANDER, Shirley: Teaching and learning on the World Wide Web;; 1997. BORRAS, Isabel: Enseñanza y aprendizaje con la Internet: una aproximación crítica; BUCHANAN, Phil: Teachers and Internet: charting a course for success;; 1995. 304 CARVIN, Andy: The World Wide Web in education: A closer look; DARCI, Harland: Teachers & technology not an oxymoron!; GORDIN, Douglas - GOMEZ, Louis - PEA, Roy - FISHMAN, Barry:Using the World Wide Web to build learning communities in K-12; GREEN, Douglas W.: The Web as a tool for research;; 1997. GROVES, Paul: Internet teaching; HARRIS, Judi: Organizing and facilitating telecollaborative projets;; 1995. HEGENBART, Gary - Center for the Enhancement of Teaching at San Francisco State University: Uses of the Internet in education; JAMES, Leon - BOGAN, Kevin: Virtual learning community on the World Wide Web;; 1995. LAQUEY PARKER, Tracy: The Internet and schools: A survey of networking activities;; 1994. LOPETEGUI CORSINO, Edgar; Potenciales educativos de la Internet; MAK, Linda Y. O.: Teaching and learning on the WWW - Who, when. How and what?; OWSTON, Ronald: The World Wide Web: A technology to enhance teaching and learning?;; 1996. PEDRONI, Guillermo: The importance of the World Wide Web in education K-12;; 1996. RMC Research Corporation: The teacher's Internet use guide;; 1997. RYDER, Martin - Storage Technology Corporation Brent Wilson University of Colorado at Denver: Affordances and constraints of the Internet for learning and instruction;; 1996. SELLERS, J.: Primary and secondary school Internet user;; 1994. 305