Javier Monclús, full professor Miriam Garcia, assistant professor Carlos Ávila, assistant professor Territory, Landscape and Environment FIFTH YEAR (Degree of Architecture) THEORY SECTION A: planning and landscape SECTION B: protection and landscape management instruments SECTION C: recovery and integration of new landscapes SECTION D: revitalization and renaturation REFERENCES WORKSHOP EXERCISES North Green Belt. Zaragoza. (2013) CONFERENCES, SUMMER COURSES Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY- GENERAL CONTENTS SECTION A: planning and landscape 1. TERRITORY, LANDSCAPE, ENVIRONMENT. NEW PARADIGMS? 2. LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND INSTRUMENTS OF LAND MANAGEMENT 3. PERSPECTIVES AND GEOGRAPHICAL TERRITORY MANAGEMENT 4. PERSPECTIVE OF SUSTAINABILITY AND LANDSCAPE (ANALYSIS) 5. PERSPECTIVE OF SUSTAINABILITY AND LANDSCAPE (STRATEGIES) SECTION B: protection and landscape management instruments 6. TOOLS FOR LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 7. GUIDES FOR URBAN AND LANDSCAPE INTEGRATION OF THE ZARAGOZA EAST BORDER . 8. LANDSCAPE MANAGMENT TOOLS SECTION C: recovery and integration of new landscapes 9. NEW TERRITORIES 10. HOUSING LANDSCAPES AND FREE SPACES 11. URBAN VOIDS SECTION D: revitalization and renaturation 12. GREEN INFRAESTRUCTURES 13. ECOURBANISM AND ECOLOGICAL URBANISM Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION A: planning and landscape T1. TERRITORY, LANDSCAPE, ENVIRONMENT. NEW PARADIGMS? Concepts and Paradigms in Spatial Planning. - Identity of geographic spaces . - Urban planning in your area. Regional planning. - Landscape planning. - Organisation of settlement and industrial location . - Rational use of resources and sustainable development. - Sectoral Policies of infrastructure networks . - Developing polycentric urban peripheries . - Privacy territories and landscapes. Territorial heritage. Nature and city models and paradigms concerning ... throughout the twentieth century. - New York Regional Planning ( 1926). - Greater London Plan. - Ian McHarg . Planning. Among the territorial planning and land policy . - From the European Charter for Regional Planning ( 1983 ) to the European Spatial Development Perspective ( 1999) , and the Manifesto "Towards a new culture of the territory" (2006 ) . - European Landscape Convention (2000 ) . Strategic urban projects and landscaping. - Lyon . Green body and green rings . - Towards an urban Reinaissance (1999 ) . Urbanístiscas and environmental strategies. - IBA Hamburg (2013 ) . Urban and landscape projects. Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION A: planning and landscape T1. TERRITORY, LANDSCAPE, ENVIRONMENT. NEW PARADIGMS? Master scheme of aglomeration. Lyon, 1992 Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION A: planning and landscape T1. TERRITORY, LANDSCAPE, ENVIRONMENT. NEW PARADIGMS? Bibliography AA. VV., «Ordenación del territorio: fundamentos y práctica de una disciplina en construcción», en Ciudades, 15, Instituto Universitario de Urbanística, Uni- versidad de Valladolid, 2012, <http://www3.uva.es/iuu/ciud15_prev.htm>. ÁVILA, C., «Proyectos de paisaje y medio ambiente urbano», en MONCLÚS, J. (coord.), Proyectos integrados de arquitectura, paisaje y urbanismo, IFC, Za- ragoza, 2011, <http://ifc.dpz.es/publicaciones/ver/id/3176>. SANTOS, L., DE LAS RIVAS, J. L., «En torno al papel del paisaje en la planificación espacial», en IV Congreso Internacional de Ordenación del Territorio, Política Regional y Medio Ambiente, Zaragoza, 2003, <http://www.alternativasgama.com/documentos/PAISAJE-_IV_CIOT.pdf>. GARCÍA, M. y BOROBIO, M., «De los planes, los planos y los paisajes…», Trans- versal 07, 2011, <http://www.paisajetransversal.org/2011/12/de-los-planes- los-planos-y-los-paisajes.html>. Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION B: protection and landscape management instruments T6. TOOLS FOR LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Development instruments of the European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000). the Convention - Background. - Definition of landscape. - Structure. - Landscape policy. - Landscape quality objectives. - Ratification and development in the different regions. Planning instruments. - Atlas and Maps. - Catalogs. - Strategies and Plans. - Guidelines. Landscape catalogs. - Background. - Methodology. - Units of landscape. - Characterization of the landscape. - Quality objectives. Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION B: protection and landscape management instruments T6. TOOLS FOR LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Spanish Landscape Atlas,2004 Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION B: protection and landscape management instruments T6. TOOLS FOR LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Bibliography Atlas de los Paisajes de España, Secretaría General para el Territorio y la Biodiversidad. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2004. Convenio Europeo del Paisaje, Consejo de Europa, Florencia, 2000. CORTINA, A. y QUERALT, A. (coords.), Convenio Europeo del Paisaje. Textos y comen- tarios. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, 2007. NOGUÉ, J., PUIGBERT, L. y BRETCHA, G.(eds.), Ordenació i gestió del paisatge a Europa. Serie: Eines 2. Observatori ddel paisatge de Cataluña, Barcelona, 2009. ORTEGA, M., «Convenio Europeo del Paisaje: claves para un compromiso». Ambiente. Revista del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, n.º 63, Madrid, 2007. <http://www.catpaisatge.net/esp/documentacio_docs.php#101>. Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION C: recovery and integration of new landscapes T9. NEW TERRITORIES Metropolitan growth and new relationships with the environment. Is to characterize the role of the new area to find its position and identity within the overall structure of the territory-center landscape. A set of strategies that allow us to address the analysis and design of these new 'fragments' is proposed: - Mono-functionalism versus complexity. - Readability against confusion. - Instruments for consultation. - Continuity against fracture. - Transition front border. - Evolution vs. mutation. - Integration versus taxation. - Opportunity versus conflict. Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION C: recovery and integration of new landscapes T9. NEW TERRITORIES Melun-Sénart contest, France, 1987, OMA Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION C: recovery and integration of new landscapes T9. NEW TERRITORIES Bibliography BURDETT, R. y DEYAN, S., Living in the Endless City, Phaidon, Londres/Nueva YorK, 2011. LLOP, C., Paisatges en transformació. Intervenció i gestió paisatgístiques, Colleccció Estudis, Diputació de Barcelona, 2009. NOGUÉ, J., PUIGBERT, L., BRETCHA, G. y LOSANTOS, A., Franges. Els paisatges de la periféria, Plecs de Paisatge, Reflexions 3, Observatori del Paisatge de Cataluña, 2012. Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION D: revitalization and renaturation T12. GREEN INFRAESTRUCTURES Objectives. - Streamline the consequences of the intense changes in land use . - Recovery of organic functionality and readability. - Need to establish planning strategies based on connectivity , diversity and multifunctionality. - Definition and concept of green infrastructure. - Green infrastructure in Europe . Multifunctionality. - Strategies in the social, mobility , metabolism, biological, geological and hydrological perceptive. Features and benefits. - Adaptation and mitigation of climate change, enhancing biodiversity , environmental quality, greet and wellness. Elements and types . - Protected areas , ecosystems in good condition and broad areas of ecological value , natural elements of high scenic value , scraps of recovered or restored habitats , artificial elements designed to encourage mobility of the species, multifunctional areas , areas of improvement ecological quality , urban elements and elements that encourage the adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Scales. - The building , street , neighborhood, regional , national and transnational ( green belt , greenways , ecological network, green infrastructure ) . Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION D: revitalization and renaturation T12. GREEN INFRAESTRUCTURES Green Belts, Vitoria, Spain.2012 Territory, Landscape and Environment THEORY (EXAMPLE) SECTION D: revitalization and renaturation T12. GREEN INFRAESTRUCTURES Bibliography European Environment Agency. Green infraestructure and territorial cohesion. The concept of green infrastructure and its integration into policies using monitorin systems, <http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/green-infrastructureand-territo- rial-cohesion>. Europarc España. Conectividad ecológica y áreas protegidas. Herramientas y casos prácticos. Fundación Interuniversitaria Fernando González Bernáldez para los espa- cios naturales. (FUNGOBE). Madrid, 2009, <http://www.redeuroparc.org/det_noti- cia.jsp?DS40.step=3&DS40.PROID=55796>. European Commission. Green infrastructure. 2010, <http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/ecosystems/index_en.htm>. NAUMANN, S., MCKENNA, D., KAPHENGST, T., PIETERSE, M. yRAYMENT, M., Design, imple- mentation and cost elements of Green Infrastructure projects, Ecologic institute and GHK Consulting, Final report to the European Commission, DG Environment, Con- tract no. 070307/2010/577182/ETU/F.1, 2011. Institute for European Environmental Policy. Guidance on the maintenance of lands- cape connectivity features of major importance for wild flora and fauna. Guidance on the implementation of Article 3 of the Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) and Article 10 of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). 2007. WALDHEIM, C., «Landscape as urbanism», en The Landscape Urbanism reader, Prin- ceton Architectural Press, Nueva York, 2006. Territory, Landscape and Environment REFERENCES (Case Studies) Plan Director Urbanístico de las Colonias Industriales del Llobregat Fresh Kills Park, James Corner El Parque Agrícola sur de Milán Guía del Paisaje Cultural de la ensenada de Bolonia (Cadíz). Urban Agriculture, Casablanca Sponge Park Emscher Landscape Restauración del paraje Tude-Culip en el Parque Natural de Cap de Creus Appalachian Trail Patrick Geedes Superkilen (Copenhage). BIG London Green Grid Plan territorial de paisaje de Emilia Romagna Madrid Rio. Orange County Great Park, Ken Smith Landscape Plan Drentsche river (Drenthe - Holanda) Atlas de los Paisajes de España. Catálogos de Paisaje de Cataluña Landscape Character Assessment Caracterización del paisaje francés (La charte paysagère) Guía de estudios de impacto e integración paisajística .Xunta de Galicia Berlin urban landscape strategie 2030 2050 Urbanismo 4 NORTH GREEN BELT. ZARAGOZA. (EXAMPLE) Students: Ana Gonzalez and Sandra Pilar Liarte Territory, Landscape and Environment NORTH GREEN BELT. ZARAGOZA. (EXAMPLE) Students: Pablo del Castillo, Alejandro Lezcano and Álvaro Martín Territory, Landscape and Environment CONFERENCES Territory, Landscape and Environment SUMMER COURSES