Morris School District Normandy Park School 19A Normandy Parkway Ms. Kelly Harte, Principal Morristown, NJ 07960 Phone: 973-889-7960 Fax: 973-889-7968 ____________________________________________________________________________________ February 11, 2014 Dear Normandy Park Students, Parents and Families, It is with heartfelt words that I write this letter to inform you that as of February 17, 2014 I will be leaving the position of principal of Normandy Park School and beginning in a new position in the Morris School District as Director of Curriculum for K-5. While I look forward to the to experiences and challenges this new position has to offer, I will certainly miss being with all of you each day at Normandy Park! It has been my absolute pleasure to serve as the principal at Normandy Park. I hope you know how much I have enjoyed these past two and a half years. It has been a true blessing to have the experience of such wonderful partnerships with the students, staff and families in our school community. Thank you for the support and collaboration you have offered—I am so proud of the work we have done together. Lora Clark, currently the principal at Lafayette Learning Center and former Normandy Park teacher will become the interim principal at Normandy Park, effective February 17, 2014. She is looking forward to working with all of you. She and I will work closely together to ensure a smooth transition and continued success for our students and staff. While my location and title may be changing, Normandy Park will remain a very special place to me. I look forward to staying connected to the school and hearing great things about continued accomplishments at Normandy Park! Sincerely, Kelly Harte Principal Morris School District Normandy Park School 19A Normandy Parkway Ms. Kelly Harte, Principal Morristown, NJ 07960 Phone: 973-889-7960 Fax: 973-889-7968 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11 de febrero de 2014 Queridos padres y familias de Normandy Park, Con gran emoción escribo esta carta para informarles que a partir del 17 de febrero dejaré mi posición como directora de Normandy Park School, para comenzar como Directora de Currículum para K-5, del Distrito Escolar de Morris. Si bien me entusiasman las experiencias y desafíos que ofrece esta nueva posición, sinceramente extrañaré no estar con todos ustedes cada día en Normandy Park. Ha sido un absoluto placer servir como directora de Normandy Park. Espero que sepan cuánto he disfrutado estos dos años y medio que pasaron. Ha sido una verdadera bendición la experiencia de las maravillosas asociaciones con estudiantes, personal y familias de nuestra comunidad escolar. Gracias por el apoyo y la colaboración que me han ofrecido, me enorgullece el trabajo que hemos hecho juntos. Lora Clark, actualmente directora de Lafayette Learning Center y anteriormente maestra de Normandy Park, será la nueva directora de Normandy Park, desde el 17 de febrero de 2014. Está esperanzada en poder trabajar con ustedes. Ella y yo trabajaremos juntas para asegurar una suave transición y éxito continuo de nuestros estudiantes y personal. Si bien mi lugar y mi título serán diferentes, Normandy Park seguirá siendo un lugar muy especial para mí. Espero seguir conectada con la escuela y escuchar muy buenas cosas sobre los continuos logros de Normandy Park. Sinceramente, Kelly Harte Directora