Feb. 10. 2016 1:04PM No. 478 9 P. 2 -. FILED - _[) AT. I-QJ) O'CLOCK..t::'...M FEB 1·o 20ta _ ruR'K,C6RfEli.CO.,TEXAS Notice of General Primary Election, Democratic Party AL~~~ COUNTY (Aviso de elecclon prlmarla general, partido Democrat) To the Registered Voters of the County of Coryell, Texas: (A los votontes reststrados del Condado de Cory~ll, Texas :) Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00a.m. to March 15t,2016, for voting In a general primary election for the Democratic Party to nominate Members of Congress, Members of the Legislature, and state, district, county and precinct officers; and for the purpose of electing county and prectnct chairs. 7:00p.m.~ (Nitl{lquese porIa presente, que los cas/lias electorates citadas abajo se Qbrlran desd~ las 7:00a.m. hasta las 7:00p.m. el 1 de Marzo de 2016 para votar en Ia eleccion primarla general para et Partido Democratic para nombrar al los mtembros del Congreso, los miembros de Ia Leglslatura. yo los oflclafes del estado, distrito, condado y del preclnto; y con el propos/to de elglr al president del condado y del preclnto.) Thfs election wtll be held under the newly adopted County wide polltng place program. A voter may vote at any of the follow1ng vote centers. You do not have to vote tn the precinct that you live tn. (Esta eleccf6n se celebrarci en el reclentemente aprobado todo el Condado programa electoral. Coda elector podrd votar en cualqulera de los sigufentes centros de votacl6n. Usted no t;ene que votar en el preclnto electoral en el cual usted vlve.) March 1st, 2016 7 am .. 7 pm Copperas Cove Ctvlc Center - 1206 WAve B, Copperas Cove Holy Family Catholic Church· 1201 Veterans Ave, Copperas Cove Eastside Baptist Church· 1202 ML King Jr BLVD, Copperas Cove Copperas Cove Annex - 201 S 2nd St, Copperas Cove Main Street Annex (Gatesvtlle) .. 801 E Leon St, Gatesville Gatesville Civic Center - 303 Veterans Memorial Loop, Gatesville Evant City Hall • 598 E Hwy 84, Evant Flat Community Center • 159 CR 334, Flat Oglesby Community Center - 118 Main St, Oglesby Turnersville Community Center • 8115 FM 182, Gatesville - Feb.10. 2016 1:04PM No. 478 9 P. 2 FILED - [') AT. I·QJS O'CLOCK..t:-M ·. FEB 1·o 201a Notice of General Primary Election, Democratic Party ~~~-' . COUNTY O(ER'K,CoR/EiiCO., TexAs (Aviso de eleccfon prlmarla general, partido Democrat) To the Registered Voters of the County of Coryell, Texas: (A los votontes reststrados del Condado de Cory~ll, Texas :) Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00a.m. to March 15t,2016, for voting tn a general primary election for the Democratic Party to nominate Members of Congress, Members of the Legislature, and state, district, county and precinct officers; and for the purpose of electing county and precinct chairs. 7:00p.m.~ (Nitl{lquese porIa presente, que las caslllas electorates citadas abajo se Qbrlrarl desd~ las 7:00a.m. hasta las 7:00p.m. el 1 de Marzo de 2016 para votar en Ia e/e"ion primarla general para el Partido Democratic para nombrar al los mfembros del Congreso, los miembros de la Leglslatura. yo los oflclales del estado, distrito, condado y del prednto; y con el proposlto de elslr al president del condado y del preclnto.) This election w1ll be held under the newly adopted County wide polling place program. A voter may vote at any of the follow1ng vote centers. You do not have to vote tn the precinct that you live tn. (Esta eleccl6n se celebrara en el reclentemente aprobado todo el Condado programa electoral. Coda elector podrd votar en cualqulera de los sigulentes centros de votaci6n. Usted no tiene que votar en el · preclnto electoral en el cual usted vlve.) March 15t, 2016 7 am .. 7 pm 1206 WAve B, Copperas Cove Copperas Cove Cfvtc Center Holy Family Catholic Church - 1201 Veterans Ave, Copperas Cove Eastside Baptist Church • 1202 ML King Jr BLVD, Copperas Cove Copperas Cove Annex .. 201 S 2nd St, Copperas Cove Main Street Annex (Gatesvtlle) .. 801 E Leon St, Gatesville Gatesville Civic Center- 303 Veterans Memorial Loop, Gatesville Evant City Hall .. 598 E Hwy 84, Evant Flat Community Center • 159 CR 334, Flat Oglesby Communtty Center • 118 Main St, Oglesby Turnersville Community Center • 8115 FM 18 2, Gatesville · Feb.10. 201 6 1:05PM No. 4789 Early vottng by personal appearance will be conducted each day at: (La votaci6n adelantada en persona se Uevara a cabo de Lunes a Vlernes en:) 801 E Leon St, Gatesville TX 76528 (Main Street Annex) 201 S 2nd St, Copperas Cove TX 76522 (Cove Annex) Between the hours of: (durante los horas de:) Feb. 16 Feb. 17- Feb 19 7 am .. 7 pm 8 am- 5 pm Feb. 22 8 am- 5 pm Feb. 23 7 am- 7 pm Feb. 24 - Feb. 26 8 am- 5 prn Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencfo por correo deberan envlarse o:) P. 3 Feb . 10. 2016 1:05PM No. 478 9 Early voting by personal appearance wilt be conducted each day at: (La votacion adelantada en persona se llevara a cabo de Lunes a Vlernes en:) 801 E Leon St, Gatesville TX 76528 (Main Street Annex) 201 S 2nd St, Copperas Cove TX 76522 (Cove Annex) Between the hours of: (durante los horas de:) Feb. 16 Feb. 17- Feb 19 7am .. 7pm 8 am- 5 pm Feb. 22 8 am- 5 pm Feb. 23 7 am- 7 pm Feb. 24 - Feb. 26 8 am- 5 prn Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencfo por correa deberan envlarse o:) P. 3 Feb. 10. 2016 1:05PM No. 478 9 P. 4 Justtn Carothers P.O. Box 6 Gatesville~ TX 76528 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of bustness on: (Las se)l#cttudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencta por correo deberan recibirse para el {in de las horas de negocio el) February l9 1b, 2016 Issued this the 8th day ofFebruary, 2016. (Emitada esle 8 dia de Februario , 2016.) L ·' Gene Whittle, Democratic Party Chalrm,an · Feb . 10. 201 6 1:05PM No.478 9 P. 4 Justfn Carothers P.O. Box 6 Gatesville, TX 76528 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on: {Las s"llcltudes para boletas que se votaran en ousencla par correo deberan recibirse para et fin de las horas de negocio el) February 191b, :2016 Issued this the 8th day ofFebruary, 2016. (Emitada esle 8 dia de Febroario . 2016.) Gene Whittle, Democratic Party Chalrm.an