Course Guide 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties COURSE DATA Data Subject Código Name Cycle ECTS Credits Curso académico 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties Grade 6.0 2014 - 2015 Study (s) Degree Center 1319 - Grado de Psicología FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY Subject-matter Degree 1319 - Grado de Psicología Acad. Period year 2 Annual Subject-matter Character 13 - Development disorders and learning Obligatory disabilities Coordination Name MARCO TAVERNER, RAFAELA Department 305 - PSICOLOGÍA EVOLUTIVA Y DE LA EDUCACIÓN SUMMARY The main objective of this course is to train future psychologists in the skills needed to identify, assess and design an intervention to treat problems that can arise during development and in relation to the teaching and learning process. The course contents are organized around two main areas: developmental disorders and learning disabilities. The part of the course dedicated to developmental disorders covers pervasive developmental disorders, communication and executive function disorders, sensoriomotor and cognitive disorders. The part dedicated to learning disorders focuses on specific learning disabilities in reading, writing and mathematics. This course aims to train students in the development of basic skills needed for a successful professional career both in formal learning contexts (like school) and informal learning contexts (family environment, associations etc.) PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties 1 Course Guide 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties Relationship to other subjects of the same degree There are no specified enrollment restrictions with other subjects of the curriculum. Other requirements OUTCOMES 1319 - Grado de Psicología - LEARNING OUTCOMES - Identify, describe and evaluate pervasive developmental disorders and intellectual exceptionality. - Identify, describe and evaluate sensory and motor disabilities. - Identify, describe and evaluate communications and self-regulation disorders. - Identify, describe and evaluate learning disabilities in reading access, reading comprehension, writing, arithmetic and problem solving. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS 1. DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS 1. Pervasive developmental disorders 2. Sensorial, motor and cognitive disabilities 3. Communication and self-regulation disorders 2. LEARNING DISABILITIES 4. Reading disabilities: dyslexia, dysorthography and dysgraphia 5. Reading comprehension and writing disabilities 6. Learning disabilities in mathematics (arithmetic and problem solving) 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties 2 Course Guide 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties WORKLOAD ACTIVITY Theoretical and practical classes Attendance at events and external activities Development of group work Development of individual work Study and independent work Readings supplementary material Preparation of evaluation activities Preparing lectures Resolution of case studies TOTAL Hours 60.00 4.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 6.00 150.00 % To be attended 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEACHING METHODOLOGY With the aim of fostering significant learning of the contents and development of the associated competences, the course will adopt an active methodology that involves students participation and a range of activities. Among the basic instructional techniques, we highlight: (1) Teacher lecturing on theoretical and practical issues, (2) Class activities involving procedural skills (case studies, class debates and analysis of papers, (3) Development of projects , writing reports from class activities (both individually and in groups), and (4) Formative and summative assessment. EVALUATION Minimum requirements: - A minimum of 5 in the exam (scored 1-10) - Portfolio completed and passed - At least 70% of in class activities completed and passed Exams - There will be a final exam that will incorporate multiple option questions and/or essay questions. - The exam grade will represent 60% of the final grade in the course Portfolio - Portfolio development will represent a 20% of the final grade. Course activities Completing class activities as well as attending any additional planned activities will represent 20% of the final grade. 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties 3 Course Guide 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties REFERENCES Basic - GARCIA, J. N. (2008) Dificultades de aprendizaje y trastornos del desarrollo. Madrid: Pirámide. GRAU, C. y GIL, Mª. D. (Eds.) (2012). Intervención psicoeducativa en necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo. 2ª ed. Madrid: Pearson. LATORRE,A. y BISETTO, D. (2009). Trastornos del desarrollo motor: estrategias de intervención y casos prácticos. Madrid. Pirámide. LATORRE, A., TERUEL, J. y BISETTO, D. (2010). Trastornos de conducta: estrategias de intervención y casos prácticos. Valencia. Publicaciones Universitat de València. LATORRE, A., BISETTO, D. y TERUEL, J. (2010). Trastornos y dificultades del desarrollo: Evaluación, intervención y casos prácticos. Valencia. Publicaciones Universitat de València. MIRANDA, A., FORTÉS, M. C., y GIL, M. D. (1998). Las dificultades en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas: un enfoque evolutivo. Málaga: Aljibe. MIRANDA, A., VIDAL-ABARCA, E., y SORIANO, M. (2000). Evaluación e intervención psicoeducativa de estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje. Madrid: Pirámide. SORIANO, M. (2006). Dificultades en el aprendizaje. Granada: Grupo editorial Universitario. PENNINGTON, B. F. (2009) Diagnosing Learning disorders. A neuropsychological Framework. Guilford Press. (Bibliography required for the AR group). Additional - ALCANTUD, F. (2003). Intervención psicoeducativa en niños con trastornos generalizados del desarrollo. Madrid: Pirámide ARDILA, R. (2005). Neuropsicología de los trastornos del aprendizaje. Málaga: Aljibe. FLETCHER, J. M. y LYON, G. R. (2007). Learning disabilities: from identification to intervention. New York: Guilford Press. (Bibliography required for the AR group). GARCIA, J. N. (2007). Dificultades del desarrollo. Evaluación e intervención. Madrid: Pirámide. GARCIA-SANCHEZ, J. N. (2001). Dificultades de aprendizaje e intervención psicopedagógica. Barcelona: Ariel. GRAU, C. (2005). Educación Especial: Orientaciones Prácticas. Málaga. Aljibe. HERSEN. M (Ed.) (2006) Clinician's Handbook of Child Behavioral Assessment. Elsevier Academic Press. (Bibliography required for the AR group). HEWARD, W. (1997). Niños excepcionales. Una introducción a la educación especial. Madrid. Prentice Hall. KURTZ, L. A. (2008). Understanding motor skills in children with dyspraxia, ADHD, autism, and other learning disabilities: a guide to improving coordination. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (Bibliography required for the AR group). LUQUE, D. J. y ROMERO, J. F. (2002). Trastornos del desarrollo y adaptación curricular. Málaga: Aljibe. LUQUE, D. J. y ROMERO, J. F. (2002). Trastornos del desarrollo y adaptación curricular. Málaga: Aljibe. 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties 4 Course Guide 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties - MARTIN, M. (2007). Helping children with nonverbal learning disabilities to flourish: a guide for parents and professionals. London; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (Bibliography required for the AR group). ORTIZ, R. (2007). Manual de dificultades de aprendizaje. Madrid: Pirámide. PEYDRÓ, S., AGUSTÍ, J. y COMPANY, J. (1997). La educación de los alumnos con necesidades educativas graves y permanentes. Valencia. Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Ciència. SEMRUD-CLIKEMAN, M. Y ANNE, P. (2009) Child Neuropsychology : Assessment and Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2nd Edition. New York: Springer. (Bibliography required for the AR group). 33312 Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties 5