Electronic Visa FMME Form If you are in Google Chrome it should automatically translate the page into English. If it doesn’t click on the 2 little squares in the top right of the search bar and click translate. If the squares aren’t there go into the settings in Chrome. Go to advanced settings and scroll all the way down to languages and input and click offer to translate this page to English. Then click on the squares and click “Always translate page” 1. Go to www.inm.gob.mx/fmme 2. Scroll to the bottom and click “Accept Terms and Conditions” Not everything is the correct translation 3. Track Hospitalization means “way of entry” (click Land) 4. Point Hospitalization means “point of entry” (click “El Chaparral” which is San Ysidro) 5. On the dates make sure to do the DAY/MONTH/YEAR 6. On identification Document a. Expedition country- Country that issued your document b. Expedition date- day it was issued to you c. Delivery date (confirmation)- day it was issued to you 7. Reason for trip a. Turismo- Tourism 8. Specify reason a. Actividades de Recreo (it’s the only option) 9. State a. Baja California 10. Address in Mexico a. Christian Ministry 11. Put in email and click the blue button 12. Verify everything is Correct 13. If everything is Correct click the Blue button again List of words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Via de Internacion= way of entry Punto de Internacion= point of entry Fecha de llegada a Mexico= date of arrival Fecha De salida= date of exit Nombre(s)= name Apellido(s)= last name Sexo= gender Fecha de nacimiento= date of birth Nacionalidad= nationality (country you are from) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Pais de Nacimiento= country of birth Tipo de documento= type of document Numero de documento= Document Number Numer de documento (confirmacion)= document number (confirmation) Pais de expedicion= country that issued it Fecha de expedicion= date it was issued Fecha de expedicion (confirmacion)= date issued (confirmation) Fecha de expiracion= expiration date Fecha de expiracion (confirmacion)= expiration date (confirmation) Pais de residencia= country of residence Direccion de residencia= address of residence Motivo de viaje= reason for travel 22. Especifique motive= specific reason for travel 23. Estado= state 24. Domicillio en Mexico= address while in mexico 25. Correo Electronico= email 26. Correo Electronico (Confirmacion)= email (confirmation)