Afijos: prefijos y sufijos en inglés Prefijos Significado Ejemplos a- an- not, without atheist, anemic to, towards in the process of, in a particular state aside, aback a-hunting, aglow of anew completely abashed away from movement to, change into, addition or increase abdicate, abstract advance, adulterate, adjunct, ascend, affiliate, affirm, aggravate, alleviate, annotate, apprehend, arrive, assemble, attend anteanti- ant- before, preceding opposing, against, the opposite antecedent, ante-room anti-aircraft, antibiotic, anticlimax, Antartic auto- self automobile, autobiography all over, all around bespatter, beset ab- absad-, a-, ac-,af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, at-, as-, at- be- bicom- co-, col-, con-, corcontracounterde- completely bewitch, bemuse having, covered with bejewelled affect with (added to nouns) cause to be (added to adjectives) befog becalm two biceps, bicycle with, jointly, completely combat, co-pilot, colude, confide, corrode against, opposite opposition, opposite direction contraceptive counter-attack, counteract down, away descend, despair, depend, deduct completely denude, denigrate removal, reversal de-ice, decamp downward, undo deflate, defect deci- ten decibels, decimal dia-, didis-, di- throung, across negation, removal, expulsion diagonal disadvantage, dismount, disbud, disbar en- em- ex, e-, ef- put into or on engulf, enmesh bring into the condition of enlighten, embitter intensification entangle, enrage out exit,exclude, expand upward exalt, extol completeley excruciate, exasperate previous ex - wife extra- outside, beyond extracurricular hemihyper- half beyond, more than, more than normal hemisphere hypersonic. Hyperactive hypo- under hypodermic, hypothermia Copyright © 2011 - Todos los derechos reservados in-, il-, im- not, without infertile, inappropriate,impossible, incurable in, into, towards, inside influence, influx, imbibe infra- below infrared, infraestructure inter- between, among interact, interchange intra- inside, within intramural, intravenous nonob-,oc-, of-, op- absence, negation blocking, against, concealing non-smoker, non-alcoholic obstruct, occult, offend, oppose macro- large macroeconimics, macrobiotic magni- great magnify, magnificent mega- huge megaphone, megabucks micro- small microscope, micorbe mis- wrongly mistake, mislead surpassing, exceeding outperform external, away from outbuilding, outboard over- excessively, completely overconfident, overburdened, overjoyed peri- round, about perimeter post- after in time or order postpone pre- before in time, place, order or importance pre-adolescent, prelude, precondition favouring, in support of pro-African acting for proconsul motion forwards or away before in time, place or order propulsion prologue re- against, opposite repaint, reappraise, reawake semi- half, partly at a lower position semicircle, semi-conscious submarine, subsoil lower in rank sub-lieutenant nearly, approximately sub-tropical out- pro- sub- suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sur-,sus- syn- sym- in union, acting together synchronize, symmetry trans- across, beyond transnational, transatlantic into a different state translate tele- far telescope, telephone tri- three tricycle, triangle ultra- beyond ultraviolet, ultrasonic extreme ultramicroscopic unacceptable, unreal, unhappy, unmanned unplug, unmask un- under- uni- not, without reversal or cancellationof action or state beneath, below underage, undercarriage lower in rank undersecretary not enough underdeveloped one, single unicorn, uniform, unilateral Copyright © 2011 - Todos los derechos reservados Sufijos (suffixes) Sustantivos Significado Ejemplo ac, ic like, pertaining to cardiac, aquatic acy, cy state of being democracy, obstinacy, sufficiency agogy leading pedagogy, demagogy archy rule, leadership gynarchy, anarchy al pertaining to rehearsal, maniacal, portal, logical ant, ent full of eloquent, verdant ary like, connected with dictionary, honorary ation that wich is irritation ess female actress, waitress, stewardess ism doctrine, belief civil, docile, Buddhism ist dealer, doer dentist, realist, artist ity state of being sagacity ive er, or like person who quantitative professor, teacher, advisor, montaineer less lack of homeless, useless osis condition psychosis, hypnosis ography - ogram writing, description ideogram, geography, stenography tude state of fortitude, certitude Verbos Significado Example ate to make compensate, consecrate, mitigate ify to make quantify, magnify, petrify ize, ise to make capitalize, harmonize, revolutionize kinesis movement telekinesis Adjetivos Significado Ejemplos able, ible capable of delectable,portable, legible acious, icious full of audacious, avaricious, escent becoming evanescent, pubescent holic love, addiction alcoholic, workholic iferous producing, bearing pestiferous, vociferous il, ile pertaining to , capable of civil, docile itis mania disease, inflammation an irrational but irresistible motive for a gelief or action hepatitis, gingivitis kleptomania, megalomania, mythomania oid resembling, like avoid, anthropoid ose full of verbose ous full of nauseous, ludicrous ¡Envía ahora mismo esta lista, a quien creas que pueda serle útil! 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