1 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TEACHING GUIDELINE Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health Catholic University of Valencia Course 2016/17 Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 SUBJECT TEACHING GUIDELINE ECTS SUBJECT: PERSONALITY AND HEALTH 3 Module: Obligatory 42 Formation Type: Obligatory COURSE: 1st Master Semestre: 2nd Lecturer: Dra. Adoración-Reyes Moliner Albero, Ph. D. Department: Personality, assessment and therapeutic intervention E-mail: adoracionreyes.moliner@ucv.es MODULE ORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________________________________ OBLIGATORY 42 ECTS Duration and temporal location within the curriculum: Among the main factors that influence health and psychopathology is the personality and individual differences. Also reviewed models and empirical evidence on the relationship between personality and different aspects of health and disease, such as happiness, longevity, cardiovascular disorders and cancer. Personality disorders are a major challenge for psychopathology. Empirical knowledge about personality pathology are still scarce and both, pharmacological and psychological interventions for treatment have been developed so later than for other mental disorders. Currently a controversial diagnosis group and are one of the most complex problems to those faced by the mental health professionals. Personality disorders are defined as maladaptive patterns of affective functioning, behavioral, cognitive and interpersonal manifested in most contexts, start early and are perpetuated over time, causing a marked interference in vital areas important as work, or relationships. In recent years there has been increased interest from the researchers in the field of personality disorders and therefore is an area that is progressing rapidly and providing evidence of large interest in the field of psychology and psychiatry. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 3 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 MODULE AND SUBJECTS MODULE ECTS SUBJECTS ECTS COURSE / semester Evaluation, diagnosis and intervention in childhood and adolescence Evaluation, diagnosis and intervention in anxiety and depressive disorders Screening, Diagnosis and Intervention in Health Psychology 9 1/1 6 1/1 Psychopathology of physiological functions 6 1/1 Personality and health 3 1/2 Psychopathology and family therapy 3 1/2 Assessment, diagnosis and intervention in severe mental disorder 3 1/2 Clinical Neuropsychology 3 1/2 Promotion and intervention in health psychology 6 1/2 SUBJECT TEACHING GUIDELINE: HEALTH AND PERSONALITY No Prerrequisites GENERAL OBJETIVES a. Study the concept of personality disorder, etiologic models and assessment tools. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the various cluster of personality disorders and diagnostic system commonly used today. b. Knowing empirically validated treatments used in the therapeutic approach of Personality Disorders. c. Know the different assistive devices existing in dealing with personality disorders. Psychosocial intervention. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 4 GENERAL SKILLS Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Ponderación de la competencia 1 2 3 1. Ability to display an attitude of responsibility and accountability both theoretical and practical activities as internal or external practices (CG1). 2. Ability to develop and keep updated their competences, knowledge and skills according standards of the profession (CG8) 4 X X SPECIFIC SKILLS 1 3. Show interpersonal communication skills and managing emotions suitable for effective interaction with patients, families and caregivers in the process of problem identification, assessment, communication and psychological diagnosis and intervention monitoring.(CE3) 4. Learn more about the psychological nature of human behavior and the social and biological factors that can affect it. (CE12) 5. Learn more about the psychological nature of human behavior disorders. (CE13) 6. Learn more about the psychosocial factors associated with health problems and disease. (CE14) 7. Planning, implementin and, where appropriate, monitoring the process of psychological assessment of human behavior and psychological factors associated with health problems to establish the evaluation of them. (CE17) 2 3 4 X X X X Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 5 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 KNOWLEDGE RESULTS SKILLS R-1 Being able to know and understand the different theoretical and explanatory models of personality disorders. CG1, CG8, CE12 R-2 Being able to know and understand the different methods and intervention techniques for personality disorders. CG1,CG8, CE13,CE14 R-3 Developing a scientific attitude in practice. CG1, CG8, CE3, CE17 Important note: The powers are expressed in a generic sense for what is needed in the teaching guide learning outcomes. These results are a realization of one or more skills, making explicit the degree of mastery or performance that the student must acquire in their formulation containing the standard by which they will be evaluated. Learning outcomes demonstrate what the student will be able to demonstrate at the end of the course or subject and also reflect the degree of acquisition of competence or skills. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 6 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TRAINNING ACTIVITIES OF FACE-TO-FACE WORK ACTIVITY FACE-TO-FACE CLASS PRACTICES CLASS EVALUATION Methodology of teaching and learning Exposure of contents by the teacher, proficiency analysis, explanation and demonstration of skills, abilities and knowledge in the classroom. Workgroup in group´s session supervised by the teacher. Study of cases, diagnostic analysis, problems, field study, classroom computer, visits, search data, libraries, network, Internet, etc. Significant construction of knowledge through the interaction and activity of student. Written test, synthesis and delivery of job search on the contents learned in the sessions. Relationship with the course learning outcomes CG1, CG8, CE3,CE12,CE13,CE14, CE17 CG1, CE3, CE17 CG1, CG8, CE3,CE12,CE13,CE14, CE17 TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF STUDENT’S AUTONOMOUS WORK ACTIVITY Methodology of teaching and learning Relationship Skills Module WORKGROUP Preparation in group of some readings, trials, resolution of problems, seminars, memories, etc. in order to display or give in theoretical classes, practical lessons or small group tutoring. Work made on the university platform or other virtual spaces. CE3, CE17 AUTONOMOUS WORK Student’s study: individual preparation of readings, trials, resolution of problems, seminars, memories, etc. in order to display or give in theoretical classes, practical lessons or small group tutoring. CG1, CG8, CE3,CE12,CE13,CE14, CE17 Work made on the university platform or other virtual spaces. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 7 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 PROFICIENCIES ACQUISITION ASSESSMENT AND RATING SYSTEM ASSESSED LEARNING OUTCOME Given percentage Positive attendance and active participation in class assistance intervention in class with a positive and active attitude R1,R2,R3 0-10% Delivery practices R1,R2,R3 0-30% Assessment through objective test and/or development exam R1,R2,R3 70-90% Assessment tools “The student must attend at least 80% of the sessions of the course, to overcome it." HONOR LICENSE PLATES GRANTING CRITERIA Top results from 9 in the final note, and demonstrate standards of excellence in individual work. You can only give an honors degree for every 20 students. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 8 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 CONTENT DESCRIPTION Organization blocks of content or thematic groupings. Content development in teaching guides. SKILLS (Indicate, numerically, the related competences) 1. Disorders typified: cluster A, B and C. Assessment for Personality disorders. CG1, CG8, CE3, CE12, CE17 2. Psychosocial intervention in personality disorders. CG1, CG8, CE3, CE12, CE14 3. Empirically validated treatments for personality disorders. CG1, CG8, CE3, CE12, CE17 4. Assistive devices in personality disorders. CG1, CG8, CE3, CE12, CE14 TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING SESSION QUANTITY* BLOCK OF CONTENT / DIDACTIC UNIT 1 Disorders typified: cluster A, B and C. Assessment for Personality disorders. 3 2 Psychosocial intervention in personality disorders. 2 3 Empirically validated treatments for personality disorders. 5 4 Assistive devices in personality disorders. 2 Total 12 * Each block corresponds to a teaching unit. Sessions are for guidance and will depend on the pace of learning and the students' needs and dynamics teacher as well as the inclusion of new activities during the course of the subject. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 9 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 REFERENCES Basic references: ASOCIACION PSIQUIÁTRICA AMERICANA (2013). Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales (DSM-V). Barcelona. Masson Atención a las personas con trastorno límite de la personalidad en Andalucía. Consejeria de Salud y Bienestar Social. 2012 (disponible en disponible en http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/servicioandaluzdesalud/publicaciones/listadodetalle.asp?idp=54 9) Belloch, A. y Fernández-Álvarez, H. (2010). Tratado de Trastornos de la personalidad. Madrid: Síntesis. Bermúdez, J., Pérez-García, A.M., Ruiz, J. A., Sanjuán, P. y Rueda, B. (2011). Psicología de la personalidad. Madrid: UNED (Cap. 14. Personalidad y enfermedad y Cap. 15. Personalidad, procesos psicosociales y conducta de salud). Caballo, V. E. (2011). Trastornos de la personalidad. En V. E. Caballo, I. C. Salazar y J. A. Carrobles (Eds.), Manual de Psicopatología y trastornos psicológicos (págs. 397-444). Madrid: Pirámide. Caballo, V., Gracia, A., López-Gollonet, C. y Bautista, R. (2009). El trastorno límite de la personalidad. En V. Caballo (Ed.), Manual de Trastornos de la Personalidad: descripción, evaluación y tratamiento (2a edición). (págs. 137-160). Madrid: Síntesis. Cartera de servicios de Salud Mental. Consellería de Sanitat. Generalitat Valenciana. 2006 (http://www.san.gva.es/web/comunicacion/cartera-de-servicios-de-salud -mental http://www.san.gva.es/documents/156344/166915/carteraservicios_cas.pdf) Fruzzetti, Santisteban, y Hoffman (2007). Dialectical Behavior Therapy for families. In Dimeff, L. A., In Koerner, K., & Linehan, M. (2007). Dialectical behavior therapy in clinical practice: Applications across disorders and settings. García, T., Martín, Mª F. y Otín, R. Tratamiento integral del Trastorno límite de la personalidad (2010). Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiq. 30 (106), 263-278 García Palacios, A. (2006). La terapia dialéctico-comportamental: terapia individual. Psicología Conductual, 14, 453-466. García Palacios, A. (2009). El tratamiento del trastorno límite de la personalidad por medio de la terapia dialéctico conductual. En V. Caballo (Ed.), Manual de Trastornos de la Personalidad: descripción, evaluación y tratamiento (2a edición) (págs. 483-512). Madrid: Síntesis. Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 10 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Guía de práctica clínica sobre trastorno límite de la personalidad. Barcelona: Agència d’Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut. Servei Català de la Salut. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya; 2011 (disponible en http://www.gencat.cat/salut/depsan/units/aatrm/pdf/gpc tlp 2011 completa.pdf) Guía de orientación en la práctica profesional de la valoración reglamentaria de la situación de dependencia en personas con trastornos mentales graves. Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad. 2011 (http://www.dependencia.imserso.es/InterPresent2/groups/imserso/documents/binario/gv_tmenta lg.pdf) Lana, F., Gonzalez, M. A. y Mirapeix, C. Niveles asistenciales y requisitos organizativos en el tratamiento de los trastornos de personalidad. PSIQUIATRIA.COM. 2006; 10(1) Linehan, M. Manual de tratamiento de los trastornos de personalidad límite. Paidós Ibérica. 2011 Linehan, M. DBT skills training handouts and worksheets. New York: The Guilford Press. 2015 Linehan, M. DBT skills training manual. New York: The Guilford Press. 2015 Miller, A. L., Rathus, J. H., & Linehan, M. (2007). Dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal adolescents. New York: Guilford Press. Navarro, M. V., García-Palacios, A., Moliner, R., Guillén, V. & Botella, C. Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the treatment of Cluster C Personality Disorders. Preliminary results. Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual, Vol. 21, No 2, 2013, pp. 321-340 Millon y cols. (2006). Trastornos de la personalidad de los apéndices del DSM-III-R y del DSM-IV . En T. Millon (Ed.), Trastornos de la personalidad en la vida moderna (págs. 538578). Barcelona: Editorial Masson. Soler, J., Pascual, J.C., Tiana, T., Cebrià, A., Barrachina, J., Campins, M.J., Gich, I, Álvarez, E., Pérez, V. Dialectica behavior therapy skills training compared to standard group therapy in borderline personality disorder: A 3-month randomized controlled clinical trial (2009) Behav Res Ther, May;47(5):353-8. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2009.01.013. Epub 2009 Jan 29. Web addresses of interest http://www.apa.org http://pathways.nice.org.uk/pathways/personality-disorders http://www.itlimit.es Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 1 Personality and Health Master in Psychology General Health PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUBJECT IN SECOND AND SUCCESSIVE REGISTRATION There will be a special group for students who are not first registration and a teacher in charge of this group (6 sessions of monitoring and mentoring with duration of 2 hours each one). In each session the subject will be developed in order to strengthen the working of skills each student needs to pass the subject. THE BLOCKS OF CONTENT AND TASKS TO BE DEVELOPED IN EACH SESSION WILL BE NEXT: TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING (Students in second and successive registration): BLOCK OF CONTENT / DIDACTIC UNIT SESSION QUANTITY (must add 6) 1 Disorders typified: cluster A, B and C. Assessment for Personality disorders. 2 2 Psychosocial intervention in personality disorders. 1 3 Empirically validated treatments for personality disorders. 2 4 Assistive devices in personality disorders. 1 Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”