Unit 6 - A Place to Live

Unit 6 - A Place to Live
So You Want a Roommate?
Renting an apartment
Martín está buscando un compañero de cuarto. Lea
el diálogo que está a continuación.
Tim: Hi, I’m Tim. I’m here to see the apartment.
Martin:Come in. This is the living room.
Tim: Nice. I like a big living room.
Martin:This is the kitchen.
Tim: Great. Where’s the bedroom?
Martin:The bedroom is through here, next to the bathroom.
Tim: Nice.
Martin:So what do you think?
Tim: Well, I like your apartment. How much is the rent?
Martin:Let’s talk tomorrow.
1.Coloque un visto bueno (P) en las oraciones que sean correctas acerca del apartamento de Martín.
a.The apartment has a big living room. __
b.The bedroom is next to the bathroom. ___
c.The apartment has a garden. ___
d.The kitchen is very small. ___
e.Tim likes the apartment. ___
2.Coloque un visto bueno (P) en las preguntas que alguien haría cuando quiere alquilar un apartamento.
a.Can I see the bedroom? ___
b.How much is the rent? __
c.How do I look? __
d.Where’s the bedroom? __
e.Do you have it in blue? __
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First Discoveries Workbook
Unit 6 – A Place to Live
I’d Like to Rent an Apartment
Talking to a real estate agent
1. Complete el diálogo con las palabras que están en el cuadro.
house • I’d like • help • rooms • garden • Where
Real Estate Agent: Can I a __________
Kate: Yes. I’d like to buy a b __________.
Real Estate Agent: How many c __________ do you want?
I want three bedrooms and a small d __________.
Real Estate Agent: e __________ do you want to live?
f __________ a house near the school.
2.¿Qué es lo que el agente de bienes raíces pregunta? Complete el diálogo
con las preguntas que aparecen en el cuadro.
How many rooms do you want? • Can I help you? • Where do you want to live?
Real Estate Agent: a _______________________________.
Yes. I’d like to rent an apartment.
Real Estate Agent: b _______________________________.
Helena: I want two bedrooms.
Real Estate Agent: c _______________________________.
Helena: First Discoveries Workbook
I’d like an apartment in the center of town.
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Unit 6 – A Place to Live
Thomson Real Estate
Reading housing ads
Lea el anuncio que está a continuación.
Small, modern apartment. 1 bedroom.
Big living room.
Good for students – near the college.
Big house near the center of town.
4 bedrooms. Big garden.
Good for families – near the school.
Top House Real Estate Agency
Telephone: (305) 466-4834
Email: paul@tophouse.com
1. De acuerdo con la información en el anuncio, responda las siguientes
a. What is the name of the real estate agency? ____________________
b. What is the phone number of the real estate agency? ____________________
c. What is the email of the real estate agency? ____________________
2. Haga un círculo en la palabra correcta.
a. The house / apartment is for rent.
b. The house / apartment has 1 bedroom.
c. The house / apartment is good for families.
d. The house / apartment is near the college.
e. The house / apartment has a big garden.
© Edusoft, Ltd.
First Discoveries Workbook
Unit 6 – A Place to Live
Kate’s Email
Reading and writing an email
Jasmine está escribiendo un correo electrónico a un agente del estado. Lea el correo electrónico que está a continuación.
Apartment for Rent
Dear Larry,
I’m a nurse. I’d like to rent an apartment near the hospital. How much is the
rent for a small apartment with 2 bedrooms and a big living room?
My phone number is 789-5694. I work in the hospital in the morning. Can
you please call me in the afternoon?
Thank you,
Jasmine Lopez
1. Haga un círculo en la respuesta correcta.
a. Jasmine is a real estate agent / nurse.
b. Jasmine wants to rent an apartment / house.
c. Jasmine wants an apartment near the college / hospital.
d. Jasmine wants a small / big living room.
e. Jasmine works in the morning / afternoon.
First Discoveries Workbook
© Edusoft, Ltd.
Unit 6 – A Place to Live
2. Marlon está escribiendo un correo electrónico a un agente de bienes raíces. Complete el correo electrónico con lainformación que está
en el cuadro.
Dear Larry, King@TownRealEstate.com • Thank you • Apartment for Rent
I’d like to rent an apartment near the college • My phone number is 456-8976
a King@TownRealEstate.com
c ______________________________________,
I’m a student. d ______________________________________. How much
is the rent for a big apartment with 3 bedrooms?
e ______________________________________. I have classes in the
morning. Can you please call me in the afternoon?
f ______________________________________
Marlon Field
3. Responda las siguientes preguntas con su información. Escriba oraciones completas.
a. Where do you live?
b. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
I live in ____________________________.
c. How many bedrooms do you have?
I live near ____________________________.
I have ____________________________.
d. Who do you live with?
I live with ____________________________.
© Edusoft, Ltd.
First Discoveries Workbook
Unit 6 – A Place to Live
Rooms of the House and Furniture
Talking about rooms of the house and furniture
1.¿En qué lugar se pueden encontrar los artículos que están en el cuadro? Escriba palabras debajo del encabezado correcto.
bed • shower • sofa • refrigerator • television • bath • stove
Living Room
2.Complete las oraciones con las palabras que aparecen en el cuadro.
dining room • bathroom • bedroom • living room
a.Lara has a shower in the __________________.
b.Tom and Maria have dinner in the __________________.
c. Sue goes to sleep in the __________________.
d.Roberto watches television in the __________________.
First Discoveries Workbook
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