Greetings, all! This Sunday, May 8, we celebrate Mother`s Day

Greetings, all!
This Sunday, May 8, we celebrate Mother’s Day. Moms have an incredible impact on our lives. To honor
the amazing women who have helped shape and impact each of our lives, we have a challenge for you:
describe your mom in just one word and share it with us on social media using #MyMom1Word and
#MiMamá1Palabra. Learn more from our website!
I’ve attached a sign for folks who’d like to snap a selfie with their word.
Please encourage your social media followers to use the hashtag and share their
#MyMom1Word/#MiMamá1Palabra now through Mother’s Day.
Sample Tweets: (to be shared with images attached)
 How would you describe your mom in just 1 word? In honor of #MothersDay, share your word
with #MyMom1Word!
 How would you describe your mom – using ONLY 1 word?? #MyMom1Word #MothersDay
 #MothersDay is around the corner! How would you describe your mom in JUST ONE word?
 Happy #MothersDay! Share what motherhood means to you by describing your mom in one
word. #MyMom1Word
Nuestras madres son fuente de INSPIRACIÓN, ¿Qué tal la tuya? #MiMamá1Palabra
¡Solo hace falta AMOR! Únete honrando a las mamás en todas partes con #MiMamá1Palabra
¿Cómo celebrarás #DíadeMadres este domingo? Déjanos saber lo que tu mamá significa para ti
usando #MiMamá1Palabra
¡El #DíadeMadres se acerca! ¿Cómo describirías a tu mamá con SOLO UNA palabra?
Thank you for helping us celebrate moms! If you have any questions, please email
May 2, 2016