ACUERDO PARA EL PROGRESO CON AIPPYC Y LLOYD´S LIST La Asociación Internacional de Profesionales de Puertos y Costas (AIPPYC) tiene el gusto de participar que ha llegado a un acuerdo con el objetivo de proporcionarle distribución adicional de la Revista Maritime Americas para los socios AIPPYC en las distintas sedes. Este convenio se ha concretado con la prestigiosa Publicación Internacional Lloyd´s List cuyas oficinas operan a nivel mundial. En el logro de esta conformidad hay que resaltar la intervención de los delegados venezolanos y de la talentosa profesional Irene Fernández de larga y exitosa trayectoria en este campo, directora regional de Lloyd's List & Maritime Ameritas. De esta manera AIPPYC cuya sede principal esta ubicada en Buenos Aires dispone de una representación en Venezuela al servicio de profesionales de la actividad portuaria. Las oficinas en Caracas tienen entre sus objetivos promocionar eventos (Congresos, Foros, etc) y divulgar la labor de la AIPPYC. Este es el comienzo de un vasto programa destinado a fortalecer la integración, las investigaciones, el conocimiento, y divulgación de ideas tendentes al desarrollo de los temas portuarios. Igualmente ponemos a disposición los servicios publicitarios, de ambas organizaciones a través de nuestros correos electrónicos: Será un placer atenderles. IL!l contents Editor: J u h iirry Excactive editor: INTRODUCTION 3 Latin Arnerica's leading econornies are riding Zhrismphr Mr)nr an unprecedented wave of continuous growth Ackrtisment managsr: J r m r r hromlon CONTAINER SHIPPING 7 Maersk Line reveals the challenges it faces in R c g l o ~dl e s manager: kvrwhmrh atternpting to transfer its global container line dominance to key rnarkets in the region 13 Cover: Jarón Fkkls Pictura editor: Alf Taríing a Subsidiary Mercosul will receive the first container vessels to be built in Latin America for over 10 years BRAZIL PORTS 14 Global operators are vying to set up operations in the country's ports to cash in on soaring exports ENERGY 19 Brazil's Petrobras begins trial shipments of cleaner Editorial, advertising and subscriptions inquiries: Lloyd's List, 69-77 Paul Street, London EC2A 4LQ. Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 5000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 4975 Email: Custorner services: Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 5531 Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 4782 Email: fuels as it looks to become the world's leading shipper of ethanol TOP PORTS 24 Expansion of the Panarna Canal will benefit the leading container ports in the region POST-PANAMAX 27 The first 6,500teu containerships arrive in the Pacific coast port of Balboa Published by Informa plc PORTS 28 Chile's two leading ports, Valparaiso and San Printing: St lves (Roche) Antonio, experience a drarnatic change in fortunes This special supplement is issued free to subscribers of Lloyd's List and is one of a series published at regular intewals each year. Additional copies are available from Lloyd's List for £50 a copy and there are attractive discounts for bulk supplies. For further information on these supplements. and Lloyd's List. our daily newspaper, please contact Chris Rowe on: Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 4187 Fax: +44 (0120 7017 4973 Lloyd's is the registered trade mark of the Society incorporated by the Lloyd's Act 1871 by the name of Lloyd's BUNKERS 3 1 The arrival of larger vessels at Panarnanian ports is attracting international suppliers to the country's burgeoning bunker industry 32 Venezuela's dreams of building offshore vessels take their first steps to becorning a reality SHIPOWNER 34 Colornbian owner Navesco profits as a result of the country's current econornic boom COLOMBlA 35 Buenaventura welcornes $1bn investment project CARIBBEAN 36 Port of the Arnericas should ease grovving congestion in the region when it opens next year LLOYD'S LlST July 2007 Maritime Americas 1 1