WELCOME TO ENGLISH CLASS (If you need help filling out Registration Form, please let one of our volunteers know) Date (Fecha) ______________________________________________________ First Name (Nombre) ______________________________________________________ Last Name (Apellido) ______________________________________________________ Sex (Sexo) Male Age (Edad) ___________ Address (Domicilio) ______________________________________________________ Female City, Zip Code (Ciudad) ______________________________________________________ Phone # (Teléfono) ______________________________________________________ Email (Correo Electrónico)____________________________________________________ Country of Birth(País de origen) _______________________________________________ First Language (Primer idioma)________________________________________________ Do you read/write in first language? (Lee y escribe en su primer idioma) What other languages do you speak? (Qué otros idiomas habla?) Yes No _______________________________________ How long have you been in U.S.? _______________________________________ (Hace cuánto vive en Los Estados Unidos?) How did you hear about this class? (Cómo se enteró de nuestras clases?) _______________________________________ What class level are you interested in? Beginners (En qué nivel está interesado? Principiantes Intermediate Intermedio Advanced Avanzado) TEST RESULTS: Intermediate Advanced Beginners