PROGRAMACIÓN RESUMIDA NOMBRE DEL CENTRO I.E.S. MENDEBALDEA B. H. I. DEPARTAMENTO LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS ÁREA 2 H. 30 Septiembre 2013 FECHA ENGLISH ETAPA Y CURSO 1 2013-14 1-2 ESO 3 ESO 4 ESO 1 BACH. X 2 BACH. OBJETIVOS: DEFINIDOS COMO COMPETENCIAS BÁSICAS Al finalizar el curso se espera del alumnado que haya adquirido competencia en la práctica de las 4 habilidades básicas a nivel intermedio. Es decir, el nivel B1.1/B1.2 del Marco Común Europeo. Por tanto, a final de curso, el alumno /la alumna debe ser capaz de entender un texto escrito en Inglés stardard relacionado con aspectos de la vida diaria (trabajo, escuela, tiempo libre). Debe ser capaz de utilizar el idioma para poder viajar a cualquier país de habla inglesa y manejarse en cualquier situación común. Debe ser capaz de escribir un texto coherente sobre temas de su conocimiento. Debe poder dar información de forma oral y escrita sobre sus experiencias, deseos e intenciones y, en conjunto, debe poder razonar de forma simple sobre lo que piensa o quiere. Al margen de ésto, se espera que progrese en el dominio de las competencies básicas recogidas en la LOE. 1. Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística 2. Competencia Matemática 3. Competencia en Habilidades para la Vida 4. Competencia en Aprender a Aprender 5. Competencia Digital 6. Competencia Cívica y Social 7. Competencia Cultural y Artística 8. Competencia en Autonomía Personal. TEMPORALIZACIÓN DE LOS CONTENIDOS 1ª evaluación H. 2ª evaluación H. 3ª evaluación Unit 1: Faces Unit 4: Landmarks Unit 7Travel Reading: Predicting content Reading: Scanning for specific Reading: Understanding reference Voc: Personality and appearance, information Voc: Travel. Noun suffixes phrasal verbs, compound adj. Voc: Buildings Gram: First, second and third Gram: Present simple and cont. Want+infinitive/object+infinitive conditional. Time clauses. Listening: a lecture Gram: Future simple, be going to, Listening: Recorded messages Speaking: Describing people future continuous, future perfect Speaking: Buying a train ticket Writing: A description of a person. simple. Writing: An informal e-mail . Punctuation Listening: Guided tours Referencing. Life Skills: Application forms and Speaking: Comparing pictures Life Skills: Booking a room. interviews. Writing: A description of a place. Unit 8: Honesty Unit 2: Danger! Adjectives. Reading: Author’s purpose. Reading: Making inferences 30 Life Skills: Internet research 30 Voc: Honesty. Adjectives+ Voc: Dangerous situations, adj. Unit 5: Speak Out prepositions. idioms. Suffixes,-ed/-ing adj. Reading: Guessing the meaning of Gram: The passive. The causative Gram: Past simple and cont. Past words. Listening: A radio interview perfect simple Voc: Wild life, prefixes and idioms Speaking: Agreeing and disagreeing Listening: A conversation Gram: Relative clauses. Writing: An opinion essay. Speaking: Talking about a picture Listening: A conversation Connector of purpose . review of Writing: A narrative. Connectors of Speaking: Expressing opinion connectors sequence and time expressions Writing: A For and against essay. Life Skills: Understanding adverts. Life Skills: Using a dictionary Connectors of contrast and Unit 9: Space Cadets Unit 3: Go for it! addition. Reading: Review of reading Reading: Identifying the main idea Life Skills: Giving a presentation strategies Voc: Sport and achievement, verb Unit 6: Extreme Weather Voc: Entertainment. Used to be- be collocations and idioms Reading: Understanding used to – get used to. Phrasal verbs. Gram: Present Perfect simple and Gram: Reported speech and connectors Past simple. reporting verbs. Voc: Weather. Gerund and Listening: a radio interview Listening: Film reviews. infinitive. Noun collocation. Speaking: exchanging information Speaking: Making plans. Gram: Modals and perfect modals. Writing: a biography. Word order Writing: A film review. Writing Listening: News reports Life Skills: booking tickets online reviews. Speaking: Interviewing Life Skills: Using entertainment Writing: A news report. Connectors Extra Oral Presentation: the guides of cause and result. students will do a powerpoint Life Skills: Using graphs and charts Extra Oral Presentation: the Extra Oral Presentation: the presentation about a free topic students will do a web quest in result of the internet research will Extra Reading: “The Secret Diary groups. be presented to the class. of Adrian Mole” by Sue Townsend. Extra Reading: “The Bride Price” Burlington Books. Extra Reading: “The Elephant ,Buchi Emecheta, Oxford WEB EXTRA to practice reading, Man”, by Arthur Taylor. Burlington Bookworms, stage 5 grammar, listening or vocabulary WEB EXTRA to practice reading, Books. WEB EXTRA to practice reading, grammar, listening or vocabulary grammar, listening or vocabulary 3 METODOLOGIA It´ll be varied: function, content and task based together with autonomous learning, translation and grammar reflection. Following the teacher’s books recommendations. Students’ active participation, motivation, collaboration, self-esteem and thoughtful learning will be emphasized by means of pair, group and individual work. 4 BALIABIDEAK TESTU LIBURUA: VIEWPOINTS for Bachillerato 1 EDITORIALA: Burlington Books We´ll also make use of visual aids, reinforcement activities for grammar, vocabulary, functions, writing and speaking. WORKBOOK, CD, CD ROM, ICT (computers) The students have to read a book and do a text for each term: 1. “The Secret Diary of Adrian molet” by Sue Townsend. Burlington Books. 2. “The Bride Price” ,Buchi Emecheta, Oxford Bookworms, stage 5 3. “The Elephant Man”, by Arthur Taylor. Burlington Books. 5 EVALUATION SYSTEM Evaluation Criteria Marking Criteria Tools EVALUATION CRITERIA: KNOWLEDGE 8 points 1. Tests on Grammar, vocabulary, listening, reading and writing (4 points) 2. Readers test (1 point) 3. Oral work (1 point) 4. Writing (2 points) MARKING CRITERIA: TOOLS: KNOWLEDGE KNOW 1. 2. 3. Tests, and global test (1,5 and 2,5) Oral activities: (presentations, pair/group work, teacher’s assessment) 2. 1 point 4. Written productions and student’s & teacher’s corrections 3. 1 point 1. 4 points Reading test 4. 2 points ATTITUDE 2 points 1. Material ready (bring it to class and ready for the session to start, Workbook, Notebook, Homework) (1 point) ATTITUDE ATTIT: Teacher’s daily assessment 1. 1 point 2. Behaviour (attention in class, active participation, English spoken) (1 point) GENERAL CRITERIA 1. Students will have to present a formal justification if they can’t do the tests with the rest of the class to be able to do it/them. 2. Nobody will be positively assessed if they get a 0 in any of the evaluation criteria items. 3. Homework must be done every day. If not, students will get a mark discount of 0,10 points per day they do not do it. ( Also for DBH 1., students must bring and write down homework in the student’s agenda every day; if not, they will get a mark discount of 0,10 points per day and thing they didn’t do). 4. Tests: Students must get a mark of at least 4 points in the mid-term test and 4 points in the global test to be able to pass the term. Equally all the sections must be answered to pass the test. 5 . Writings : The students’ writing exercises will be evaluated according to accuracy: the mistakes made and the use of vocabulary and structures used, following the teacher’s instructions.. Mistake correction : The essays will be checked with symbols by the teacher. Corrections must be handed in by students within a week. 6. Oral work: The student’s oral work will be evaluated according to the instructions given by the teacher. Fluency will be important when speaking. 2. 1 point 7. Dates must be strictly respected. If not, student’s marks will be lowered by the teacher. 8. The final average mark will consist of: 1st term:20%, 2nd term:30% and 3rd term: 50% RETAKE SYSTEM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS 1. Tests: Extra material will be handed out or appointed by the teacher , if necessary, and will be handed in back within a month. As evaluation is continuous, the concepts will be passed when passing the following terms. 2. Students will be asked to do all the tasks they didn’t do in the previous term; if not, they will not pass the following term or terms. 3. ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR Students must show a positive attitude and behaviour. Students must complete all the tasks they had not done within the following month. Reader’s book: The teacher will decide if the student must retake the test or do a task. Those who have to do the all-the year test at the end of June (ezohiko froga) won’t get more that 5 marks out of 10 and will have to hand in all the tasks they should have done during the school year.