Trespass List - this informationprovideslaw enforcementwith the

December 6, 2012
Board of Commissioners
Yolanda Hotman, Chair, Resident Services Committee
Resident Services Committee meeting held at Blanco Apartments, on
November 20, 2012.
A Resident Services Committee meeting was held on November 20, 2012, at Blanco Apartments, 906
W. Huisache. Attendees included Chair Hotman, Commissioner Charles Munoz, Board Counsel Doug
Poneck, SAHA staff, and 34 residents. The meeting began with a moment of silence in memory of
Lourdes Castro Ramirez's son, Nicolas.
Blanco Apartments was built in 1971, and consist of 100 apartments housed in a four-story brick
The Resident Services Committee focuses on matters affecting the residents of the agency's Public
Housing and Mixed-Income properties. The following topics were discussed at the committee
2012 Customer Service Survev Results. The survey was published in the Spring Edition of the
Neighbors magazines and a total of 1,673 responses were received, an increase of 127% from
last year. The survey results showed improvements to all items, with a combined performance
score of 78%, an improvement from the 2011 combined score of 69%.
SprinQhili I and II Security Update. To address concerns, SAHA, Orion staff and SAPO
representatives have worked together to craft a series of actions to increase resident security.
These include:
Trespass List - this informationprovides law enforcementwith the ability to escort
nonresidents from the property.
Resident Meetings - working to increase attendance. Information regarding safety and
security was distributed at the last Resident Council Meeting (October 23) and the
intention to introduce the SAPO Cellular on Patrol at the November Resident meeting.
Enforcementof LeaseViolations- Enforcementof the leasehas beenidentifiedas one
of the key actions to be taken to reduce criminal activity on properties.
Additional Officers
- As of December 1,2012, Orion will contract directly with security.
Parking Permits - The program was activated November 1. All residents and
authorized occupants with vehicles are required to register their cars. Guests and
caregivers will be issued temporary parking permits and towing of unauthorized
vehicles will be enforced.
Additionally, another 28 hours were added to courtesy patrols at Springhill. The Committee
asked to continue to be updated on Springhill security efforts and results.
Public HousinQ Improvements. Over the past few months, SAHA has worked with the Housing
Authority Insurance Group and the Nelrod Company on a review and assessment of current
housing authority practices and procedures. Staff has begun evaluating systems and applying
process improvements in all areas, from Client Intake to Maintenance. Staff provided a report
December 6,2012
on the progress to-date and the timeline for the improvements, which should be complete at
the end of this fiscal year, June 30, 2013.
Draft of Temporary Relocation Procedures for Public Housinq Residents. A Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) for the relocation of Public Housing residents is being created.
The purpose of this SOP is to ensure the agency has a standard, fair and reasonable process
for temporary displacement of residents. Staff will continue to work with the Committee on
these draft procedures.
Laundry Facilities at TL Shalev Apartments. TL Shaley was selected for installation of an onsite laundry facility because of existing washer and dryer hook-ups. An RFP was issued and
Procurement is in the process of reviewing the proposals and Construction Services is
finalizing the independent cost estimate (ICE), after which staff will make recommendations.
Once a contractor is selected and the contract awarded, the construction and modernization is
expected to be completed within 30 to 45 working days.
2012 Golden Gala. SAHA will celebrate the 15thAnnual Golden Gala on December 14,2012.
Plans are currently underway to make this year a special celebration, as we look to promote
and recognize elderly and disabled residents that are active in their communities.
Communities are being asked to nominate residents to be recognized for their contributions in
categories such as promoting healthy eating and physical activity. Staff also reported on the
menu, which was developed with more healthy holiday meal options.
Public comments from residents included security concerns, the condition of the laundry facilities, an
alarm that goes on and off repeatedly, a request for a van to transport to the grocery store, a cardaccess gate, consideration to move the designated smoking area, more thorough pest extermination
treatments, and a request for more on-site resident activities.
Resident Survey
Resident Services Committee Meeting at Blanco Apartments
Blanco Apartments
Residents of Blanco Apartments decorate for the Holiday Season.
San Antonio Housing Authority: Resident Services Committee Survey Site: Blanco Apartments Date: November 20, 2011 Name: Unit #: How long have you been a resident at this property? SAHA is always looking for opportunities to improve property conditions and quality of life for our residents. Please let us know your thoughts on the following topics. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please write them in the space provided. PartI:CurrentEvents
1) Have you had any problems with pests in your residence? (circle best answer) a. At least once in the last 3 months b. At least once in the last year c. None of the above. I haven’t had any problems with pests in over a year. 2) How long does maintenance take to respond to your work orders? (circle best answer) a. …the problems were addressed within 48 hours. b. …the problems were addressed within one week. c. None of the above. The problems have not been addressed. PartII:CustomerService
3) How do you rate the level of Customer Service at your property? (circle one per row) a. Management / Office Staff: Good Fair Poor b. Maintenance Staff: Good Fair Poor PartIII:InternetCommunication
1) Do you normally access the internet… (circle one or more) a. …from home through a desktop or laptop computer. b. …from a community center on the property. c. …from a community center off the property. d. …from a phone. e. None of the above. I don’t access the internet regularly. Page 1 San Antonio Housing Authority: Resident Services Committee Survey PartIV:Transportation
1) What is your primary mode of transportation? a. Car, my own b. Car – someone gives me a ride c. Bike d. Bus e. Other:_________ 2) How much time do you spend, per day… Getting kids to and from school 15 min or less 15‐30 min 30 min – 1 hour Over 1 hr 15‐30 min 30 min – 1 hour Over 1 hr or child care Getting to and from medical 15 min or less care PartV:AdditionalComments
Please use this space to note any other questions or concerns you may have: Page 2 Autoridad de Vivienda de San Antonio: Encuesta del Comité de Servicios al Residente Sitio: Blanco Apartamentos Fecha: 20 de noviembre de 2012 Nombre: Dirección: ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva de residente en esta propiedad? SAHA está siempre buscando oportunidades para mejorar las condiciones de la propiedad y la calidad de vida de nuestros residentes. Por favor díganos cuál es su opinión sobre los siguientes temas. Si tiene preguntas o preocupaciones adicionales, por favor escríbalas en el espacio provisto. ParteI:AcontecimientosActuales
1) ¿Ha tenido usted algún problema de plagas en su residencia? (marque la mejor con un círculo) a. Por lo menos una vez en los últimos 3 meses b. Por lo menos una vez en el último año c. Ninguna de las anteriores. No he tenido ningún problema de plagas en más de un año. 2) ¿Cuanto se demora mantenimiento en responder a sus problemas?… (marque la mejor con un círculo)
a. …los problemas fueron tratados en 48 horas. b. …los problemas fueron tratados en una semana. c. Ninguna de las anteriores. Los problemas no han sido tratados. ParteII:ServicioalCliente
3) ¿Qué opinión tiene del nivel de Servicio al Cliente de su propiedad? (marque uno por fila) a. Administración /Personal : Bueno Pasable Malo b. Personal de Mantenimiento: Bueno Pasable Malo ParteIII:ComunicaciónporInternet
1) Utiliza usted normalmente el internet… (marque uno o más con un círculo) a. …desde su casa con una computadora de mesa o portátil. b. …desde un centro comunitario en la propiedad. c. …desde un centro comunitario fuera de la propiedad. d. …desde un teléfono. e. Ninguna de las anteriores. No utilizo el internet regularmente. Page 1 Autoridad de Vivienda de San Antonio: Encuesta del Comité de Servicios al Residente ParteIV:Transporte
1) ¿Cuál es su principal medio de transporte? a. Carro, propio b. Carro – alguien me conduce c. Bicicleta d. Autobús e. Otro:_________ 2) Cuánto tiempo pasa, por día… Llevando y trayendo a los niños 15 min o menos 15‐30 min 30 min – 1 hora Más 1 hr 15 min o menos 15‐30 min 30 min – 1 hora Más 1 hr de la escuela o guardería Yendo y viniendo de cuidados médicos ParteV:ComentariosAdicionales
Por favor use este espacio para anotar otras preguntas o preocupaciones que usted tenga: Page 2 