Seven Deadly Sins Text und Musik: Flogging Molly Arrangement: Andreas Fiebig A E Sail a way where no ball and chain can A B ge ther un di vi ded but ge ther un di vi ded but A B moon is full and so are we. moon is full and so are we. Am 10 E e ver for keep us from the roa rin' waves. e ver e ver A we'll be free. we'll be free. we'll be free. e ver for E T' T' T' B a board our rig the So So sail a way sail a way a board our rig the a board our rig the sail a way a board our rig the So B A sail a way we'll be free. T' So E Am Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! moon is full and so are we. moon is full and so are we. B keep us from the roa rin' waves. keep us from the roa rin' waves. E 6 A Sail a way where no ball and chain can Sail a way where no ball and chain can ge ther un di vi ded but for ge ther un di vi ded but for E keep us from the roa rin' waves. E 3 B Sail a way where no ball and chain can E Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! Am E Am E So the years rolled by and se veral died and So the years rolled by and se veral died and So the years rolled by and se veral died and So the years rolled by and se veral died and 2 E 14 A B e lin'. left us some what re left us some what re e lin'. e lin'. left us some what re e lin'. E 17 E left us some what re E John ny strummed his Tom my gun left blas tin' through the cei ling. John ny strummed his Tom my gun left blas tin' through the cei ling. John ny strummed his Tom my gun left blas tin' through the cei ling. John ny strummed his Tom my gun left blas tin' through the cei ling. A E B What be came of re bels who sang for you and me ? Grapp lin' with their de mons in the search for li ber ty ! What be came of re bels who sang for you and me ? Grapp lin' with their de mons in the search for li ber ty ! What be came of re bels who sang for you and me ? Grapp lin' with their de mons in the search for li ber ty ! What be came of re bels who sang for you and me ? Grapp lin' with their de mons in the search for li ber ty ! A E 21 E B E Suf fer ers who suf fer all can swim up on the des ert. Ava rice has ra vaged all in spite of good in ten tions. Suf fer ers who suf fer all can swim up on the des ert. Ava rice has ra vaged all in spite of good in ten tions. Suf fer ers who suf fer all can swim up on the des ert. Ava rice has ra vaged all in spite of good in ten tions. A Don't fill y' mouth with glut tony for pride will sure ly Suf fer ers who suf fer all can swim up on the des ert. Ava rice has ra vaged all in spite of good in ten tions. E 25 swell. Don't fill y' mouth with glut tony for pride will sure ly swell. Don't fill y' mouth with glut tony for pride will sure ly swell. Don't fill y' mouth with glut tony for pride will sure ly B 28 E four cor ners of hell. A four cor ners of hell. four cor ners of hell. four cor ners of hell. B swell. But no thing's un for gi ven in the But no thing's un for gi ven in the But no thing's un for gi ven in the But no thing's un for gi ven in the E A B Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' 3 E 31 B A A E E B A B ge ther un di vi ded but for e ver we'll be free. So sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. ge ther un di vi ded but for e ver we'll be free. So sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. ge ther un di vi ded but for e ver we'll be free. So sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. ge ther undi vi ded but for e ver we'll be free. So sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. E 35 A B Se ven drun ken pi rates we're E A the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're Se ven drun ken pi rates we're E B 38 se ven dead ly sins ! E 43 Am E A E En vy and its e vil twin It crept in bed with slan der. the Am En vy and its e vil twin It crept in bed with slan der. An ger kills the hu man soul with bit ter tales of An ger kills the hu man soul with bit ter tales of B E I diots they gave a dvice but sloth it gave no ans wer. I diots they gave a dvice but sloth it gave no ans wer. I diots they gave a dvice but sloth it gave no ans wer. I diots they gave a dvice but sloth it gave no ans wer. A lust. An ger kills the hu man soul with bit ter tales of lust. An ger kills the hu man soul with bit ter tales of lust. E 47 E Am En vy and its e vil twin It crept in bed with slan der. En vy and its e vil twin It crept in bed with slan der. Se ven drun ken pi rates we're se ven dead ly sins ! se ven dead ly sins ! se ven dead ly sins ! the se ven dead ly sins ! the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! lust. While Pav lov's dogs keep chew in' on the While Pav lov's dogs keep chew in' on the While Pav lov's dogs keep chew in' on the While Pav lov's dogs keep chew in' on the 4 B 50 E legs they ne ver trust. A legs they ne ver trust. E 53 A E B Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' legs they ne ver trust. legs they ne ver trust. B Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' A E B A B A B E ge ther un di vi ded but for e ver we'll be free. So sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. ge ther un di vi ded but for e ver we'll be free. So sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. ge ther un di vi ded but for e ver we'll be free. So sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. ge ther un di vi ded but for e ver we'll be free. So sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. E 57 A B Se ven drun ken pi rates we're E A the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're E B 60 se ven dead ly sins ! se ven dead ly sins ! the se ven dead ly sins ! Am se ven dead ly sins ! se ven dead ly sins ! E Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're Am E Am the 5 Am 66 E Am But it's the on ly life we'll know. But it's the on ly life we'll know. B E B A E A E B A B E Ah the Ah the Ah the A E years rolled by and se veral died and left us some what re e lin'. B ling. What be came of re bels spewed u pon the cei spewed u pon the cei ling. ling. What be came What be came of re bels of re bels ling. What be came of re bels spewed u pon the cei E spewed u pon the cei E years rolled by and se veral died and left us some what re e lin'. E 88 years rolled by and se veral died and left us some what re e lin'. years rolled by and se veral died and left us some what re e lin'. A E E So don't wreck your self take an hon est grip for there's more tales be yond the shore. Blag gards to the D G A Blag gards to the Blag gards to the Ah the So don't wreck your self take an hon est grip for there's more tales be yond the shore. So don't wreck your self take an hon est grip for there's more tales be yond the shore. E D bone. 85 Fm Blag gards to the So don't wreck your self take an hon est grip for there's more tales be yond the shore. bone. D G But it's the on ly life we'll know. bone. bone. 78 Bm A But it's the on ly life we'll know. 72 E who In and out came craw lin' out and In and out came craw lin' out and In and out came craw lin' out and In and out came craw lin' out and sang for you and me? who who sang for you and me? sang for you and me? who sang for you and me? 6 A 91 B E A Grapp lin' with their de mons in the search for li ber ty! Grapp lin' with their de mons in the search for li ber ty! Grapp lin' with their de mons in the search for li ber ty! 94 A E B keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' A B E E e ver we'll be free. e ver we'll be free. e ver we'll be free. ge ther un di vi ded but A B for e ver we'll be free. E Se ven drun ken pi rates we're So So So So A Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the Se ven drun ken pi rates we're A E se ven dead ly sins ! B for ge ther un di vi ded but for ge ther un di vi ded but for sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. B the E the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! se ven dead ly sins ! se ven dead ly sins ! Sail a way where no ball and chain can A sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. se ven dead ly sins ! ge ther un di vi ded but sail a way a board our rig the moon is full and so are we. B 100 keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' E 97 Grapp lin' with their de mons in the search for li ber ty! E Sail a way where no ball and chain can Sail a way where no ball and chain can keep us from the roa rin' waves. T' B Sail a way where no ball and chain can Se ven drun ken pi rates we're the se ven dead ly sins ! Music engraving by LilyPond 2.16.2—