FUNCIONAMIENTO SOCIO-DISCURSIVO DEL DISCURSO REFERIDO. LOS SERMONES DE UN AUTOR VASCO DEL SIGLO XIX LUIS MARÍA LARRINGAN (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) ARANTZA OZAETA (Universidad Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea) Abstract: In this study, which is part of a wider one, direct speech and indirect speech are analysed. The corpus consists of the religious sermons and homilies of a Basque priest (1742-1823).The article examines the relationship between the procedures under study and the instances in which utterances have taken place from a theoretical perspective of socio- discursive interactionism in the functioning of language. The values of the linguistic mechanisms involved and analysed have been established in terms of utterance. The results show that we are dealing with a discourse frame of DR which fulfils certain conditions relating to social and historical production and which we can conclude as being sociodiscursive. PALABRAS CLAVE: Discurso referido, discurso directo, discurso indirecto, análisis del discurso, interaccionismo socio-discursivo, sermón (homilía)