POL В . minima alpina, foliis imis íubrotundis & minutifíime ferratis. Raiijyn. 147. W e l c h B.iftort. Petiv. brit. t. 5 . / . 3. Stem quite fimple with a ¡ingle /pike, leaves lanceolate rolled back at the edge. *** Perficaria:, with a bifid pifiil, or fewer fiamens than eight. 5. Polygonum virginianum. Virginian Polygonum, or /•potted Virginian Ar/mart. Lin./pec. 5 1 6 . Reich. 1 . 205. hort. cliff. 42. Gron. virg. 43 ¿ Wach. ultr. 258. (Pernearía.) Perficaria virginiana. Gart. fruSf. 2. 180. Perf. frutefcens maculofa virg. flore albo. Park, theat. 8 5 7 . / . 6, 7, Mor. hifi. 2. 589. Rati hifi. 183. Flowers pentandrous fimidigynous, corollas quadrifid unequal, leaves ovate. 6. Polygonum lapathifolium. Pale-flowered Per/icaria, or pale-leaved dead Arfmart. Lin. /pec. 5 1 7 . /yfi. 3 7 7 . Reich. 2. 205. Ait, kew. 2. 30. Smith angl. 425. Sibth. oxon. n. 383. Abbot, bed/. 8.9. P . penfylvanicum. Curt, lend, 1. Л 24, 25* Hud/. angl. ed. i . 148. i?<?//?. cant. n. 305. P . perficaria £. Я Й ^ ! йт/g/. 170. P . pallidum. Wither, arr. ed. 3. 3 8 1 . Perficaria mitis major, foliis pallidioribus. D. Bobar ti. Rail/у n. 1 4 5 . Hydropiper. Lob. ic. 3 1 5 . 1. Ger. emac. 445. |3. Caule et floribus rubris. Curtis/ub. t. 25. y. Caule maculato. Curtis t, 25. Perficaria latifolia geniculata, caulibus maculatis. Dillen. in Raii/yn. 1 4 5 . ¿. Foliis fubtus incanis. Curtis /ub. t. 25. Perf. maculofa procumbens, fol. fubtus incanis. Dillen. in Raii/yn. 146. W h i t e branched Arfmart. Petiv. brit. i. 3 . / . 10. flowers hexandrous digynous, peduncles rugged, fitpules awnle/s,,fieds xoncave on each fide. 7. Polygonum amphibium. Amphibious Perficaria. Lin. /pec. 5 1 7 . /yfi. 3 7 7 . Reich. 2. 20$. fi. fiuec. n. 3 4 1 . Hud/, angl. 169. Wither, arr. ed. 3. 3 7 9 . Smith, angl. 423. ¿»|7. ¿0/. ¿. 436. Curt, lond. 4. /. 28. Light/, /cot. 207. лгк/. я. 303. Sibth. oxon. n. 3 8 1 . Ft. dan. t. 282. Ял//, helv. n. 1 5 6 5 . Р0///Д& j>e/. n. 383. gallob. 186. Villars dauph. 3. 520. iforá. J?/^ и. 606. G ^ / . 3. 46. Allien, pedem. n. 2047. Perficaria Salicis folio perennis, Potamogiton anguftifolium dicta. Raii/yn. 1 4 5 . hifi. 184. Tournef infi. 509. Potamogetón anguítifolium, G¿r. 6 7 5 . 2. т я г . 8 2 1 . 2 . Tabérn* 740. Pot. Salicis folio. J5*tf¿. _£>z>. 1 3 9 . Mor. hifi. /. 5. t. 2 9 . / . 2. Pot. feu Fontalis Perficaria foliis. Bauh. hifi. 3. 7 7 7 . Fontalis major longifolia. Park, theat. 1 2 5 4 . 2. F . f. Potamogetón. DÍ>¿/. cereal. 227. Amphibious Arfmart. P*//v. Ы / . /. 3 . / . 1 2 . Flowers pentandrous fimidigynous, /pike ovate. 8. Polygonum filiforme. Lin./yfi. 3 7 7 . Thunb.jap. 1 6 3 . Flowers pentandrous digynous, /pikes filiform, leaves ovate, fiipules ciliate. 9. Polygonum ocreatum. Spear-leaved Polygonum. . Lin./pec. S l-Jyfi3772. 206. GOT*/. 3. 5 1 . to. 39. f.. 8. (Perficaria.) Flowers pentandrous t igynous, leaves lanceolate. 10. Polygonum Hydropiper. Water or biting Perficaria or Ar/mart. Lin./pec. 5 1 7 . Reich. 2. 206. mat. med. 104. fi^/uec. n. 343. ЯЙ^". .ЙИ^/. 170. Wither, arr. ed. 3. 3 7 9 . Smith, angl. 4.26. Light/./cot. 207. Relh. cant. n. 306. Sibth. oxon, n. 384. Curt, lond. i . /. 26. Hall. helv. n. 1 5 5 4 . *SV<?p. cam. » . 4 6 7 . Pollichpal. n. 3Ü4.. Neck, gallob. 185. Z Í W J herborn. n. 297. Krock. file/, n. 607. Villar s dauph. 3. 5 2 1 . Alii on. pedem. n. 2050. Gmel.fib. 3. 50. Z,o#r. cochinch. 240. Blackw. t. 1 1 9 . Г т у . «яг. 1 7 3 7 . /. 5 - / . 7, 8. i/ft/io. ftSf. 168. Plenck, ic. 30&.] l POL Perficaria foh länceolatis, flor. hexandris, ftvlo U fido. Mill diet. ed. 7. n. i . Perficaria urens f. Hydropiper. 2W£. ^ Tournef. infi. 509; M>r. ¿2/?./. 5. /. 2 9 . / . 6. * [ P . vulgaris acris fi Hydropiper. o' ..o Rati biß. i%i.fyn, 144. ' ' °P . vulg. acr. f. minor. P^r£. theat. 856. 7/. Hydropiper. Fuchf. hifi. 843. Matth. 583. pempt. 607. w r . 269. G<?r.,36i. m^f, 445. C o m m o n Arfmart. Petiv. brit. t. 3 . / . 5. Flowers hexandrous fimidigynous, leaves lanceolate waved un/potted, /pikes filiform nodding, fiem er eel. 1 1 . Polygonum Perficaria. Spotted Perficaria, Bead or Spotted Ar/mart. Lin /pec. 5 1 8 . ^ / , 3 7 7 . Reich. 2. 2 0 7 . / . ^ » . 342V Ä»g7. 1 6 9 . Wither, arr. ed. 380. Smith, angh 424. t?#r/. /ö»i. 1. " Lightf. /cot. 207, i ^ / £ . ¿72»/. ». 304. Sibth oxon. » . 3 8 2 . i / . dan. t. 702. / & / / . * 1 5 5 7 . P<?//zY£ ^ / . 385. Afo£. g«//o£. 8 - " i ^ r j herborn. n. 298. «SVop. 0tfr». n. 468* Krock. file/, n. 608. Villars dauph. 3. £ i* Allion. pedem. n. 2048. G^r/. 3. 47. £ * cochinch. 240. Plenck, ic. 307. Blackw. t. \\% Kniph. cent. 4. ». 63. Perficaria riorum ftaminibus fenis, ftylo fimplicL Lin. hort. cliff. 42. Grow. w g > 1 5 7 . ] Perf. flor. hexandris digynis, fpicis ovatis oblongis, fol. lane, acutis. Mill. dicl. ed. 7. to. 2. Perf. mitis. Bauh. hifi. 3. 7 7 9 . Lin. lapp. n. 7 1 . Perf. vulgaris mitis f. maculofa. P<zr£. theat. 857. 2. Perf. mitis macuh & non maculofa. Bauh. pin. 101. [Trezv. comm. nor. 1 7 3 7 . /. 5 . / . 3 — 6 . JVför. / 5. t. 29. / . 1, 2. Perf. maculofa. Ger. 3 6 1 . 2. emac. 4 4 5 . 2. 1 8 3 . ^ » . 145. Spotted Arfmart. Petiv. brit. t. y.f. 3 7 . |3. Perf. folio fubtus incano. Tournef .infi. 5 1 0 . D///w. in Raii/yn. 1 4 5 . Lin. /pec. 5 1 8 . 7. Hall.-helv* ». 1 5 5 6 . Spotted hoary Arfmart. Petiv. brit. t. 3 . / . 8. 7. Perf. foliis Salicis a l b s vulgaris. Buddl. hort. ficc. 4 . / . . 20. Dillen. in Raii/yn. 1 4 5 . Silver Arfmart. P^/zV. MV. /. 3 , / . 9. Flowers hexandrous fimidigynous, /pikes ovate-oblong erecl, peduncles even, fiipules ciliate. 12. Polygonum minus. Small creeping Perficaria. * tf»g7. ^ 1. 148. Car/. /e»^. 1. t. 28. Wither, arr. ed. 3. 380. « » | r / . 426. Relh. cant. n. 307. ^ / ^ . oxon. n. 385. 89. Lin./pec. J. H^//. ^/-z;. to. 1 5 5 5 . P . ftrictum. Allion. pedem. n. 2 0 5 1 . /. 6 7 . / . 1. P . Hydropiper ß. Hud/, angl. 1 7 0 . Perficaria pufilla repens. Grr. emac. 446. 3. theat. &$7. Rail hifi. 1^3./yn. 1 4 5 . P . minor. Bauh. pin. 1 0 1 . M ? r . hifi./. 5. /. 29. I Q ! J / ö T J 2 7 Ä I 2 o a r : |3. Perf. anguftifolia ex fingulis geniculis florens. Rail ßn< 145- 3 ? Flowers hexandrous/ubmonogynous, leaves linear-lanceolate flat, /pikes filiform almofi erecl, fiem rooting at the ba/e. 13. Polygonum barbatum. Bearded Polygonum. Lin./pec. 5 1 8 . /yfi. 3 7 7 . Reich. 2. 208. Gmel. fib. 3. 5 2 . Thunb. jap. 1 6 5 . prodr. 7 7 . Zc#r. cochinch. 2 4 1 . Burm. ind. 89. i^<?/2;. 0^*. 4. 25. % 75. Perficaria maderafpatana, longiore folio, hirfuta. Pluk. phyt. t. 2 1 0 . / . 7 ? Velutta-modela-mucu. Rheed. mal. 1 2 . 1 4 5 . / . 7 7 . Flowers hexandrous tfigynous, /pikes rod-like, fiipules truncate fit aceous-ciliate, leaves lanceolate. 14. Polygonum tincborium. Dyer's Polygonum. /fit. hort. kew. 2 . 3 1 . Lour, cochinch. 2 4 1 . Flowers hexandrous trigynous, /pikes rod-like, fiipules Jmooth contrasted truncate ciliate, leaves ovate fharpiß finootb. 1 5 . Polygonum Orientale. Oriental Perficaria. Lin./pec. 5 1 9 . Reich. 2. 208. Thunb. jap. 166. Kniph. cent. 4. n. 62. Curt. mag. ivy. Krock. file/, n. 609. Gtsrtn. frucl. 2. 182. Perficaria