Fragmentación internacional de la producción y la inserción de LAC en Cadenas Globales de Valor Juan Blyde (IDB) Kun Li (IDB) Auditorio Raul Prebisch, INTAL Buenos Aires, Argentina, 7 Junio 2012 Introducción Los procesos de producción están siendo cada vez más fragmentados internacionalmente: para muchos bienes, el proceso de producción se separa en diferentes etapas que se llevan a cabo en diversas partes del mundo. Los países que se especializan en las diferentes etapas del proceso están vinculados en una cadena global de valor. Desde el punto de vista de los países en desarrollo, el incremento de la fragmentación internacional de la producción y el auge de las cadenas globales de valor brinda oportunidades de producción y de comercio que prácticamente no existían anteriormente. Esto es importante para LAC, una región con una base exportadora altamente concentrada en sectores intensivos en recursos naturales Introducción El BID está elaborando un reporte (2013) para mejorar nuestro entendimiento sobre cuales son los retos asociados a esta forma de inserción internacional El reporte va a examinar información a diferentes niveles de agregación (macro/industria/firma/casos) con el propósito de presentar un análisis exhaustivo de hasta que punto LAC participa en estas cadenas globales de valor y cuales son los determinantes de dicha participación No existen datos o metodologías que por si solas puedan captar todos los matices relacionados con este tema. De allí la intención de combinar varios niveles de información Nivel macro (construcción de matrices insumo-producto internacionales) Nivel industrial Nivel firma Nivel de casos (Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, México) Objectives Measure fragmentation of production quantitatively Measure the extent to which LAC countries participate in GVCs Identify the position of LAC countries in GVCs Benchmark LAC against other countries and regions Key Concepts (FV) Foreign value-added of country s: the value-added embodied in the exports of country s that comes from all the other countries. This is a measure of the extent to which imported inputs are used in the exports of country s. (IV) Indirect value-added of country s: the value-added of country s that is embodied in the exports of all the other countries. This is a measure of the extent to which the exports of country s are used as inputs in the exports of other countries. Measure of GVC participation: Classic measure: FV/EX More general measure: (FV+IV)/EX Key Concepts (cont.) Measure of GVC position: IV/FV If this ratio is high, the country tends to participate more as a provider of value added to other countries than as a recipient of foreign value added; therefore, the country is relatively upstream in the chain. Conversely, if this ratio is low, the country tends to participate more as a recipient of foreign value added than as a provider of value added to other countries; therefore, the country is relatively downstream in the chain. Participation and position are two dimensions of GVC Two countries lying in a similar position of the chain, can still have quite different participation levels. Vice versa. We need both to complete the story. International Input-Output Tables (II-O) A II-O example of 3-country, 2-sector II-O (Production) c1 c2 s1 s2 s1 s2 c3 s1 s2 value added s1 c1 s2 s1 c2 s2 s1 c3 s2 Identify the origin and use of intermediate goods and services by country and sector Capture the value and source of imported inputs used directly and indirectly in the production International Input-Output Tables (II-O) The calculation requires: Sectoral bilateral trade statistics I-O table of domestic intermediate inputs I-O table of imported intermediate inputs Value of imported intermediate inputs from each trade partner GTAP data include bilateral trade statistics and I-O tables GTAP 7, 113 countries (regions), 57 sectors, year 2004 Foreign value added embodied in LAC’s exports tends to be small Share of foreign value added in gross exports 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% Source: IDB Overall participation in GVC is also small GVC participation 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Source: IDB LAC countries are typically upstream in the chain GVC Position (IV/FV) 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Source: IDB LAC, more FV (IV) in energy, agriculture and food; Asia, in light and heavy manufacture FV decomposition IV decomposition 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% LAC Source: IDB ASIAPACIFIC Energy EU27 Agriculture LAC Food LightManu ASIAPACIFIC HeavyManu EU27 Service Casos de estudio