BANCO NACIONAL DEL EJERCITO, FUERZA AEREA Y ARMADA, S.N.C. DEVELOPMENT BANK INSTITUTION AV. INDUSTRIA MILITAR No. 1055. MEXICO D.F. GENERAL BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 31ST, 2009 (Figures in million of pesos) ASSETS LIABILITIES AVAILABILITIES INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES Securities for trading Securities held to maturity (net) 5,640 6,687 7,563 REPO DEBTORS (DEBTOR BALANCE) AND S T O C K H O L D E R' S TRADITIONAL FUNDING Demand deposits Time deposits General public Special funds 14,250 EQUITY 4,405 9,299 7,088 16,387 20,792 49 49 0 INTERBANK LOANS AND LOANS FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS PERFORMING LOAN PORTFOLIO Consumer loans Home mortgage portfolio TOTAL PERFORMING LOAN PORTFOLIO PAST-DUE LOAN PORTFOLIO Consumer loans Home mortgage portfolio TOTAL PAST-DUE LOAN PORTFOLIO TOTAL LOAN PORTFOLIO Long term 6,036 4,809 10,845 REPO CREDITORS 4,373 COLLATERALS SOLD OR IN GUARANTEE Repos (credit balance) OTHER PAYABLE ACCOUNTS Payable profit sharing tax Payable profit sharing Creditors for transactions settlement Sundry creditors and other payable accounts 20 18 38 0 75 100 4 1,296 1,475 10,883 DEFERRED LOANS AND ADVANCED COLLECTIONS 220 (-) LESS PREVENTIVE ESTIMATION FOR CREDIT RISKS TOTAL LIABILITIES LOAN PORTFOLIO (NET) 10,799 OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (NET) 7 PROPERTY, FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (NET) 524 PERMANENT INVESTMENT CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL Capital stock 2,460 2,460 EARNED CAPITAL Capital reserves Retained earnings Net income 1,469 0 706 2,175 11 DEFERRED TAXES AND PROFIT SHARING (NET) TOTAL ASSETS STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY 89 FORECLOSED ASSETS (NET) OTHER ASSETS Deferred charges, advanced payments and intangibles 26,909 (84) 152 72 TOTAL STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY 4,635 72 31,544 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY 31,544 MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS Loans committments Property in trust or escrow Trust Escrow Property in custody or administration Collaterals received Collaterals received and sold or delivered by the Institution Accrued uncollected interests on past-due loans portfolio Other posting accounts 26 6,409 5,033 1,376 571 0 0 2 19,915 26,923 "This General balance sheet was prepared according with the Accounting Principles for Credit Institutions, issued by the National Banking and Securities Commission based on Articles 99, 101 and 102 of the Credit Institutions Law, of general and obligatory compliance, applied consistently; and reflects all the transactions performed by the Institution during the above mentioned period, which were performed and valued in conformity with sound banking practice and the applicable legal and administrative dispositions." This balance sheet was approved by the Board of managing directors under the supervision of the subscribed directors. “The historic amount of the shared capital as of the date of the statement is 3,634". "The internal audit department responsible signing the reviews performed to this date, which permitted to confirm the efficiency generating the financial information process established by the administration of the institution and its capacity to generate trustable information." The web page on the net of Banco Nacional del Ejército, Fuerza Aérea y Armada S.N.C., to find the information of this statement is The web page of the National Banking and Securities Commission for finding Banjercito financial information is: GRAL. DIV. D.E.M.FERNANDO MILLAN VILLEGAS LIC. JULIO ENRIQUE ALVAREZ VILLA CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT INTERNAL CONTROLLER C.P.C. MIGUEL ANGEL MONTOYA ESTRADA GENERAL ACCOUNTING VICE PRESIDENT C.P.C. JOSE LUIS RUIZ ESPARZA HEAD OF THE INTERNAL AUDIT