Bienvenidos - Chiquimundo NZ

sara quintanar
Bienvenidos, bienvenidos
Vamos a cantar
Bienvenidos, bienvenidos
Vamos a jugar
Hola niños, hola niñas
Hola maestra, hola maestro
Hola amigos, hola amigas
Hola a todos, hola friends
Bienvenidos, bienvenidos
Vamos a cantar
Bienvenidos, bienvenidos
Vamos a jugar
welcome, welcome
we are going to sing
welcome, welcome
we are going to play
hello boys, hello girls
hello teacher (female) hello teacher
hello friends (boys) hello friends
Hello everyone, hello friends
welcome, welcome
we are going to sing
welcome, welcome
we are going to play!