S 10 How to address communicative skills of your students E 13./14.08. & 07.09.2015 This further education training for High School English teachers presents a variety of methods and teaching materials to use in the classroom in order to address the communicative skills of your pupils. The idea is to introduce, discuss and provide material for possible role-plays, warming ups, digital resources for the classroom, methods for teaching literature, methods for listening skills, vocabulary exercises, etc. During the first two days, we work with these different communication methods that can be introduced in your own classroom during the next weeks. After this practice period, we will meet again in the LBI to exchange experience and to assess, discuss and adjust the teaching material. You are warmly invited to share best practice ideas and contribute material for the seminar. Zielgruppe/ Grupo destinatario: English teacher / Englischlehrkräfte /Profesores de Inglés de la Enseñanza Media Referent/ Relator: Alexander Lemke, Coordinador Formación Enseñanza Media, LBI Besondere Hinweise/ Referencias especiales: Participation in follow-up module is obligatory. Please contact Mr. Lemke to coordinate your contribution (edumedia@lbi.cl). Nuestra Sra. del Rosario 1120, Vitacura Casilla 125,Correo 30, Santiago/Chile Empresa certificada en ISO 9001:2008 NCH 2728 OF 2003 (56-2) 2 2449 0800 info@lbi.cl - www.lbi.cl