This is to confirm that: Distribuciones Avícolas Vázquez, S.A. C/ Sierra de Albarracín Nº 7, 28830 San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) España 10.05772/M y 40.00088/M has been audited by SAI Global and found to meet the requirements of IFS Food (Version 6: April 2014) at Foundation level Product Scope(s): 1 - Red and white meat, poultry and meat products Carnes rojas y blancas, aves de corral y productos cárnicos Technology Scope(s): D,E,F for the following scope Re-packaging and labelling of poultry carcasses in plastic box, refrigerated. Re-labelling of rabbit bagged in plastic box, refrigerated. Bulk chicken carcasses in plastic bag and wrapped in plastic or cardboard or plastic box, refrigerated. Chicken carcasses packed in flow pack and IQF frozen in plastic bag and cardboard. Deboning of chicken (automatic and manual), bulk refrigerated in a plastic bag and plastic or cardboard box. Chilled parts of chicken packed in protective atmosphere, vacuum and flow pack. Deboning and freezing of chicken by direct contact or IQF in plastic bags and cardboard boxes or plastic bags. Chicken giblets bulk refrigerated in a plastic bag and plastic box; packaged in small plastic containers, modified atmosphere; and freeze by contact and IQF in plastic bags and cardboard boxes or plastic bags. Frozen mechanically separated poultry meat in plastic bags. Bulk chicken bones (in drums) refrigerated. Re-packaging of chicken sausages and hamburgers, refrigerated packaged in protective atmosphere. Re envasado y re etiquetado de canales de aves de corral en caja plástica, refrigerados. Re etiquetado de conejos embolsados en caja plástica, refrigerados. Canales de pollo a granel envueltas por bolsa plástica y en caja plástica o de cartón, o directamente en caja plástica sin bolsa, refrigerados. Canales de pollo envasadas en flow pack y congeladas IQF en bolsa plástica y caja de cartón. Despieces de pollo (automático y manual) refrigerados a granel en bolsa plástica y en caja plástica o de cartón. Despieces de pollo refrigerados envasados en atmósfera protectora, al vacío y flow pack. Despieces de pollo congelados por contacto e IQF, en bolsas de plástico y en cajas de cartón o en bolsas de plástico. Menudillos de pollo refrigerados a granel en bolsa de plástico y en caja plástica; envasados en tarrinas, en atmósfera modificada; y congelados por contacto e IQF en bolsas de plástico y en cajas de cartón o en bolsas de plástico (sin cartón). Carne de pollo separada mecánicamente congelada por contacto en bolsas de plástico. Huesos de pollo a granel (en bidones) refrigerados. Re envasado de salchichas y hamburguesas de pollo refrigeradas envasadas en atmósfera protectora. Exclusions: None/ Ninguna Registration Number: 265587 Site COID: 48961 Audit Date(s): 21,22.09.2015 Next audit to be performed within the time period: 28.07.2016 to 06.10.2016 Certificate Issue Date: 12.11.2015 Certificate Valid Until: 16.11.2016 Heather Mahon Acting Head of Head of Policy, Risk and Certification Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty (ACN 108 716 669) 680 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia with SAI Global Assurance Services Ltd. Partis House, Ground Floor, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, MK5 8HJ, United Kingdom - an ISO/IEC Guide 65 Accredited certification body for IFS certification, having signed an agreement with the IFS owners and subject to the SAI Global Terms and Conditions. While all due care and skill was exercised in carrying out this assessment, SAI Global accepts responsibility only for proven negligence. This certificate remains the property of SAI Global and must be returned to SAI Global upon its request.